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Jun 23, 2022

It's a puzzle.
Keats you checked in right before deadline and said you can hammer but then didn't hammer?


Aug 6, 2012

we will go far into the sea
you will take me
onto your back
never look back
never look back
Wow ok clo was telling the truth about temporary miller 😂

Aug 6, 2012

we will go far into the sea
you will take me
onto your back
never look back
never look back

PhantomMuzzles posted:

Keats you checked in right before deadline and said you can hammer but then didn't hammer?

Yeah I also thought this was strange. I was in a meeting and I got out at 8:00 exactly and checked the thread and saw that we had missed deadline but that post from Keats was very weird

Jun 23, 2022

It's a puzzle.
Well I was very sure NH was scum yesterday but I also was just like really excited about everything in life yesterday but today it's raining so I am calm and zen.

NH claims busdriver and I think at this point if it's true it can only really affect the NK target? I think everyone else has claimed that they don't have night actions [anymore].

So I think there are 2 scum 4 town left. So even if NH is scum there's still another one we could go after first, and if NH is Town that's a good ability to keep.

YPM is still a good scum candidate. His D1 vig on Sandwolf read towny because it was so chaotic, but it also would have been a good way for scum to use a vig without having to justify it. Like sure it'd be nice to use it on a power role but then you have to worry about trying to justify why you vigged a claimed power role.

If Tsiet is scum I will be really excited because they did not seem scummy to me at all in the masonry. They were casual and chatty, like they weren't worried at all about being caught. So yeah I think they're probably Town but it'll be very cool if our new friend is really good at being scum.

ANarc started the game hanging back but I feel like we've all slowly surpassed them in lurkiness. They haven't done much that seems particularly scummy to me but maybe their towny actions (like trying to get a hammer in yesterday) were fabricated.

I keep forgetting Keats is in this game and it feels like he does too. It was weird to show up to sort of offer to hammer but not do it. But also if he was scum he could have just not said anything I guess? Like why did he go on record as being around before deadline just to not do anything about it.

I think I'm leaning toward voting YPM rn

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
I don’t understand how there’s any question whether NH is scum. Putting aside the “catch”, NH was at -1 at deadline and no one hammered. If he was town scum would’ve hammered.

Also, Pmuzz, the two things you’ve said about me so far is 1) I used my vig in a way that was alignment neutral and 2) iggy eventually died. I don’t really know how to respond to that because you don’t point to any posts and it’s not really a case.

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
This reads like Pmuzz knows NH is caught scum and wants to divert.

Jun 23, 2022

It's a puzzle.

Your Personal Muse posted:

I don’t understand how there’s any question whether NH is scum. Putting aside the “catch”, NH was at -1 at deadline and no one hammered. If he was town scum would’ve hammered.

Also, Pmuzz, the two things you’ve said about me so far is 1) I used my vig in a way that was alignment neutral and 2) iggy eventually died. I don’t really know how to respond to that because you don’t point to any posts and it’s not really a case.

It felt like you used the vig, then when people read it Towny you just sat back and chilled out so no one reevaluated that read on you.

I agree that scum is almost certainly you and NH. I'm just saying that if we're wrong about either it'd be better to lose you over losing NH

I don't think you can point to normal logic (if he was Town scum would have hammered) in a game this quiet. Tsiet barely posted and never voted, Keats was there before deadline but didn't hammer, ANarc checked in earlier but didn't change their vote in time to matter. Like, they can't all be scum.

Jun 23, 2022

It's a puzzle.

Your Personal Muse posted:

I don’t understand how there’s any question whether NH is scum. Putting aside the “catch”, NH was at -1 at deadline and no one hammered. If he was town scum would’ve hammered.

Also, Pmuzz, the two things you’ve said about me so far is 1) I used my vig in a way that was alignment neutral and 2) iggy eventually died. I don’t really know how to respond to that because you don’t point to any posts and it’s not really a case.

Also lol @ calling my case weak when no one else is even posting. You didn't even vote NH even though you say there's no question he's scum.

Every single flip this game has reinforced that Jesus is Town, and everyone who's consistently been paying attention to this game or masoned with me has read me as Town. And yet I'm your scum suspect? That's what I find scummy. Maybe you know you can't kill me at night so you have to keep trying every day

Jun 23, 2022

It's a puzzle.
But I also can't really throw stones about this because you're absolutely right that my case is lazy. I didn't go back and build a case and quote votes and tbh I don't really feel like it when no one else seems to care

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
I’m not voting because it’s probably mylo

Jun 23, 2022

It's a puzzle.

Your Personal Muse posted:

I don’t understand how there’s any question whether NH is scum.

Your Personal Muse posted:

I’m not voting because it’s probably mylo

That's why I'm not voting yet either, but this is why I thought it's weird that you're not

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
Because I’m very stupid and might be wrong.

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

PhantomMuzzles posted:

Keats you checked in right before deadline and said you can hammer but then didn't hammer?

I got distracted sorry. But also if NH is town then Imm not sorry

Jun 23, 2022

It's a puzzle.

Johnny Keats posted:

I got distracted sorry. But also if NH is town then Imm not sorry

Is NH town?

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
Has Keats made a single read this game

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

Your Personal Muse posted:

Has Keats made a single read this game

I called out Wologar as scum like 4 hours after replacing in, and was right about that. I also called out Pmuzz as scum in almost the same breath. Was I also right about that?

Jun 23, 2022

It's a puzzle.

Johnny Keats posted:

I called out Wologar as scum like 4 hours after replacing in, and was right about that. I also called out Pmuzz as scum in almost the same breath. Was I also right about that?


Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

I'm not calling you definitely scum, and I for sure have the least understanding of what's going on in this game because I've been hardly paying attention. I was never going to fully read the first 3 days or whatever of thread. I'm here to take up space as a town vote for the sake of the game's pacing/balance. I read Wologar based on his day 1 play that I skimmed, as day 1 was the only material I could understand (did not require game context). I'm proud of my scumdar accuracy there. For Pmuzz my call was based on contemporaneous posting, so it's probably less reliable since it was talking about context I didn't know.

Anyway, you [Pmuzz] were also at -1 yesterday, allegedly, at the same time as NH for a long time. So you must know that there was at least one town player sitting at -1 yesterday with no hammer. What makes you convinced NH was scum?

Jun 23, 2022

It's a puzzle.

Johnny Keats posted:

I'm not calling you definitely scum, and I for sure have the least understanding of what's going on in this game because I've been hardly paying attention. I was never going to fully read the first 3 days or whatever of thread. I'm here to take up space as a town vote for the sake of the game's pacing/balance. I read Wologar based on his day 1 play that I skimmed, as day 1 was the only material I could understand (did not require game context). I'm proud of my scumdar accuracy there. For Pmuzz my call was based on contemporaneous posting, so it's probably less reliable since it was talking about context I didn't know.

Anyway, you [Pmuzz] were also at -1 yesterday, allegedly, at the same time as NH for a long time. So you must know that there was at least one town player sitting at -1 yesterday with no hammer. What makes you convinced NH was scum?

I'm not convinced, YPM is (supposely). I think NH is *probably* scum because of the claim about the busdrive. But I'm not completely convinced anymore because of mechanical questions. Like, if a busdrive changes the target of the actions, maybe that means Iggy's action still could have happened. That's just what's giving me pause, and making me switch back to an earlier vibes thing

Aug 6, 2012

we will go far into the sea
you will take me
onto your back
never look back
never look back
I think ypm is scum. Not sure who else. I just read back through their iso and there's a lot of shitposting and waffling. Said they'd vote egalz but didn't. Used a vig on D1.

Yeah this feels right to me.

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude

Johnny Keats posted:

I called out Wologar as scum like 4 hours after replacing in, and was right about that. I also called out Pmuzz as scum in almost the same breath. Was I also right about that?

You briefly called wolo scum without any casing before switching to opop without any reason

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

Your Personal Muse posted:

You briefly called wolo scum without any casing before switching to opop without any reason

I had replaced in like 4 hours prior and you expect me to case him convincingly on day 3 or whatever it was?

Jun 23, 2022

It's a puzzle.

Johnny Keats posted:

I had replaced in like 4 hours prior and you expect me to case him convincingly on day 3 or whatever it was?

It's a little odd to point to the fact that you caught scum but then basically say you'd just swapped in so you didn't really catch scum

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
Let's do an instant replay on the conversation with YPM.

Your Personal Muse posted:

Has Keats made a single read this game

This is what I was responding to. I gave two examples, while emphasizing that one of them was right and implying that that other one is still relevant to current reads. Which was more than he had asked for.

YPM responds:

Your Personal Muse posted:

You briefly called wolo scum without any casing before switching to opop without any reason

Which is a different offense from the first post. He never acknowledged that his initial question was answered, but instead began a new topic.

To this new topic, I challenged it with "why should I have been expected to case in my position"

Jun 23, 2022

It's a puzzle.
You mean why should you be expected to case people now? Or why were you expected to case people immediately when you swapped in. Because I personally don't care how strong your "case" was immediately when you jumped in. But like, you didn't make many after that. This is not unique to you, this has been like a detailed-case-free game. It just feels odder from you

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
When I replaced in, deadline was pretty soon. Like less then a day. I wasn't going to be making a case even if my reads were different from the way things were going. Nor should I be expected to take a stand against the leading vote and stubbornly refuse. So YPM calling me out for that today is silly. That is what I meant.

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
I don’t care that you didn’t make a case, I care that you are demanding recognition for “catching” wolo on the weakest pretext possible.

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
It's not my fault he died before I actually had time to case him. And I still haven't read half of thread so I find the best way I can help is by providing my opinions and voting correctly, but expecting me to carry by making a case on scum and pioneering today's vote is unrealistic

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
We think there are only two scum left, correct?

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
##vote nh


Jul 2, 2004

Time passes quickly on the weekend.

I'm writing my thoughts in a text files which i'll post in a moment. I have to ask though, the bus driver role, is that usually a town role or can it be a scum role?

I ask because we had one role which was investigate 3 people overnight, but if they swapped between town and scum without the result advising this change has been made, it could be a potential role for creating lots of misinformation.

Jun 23, 2022

It's a puzzle.

Tsietisin posted:

I'm writing my thoughts in a text files which i'll post in a moment. I have to ask though, the bus driver role, is that usually a town role or can it be a scum role?

I ask because we had one role which was investigate 3 people overnight, but if they swapped between town and scum without the result advising this change has been made, it could be a potential role for creating lots of misinformation.

I think pretty much all roles could be scum roles. Like even a scum doctor is a thing. But yeah stuff like redirectors, bus drivers, and roleblockers are definitely both town and scum roles

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 7

NeverHelm (1): Your Personal Muse

Not Voting (5): AnonymousNarcotics, Johnny Keats, NeverHelm, PhantomMuzzles, Tsietisin

With 6 alive, it's 4 votes to execute. The current deadline is June 01st, 2024 at 5 p.m. EDT -- that's in about 3 hours, 23 minutes.

Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing...

Jul 2, 2004

Time passes quickly on the weekend.

Oh drat, 3 hours.

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

Tsietisin posted:

Oh drat, 3 hours.


Jul 2, 2004

Time passes quickly on the weekend.

Deadline is a lot earlier than I was expecting.

You also want to know the annoying thing. Writing your theory in Notepad, then having your computer crash.

Jul 2, 2004

Time passes quickly on the weekend.

Okay, rewriting this in the quick version from what I remember.

AnonymousNarcotics - Not too much to go on as they have been ill through a lot of this. Not really made a massive amount of observations.

Johnny Keats - I'm still sus of the original miller claim made by WinD and there has been minimal information since then. Didn't vote for Egalz, but then again neither did I. Feels like scum trying to stay in background.

NeverHelm - After my earlier post, I wonder if they are a scum busdriver there to instill chaos. Considering the scum doing the save on town to sew chaos, it makes me wonder if they have continued this throughout the game.

PhantomMuzzles - After the claim of being Jesus and not getting counterclaimed, I am happy to believe that they are who they say they are. I reckon that the Jesus character will be town.

Your Personal Muse - Has given some good observations throughout and has helped with my understanding of the game. Out of everyone, probably the one I trust the most.

In short, the ones causing me the most concern are Keats and NH.

Aug 6, 2012

we will go far into the sea
you will take me
onto your back
never look back
never look back
Oh wow yeah deadline is soon. I really think it's more likely ypm than nh. Or both with some severe bussing?

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
I agree let's vote YPM


Aug 6, 2012

we will go far into the sea
you will take me
onto your back
never look back
never look back
Is anyone else even around? Hellooooo out thereeee

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