facialimpediment posted:the big ol' $120K bribe didn't work Was the Juror who reported the bribe attempt disqualified? Not sure if attempted bribery is enough to disqualify a seated juror
# ¿ Jun 7, 2024 20:06 |
# ¿ Sep 17, 2024 06:24 |
joat mon posted:Short answer: If witness pleads the 5th, give the witness immunity. Then the witness has no 5th and can be forced to testify. But given the witness was jailed for contempt, isn’t that what likely happened?
# ¿ Jun 10, 2024 22:43 |
joat mon posted:Yes, if an immunized witness fails to testify, they can be jailed for contempt until they decide to testify (at least until the trial is over, don't think you can keep them jailed during any appeals) I don’t think this kind of gently caress up can be cured, so it’s a mistrial then? Can a GA appeals court step in and force the mistrial or do we all have to wait for the charade to conclude?
# ¿ Jun 10, 2024 23:49 |
Zamujasa posted:i don't think i could ever describe the us health care system as "great"; if you're rich and can afford it, sure (but that goes anywhere). if you're on normie poo poo? get hosed What’s your frame of reference? Mine is US and Canada in non-rural parts of the respective countries with my grandmother on Medicare and Medicaid. It’s generally pretty good in both countries with the trade off being time vs money. In the US seeing the “free” docs that took Medicaid saw our visits usually take 90 minutes from the appointment time until she was walking out with her meds and everything. In Canada it was typically closer to 3 hours. She had numerous health issues, but the quality of care was largely the same. The US doctors tended to see her faster, but all major surgeries were performed in Canada. She had better continuity of care in Canada because she saw the same doctor there for years, vs a rotating cast of short timers in the states despite going to the same practice. Canada tended to place a priority on the GP while the US tended to push towards specialists. On the whole the quality was largely the same across both nations in the one example. I’m just not sure if results are typical or not for the wider population, and I know the rural population is seriously underserved vs the suburban and urban populations.
# ¿ Jun 11, 2024 23:34 |
hobbesmaster posted:Was that because the specialists were scheduling 6-12+ months out in the US? For Medicare/caid? Yeah. The number of specialists that would see her given her age, overall condition, and whatnot were limited. Especially pain management docs. IIRC, it’s been five or so years since I had to really think about this, the root issue was Medicaid vs Medicare and the way my uncle had structured things with which was primary and the fact that she didn’t have a Medicare Advantage plan or whatever the supplemental plan is called. But the same was also true in Canada under OHIP, just my aunts could take better care of her post surgery and unlike Florida there is working public transport in much of Toronto so she could get around easier independently.
# ¿ Jun 12, 2024 02:03 |
Coasterphreak posted:Cook Out gives Culver’s a run for their money (and have the least expensive fast food burger you can get) Is that the one that has like 45 different shake flavors? I had a bad experience at whatever one that was in like GA or SC on 95 last year.
# ¿ Jun 20, 2024 21:26 |
lightpole posted:And several.....???? Exactly 7. AreWeDrunkYet posted:Those games tug at those feelings, but I don't think people actually want that experience outside of a game. Most millennials and gen z's could afford tomorrow to buy some run down property in rural nowhere and live off foraging, sustenance farming, and bartering with neighbors while improving their homestead. They don't because that life sucks unless it's externally subsidized, same it has for all of recorded history. People value urban/suburban amenities, luxuries they have to buy with currency, and their existing social circles more than the idea of owning property and getting close to nature. The areas you describe are the ones that have quickly become unaffordable due to increasing home prices because people made that leap and are finding that out. Simply put the home market is hosed and will stay hosed and it’s unlikely that they will ever get better, we’re going to have to adjust to simply higher home prices. Nystral fucked around with this message at 01:37 on Jun 23, 2024 |
# ¿ Jun 23, 2024 01:34 |
# ¿ Sep 17, 2024 06:24 |
hobbesmaster posted:Spirit isn’t Boeing and that’s a large part of the problem with the 737. And the FAA outsourcing most of the regulatory compliance to the manufacturers themselves. And a gross abuse of what qualifies as a new airframe vs marginal expansion of an existing airframe. And… and… and… Shits hosed man. We’re living in the cyberpunk future, just not one of the cool ones.
# ¿ Jun 27, 2024 16:17 |