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Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer

The 1970's saw a revolution in scholarship of early Christian history. Historical documentaries such as Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) written by biblical scholar Andrew Lloyd Webber, among others, challenged Christian orthodoxy and retold the tale of Jesus' crucifixion through what is now accepted to be the superior medium of biblical teaching - the rock opera. Outraged by its message, the powers that be attempted to censor and suppress the truth, that the story of the Passion is best told through a contemporary lens of rock music with a diverse cast of strange theatre-oriented hippies rolling about the dirt and filmed on location in today's (Occupied) Palestine.

This mafia game will be a celebration of this truth.

The situation in Roman-occupied Judea is one of tension in 33 AD. The people of Judea, hardly unique among Rome's conquests, bitterly resisted Rome's expansion into their lands. The Romans repeatedly underestimated the ferocity of Jewish resistance to Roman rule - unlike the peoples of many other parts of the empire, the Jews of Judea deeply resented Rome's attempts to force the integration of its religious practices and imperial cult into the local faith. Ruled in part by client kings and later by direct military control, Judea would repeatedly rebel against Roman rule and prove to be one of the more costly possessions to police, especially given its relatively small size and population.

Within this context, the rise in fame and following of man known as "Jesus of Nazareth" has been met with great consternation by the powers that be. Rumors that he claims to be the rightful King of the Jews are themselves concerning - but yet more alarming are rumors that he claims to be the messiah, and the Son of God, claims he publicly denies. The Romans are wary of yet another revolt, especially one fueled by religious fervor that might contest the authority of their client King - or Tiberius himself. The Jewish High Priests, tasked with keeping order among their people in Judea, are equally concerned that the rise of a false messiah could lead to conflict with Rome, with disastrous results for their people who would surely be defeated (and threaten their own hold on power).

It is under these circumstances that Jesus and his followers have identified a grave threat to their mission. Enemies domestic and abroad openly conspire against them, waiting for their chance to crush this nascent movement. Worse yet, rumors swirl that their enemies are hiding among their number, lurking and waiting for their chance to strangle this movement before it blossoms into something greater...

Basic Game Information:

This game is modded by Josefstalinator, and has been sanity/balance checked by Shell.

The game is intended to be played with 19 players, and signups will close once that number has been met. I reserve the right to tweak this slightly as I am still making some balance adjustments.

I'll aim for days to be 48 hours in length, with 24 hour long nights. This may change depending on real life stuff.

Join the discord and post your favorite rotund Japanese dinosaurs chill until it's time to receive your role (this is required to play the game):

There are no hidden components to PM's/roles, alignment changes, or jesters.

General Mafia Rules (That have been stolen from Yami that was stolen from Natural 20 who stole them from Somberero):

1. Be excellent to each other. This is a game, part of the game is having people react, but if you think you’re reacting badly, walk away, calm down, come back later.
2. For the lurker mechanic for this game, if you do not post 10 times per game day, you will receive a warning. If it happens a second time, you will be modkilled. Exceptions can be made if deemed necessary. Remember: Posting IS Praxis.
3. Don't edit your posts.
4. Don't talk after you're dead. I'll add you to the deadchat on discord.
5. Once hammer comes down, stop posting. We will close the thread once we notice.
6. Flavor is flavor, you’re welcome to pursue arguments on it if you want. Additionally whilst I try to retain flavor justification for many abilities, they will not always match expectations.
7. No replacements after D2.
8. Don't directly quote any communication from me, including your role pm. If you have OOT communication with another player, the rule still applies.
9. Don't fake day actions.
10. If you are directly affected by a Day Action, do not post under any circumstances until I post the result of the Action. Everyone else is good to keep going.
11. This game takes a somewhat irreverent attitude towards some genuinely serious source material, and is not intended as an indictment or criticism of anyone's religious faith. Do not take any flavor language as an attack on you, your faith, or the faith of any in the real world. Let's try to enjoy what is a genuinely interesting political and social situation in 33AD and avoid tangents or attacks or unnecessary commentary on the historicity of various biblical figures. We are here to have fun.

A note about result language:

1. A result that successfully targets will yield the result. "Your action was successful."
2. A result that does not successfully target will yield the result. "Your action fails."
3. If a player name is ever mentioned as part of a result other than those that require it, this is a mod error.
4. A "successful" target is defined as an ability resolving on someone. This does not have to be the intended target, so a redirected result will yield the same language as a result that has not been redirected.

The SA Mafia community takes a lot of pride in being a safe, respectful, inclusive and inviting space. If you ever encounter anything or anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable, threatened, abused, angry, or even unsure of how you feel, there are many people here, both within and outside of the SA Mafia community, who are happily willing to listen, provide support, and enact change to make the community better for everyone.
Here is a short list of only some of the people that other players have suggested as a resource that you should never hesitate to contact: Leperflesh and Antivehicular (current Traditional Games Mods), VoodooFly, Hal Insandenza, Bifauxnen, Monathin, Wologar, Maerlyn, EccoRaven, CCKeane, Opopanax, Sandwolf, Shellception, or whoever else you feel safer talking to!

  1. AnonymousNarcotics (they/them)
  2. b-minus1
  3. Cloacamazing! (she/her)
  4. CubicalSucrose
  5. EGalz18 (She/Her)
  6. hambeet (he/him)
  7. Ignatius M. Meen (he/him/whatever)
  8. Maerlyn (she/her)
  9. NeverHelm (He/Him)
  10. Opopanax (He/him/opop)
  11. PhantomMuzzles (She/Her)
  12. saladscooper (he/him)
  13. Tired Moritz
  14. Tsietisin
  15. WindwardAway (she/her/whatever)
  16. wins32767
  17. wologar (he/him/whatever)
  18. Your Personal Muse
  19. Sandwolf

1. Illusionis (Unspoiled)


JosefStalinator fucked around with this message at 19:32 on May 16, 2024


Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Aug 6, 2012

we will go far into the sea
you will take me
onto your back
never look back
never look back
What's the buzz? Tell me what's happening

Aug 6, 2012

we will go far into the sea
you will take me
onto your back
never look back
never look back
By the way, this is the best version of this show. (Full movie available on Amazon Prime)

Apr 18, 2018

Too cute to be evil
Jesus Christ!

Sep 13, 2002

What’s up beet, tell me what’s happening

What’s up beet, tell me what’s happening

What’s up beet, tell me what’s happening

What’s up beet, tell me what’s happening

What’s up beet, tell me what’s happening

What’s up beet, tell me what’s happening

What’s up beet, tell me what’s happening

What’s up beet, tell me what’s happening

Why should you want to know?
Don't you mind about the future?
Don't you try to think ahead?
Save tomorrow for tomorrow;
Think about today instead!

Apr 18, 2018

Too cute to be evil
Hey Josef, ho Josef Stalinator
Hey Josef Stalina-a-tor
Hey J.S., J.S.,
Does this count as mod sass?
Josef hey, Josef ho, game starts when?

Josef Stalinator posted:

Tell the rabble to be quiet
We anticipate a riot
This common crowd is much too loud
Tell the mob who post in song
That they are fools and they are wrong
Game not full yet
Just read the thread

Hey Josef, ho Josef Stalinator
Hey Josef Stalina-a-tor
Hey J.S., J.S.,
Does this count as mod sass?
Josef hey, Josef ho, game starts when?

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

I'll play - gonna buck the trend and say I haven't seen it but I will fix that very soon

Jan 25, 2019

my reads are clearer now
at last all too well i can see
who the scum's set to be

Apr 18, 2018

Too cute to be evil

saladscooper posted:

my reads are clearer now
at last all too well i can see
who the scum's set to be

You've started to believe
The things they say of you
You really do believe
That meta reads are true

Jun 23, 2022

It's a puzzle.
I don't know how to read him
What to do, how to case him
I am town
Yes *really* town

Do I bring him down?
Do I scream and shout?
Do I speak of night actions?
Let my feelings out

I never thought I'd come to thissss
What's it all abooouuut

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer

Cloacamazing! posted:

Hey Josef, ho Josef Stalinator
Hey Josef Stalina-a-tor
Hey J.S., J.S.,
Does this count as mod sass?
Josef hey, Josef ho, game starts when?

Hey Josef, ho Josef Stalinator
Hey Josef Stalina-a-tor
Hey J.S., J.S.,
Does this count as mod sass?
Josef hey, Josef ho, game starts when?

Why strain your hands, making GBS threads up the thread?
Nothing can be done, to stop the spamming
If every player was probed, the posts would still continue
The bots and lurkers themselves, would post goatseeeeee

Aug 5, 2023

I have not Learned My Lessons Well. Alas For You. I'm here to play Day by Day.

Aug 6, 2012

we will go far into the sea
you will take me
onto your back
never look back
never look back

EGalz18 posted:

I have not Learned My Lessons Well. Alas For You. I'm here to play Day by Day.

I hate this post so much


Aug 5, 2023


AnonymousNarcotics posted:

I hate this post so much


My high school theater teacher loved announcing next year's season like this. It was the best

Jun 23, 2022

It's a puzzle.
That's how we find scum: they're from the rival production of Godspell being performed in rep with us

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer
I'd never heard of Godspell before now and I regret looking it up.

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer
My thread should beeeee a house of prayer

EGalz18 posted:

I have not Learned My Lessons Well. Alas For You. I'm here to play Day by Day.

But you have made iiiiit a den of thieves

CubicalSucrose posted:

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Aug 6, 2012

we will go far into the sea
you will take me
onto your back
never look back
never look back

JosefStalinator posted:

My thread should beeeee a house of prayer

But you have made iiiiit a den of thieves



Mar 16, 2007

Josef, are we somehow related?

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer

wins32767 posted:

Josef, are we somehow related?

Not that I'm aware, why?

Mar 16, 2007

JosefStalinator posted:

Not that I'm aware, why?

We have shockingly similar reads in games and now you've run a game that is exactly what I would have run had I thought of it.

As a bass, Caiaphas was my favorite character ever.

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer

wins32767 posted:

We have shockingly similar reads in games and now you've run a game that is exactly what I would have run had I thought of it.

As a bass, Caiaphas was my favorite character ever.

We are long lost brothers it seems, spiritually at least with our love of rock opera and expert reads.

Keep signing up folks! We are about halfway there!

Aug 22, 2022

Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.
I'm here to sell my soul to the sign-up list!

Aug 9, 2017

Never attribute to malice that post which is adequately explained by a poor sense of humor.
Well I mean, given my history here I can't not play in this one.

Apr 18, 2018

Too cute to be evil

NeverHelm posted:

Well I mean, given my history here I can't not play in this one.

Jesus Christ!

Mar 16, 2007

It seems to me a strange thing -- mystifying -- that a game like this has not filled up with people at this time.

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer

wins32767 posted:

It seems to me a strange thing -- mystifying -- that a game like this has not filled up with people at this time.

Hey cool it man, there's still time

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

JosefStalinator posted:

Hey cool it man, there's still time

Yeah the OP hasn't even been up for 3 days.

Jun 23, 2022

It's a puzzle.

CubicalSucrose posted:

Yeah the OP hasn't even been up for 3 days.

Seems like thirty.... seems like thirty

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer

wins32767 posted:

It seems to me a strange thing -- mystifying -- that a game like this has not filled up with people at this time.

Neither you wins, nor the lurkers
Nor pmuzz, nor the Cube
Nor egalz, nor the mods, nor the beet, nor salad
Nor doomed mafia goons themselves

understand what posting is
understand what waiting is
understand at all
understand at all

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
Wait let me cook

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer

Your Personal Muse posted:


But you might as well play it, our meta is good

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer
Will nobody post, with me?
'Beeter, Cube, Muse
Will nobody wait, with me?
'Beeter, Cube, Muse

I only want to say
If there is a way
Take this thread away from me
I don't want to, host this game
See them flame me, I have changed
I'm not as sure, as when I posted

Then, I was inspired
Now I'm sad and tired
Listen, surely I've exceeded expectations
Tried for three days, seems like thirty
Could you ask as much, of any other mod?

But, if, I, mod
See this saga through, and mod the game you ask of me
Let them sass me, hate me, ignore my OP
I'd want to know I'd want to know my goons
I'd want to see I'd want to see my goons

Why, I, should, mod
Would my posts be more noticed, than they ever were before?
Would the reads I've made and done, matter, any more?
I'd have to know, I'd have to know my goons
I'd have to see, I'd have to see my goons
If I mod, what will be my reward?
I'd have to know, I'd have to know my goons

WHY! should Iiiiiiii oh why should I mod!
Can you show me now that I would not be modding in vain?
Scum won't just give up and never post again
Show me there's a reason for your wanting me to mod
You're far too keen on 'where' and 'how' and not so hot on 'why'

Just watch me mod!
Ohhhhh see how I'll mooooood!
(sound on)

Then I was inspired
Now, I'm sad and tired
After all I've tried for three days
Seems like ninety - why, then, am I
Scared to finish what I started?
What you started! - I didn't start it!

Goons, thy will is hard
But you hold every card
I will host your mafia game
Boooooookmark this thread and rate five!
Sass me, hate me, curse me, join me now
Before I change my mind!

Sep 13, 2002


Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer

hambeet posted:


They fear the power of this game

Aug 9, 2017

Never attribute to malice that post which is adequately explained by a poor sense of humor.
The power of Christ compels you to sign up!


Feb 11, 2014

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