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Jul 21, 2004

I'm going to break away from Schadenfreude Dance Party to deliver some truly shocking news.

The US Navy, after deciding to buy a proven platform from overseas for the Constellation class frigate program, did.....the Navy thing.


Feb 13, 2012


Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

GD_American posted:

I'm going to break away from Schadenfreude Dance Party to deliver some truly shocking news.

The US Navy, after deciding to buy a proven platform from overseas for the Constellation class frigate program, did.....the Navy thing.

the only ships we kind of build right are submarines and carriers

Mar 13, 2011

It has been two zero days since last incident.
Big Super Slapstick Hunk
So this means he no longer counts as a first time offender in the future, right?

Jan 15, 2006
It's a shame, really. I can no longer accurately claim that Trump doesn't have any conviction.

Arc Light
Sep 26, 2013

A.o.D. posted:

It's a shame, really. I can no longer accurately claim that Trump doesn't have any conviction.


Dammit I came here to post those exact words

Jan 1, 2008

Well don't you know I'm caught in a trap?

ded posted:

the only ships we kind of build right are submarines and carriers

They're gonna gently caress that up too, the brass is lusting after a new Seawolf with SSN(X), that'll go 9000 knots and carry a thousand torpedoes and have a bow array that can detect a gnat fart 1000 mile away, and get canceled after 3 ships because they cost more than a Ford class somehow.

We have the best smallish, cheap, multimission capable submarine in the world with the VA, but we can't give up that WWIII dream.

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

So he can't be in control of firearms right? How does that work for things like nukes if he ended up as president again?

May 27, 2003

Jimmy Smuts posted:

So he can't be in control of firearms right? How does that work for things like nukes if he ended up as president again?

Half of his entourage basically got free security clearances the first time around. They'd figure it out.

Feb 13, 2012


Jimmy Smuts posted:

So he can't be in control of firearms right? How does that work for things like nukes if he ended up as president again?

He’ll have complete and sole authority to launch a nuclear first strike, same all U.S. presidents have had for decades.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice

AreWeDrunkYet posted:

It would be more coherent if they could decide whether (a) trump didn't commit the crime, (b) he did it but it wasn't a crime, (c) rich people should be allowed to do some crimes without consequence as a treat, or (d) a former president (but actually just trump) should be immune to prosecution.

Personally I like their other line that nobody knows what he's been charged with convicted of. They're not even trying to be coherent anymore.

Merton Blask
Jun 30, 2008

So it's true! Mysterio is
gay for sex... with me?

GD_American posted:

I'm going to break away from Schadenfreude Dance Party to deliver some truly shocking news.

The US Navy, after deciding to buy a proven platform from overseas for the Constellation class frigate program, did.....the Navy thing.

They should add a bunch of portholes, so the fellas can stick out their guns and shoot people.

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB
Goddamn it. The stupid thing has no chance keeping up with the carriers it’s supposed to help protect.
Seems like they are practically reproducing a smol Arliegh Burke instead of the drat picket ships we need.

Jan 28, 2008

GD_American posted:

I'm going to break away from Schadenfreude Dance Party to deliver some truly shocking news.

The US Navy, after deciding to buy a proven platform from overseas for the Constellation class frigate program, did.....the Navy thing.

Maybe I’m applying too much aviation knowledge here but:


It's worth noting here that by 2021, it had already become clear that the Constellation class design would be 24 feet longer and just over three and a half feet wider along the waterline compared to its FREMM parent. In addition, the Navy said at that time that the Constellation's displacement had grown by around 500 tons "for margins and future growth."

You can lengthen a ship and it’s still “the same” but changing the beam is a brand new ship, right?

Apr 3, 2009
"Extra-Extended Long Tank Thor" says hi.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

hobbesmaster posted:

Maybe I’m applying too much aviation knowledge here but:

You can lengthen a ship and it’s still “the same” but changing the beam is a brand new ship, right?

I think that's correct. Flight IIA and III Arleigh Burkes are longer than the OG and Flight II versions by just under five feet but still have the same beam.

Nick Soapdish
Apr 27, 2008

Manchin always wants to be the center of attention

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

Nick Soapdish posted:

Manchin always wants to be the center of attention

Yeah this is mouth noises so he gets attention, can maybe run for governor, or maybe run for Senate again. He's still caucusing with Democrats.

Menendez is doing this too, but for mostly legal reasons. He wants resigning as a potential bargaining chip with feds, or keeping the fundraising option open.

Jun 26, 2012

Crab Dad posted:

Goddamn it. The stupid thing has no chance keeping up with the carriers it’s supposed to help protect.
Seems like they are practically reproducing a smol Arliegh Burke instead of the drat picket ships we need.

None of the FFs were ever able to keep up with the carriers. The Knox and Perry class were all slow-rear end dogs. The only reason they got put in with the CVBGs in the first place is that the USN was chronically short of escorts after all the WW2 FRAM destroyers retired.

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB

Madurai posted:

None of the FFs were ever able to keep up with the carriers. The Knox and Perry class were all slow-rear end dogs. The only reason they got put in with the CVBGs in the first place is that the USN was chronically short of escorts after all the WW2 FRAM destroyers retired.

Oh I know not at full speed but getting slower helps in no way at all.

Nuclear powered escorts built for speed would be something else.

Jan 28, 2008

Madurai posted:

None of the FFs were ever able to keep up with the carriers. The Knox and Perry class were all slow-rear end dogs. The only reason they got put in with the CVBGs in the first place is that the USN was chronically short of escorts after all the WW2 FRAM destroyers retired.


Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Donnie held a press conference, took no questions, and made mouth noises like these:

low energy, bored, etc

Bored As Fuck
Jan 1, 2006
Fun Shoe
Yeah but aren't escorts meant to be somewhat disposable / expendable especially compared to carriers? Wouldn't having nuclear escorts like destroyers and cruisers kind of lead to nuclear incidents when they get destroyed?

Keep in mind I know absolutely nothing about naval doctrine.

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB

Bored As gently caress posted:

Yeah but aren't escorts meant to be somewhat disposable / expendable especially compared to carriers? Wouldn't having nuclear escorts like destroyers and cruisers kind of lead to nuclear incidents when they get destroyed?

Keep in mind I know absolutely nothing about naval doctrine.

Yes that is correct.

So of course I’m sure that’s what the Navy will do someday.

Jun 26, 2012

I mean, I was a CGN guy, so I may be biased...

Apr 30, 2008
Someday? Hell they only retired the Virginia and Cali class nuke cruisers in the late 90’s. If they’d refueled them instead they may even still be in service

War Boi
Nov 1, 2021

Crab Dad posted:

Yes that is correct.

So of course I’m sure that’s what the Navy will do someday.

CGN’s have entered the chat.

Aug 3, 2007

The best description of him is the one Charlie Pierce came up with, referring to him as "D-Anthracite"

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
I mean, were CGNs really faster than current DDGs? The CGNs I've looked at say the top speed is 30kt while ddgs list 30+ kts. I was a DDG sailor, and I know the true max speed, and even then they're not keeping up with carriers at full tilt.

Jan 28, 2008

Mr. Nice! posted:

I mean, were CGNs really faster than current DDGs? The CGNs I've looked at say the top speed is 30kt while ddgs list 30+ kts. I was a DDG sailor, and I know the true max speed, and even then they're not keeping up with carriers at full tilt.

Wikipedia lists the Bainbridge as having a top speed of 34 kts but no source. Officially it looks like the USN likes listing “30+ knots” for a lot of stuff.

Stultus Maximus
Dec 21, 2009


Mr. Nice! posted:

I mean, were CGNs really faster than current DDGs? The CGNs I've looked at say the top speed is 30kt while ddgs list 30+ kts. I was a DDG sailor, and I know the true max speed, and even then they're not keeping up with carriers at full tilt.


orange juche
Mar 14, 2012

Mr. Nice! posted:

I mean, were CGNs really faster than current DDGs? The CGNs I've looked at say the top speed is 30kt while ddgs list 30+ kts. I was a DDG sailor, and I know the true max speed, and even then they're not keeping up with carriers at full tilt.

It's not so much faster, its more sustained maximum speed. The CGNs and CVNs can run at flank speed without giving a gently caress about fuel efficiency, as hot rocks are functionally infinite, but yeah they had about 20k less SHP than a Burke but their length to beam ratio was higher. So possibly slower, but not having to worry about fuel efficiency they probably were run at higher speeds when on individual steaming than most DDGs.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

hobbesmaster posted:

Wikipedia lists the Bainbridge as having a top speed of 34 kts but no source. Officially it looks like the USN likes listing “30+ knots” for a lot of stuff.

Yeah, 30+ is the unclass speed for basically everything. I just don't know if the CGNs were actually faster than DDGs are today without going into putting actual numbers to things.

orange juche posted:

It's not so much faster, its more sustained maximum speed. The CGNs and CVNs can run at flank speed without giving a gently caress about fuel efficiency, as hot rocks are functionally infinite, but yeah they had about 20k less SHP than a Burke, so likely acually slower, but not having to worry about fuel efficiency they probably were run at higher speeds when on individual steaming than most DDGs.

That makes sense. Thanks for the input everyone!

orange juche
Mar 14, 2012

I know when we were on the Enterprise when we needed to be somewhere we would really open up the valves and put enough power out that the props would cavitate, and if you haven't been on a CVN that is moving so fast that its propellers cavitate it's a loving experience, you can feel it in the deck plates all the way up in the forward end of the ship, something something VTEC kicked in yo. In general when that happened we basically said bye bye to our escorts lol. I imagine ships like the Long Beach were capable of similar stunts if need be.

orange juche fucked around with this message at 17:47 on May 31, 2024

May 27, 2003

hobbesmaster posted:

Wikipedia lists the Bainbridge as having a top speed of 34 kts but no source. Officially it looks like the USN likes listing “30+ knots” for a lot of stuff.

Don't know the definite answer but do know it's classified.

orange juche
Mar 14, 2012

Yup, don't know the answer aside from "drat fast" and that's enough for me.

May 27, 2003

We did flank one time that I'm aware of and that loving thing moved at a speed unmatched by my ability to perceiving other than jumping out of a plane.

Jun 7, 2009

Something weighing in at 100k+ tons really shouldnt be allowed to move that fast and yet

Stultus Maximus
Dec 21, 2009

I was on the Reagan, coming out of the yards and doing sea trials with full power runs and turns. It was... something.


Kaiser Schnitzel
Mar 29, 2006

Schnitzel mit uns

Plastic_Gargoyle posted:

The best description of him is the one Charlie Pierce came up with, referring to him as "D-Anthracite"
Except that all the coal in West Virginia is bituminous, not anthracite

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