Grip it and rip it posted:I think thats generally due to the extremely high cost of not doing it quickly. Other funding needs will likely be harmed hy these decisions. There's an unholy poo poo ton of external costs for us having the world's shittiest and most expensive health care but that hits poor people the hardest so gently caress them nobody cares, as a nation we're only motivated by threats to money not people.
# ? Jun 11, 2024 16:55 |
# ? Sep 10, 2024 12:02 |
Terrifying Effigies posted:Pairs up God how did I forget this
# ? Jun 11, 2024 16:57 |
hobbesmaster posted:That makes more sense. Oh wow. I love the attempt at flattery
# ? Jun 11, 2024 17:03 |
Nick Soapdish posted:https://x.com/NorahODonnell/status/1800548250321314083?t=CVdTYoLM5VwGi5SikS584A&s=19 Hunter now has the opportunity to do the funniest thing possible and appeal to SCOTUS under the Bruen doctrine. Scalia in front of two buttons labeled "gun control bad" and "Biden crime family"
# ? Jun 11, 2024 17:11 |
bird food bathtub posted:There's an unholy poo poo ton of external costs for us having the world's shittiest and most expensive health care but that hits poor people the hardest so gently caress them nobody cares, as a nation we're only motivated by threats to money not people. Those additional costs make people money. The added cost of not opening the harbor doesn't really benefit anyone in the same way. I'm not trying to rationalize the cost of US healthcare but there is always going to be money for projects that facilitate commerce, at the expense of projects that don't appear to. Of course we always make exceptions to this rule to maximize human suffering. This is America afterall. Grip it and rip it fucked around with this message at 17:19 on Jun 11, 2024 |
# ? Jun 11, 2024 17:16 |
Terrifying Effigies posted:Hunter now has the opportunity to do the funniest thing possible and appeal to SCOTUS under the Bruen doctrine. I think his lawyers said they would argue “that question” on the 4473 is unconstitutional, and they may have a decent chance- IKRC two Trump-appointed judges ruled that it was in other cases, but I don’t think those were challenged under Bruen. It would be extremely ironic if an eventual Biden vs US case goes before SCOTUS and gets another loosening of gun laws.
# ? Jun 11, 2024 17:36 |
hobbesmaster posted:That makes more sense. Do people know these aren't things the judge actually said in real life
# ? Jun 11, 2024 21:07 |
Show cause (to give the snitch stitches) order given by the Georgia RICO judge, so I bet the crazy accelerates into multiple jailings https://x.com/SeidenWSBTV/status/1800617958055571526?t=tdI2ptv0YVo-S_oI_z3Zzg&s=19
# ? Jun 11, 2024 22:26 |
The dude/dudette is the chief judge of the county that includes Atlanta!?
# ? Jun 11, 2024 22:38 |
bird food bathtub posted:There's an unholy poo poo ton of external costs for us having the world's shittiest and most expensive health care but that hits poor people the hardest so gently caress them nobody cares, as a nation we're only motivated by threats to money not people. US healthcare really isn't that bad - it's actually quite good. The issue is that it's expensive for people who don't have good insurance. I don't think enough Americans realize and appreciate this subtle, but extremely important, distinction. Source: I've lived in the UK (awful healthcare, but cheap), Germany (good and cheap), and the US (great but expensive) psydude fucked around with this message at 22:51 on Jun 11, 2024 |
# ? Jun 11, 2024 22:48 |
facialimpediment posted:Show cause (to give the snitch stitches) order given by the Georgia RICO judge, so I bet the crazy accelerates into multiple jailings Am I reading this correctly that those people have to prove that they didn't leak the meeting?
# ? Jun 11, 2024 22:50 |
facialimpediment posted:Show cause (to give the snitch stitches) order given by the Georgia RICO judge, so I bet the crazy accelerates into multiple jailings
# ? Jun 11, 2024 22:59 |
psydude posted:US healthcare really isn't that bad - it's actually quite good. The issue is that it's expensive for people who don't have good insurance. I don't think enough Americans realize and appreciate this subtle, but extremely important, distinction. i don't think i could ever describe the us health care system as "great"; if you're rich and can afford it, sure (but that goes anywhere). if you're on normie poo poo? get hosed
# ? Jun 11, 2024 23:05 |
US healthcare is the literal proof of the old William Gibson quote about "the future is already here, it's just not very evenly distributed"
# ? Jun 11, 2024 23:22 |
Zamujasa posted:i don't think i could ever describe the us health care system as "great"; if you're rich and can afford it, sure (but that goes anywhere). if you're on normie poo poo? get hosed What’s your frame of reference? Mine is US and Canada in non-rural parts of the respective countries with my grandmother on Medicare and Medicaid. It’s generally pretty good in both countries with the trade off being time vs money. In the US seeing the “free” docs that took Medicaid saw our visits usually take 90 minutes from the appointment time until she was walking out with her meds and everything. In Canada it was typically closer to 3 hours. She had numerous health issues, but the quality of care was largely the same. The US doctors tended to see her faster, but all major surgeries were performed in Canada. She had better continuity of care in Canada because she saw the same doctor there for years, vs a rotating cast of short timers in the states despite going to the same practice. Canada tended to place a priority on the GP while the US tended to push towards specialists. On the whole the quality was largely the same across both nations in the one example. I’m just not sure if results are typical or not for the wider population, and I know the rural population is seriously underserved vs the suburban and urban populations.
# ? Jun 11, 2024 23:34 |
mostly just my own and those around me, and my own experiences (on "decent" insurance) being endless delays, misdirection, and overall a health care system that could not be bothered to care about you in the least. doctors offices where you would be scheduled for an appointment at 2 (only to get seen around 4:30, hope you didn't need that time), or being so over-filled that it was literally impossible to make an appointment (call every morning at 6 in case someone cancelled), or the ridiculous "group appointments" they tried to push due to overcrowding; everyone sits in a big circle while people are called back one by one for vitals checks, and the doctor goes person by person asking why they're there -- really cool hearing about other people's hosed up feet or literal psychotic episodes with zero privacy my favorite is my mental health doctor whose last communication to me was "sorry our contract is over and we don't take your insurance, here's a $60 check for overpayment, good luck" on top of constantly spotty access to meds for years or going to a hospital twice over two years, where the second time they started coming in to treat me for the completely wrong reason and i had to start getting on people's case until they actually loving listened and went "oh poo poo right this is from last year" compared to stories of friends in the UK and Canada who have issues and get seen in reasonable timeframes without going home to endless bill collectors because even with "good" insurance your day trip to the hospital was still thousands of dollars there is a joke on the vegas subreddit: where's the best place to get health care in Nevada? California.
# ? Jun 11, 2024 23:50 |
Nystral posted:The US doctors tended to see her faster, but all major surgeries were performed in Canada. She had better continuity of care in Canada because she saw the same doctor there for years, vs a rotating cast of short timers in the states despite going to the same practice. Was that because the specialists were scheduling 6-12+ months out in the US?
# ? Jun 11, 2024 23:53 |
Wingnut Ninja posted:Am I reading this correctly that those people have to prove that they didn't leak the meeting? Correct. Another lawyer friend thinks it’s a way for the judge to get out of sending the lawyer to jail for contempt because he’ll know who told defense attorneys about his unethical ex parte in chambers hearing.
# ? Jun 12, 2024 00:23 |
psydude posted:US healthcare really isn't that bad - it's actually quite good. The issue is that it's expensive for people who don't have good insurance. I don't think enough Americans realize and appreciate this subtle, but extremely important, distinction. My dad can no longer advocate for himself and the healthcare system might as well not exist for anything outside of emergency hospitalizations. Even with my help he's getting poo poo care. Can't see his primary much less a specialist in under 6 months.
# ? Jun 12, 2024 00:40 |
facialimpediment posted:In happier, non-political news, check out the forecast for Florida: And it's happening for Western Florida! https://twitter.com/jpetramala/status/1800670499435110680 https://twitter.com/WeatherProf/status/1800678671646339239
# ? Jun 12, 2024 01:00 |
hobbesmaster posted:Was that because the specialists were scheduling 6-12+ months out in the US? For Medicare/caid? Yeah. The number of specialists that would see her given her age, overall condition, and whatnot were limited. Especially pain management docs. IIRC, it’s been five or so years since I had to really think about this, the root issue was Medicaid vs Medicare and the way my uncle had structured things with which was primary and the fact that she didn’t have a Medicare Advantage plan or whatever the supplemental plan is called. But the same was also true in Canada under OHIP, just my aunts could take better care of her post surgery and unlike Florida there is working public transport in much of Toronto so she could get around easier independently.
# ? Jun 12, 2024 02:03 |
Those time frames are the same for private insurance.
# ? Jun 12, 2024 02:06 |
Hunter Biden lost my vote today.
# ? Jun 12, 2024 02:07 |
facialimpediment posted:And it's happening for Western Florida! Summer is literally a season of utter dread for me now. It's 5 months of anxiety bordering on low key panic and at best it's unbearable heat with bugs the size of hummingbirds. How anyone could seek this out I will never know
# ? Jun 12, 2024 02:16 |
davecrazy posted:Hunter Biden lost my vote today. On the bright side he's qualified for office
# ? Jun 12, 2024 02:17 |
I have good insurance and my last half-dozen appointments for specialists have all been 3+ months out.
# ? Jun 12, 2024 02:19 |
psydude posted:US healthcare really isn't that bad - it's actually quite good. The issue is that it's expensive for people who don't have good insurance. I don't think enough Americans realize and appreciate this subtle, but extremely important, distinction. "lovely healthcare" and "great healthcare that's largely inaccessible" are functionally the same thing.
# ? Jun 12, 2024 02:49 |
davecrazy posted:Hunter Biden lost my vote today. I guess the right wing spin is that this was done to make Trump's conviction look legit. Very sane and reasonable group of people.
# ? Jun 12, 2024 04:15 |
Meanwhile, in New Zealand, we have a man who is apparently trying to grant his lawyer the first justifiable homicide defence against a client: https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350308214/baby-mustafas-father-acknowledges-cpr-efforts-may-have-contributed-babys-death quote:On Wednesday, Ali admitted to Stuff he was responsible for some of the injuries that his son suffered on the day of his death, but said he believed the baby had suffered other injuries before that day from “someone else”.
# ? Jun 12, 2024 04:25 |
MonkeyFit posted:"lovely healthcare" and "great healthcare that's largely inaccessible" are functionally the same thing. Sure. And the reason why the distinction is important is because fixing the affordability and accessibility should be the aim. Something like regulating prices and introducing a real single payer system (not loving Medicare) similar to what Germany has would go a long way.
# ? Jun 12, 2024 06:30 |
If anyone wants to read more details about how horrible Stockton Rush was (it's even worse than originally thought) and what a boon and grace it is that he's been disintegrated and can do no more harm: https://www.wired.com/story/titan-submersible-disaster-inside-story-oceangate-files/
# ? Jun 12, 2024 06:47 |
the guy absolutely thought that his power of innovation and positive thoughts would beat the laws of physics
# ? Jun 12, 2024 06:57 |
psydude posted:Sure. And the reason why the distinction is important is because fixing the affordability and accessibility should be the aim. Something like regulating prices and introducing a real single payer system (not loving Medicare) similar to what Germany has would go a long way. I don't disagree. I don't understand how so many people will bitch about their insurance not covering poo poo, but will defend to the death the idea that you should be stuck with a for-profit middle man that is chosen not by you, but your employer. Additionally, a single payer/universal healthcare system would mean that vets don't have to rely on the VA to get poo poo taken care of.
# ? Jun 12, 2024 08:31 |
ded posted:the guy absolutely thought that his power of innovation and positive thoughts would beat the laws of physics I would like to personally thank Stockton Rush for crushing himself to death in the purest act of hubris imaginable, surpassing even steam rocket flat earth guy. I want to get a little bust of him made for my desk at work.
# ? Jun 12, 2024 10:59 |
Elviscat posted:a little bust of him made for my desk at work. This shouldn't be hard if the artist is working from life
# ? Jun 12, 2024 11:04 |
Soul Dentist posted:This shouldn't be hard if the artist is working from life A Stockton Rush mousepad eh
# ? Jun 12, 2024 11:14 |
Elviscat posted:I would like to personally thank Stockton Rush for crushing himself to death in the purest act of hubris imaginable, surpassing even steam rocket flat earth guy. I want to get a little bust of him made for my desk at work. you'd have to send it over to the youtube hydraulic press folks for authenticity, though
# ? Jun 12, 2024 13:45 |
The Eyes Have It posted:If anyone wants to read more details about how horrible Stockton Rush was (it's even worse than originally thought) and what a boon and grace it is that he's been disintegrated and can do no more harm: https://www.wired.com/story/titan-submersible-disaster-inside-story-oceangate-files/ I hate the Wire website so I think I'm reading the same thing at https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/06/inside-the-titan-submersible-disaster/ And WTF quote:As I began to feel the chill seeping through the sub’s steel hull, Rush asked me to open my iPhone’s compass app. He wanted to compare it to the one on his phone. The headings did not match, but he rebooted the thrusters and we set off in what he was pretty sure was the right direction. quote:David Lochridge, who oversaw marine operations at the company and who needed to sign off on the transfer, became convinced that Titan was unsafe. In January 2018, Lochridge sent Rush a quality-control inspection report detailing 27 issues with the vehicle, from questionable O-ring seals on the domes and missing bolts to flammable materials and more concerns about its carbon-fiber hull. Rush fired him the next day. quote:I have grown tired of industry players who try to use a safety argument to stop innovation and new entrants from entering their small existing market,” Rush wrote to McCallum. “Since [starting] OceanGate we have heard the baseless cries of ‘you are going to kill someone’ way too often.”
# ? Jun 12, 2024 14:09 |
Stultus Maximus posted:I hate the Wire website so I think I'm reading the same thing at https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/06/inside-the-titan-submersible-disaster/ Lol what a loving clown I do feel bad for the kid who didn't want to go and was forced by his dad
# ? Jun 12, 2024 14:32 |
# ? Sep 10, 2024 12:02 |
Yeah minus the kid this could be the funniest dark comedy ever made.
# ? Jun 12, 2024 14:37 |