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Dec 13, 2011

god please help me posted:

Wouldn't it be alright to save as many Palestinian lives as possible by not electing the orange fuhrer?

There’s this weird subset of online leftists that seem to embrace the coming wave of fascism in the hopes that it’ll immamentize the eschaton, with the smugness that their hands will be clean because they simply did not vote.

I would love to see it go away, because it’s frankly quite depressing.


Dec 13, 2011

MonkeyFit posted:

Gotta love the logic where you let the wanna be dictator openly encouraging the genocide win so you can show the other guy that actually wants to minimize the civilian loss of life that he isn't doing enough.

It's the kind of "logic" you just can't reason someone out of tbh.

Dec 13, 2011

Midjack posted:

That also jumps out at me.

I feel like it's a situation where the medical community has agreed upon "We can't accurately narrow it down, but there's enough people with some combination of post-COVID long-term symptoms and lethargy that we need to define something so health insurance will cover them".

An acquaintance of mine has had "long COVID" since mid-2020, and I've seen his suffering in person. He's gone from being a vaguely healthy guy in his late 40s to needing a walker and not being able to sit down and draw on his art workstation for more than a couple hours before needing a nap. Half a dozen doctors couldn't figure out what it was other than "long term post-COVID symptomatic illness". If he wasn't a Mormon I would wonder if it was some kind of hard activation of COPD or drinkin'-related-organ-burnout or something like that from it.

As of now it's unexplainable, but being able to define that it exists is at least something of a step towards helping people who have gotten insanely hosed up from a case of COVID.

Dec 13, 2011

Dick's in Seattle is usually really good. I enjoy Shake Shack burgers but mostly as a travel novelty because they're still not in Canada and won't be in Vancouver for at least another two years :mad:

Dec 13, 2011

My Spirit Otter posted:

speaking of bc and fast food, im on the island and tried lees chicken the other day. aside from the fact that the spicy chicken was white person spicy and not actually spicy, it was drat good

Lee's in Esquimalt? That place is great. One of two joints in Victoria I really miss (the other being the venerable Red Barn Market chain with their extremely cheap build-your-own-enormous-sandwich bars).

Dec 13, 2011

GD_American posted:

I thought it was cute that the McDonald's in Hatch actually sold a Hatch chile cheeseburger

I honestly miss pre-pandemic post-mobile-ordering McD's. Around 2019 or so up here in Canada they really had their poo poo together. They had a bacon cheddar Angus burger with real thick strips of bacon and actual cheddar, not processed cheese, which was a few bucks more than a quarter pounder but 200% worth it. Genuinely good food.

They also stopped doing hashbrowns with all-day breakfast when COVID hit and I will never truly forgive them for that.

Dec 13, 2011

OddObserver posted:

No, because "49.999… repeating percent" is the same thing as 50%

It's 50%, with the implied admission that it's not reeeeeeally 50%.

Dec 13, 2011

I lucked into a unionized computer touching gig. The downside is that even a lovely condo in the far suburbs of Vancouver is $900-1000/sqft.

I expect I'll finally be able to buy a house around the time I retire, because all my older relatives will have died by then and I don't have any siblings to split inheritances with.

Dec 13, 2011

CBJSprague24 posted:

All I want to see is what happens the first time they cut Donnie's mic off and sparks start flying out of his head.

I want him to yell some profanities, storm off the stage, and for Joe to just go "so how's everyone else doing tonight"

Dec 13, 2011

Trump's aides found the last of the stash of the good sudafed I guess


Dec 13, 2011

bulletsponge13 posted:

WTF did TFR do?
Besides exist, I mean.

Guns icky. Mass shootings. Pay no mind to multiple C-SPAM threads getting memory holed by the admins because one of their forums superstars blindly fired a handgun into a crowd of people at a bus stop under multiple security cameras thinking he was going to be a hero for killing proud boys.

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