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Dec 13, 2011

god please help me posted:

Wouldn't it be alright to save as many Palestinian lives as possible by not electing the orange fuhrer?

There’s this weird subset of online leftists that seem to embrace the coming wave of fascism in the hopes that it’ll immamentize the eschaton, with the smugness that their hands will be clean because they simply did not vote.

I would love to see it go away, because it’s frankly quite depressing.


Grip it and rip it
Apr 28, 2020

Mustang posted:

I don't think there's any fixing it. poo poo is just hosed and will continue to get worse, and the rich will have their idyllic enclaves while the rest of the world burns.

Well you're still alive and nothing about the future is set in stone. European Union parliamentary elections not going how you would prefer is hardly a rational basis to give up on democracy or aspirations that the future can be better. There will be hundreds or thousands of future elections and events that represent an opportunity to turn things around.

Kazinsal posted:

There’s this weird subset of online leftists that seem to embrace the coming wave of fascism in the hopes that it’ll immamentize the eschaton, with the smugness that their hands will be clean because they simply did not vote.

I would love to see it go away, because it’s frankly quite depressing.

It's the loving stupidest set of morons I have seen since the idiots in 2016 claiming that voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil. I'm beginning to think that leftists do actually have brain damage, and I donate to the DSA.

Aug 3, 2007 posted:

Former President Donald Trump, speaking in Las Vegas on Sunday, seemed to compare the dangers of batteries for electric vehicles and sharks, just days after three people, including two Alabama teens, were injured in two Florida shark attacks.

“I say, what would happen if the boat sank from its weight, and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there,” Trump said.

“By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, did you notice? I watched some guys justifying it today. ‘Well they weren’t really that angry. They bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact, that they were not hungry, but they misunderstood who she was,’” Trump continued.

“These people are crazy. He said there’s no problem with sharks they just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming out and got decimated and other people too.”

Ultimately, Trump said he would stay on the boat and risk electrocution rather than a shark.

“Do I get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark? I’m not going near the shark.”

Mountain Brook teens Lulu Gribbin and McCray Faust were injured Friday in one of two shark attacks in a span of 90 minutes along about four miles of beach in Walton County.

It's like bad improv.

god please help me
Jul 9, 2018

Kazinsal posted:

There’s this weird subset of online leftists that seem to embrace the coming wave of fascism in the hopes that it’ll immamentize the eschaton, with the smugness that their hands will be clean because they simply did not vote.

I would love to see it go away, because it’s frankly quite depressing.

I sincerely hope it's only the super online people who are getting suckered by the "don't vote" psyop. It's intensely distressing to me to realize that, no, gently caress, the younger people will not help save me. The most pure online leftists who claim to be the champion for minorities will not save me. I'm trying very hard to combat the don't vote psyop that currently helps the far right around the world, but still if Trump is going to get access to the world again, I at least don't want the don't vote people to go on thinking that they are morally superior for abandoning everyone who needed them to not allow the far right to win.

Had a vegan person who never posted anything in my discord server unless it was looking down at other people quietly leave when we pointed out that elections in America affects the whole world, but people outside of the country can't affect it. That there's so much anxiety about if the people online who say that there's no worth in voting are going to allow a Trump presidency to happen and influence more Melonis, more trucker blockades, more Bolsonaros, etc., to get their start too. I guess that sort of person who crows on about privilege doesn't like it when others tell them to use their own privilege responsibly.

god please help me fucked around with this message at 04:14 on Jun 10, 2024

Jun 18, 2006

“We don’t really know where this goes — and I’m not sure we really care.”
My question for "moderate" Democrat voters is this: is supporting the genocide of Palestinians more important for your Democrat vote than protecting American democracy?

And so far, that answer is "I will compromise on absolutely nothing when it comes to supporting Israel".

Whether it's Israel or immigration moderate Americans are more than willing to compromise with the right, why is compromise with the left unacceptable to them?

Their refusal to compromise when it comes to genocide makes me think that they don't earnestly believe that Trump is an apocalyptic threat to the country.

I understand that Obama and Biden make it seem like red lines are just a performative fiction, but they aren't for everyone.

I'm uninterested in why they refuse to budge. There is no good reason to support genocide that will magically placate my concerns. The history of America's support for Israel is irrelevant when it comes to doing the right thing as far as I'm concerned.

At the end of the day these people are choosing genocide over the future of the country, so I don't find arguments that I'm choosing my morals over America's future to be very convincing.

Vincent Van Goatse
Nov 8, 2006

Enjoy every sandwich.


Mustang posted:

My question for "moderate" Democrat voters is this: is supporting the genocide of Palestinians more important for your Democrat vote than protecting American democracy?

I reject your premise because it's false.

Jun 18, 2006

“We don’t really know where this goes — and I’m not sure we really care.”
Nah. They just invited a war criminal to address congress.

There is no red line Israel can cross that will cost them their support and Israel knows that.

Grip it and rip it
Apr 28, 2020
lol whatever dude just vote for Trump to own the dems or whatever. Your tortured rationale doesn't really mean anything and discussing it here isn't going to create any kind of change.

May 13, 2009
Gotta love the logic where you let the wanna be dictator openly encouraging the genocide win so you can show the other guy that actually wants to minimize the civilian loss of life that he isn't doing enough.

Vincent Van Goatse
Nov 8, 2006

Enjoy every sandwich.


Grip it and rip it posted:

lol whatever dude just vote for Trump to own the dems or whatever. Your tortured rationale doesn't really mean anything and discussing it here isn't going to create any kind of change.

I mean given that a Republican controlled government would fluff Netanyahu even harder I'm still voting for Biden.

Dec 13, 2011

MonkeyFit posted:

Gotta love the logic where you let the wanna be dictator openly encouraging the genocide win so you can show the other guy that actually wants to minimize the civilian loss of life that he isn't doing enough.

It's the kind of "logic" you just can't reason someone out of tbh.

Apr 3, 2009
Can't post for 3 hours!
I bet Bibi is loving how ignoring US pressure is making it easier for Trump to win.

god please help me
Jul 9, 2018

Vincent Van Goatse posted:

I mean given that a Republican controlled government would fluff Netanyahu even harder I'm still voting for Biden.


Mar 13, 2011
Sorry, I didn't read your post.

I'm too busy replying to what I wish you said

First, I doubt a statistically significant number of left-of-democrats are seriously considering voting for trump outright. The options are vote for Biden or don't vote. So let's not pretend that's a thing.

Second, left-of-democrats thinking about not voting are probably struggling with the concept that no matter what you do in this election, you end up with blood on your hands. The available options only limit how much.

Instead of sympathizing with them, some of you are mocking or berating them or creating strawmen (such as my first point), then doubling down when they don't immediately agree with you. That's not going to accomplish what you want.

Soul Dentist
Mar 17, 2009
I think it's actually noisy protestation in order to draw attention to the supposed voter

Feb 23, 2007
Ooo! Look at me! NO DON'T LOOK AT ME!

Nothing is going to accomplish what we want, what's wanted is marginally different but incompatible things. Ie as much as we can get, if not for us then for someone else, vs. going on strike against a system that can't get us enough.
Only thing left is to justify what you want to yourself and have catharsis by yelling at the others

Sep 12, 2006

✨sparkle and shine✨

MonkeyFit posted:

the other guy that actually wants to minimize the civilian loss of life

If this were the case he would be doing the things that actually, obviously would minimize civilian loss of life like putting boots on the ground in Gaza to protect aid shipments, to say nothing of stopping the JDAM pipeline.

I don’t see how you can look at Biden’s actions and statements and feel that minimizing the loss of civilian life is an actual desire, unless you just mean “wants that, but wants it less than all the things that cause the entirely avoidable civilian loss of life”.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

Mustang posted:

Nah. They just invited a war criminal to address congress.

There is no red line Israel can cross that will cost them their support and Israel knows that.

Neither party is going to address that, because that's a larger fuckup of US Geopolitics.

Mustang posted:

My question for "moderate" Democrat voters is this: is supporting the genocide of Palestinians more important for your Democrat vote than protecting American democracy?

And so far, that answer is "I will compromise on absolutely nothing when it comes to supporting Israel".

Whether it's Israel or immigration moderate Americans are more than willing to compromise with the right, why is compromise with the left unacceptable to them?

Their refusal to compromise when it comes to genocide makes me think that they don't earnestly believe that Trump is an apocalyptic threat to the country.

I understand that Obama and Biden make it seem like red lines are just a performative fiction, but they aren't for everyone.

I'm uninterested in why they refuse to budge. There is no good reason to support genocide that will magically placate my concerns. The history of America's support for Israel is irrelevant when it comes to doing the right thing as far as I'm concerned.

At the end of the day these people are choosing genocide over the future of the country, so I don't find arguments that I'm choosing my morals over America's future to be very convincing.

Okay first off: gently caress you. Neither party is going to address this, pretending either option will make it better for the Palestinians is a false narrative and you are just fishing at this point. And no, Third Party is not a loving option. You pretend like this is so simple and its not.

At this point I'm pulling the lever to protect my family and friends because I have zero power over the madmen that control Israel nor do I have the power to change how US-Israel relations have worked for the past 30+ years, but on the other hand I can try to avoid the orange rear end in a top hat who wants to bring that sort of poo poo here to domestic issues AND give Bibi a free pass to continue whatever at an even faster rate.

Its infuriating you keep coming back asking the same 'What if/Just Asking Loaded Questions' when you know that none of this is going to change anything in regards to Palestine.

Vincent Van Goatse posted:

I mean given that a Republican controlled government would fluff Netanyahu even harder I'm still voting for Biden.

Given that it IS a republican controlled Legislative Branch for the most party, free preview!

CommieGIR fucked around with this message at 12:03 on Jun 10, 2024

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
Can we shift the election talk to another thread? It’s tiring to read and derails this thread for pages.

That Works
Jul 22, 2006

Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy

Mr. Nice! posted:

Can we shift the election talk to another thread? It’s tiring to read and derails this thread for pages.

Yeah if theres like a major update its thread relevant but dooming about how to or not to choose the lesser of two evils is an endless discussion imo.

Stultus Maximus
Dec 21, 2009

Here's another sort of doom and I won't even talk about how the election matters (even though it very much does):

This past April was only slightly cooler than June was in the 1940s.

Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine

Stultus Maximus posted:

This past April was only slightly cooler than June was in the 1940s.

I garden and this poo poo is tangible where I live. In fact, I just got bumped from USDA Zone 9a to 9b with last year's update.

Looking up when to start seeds, or how many chill hours your area gets (important for most fruit trees as well as some seeds)? Better make sure your source is from the last 20 years. Preferably 5-10.

Milo and POTUS
Sep 3, 2017

I will not shut up about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I talk about them all the time and work them into every conversation I have. I built a shrine in my room for the yellow one who died because sadly no one noticed because she died around 9/11. Wanna see it?

He's going to go full caligula and just start shooting at the ocean soon right

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug
Fetterman doubling down on being dumb:

Caveat: Its a Right Wing publication but he really did say this.

CommieGIR fucked around with this message at 14:58 on Jun 10, 2024

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB

CommieGIR posted:

Fetterman doubling down on being dumb:

loving A what a disappointment. His wife left him too eh?

Arc Light
Sep 26, 2013

CommieGIR posted:

Fetterman doubling down on being dumb:

Top 10 anime betrayals

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

Crab Dad posted:

loving A what a disappointment. His wife left him too eh?

I don't think that's for certain, all I know is she took a break from social media.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

CommieGIR posted:

Fetterman doubling down on being dumb:

Caveat: Its a Right Wing publication but he really did say this.

It's about Gaza.

Unfortunate link (because lol it was a Bill Maher interview)


"I didn't leave the label, it left me on that," Fetterman said. "After what happened on October 7, I really knew that whole progressive stack would be blasted apart and there would not be any kind of way how the Democrats are going to be able to reply to that kind of response... And I really decided early on that I believe that was gonna be the right side with Israel throughout all of that…. Democrats would continue to peel away and kind of walk away from standing with Israel on that."

"How do you explain that, if you can," Maher interjected, "that the people who consider themselves the most liberal have abandoned Israel, which was always a liberal darling for the people who- the terrorist organization who outwardly say they want a genocide, who outwardly are on the one side who is against the two-state solution. Somehow, they wound up with them. Why do you think that is, and will this split the Democrat party?"

"Well, it does, because there's an appeal there," Fetterman responded. "I think you talked about that like last week. You really hit with the gender apartheid…. Some of the most progressive and left parts of the Democratic Party are standing for the kind of side that have kinds of organizations like Hamas or these kinds of nations that there are no rights for women and they certainly don't embrace the LGBTQ kinds of lifestyle."

"And even in Philadelphia, the Queers for Palestine blocked the Pride Parade in Philadelphia, and I never saw that on the Bingo card," Fetterman quipped. 

Fetterman is pissing off progressives over Gaza... and nothing else to the best of my knowledge. It's just Gaza. Single-issue brain-breaking.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

facialimpediment posted:

It's about Gaza.

Unfortunate link (because lol it was a Bill Maher interview)

Fetterman is pissing off progressives over Gaza... and nothing else to the best of my knowledge. It's just Gaza. Single-issue brain-breaking.

Oh that's not too surprising given he was pretty clear about his terrible stance on Gaza from the beginning.

Oct 28, 2008

He's now openly mocking his own constituents as well.

Dude just fuckin sucks. Gritty needs to use his superhuman powers to give him a gym shorts wedgie.

Stultus Maximus
Dec 21, 2009

Oh look Bill Maher is continuing his lifelong career of being a smug disingenuous dick


the people who consider themselves the most liberal have abandoned Israel, which was always a liberal darling


the terrorist organization who outwardly say they want a genocide, who outwardly are on the one side who is against the two-state solution.

Liberals are sure crazy, based on poo poo Bill Maher pulls out of his rear end in a top hat!

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

pantslesswithwolves posted:

He's now openly mocking his own constituents as well.

It's also the Sunrise Movement, they're basically climate trolls that will doomer us into increased fossil fuel usage.


Dude just fuckin sucks. Gritty needs to use his superhuman powers to give him a gym shorts wedgie.

Nah that's just Maher :v:. Fetterman's a progressive that's left the reservation on Gaza and immigration, where he's basically a normie Democrat. His approval ratings are a net-positive in a state where Biden's underwater. Ideological purges based on a few issues are bad imo.

In happier, non-political news, check out the forecast for Florida:

Not just rising ocean levels to worry about!

Apr 14, 2011

God drat that's a lot of rain

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice
Hey, God, if you want to throw in another Category gently caress-You tornado like Maryland got a few days ago and just turn Mar-a-Lago into a smear of debris on the map I promise I'll go to church or whatever. Probably best for the nation if it's intense enough to shred all of the nuclear secrets it's gonna end up blowing around the place but that's just gilding the lily at that point.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

bird food bathtub posted:

Hey, God, if you want to throw in another Category gently caress-You tornado like Maryland got a few days ago and just turn Mar-a-Lago into a smear of debris on the map I promise I'll go to church or whatever. Probably best for the nation if it's intense enough to shred all of the nuclear secrets it's gonna end up blowing around the place but that's just gilding the lily at that point.

Didn't even think about that - they're in the 8-10" range in Palm Beach. He's also getting his probation officer pre-sentencing interview via zoom today! I wonder if he leaves in time to do any campaigning with how poo poo that weather could be.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
The weather isn’t starting for a few days. In the meantime we’re getting ridiculously high temps.

Dec 5, 2010
Av blanked by Admin request.

Remember when Stormy Daniels got a default judgment because :smugdon: opened his mouth about a fear of sharks, which confirmed something he claimed he didn't tell her?

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Uncurrent event being recognized right now: nope. Nopenopenopenope.


On December 13, 2022, the Scout 94 crew faced a life-threatening situation while flying a B-52 from Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, to Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana. The three aircrew members on board were Capt. Charles Powell, 11th Bomb Squadron aircraft commander, now the Director of Staff, Lt. Col. John Conway, 11th Bomb Squadron radar navigator, now Air Combat Command Training Support Squadron Detachment 13 commander, and Capt. Matthew Walls, 343 Bomb Squadron copilot, now unit deployment manager.

The bomber was avoiding thunderstorms while preparing to land. As the B-52 descended towards the Louisiana airfield, its left-side electrical generators failed, and all four engines on the plane’s left wing went dead. With no thrust coming from the left-side of the plane but all four engines on the right still working, the bomber immediately went into uncontrolled left roll, began to descend and  slowed below normal approach speed.

“The emergency was sudden and caused brief but extreme disorientation to myself and the other crew members,” Walls said in a statement. “All the systems kicked off at once, and the aircraft went completely dark, engines flamed out, and controlling the aircraft became a battle.”
When a B-52 loses all the engines on one side of the plane — the plane has a total of 8, four on each wing — the crew faces “the worst possible case for an engine-out situation.”  With thrust on just one side, a condition known as ‘asymmetric thrust.’ Having all the power on one side of the plane will put the plane into a spin if corrective action is not taken quickly,  Gunzinger told Task & Purpose.

Making matters even more dangerous, Scout 94 was already descending when it lost the four engines, said Gunzinger, who is currently the director of future concepts and capability assessments at the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies.

Roughly three minutes into the emergency, Powell was able to restart two of the engines that had initially failed to come back to life. That helped to stabilize the asymmetrical load on the aircraft.

After declaring an emergency with air traffic control, the bomber’s crew pulled off a non-standard right turn to avoid bad weather as they prepared to land.

“I was very fortunate to have a crew who handled their responsibilities so I could focus on the one thing that mattered in the moment– fly the jet,” Powell said in the news release.

The crew was finally able to regain control of the B-52 at roughly 1,200 feet. That is low altitude for a B-52 to recover, Gunzinger said.

Problematic Soup
Feb 18, 2007
Recovery at 1200 feet? Jfc. Everyone must have needed new underwear after they landed.


Grip it and rip it
Apr 28, 2020

facialimpediment posted:

Uncurrent event being recognized right now: nope. Nopenopenopenope.

What the gently caress? Shouldn't there be a bunch of redundancies to route power from one generator to another or something like that for a long range bomber?

Grip it and rip it fucked around with this message at 18:47 on Jun 10, 2024

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