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fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
I am around but I’m uninterested in moving my vote. Cube is my strongest scum read, illu is my second strongest town read.


fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

##vote illu

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
##vote cube

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Did we make it??

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Sandwolf posted:

Anyone who suggested we vote outside of the Ecco cop result yesterday, before ultimately voting Cube, are probably also scum

Yeah money on keats as scum here. Also I tracked spork to tmor last night

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
I'm loving shocked that opop was actually a doc lol

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
##vote keats

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Keats where is this stupid loving coded message drama going? Absolutely nothing posted about it has convinced me that it's not a waste of time, just standard masonry poo poo without useful information.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Like for the love of god don't spend a second day on a worthless runaround with nutsack please post the highlights.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Johnny Keats posted:

Nutsack is the person to complain to. I am an unwilling victim of this bullshit taking up air

I do not understand your complaint. You seem to be upset that the masonry you were invited to has a code gimmick.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
I think a ninja is probably pretty likely in a game with both a tracker and a watcher. That said a couple other observations:

1) it’s possible scum just gambled between the watcher being on sand or opop, or the watcher disbelieving opop’s claim

2) It’s possible that the day 1 kill was a poisoner, another possible counter for tracker/ninja

3) unless I forgot illu proving their claim yesterday, the way it went down today could be a bluff counting on someone visiting the claimed doctor. Or illu is a scum watcher with a scumbud making the kill to implicate another.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
I still think the straightforward interpretation of event is that Keats is caught by eccocop results and decided to blather about masonry nonsense to throw off discussion about that.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Johnny Keats posted:

Those results that Cube immediately scapegoated himself for? Are you talking about those ones? Tell me how I would have felt caught and nervous about that.....

The ones today Keats please don’t play dumb.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Tired Moritz posted:

Why is Sandwolf still alive anyway

Because scum killed the doctor first

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Johnny Keats posted:

So you weren't talking about the "masonry" stuff yesterday? Then what the hell are you talking about?

I’m talking about how you made a near solid page of posts about your nutsack that went nowhere, after we got sand’s results and illu’s claim.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Hey tmor why didn’t you vote at deadline yesterday when we ended up literally sub 1 minute away from a nolunch. You posted in thread during that time.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Tired Moritz posted:

Unironically some jackass came in the store before it opened and I spend the time seetheing

Oh drat, condolences then lol

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Tired Moritz posted:

Well I'm sorry, yall but my role doesn't make sense with your role!!!

Uh, can you at least partially claim cause this seems like a big deal to work out

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Johnny Keats posted:

If you want me to claim my last night I visited nobody.

Would you describe your role as a ninja, or more of a poisoner?

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Watcher has decent scum utility, more so than most info roles. To reiterate, the possibilities wrt to the claim:

1) illu is a town watcher and caught hal killing opop, probably because they assumed the watched would be on sand
2) illu is a town watcher and there is a ninja or poisoner that illu couldn't have picked up, and hal got unlucky with their visit timing
3) illu is a scum watcher and is declining to report the killer, only hal, in order to pin in on them
4) illu is not a watcher at all, killed opop, and bluffed a confession out of hal.

1 is risky and I'm not sure scum would have gone for it tbh, but scum sometimes makes weird decisions for any number of reasons. 2 I think is very likely if we have a town watcher, tracker, and other info. 3 is a good scum gambit, especially in smaller games where throwing town on a goose chase for a day can be worth the suspicion, especially for someone like illu who was runner up for lunch yesterday. 4 is also risky as hell to pull out BUT illu made the claim after sand claimed their eccosmith results which included them (and again, near lunch yesterday), so it could be a gambit to stay alive while being on the menu today.

I'm still hesitant on scum illu because I don't think their posting is very scummy, but it's a distinct possibility. I think illu as scum is at least as likely as hal scum tho.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Tired Moritz posted:

So basically im a lightning rod

Targeted yuming n1, action successful
Targeted space n2, action successful

Some process redirects before roleblocks. It's mod dependant.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Spacebanito posted:

N1, I got their results of watching Opop move in on someone. I know know who Opop visited, but Eavesdrop gives me the results that Illu got, so I know it's a Watch of some sort

Ok so Illu is a watcher then, that's good to know. Eliminates possibility 4 from my post.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Wait, TMor can you explain why you think your role is at odds with sand's? it seems like it would just redirect the investigation to you?

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Nutsack Rangoon posted:

FoS can you share your N1 result too?

I guess I might as well now. Night 1, tracked cube, no action taken.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Tired Moritz posted:

All of it? Everyone has single target powers except for Sandwolf?

Yeah I dunno about this. It might cause some moderation oddities but it's far from unbelievable.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Nutsack Rangoon posted:

Which then the tracker result is wrong? FoS tracked Spork to Moritz, right?

Yeah, I tracked "my target" (spork) to moritz. If it was a target swap that wouldn't have happened. If moritz is a lightning rod (redirect to self) then that's consistant.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Spacebanito posted:

Did Spork target Moritz, or did they target me, and got redirected to Moritz?

Also, does the redirect happen after Roleblocking me? I'm somewhat confused on order of operations here, cause it seems like if a Town Lightning Rod doesn't protect someone from being Role Blocked that makes the role kinda toothless?

Spork claims they targeted moritz, which is consistent with my result. The order of operations I think happened was

1) TMor (lightning rod) changes spacebanito's target to Tmor
2) Spork targets tmor with jail, roleblocking both tmor and anyone targetting tmor
3) spacebanito's action resolves on tmor and is blocked by the jail
4) i track spork to tmor

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

SporkChan posted:

Yeah I jailed Tmor last night. His lack of voting anyone looked suspicious to me.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Spacebanito posted:

It has to be either Hal, or a Ninja/Poisoner, at this stage, it seems

Illu could be a scum watcher coordinating with a teammate too, but I think ninja/poisoner is most likely.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Johnny Keats posted:

Huh... well that seems extremely relevant to day 2 discussion for something that you never mentioned until now. What did you think about that when Sandwolf revealed his results, and Cube claimed to be currently vanilla?

There are any number of reasons that someone wouldn’t want to or be able to take an action n1. Limited shot actions, passive/reactive abilities, risky actions, ect.

The case on cube was never about not taking an action.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Johnny Keats posted:

It corroborated his claim of vanilla though, and he had no apparent reason to suspect that you tracked him. But you were on him way more than me for the ecco results.

No, it didn't. It only proved that they declined to take a n1 action. If, for example, they could have been a juggernaut who didn't do the n1 kill. Or could have had a 1/game effect. We already know this is a no vanilla game.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
As far I was was concerned wrt to cube, the only thing my track result did was fail to immediately implicate them. Their claimed role was still highly suspicious, as was their behavior around it. To be honest I just assumed they were bulletproof scum who didn't make the kill and that there was a town vig lurking around somewhere.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Nutsack Rangoon posted:

There was poisoner talk earlier too. Am I remembering correctly? They visit and the player dies the next night? If that's the case, we could see a double NK down the road?

Possibly but a normal poisoner can only allow for a double kill by “skipping” a day. As in Night 2 poisons X as the scum kill, Night 3 that kill resolves and scum still gets a kill.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Anyway my preference is Keats>>Illu=Hal. Depending on scum roles it’s possible that both Hal and Illu are innocent, and even if one of them is scum its a coin flip as to which one (well, higher on illu cause sand result). I’m hesitant to kill a confirmed info role with those other possibilities still in play. Meanwhile we have Keats with an… unusual claim, an unaccounted for action, and a sand result.

As for Hal a result is a result even with the setup spec, and their claim would make them a lesser loss to illu.

I think yuming is on my “maybe scum” list now. They’ve clammed up a lot today and their claim hasn’t gotten any less unusual, though she and Keats having like… mirror roles of each other does add to both of their credibility. On the other hand, it also makes me think one of them is scum.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Nutsack Rangoon posted:


If I'm understanding correctly, TMor's role (lightning rod) takes the place of his target for that night. He stated that at least N1, he was just trying to avoid ruining investigative roles reports. N2 he chose Bandito for pretty bad reasoning. My thinking is that if I were given that role, I'd want to try and use it to protect claimed town PRs (swapping them in the night and maybe tanking the NK). I think it's weird he didn't visit someone like Opop or Sandwolf who were both out as PRs early. Is there anything I'm misunderstanding about how his role works?

That sounds correct to me. TMor’s n2 targeting is weird but also I have a hard time imagining scum choosing to redirect anything to themselves. That’s a really major risk multiplier unless like, tmor is also a godfather lol.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Illusionis posted:

How so? why would scum be afraid to redirect anything other than a vig to selves?

Until today they couldn’t have known that there isn’t a cop in play tho. Or a vig given cube.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Wait did Bonito claim yesterday? Idr now. Still, the obvious target for a scum lightning rod would have been sand to gently caress up their results.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Wait I was thinking backwards about how tmor’s lightning rod works. Yeah no reason to fear cop, only vig.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Nutsack Rangoon posted:

I think I'm misundertsanding how lightning rod works. The person he visits targets him or the people who target the person he targets instead target him? Visiting a cop, the cop gets a result on LR??

Yes. If tmor visited a cop, that cop would target tmor and get a result on them. This would still be beneficial as a scum LR cause it would implicate the cop’s original target.

Another thought tho: scum LR tmor would have been desperate to eliminate claimed vig cube, not hesitant to the point of almost causing a no lunch. Like yeah I guess scum could say “I guess we never kill cube and we’re fine” but getting rid of them is way safer.


fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Spacebanito posted:

Unless the order of events was me targeting Keats, TMor becomes the new target, the roleblock on TMor causes my action to fail? But I don't know if roleblock also protects you from outside actions?

Jailer roleblocked both the target and anyone visiting the target.

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