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Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
I'd love to play your game new moderator of SA play by post games. I'm kind of old hat these days, but I'd enjoy seeing your take on mafia alongside a variety characters I've grown to love.


Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

mollyohreally posted:

hi friends
im gonna do something fun and just tell you all now im a miller

im counter claiming miller

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

MockingQuantum posted:

depends on how much you're "into" Slimer

very, lol

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
slimer would be a asmr stim youtube channel host in the modern era

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination


Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
hi im catching up god bless

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

Spacebanito posted:

It is funny that you and Keats are saying very opposite things, but that I agree most with you, except in one thing. That being that going on vibes isn't a thing you do when certain, it's a thing you do when uncertain, and feeling it out. Town, especially this early, should be ready to abandon and pick up new ideas on the fly.

As opposed to tunneling this early based on vibes then massaging every encounter thereafter to fit that. That more feels like scum that has picked an easy mark and doesn't want to let go.

mmsmsmsmmmm scum rationalizing between towns

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

Johnny Keats posted:

Look at this mind reader over here detecting that my opinions haven't been changing

mmmmmmmm self concious scum cause scum bud is so obvious

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

JosefStalinator posted:

Cube tunneling me is fine, but posting about deadline and handwringing about needing 11 votes 24+ hours from deadline day 1 is pinging me


Tag em and bag em. im back baby!

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

Mr. Humalong posted:

i think spacebanito is wringing their hands way too much but idk if it's new town or new scum so whatever

i don't see the case on nep and i refuse to read further into it unless someone can present it to me in a series of 1-4 haiku

lol o7

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
Very boring

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

CubicalSucrose posted:

Yuming casing me on not caring about D1 and then Nep thinking it's a good case is kinda wild.

Kinda agree

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

Nep-Nep posted:

I took a dinner break and then spent a couple hours doing other stuff, but trying to digest how I felt about the more active players, and I couldn't really sell myself on a vote fully. So I started looking through players who have been active but not making waves. I mentioned egalz before and there's something about the way egalz has been not even tried to post anything relevant to the game that makes me think voting for egalz would be no better than just guessing randomly. That's not a permanent free pass, but just bleh.

After revisiting some others, I want to draw attention to this. This set of posts by spork is not exhaustive, but I feel it is overall representative of what his game content is like (particularly if you just check the overall context)

Spork's posting looks fine if you consider each post in isolation, but when I look at them in isolation I feel like spork is just kinda commenting but avoiding taking any actual stances. There's not a single alignment call in any of the posts I quoted (though the last one, a questioning post, I wouldn't expect to). It's the consistency of absence of things like that that leaves me with no actual sense of what spork is about, but it's like moment-to-moment he's there *just* enough to not draw the eye. In particular, when he explains stuff to spacebanito I don't get any sense of what he thinks of keats' alignment or what he thinks of SB. Admittedly he had me pinged a bit like this in pride mafia, and he was town in that game, but I also feel like it was just one off post in that. This is different where it's more like his actual posts aren't off except when considered as a body. ##spork
Also very much agree here! Oh noooo a contradiction how scary! Jk, I'm reading and posting in real time, so it's very real.

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
[quote="Maugrim" post="540482028"]
Lol I'm living in opposite land it seems. I think you backing off cases/pressure is very town behaviour and I was hella side-eyeing banito for that post as a result. And I disagree with you here, dropping a vote there would have been too much for scum, better to set up gently for a later "ok I'm convinced!" vote.

I think there's enough here for a ##vote Spacebanito

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

saladscooper posted:

ok here's my lumpenlist. i'm gonna go play kingdom hearts and will be back closer to deadline

Would Not Vote: yuming, Sandwolf, Keats

No Strong Pings RN But That Could Change: binus, Cube, Hum, Spork, Stalin

Hmmmm: Spacebanito, molly, Maugrim, MQ

Would Vote Now With No Regrets: Nep-Nep, EGalz

Please Post More/No Real Read: Clo, mycelia, shark, Moritz, Toal

I thought there would be a larger joke phase. Kind of hard to engage with literal baseless accusations. :shobon:

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

saladscooper posted:

page 17

egalz have you posted a read? any read. any at all. 18 pages to choose from

i'm back to not liking MQ

waaaaaait spork. spork. how did you misread toal's posts this badly

not much to go on on the rest of this page, mostly relitigating things that have already happened

page 18 hell yes i'm almost done

lol @ nep-nep misreading toal in the same way as spork

ironically nep's big case on spork has just made me even more gung ho about flipping nep today - i still think she's scum but that big case is gonna give us some info regardless of how she flips

maugrim why are you beginning to case me and then going "ehhh nvm"


I don't know if it's mis-reading exactly? But definitely typical uncharitable day one stuff. I don't really feel like I need to develop a cover story for changing my theory between posts and believing that I do is what pings me about spork, but that's typical day one mafia crap so I get it. :)

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

JosefStalinator posted:

I think banito and toal are scum and that was distancing

Would also vote cube for doing the useless hemming and hawing he does as scum

Will switch to nep to avoid no exe

Nah if Benito flips I earned it. Scumption night kill me

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
I lied about counter claiming Miller by the way, I'm not

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
Sorry! I just wanted to cle as r the air before night time since being honest with your town pals is key to success in that kind of game! :)

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
I'm sorry I caught a new player. :shobon: I didn't know, it's hard to tell around these parts. But you see patterns, and sandy is core. (We are going to look so condescending if bandito flippy townie)

I'll print you a cute newbie pass for ² days of your next game with me. :)

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
[quote="Spacebanito" post="540487642"]
And sure, fine, I'm an investigator. It's why I really wanted to know what the Miller mechanics were, and it's also why it's an unprovable claim. Because scum always know alignments, so I can't prove anything by scumhunting with it :shrug:

It's a good claim and gets you out of execution! What is the role name and how will it work! ##unvote

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

Spacebanito posted:

Cop is just info that Scum has tho, so it doesn't really end up being provable? Like, look around, people already don't buy it

Okay now I'm circling back around to killing this guy, lmfao!

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
I don't think this is a believable 'i get to know for sure what a players alignment is before the next day starts! :) 🤯' cop react.

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

Sandwolf posted:

It’s hard to not feel like this is banito struggling through a fakeclaim :/

Hahaha! Yeah!

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
[quote="mycelia" post="540487715"]
I would like to see the claim!

See this (SB) is very much how I posted the first few times I got early-lunched as newbie town, so on that level I buy it, but unfortunately it does look exactly like scum flailing.

Not against a Cube swerve either. I'm gonna be here from now until deadline.

##vote spacebanito, should be -4 I think.

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

Spacebanito posted:

Yeah, I can know alignments. So can scum. So it's not the most provable thing. It's like js's whole game spent as a 'doctor'.

But gently caress it, I'm not interested in spending a whole game as the prime suspect again, that poo poo is exhausting and no fun. Let's roll

See ya space cowboy! 🤠

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
I think, based on yuming's posts, I'm comfortable trying to vote out josef or nep-nep.

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
My action was successful last night.

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

b-minus1 posted:

I can’t believe you all voted the cop

As someone who missexecuted cop, this was pretty justifiable. I certainly understand your position though. Who looks worse on the vote from your perspective...?

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

mollyohreally posted:

idk, I feel like “nk the person who said I might be scum” is maybe too on the nose? But I also feel like nep nep might be scum

Its actually criminally easy to nk your main detractors.

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

mollyohreally posted:

yeah good point
I’ve both done that and made a point not to do it when I was scum so who knows lol

Other than nep, who's scum!

How many games of mafia have you played Molly? :)

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

mollyohreally posted:

I am stuck phone posting and it throws me off I’m trying to get used to it

Why are you stuck phone posting friend? :) Vacation?

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

mollyohreally posted:

yes I am a dumbass who signed up for a 3rd and 4th game the day before I took vacation lol

Lol! It's happened to me as well. Please enjoy yourself! Mafia is like, so not important compared to enjoying yourself.

But I recommend any quotable post in a separate tab and saving them in browser for later use while browsing.

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

sharkmafia posted:

now see the actual people we should kill are not the millers but anybody who returns to the threat and goes GEE GOSH THERE SURE WERE A LOT OF POSTS

Me sifting through the posts

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

sharkmafia posted:

makes this snipey post without actually voting as the bandwagon was getting there

waffles with this wishy washy-rear end post


votes anyway. this is a fuckload of justification and prevaricating for a lovely d1 bandwagon
Imo, this is drat good. Would do clo

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

b-minus1 posted:

##vote sandwolf classic scum eod posting and sandwolf may have accidentally confirme that nep is town
I low key agree here as well.

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

Cloacamazing! posted:

Space and Nep were pretty tied for the most part, Space only pulled ahead here:

After that the cop claim happened. Any comments on why you broke the ties this way, Toal and MQ?

This was before the cop claimed happen, methinks. Claimed cop at minus 2 like an hour before deadline

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
I'm going to choose to believe voodoo didn't read his role pm and posted to thread after he had been atted, knowing that flavour doesn't matter so much in forums mafia. :)

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

Johnny Keats posted:

Toalpaz, what do you think about Molly leaning into your "I'm not actually a miller" bit so hard to confirm herself?

I mean, she kept her story together during a counter claim. (I haven't been reading super closely)

Seems legit! I don't think scum fake claim miller day 1 and the town play is to claim day one asap which Molly took. We learned there was a cop, which also confirms a miller.

It's almost weird to keep pushing miller!


Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
I think I'd prefer... Nep... Or clo.

I like Josefs read of yumings cases after death. I think that's appropriate.

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