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May 27, 2003

crazyivan45 posted:

Someday? Hell they only retired the Virginia and Cali class nuke cruisers in the late 90’s. If they’d refueled them instead they may even still be in service

I'm not a rocket scientist, but creating the idea of a CGN without a functional way of refueling them seems less than ideal.


Dec 5, 2010
Av blanked by Admin request.

facialimpediment posted:

Donnie held a press conference, took no questions, and made mouth noises like these:

low energy, bored, etc

I like how 4 years for each count is the new dog whistle.

"They're going to lock me up for eleventy billion years! Sad!"

Jun 26, 2012

SquirrelyPSU posted:

I'm not a rocket scientist, but creating the idea of a CGN without a functional way of refueling them seems less than ideal.

The CGNs were refueled several times in their careers, until they weren't. They were shitcanned rather than refit for Aegis (though this was discussed a lot) because of operating costs, both materiel and personnel.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

CBJSprague24 posted:

I like how 4 years for each count is the new dog whistle.

"They're going to lock me up for eleventy billion years! Sad!"

NY law requires that the sentence for each count be served concurrently, so four years is the absolute max he can get.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

Mr. Nice! posted:

NY law requires that the sentence for each count be served concurrently, so four years is the absolute max he can get.

Yep, he's just lying / doesn't know again. But hey, just thinking about it makes him look like this (poo poo):

Vortex Street
Oct 23, 2010

I walked right out of the machinery

Bored As Fuck
Jan 1, 2006
Fun Shoe

Mr. Nice! posted:

NY law requires that the sentence for each count be served concurrently, so four years is the absolute max he can get.

Which this fuckstick doesn't know because his lawyers are F-tier dogshit. Either that or the blubbering idiot doesn't listen to his lawyers, which wouldn't be a surprise or a first, either.

Also NPR said its somewhat rare for first time offenders to get jail time for E felonies so its unlikely he'll see any jail.

Oct 27, 2010

Bread Liar

Bored As gently caress posted:

Which this fuckstick doesn't know because his lawyers are F-tier dogshit. Either that or the blubbering idiot doesn't listen to his lawyers, which wouldn't be a surprise or a first, either.

i would argue that it is just as likely that he does know but he is simply doing the thing he is always doing: lying.

Wingnut Ninja
Jan 11, 2003

Mostly Harmless

Bored As gently caress posted:

Also NPR said its somewhat rare for first time offenders to get jail time for E felonies so its unlikely he'll see any jail.

It's also rare for first time offenders to be utterly unrepentant and openly contemptuous to the judge, the court, and the entire legal process. I know it won't actually make any difference here, but it's one more case where anyone else acting that way would have the entire drat bookshelf thrown at them.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug
Bring back the nuclear cruisers.

SquirrelyPSU posted:

I'm not a rocket scientist, but creating the idea of a CGN without a functional way of refueling them seems less than ideal.

There's ways to refuel them but refueling happens like 2-3 times at most in the ships lifespan, and at that point you are probably refurbishing large portions of the machine room anyways so splitting open the hull is normal.

Apr 1, 2008

facialimpediment posted:

Yep, he's just lying / doesn't know again. But hey, just thinking about it makes him look like this (poo poo):

Jesus, his hands really are tiny.

Soul Dentist
Mar 17, 2009

Plastic_Gargoyle posted:

The best description of him is the one Charlie Pierce came up with, referring to him as "D-Anthracite"

This is pharmaceutical lobby erasure

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice

Wingnut Ninja posted:

It's also rare for first time offenders to be utterly unrepentant and openly contemptuous to the judge, the court, and the entire legal process. I know it won't actually make any difference here, but it's one more case where anyone else acting that way would have the entire drat bookshelf thrown at them.

I've heard a few times that he may get probation and I just don't see that working. With his toddler-level oppositional defiant approach to everything there are absolutely no probation terms he could have placed on him that he wouldn't openly defy out of spitefulness specifically to be further contemptuous of the entire prospect of him being held to account on something.

May 13, 2009
How does probation work if he gets convicted of other felonies? Do they just say, "oh well, you can get off this time since those crimes were committed before we put you on probation?" Or do they just finally recognize he had zero respect for the law and take action?

Jul 8, 2006

MonkeyFit posted:

How does probation work if he gets convicted of other felonies? Do they just say, "oh well, you can get off this time since those crimes were committed before we put you on probation?" Or do they just finally recognize he had zero respect for the law and take action?

My understanding is that yesterday's convictions will be considered for sentencing in future trials, but only crimes committed after sentencing in the current trial would affect the terms of his probation.

These are the terms of NY's probation for what it's worth, though my guess is that the courts waive the travel and employment conditions, or rubber stamp exemptions.

e: lol, just caught the prohibition on interacting with other felons. That means trump can't (legally) communicate with a bunch of his advisors. If anyone bothers to enforce that, of course.

AreWeDrunkYet fucked around with this message at 22:34 on May 31, 2024

Dec 13, 2011

Notorious Canadian serial killer Robert Pickton is dead. Shanked in prison. Correctional Services of Canada is saying someone stabbed him in the head multiple times.

Hell of a past 24 hours these have been.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

AreWeDrunkYet posted:

My understanding is that yesterday's convictions will be considered for sentencing in future trials, but only crimes committed after sentencing in the current trial would affect the terms of his probation.

These are the terms of NY's probation for what it's worth, though my guess is that the courts waive the travel and employment conditions, or rubber stamp exemptions.

e: lol, just caught the prohibition on interacting with other felons. That means trump can't (legally) communicate with a bunch of his advisors. If anyone bothers to enforce that, of course.

One would think the judge would order close monitoring given how much it's pissed him off, but I don't know what the process is in that case

Jan 1, 2008

Well don't you know I'm caught in a trap?

CommieGIR posted:

Bring back the nuclear cruisers.

There's ways to refuel them but refueling happens like 2-3 times at most in the ships lifespan, and at that point you are probably refurbishing large portions of the machine room anyways so splitting open the hull is normal.

If they came back, they wouldn't need refueling, the newest cores they're putting in Virginias pack crazy amounts of fuel in, and they're good for a solid 40+ years of operation.

The big thing that'll keep CGNs from ever coming back is maintenance, the maintenance costs on a CGN would be ruinous compared to a Burke, and the Navy's already struggling to maintain all their nuke boats with limited yard capacity, see Boise rotting by the pier for 7 years waiting for a berth.

Would have been nice to have a CGN escort on our way home from Guam, instead of a destroyer that has to stop for gas every 5 minutes though.

Nick Soapdish
Apr 27, 2008

Elviscat posted:

The big thing that'll keep CGNs from ever coming back is maintenance, the maintenance costs on a CGN would be ruinous compared to a Burke, and the Navy's already struggling to maintain all their nuke boats with limited yard capacity, see Boise rotting by the pier for 7 years waiting for a berth.

Would have been nice to have a CGN escort on our way home from Guam, instead of a destroyer that has to stop for gas every 5 minutes though.

I would assume if we had non-CV nuclear surface assets, they wouldn't have BRACed that east coast shipyard. But then again Congress and Big Navy so they probably would've still done it

Sep 17, 2009

You never learn anything
by doing it right.

facialimpediment posted:

Yep, he's just lying / doesn't know again. But hey, just thinking about it makes him look like this (poo poo):

he puts so much effort into the smokescreen that i genuinely did not recognize him in this pose/angle for a few minutes

My Spirit Otter
Jun 15, 2006


SKILCRAFT KREW Reppin' Quality Blind Made American Products. Bitch.

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

One would think the judge would order close monitoring given how much it's pissed him off, but I don't know what the process is in that case

im sure they'll claim his secret service detail is "closely monitoring" him

Jul 8, 2006

Elviscat posted:

If they came back, they wouldn't need refueling, the newest cores they're putting in Virginias pack crazy amounts of fuel in, and they're good for a solid 40+ years of operation.

The big thing that'll keep CGNs from ever coming back is maintenance, the maintenance costs on a CGN would be ruinous compared to a Burke, and the Navy's already struggling to maintain all their nuke boats with limited yard capacity, see Boise rotting by the pier for 7 years waiting for a berth.

Would have been nice to have a CGN escort on our way home from Guam, instead of a destroyer that has to stop for gas every 5 minutes though.

How does the cost of refueling every few decades compare with with burning a thousand or so gallons an hour of gas just to idle, and double that moving (publicly published numbers for the Burkes)? If it's out of port even half of its lifetime, that's 50-100 million gallons of gas per decade, or $150-300m at current wholesale prices. If the nuclear option has to be refueled every 30 years, does a refit + refuel of a nuclear destroyer actually cost half a billion to a billion dollars more than just a refit of a gas turbine ship? I don't see how nuclear isn't cheaper.

Jan 15, 2006

AreWeDrunkYet posted:

How does the cost of refueling every few decades compare with with burning a thousand or so gallons an hour of gas just to idle, and double that moving (publicly published numbers for the Burkes)? If it's out of port even half of its lifetime, that's 50-100 million gallons of gas per decade, or $150-300m at current wholesale prices. If the nuclear option has to be refueled every 30 years, does a refit + refuel of a nuclear destroyer actually cost half a billion to a billion dollars more than just a refit of a gas turbine ship? I don't see how nuclear isn't cheaper.

Man, nuclear refits are FABULOUSLY expensive. Lifetime petroleum fuel costs are massively cheaper.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice

AreWeDrunkYet posted:

How does the cost of refueling every few decades compare with with burning a thousand or so gallons an hour of gas just to idle, and double that moving (publicly published numbers for the Burkes)? If it's out of port even half of its lifetime, that's 50-100 million gallons of gas per decade, or $150-300m at current wholesale prices. If the nuclear option has to be refueled every 30 years, does a refit + refuel of a nuclear destroyer actually cost half a billion to a billion dollars more than just a refit of a gas turbine ship? I don't see how nuclear isn't cheaper.

Even if they're close on price, shortening the logistics chain by not having to get that fuel to them and always having to have more available is a hell of a savings and pretty useful if balloons go up.

Milo and POTUS
Sep 3, 2017

I will not shut up about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I talk about them all the time and work them into every conversation I have. I built a shrine in my room for the yellow one who died because sadly no one noticed because she died around 9/11. Wanna see it?

Kazinsal posted:

Notorious Canadian serial killer Robert Pickton is dead. Shanked in prison. Correctional Services of Canada is saying someone stabbed him in the head multiple times.

Hell of a past 24 hours these have been.

The only possible bad thing about this is he might have been thinking of squealing on his piece of poo poo accomplices and accessories. gently caress them all iyam. I hope all the HA get blinded by an LED truck headlight and then they and their crappy bikes all get run over in turn

Serjeant Buzfuz
Dec 5, 2009

bird food bathtub posted:

Even if they're close on price, shortening the logistics chain by not having to get that fuel to them and always having to have more available is a hell of a savings and pretty useful if balloons go up.

Yes yes yes but I think a lot of y'all are still vastly underestimating how difficult and expensive it is to run nukes at sea. There's many many reasons why there are only a handful (~160) of nuclear powered ships in the world.

Oct 1, 2005

Merton Blask posted:

They should add a bunch of portholes, so the fellas can stick out their guns and shoot people.

Someone else has seen this! I’ve been calling it “Acquisitions: the Movie” for a while now.

Jan 1, 2008

Well don't you know I'm caught in a trap?

AreWeDrunkYet posted:

How does the cost of refueling every few decades compare with with burning a thousand or so gallons an hour of gas just to idle, and double that moving (publicly published numbers for the Burkes)? If it's out of port even half of its lifetime, that's 50-100 million gallons of gas per decade, or $150-300m at current wholesale prices. If the nuclear option has to be refueled every 30 years, does a refit + refuel of a nuclear destroyer actually cost half a billion to a billion dollars more than just a refit of a gas turbine ship? I don't see how nuclear isn't cheaper.

It's better than break-even for carriers, but the Navy can't get enough people to operate and maintain its current fleet, so growing out a fleet of small boys might be pretty close to impossible without massive and expensive changes to how to Navy operates (like maybe treating nukes like human beings)

Feb 13, 2012


Elviscat posted:

massive and expensive changes to how to Navy operates (like maybe treating nukes like human beings)

Another item on the Woke Agenda. 😡

Dec 24, 2007

Elviscat posted:

It's better than break-even for carriers, but the Navy can't get enough people to operate and maintain its current fleet, so growing out a fleet of small boys might be pretty close to impossible without massive and expensive changes to how to Navy operates (like maybe treating nukes like human beings)

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

AreWeDrunkYet posted:

How does the cost of refueling every few decades compare with with burning a thousand or so gallons an hour of gas just to idle, and double that moving (publicly published numbers for the Burkes)? If it's out of port even half of its lifetime, that's 50-100 million gallons of gas per decade, or $150-300m at current wholesale prices. If the nuclear option has to be refueled every 30 years, does a refit + refuel of a nuclear destroyer actually cost half a billion to a billion dollars more than just a refit of a gas turbine ship? I don't see how nuclear isn't cheaper.

in addition to what everyone else has said, a non nuclear ship is better for the crew. nuke ships have a very limited number of places they can port at.

Jun 7, 2009

Kith posted:

he puts so much effort into the smokescreen that i genuinely did not recognize him in this pose/angle for a few minutes

Really does look like a really bad vegas impersonator

Nov 13, 2011

Don't know if it counts as a current event but, I just got one these bullshit letters. Definitely made me laugh.

May 13, 2009
The gently caress is that?

Nov 13, 2011

MonkeyFit posted:

The gently caress is that?

It's a totally nonbiased survey to find out how much you hate illegal immagrants and stolen elections. Don't know how the gently caress they got my name.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
my dad hasnt been with the nra for 15 or more years, they still send him poo poo

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

Shaddak posted:

It's a totally nonbiased survey to find out how much you hate illegal immagrants and stolen elections. Don't know how the gently caress they got my name.

prob got it off a voter database

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

MonkeyFit posted:

The gently caress is that?

Ever heard of Tom Fitton? He's the Judicial Watch guy.

He's basically single-handedly responsible for the bad legal advice that got Donnie indicted for the classified documents in his shitters.


Trump time and again rejected the advice from lawyers and advisers who urged him to cooperate and instead took the advice of Tom Fitton, the head of the conservative group Judicial Watch, and a range of others who told him he could legally keep the documents and should fight the Justice Department, advisers said. Trump would often cite Fitton to others, and Fitton told some of Trump’s lawyers that Trump could keep the documents, even as they disagreed, the advisers said.

He's also not a lawyer!

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

MonkeyFit posted:

The gently caress is that?
A push poll.

Wikipedia posted:

A push poll is an interactive marketing technique, most commonly employed during political campaigning, in which a person or organization attempts to manipulate or alter prospective voters' views under the guise of conducting an opinion poll.

ded posted:

my dad hasnt been with the nra for 15 or more years, they still send him poo poo

...and this is a textbook example of one!


Sep 17, 2009

You never learn anything
by doing it right.

i'm up late so new thread

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