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Aug 20, 2018

i die just in time to join this ghost game


Aug 20, 2018

yo what the gently caress up

Aug 20, 2018

ive never seen a ghostbusters movie

Aug 20, 2018

i do think i have a pretty good handle on its general deal though, through cultural osmosis

Aug 20, 2018

is spacebanito new to mafia i dont want to d1 pile on him if he's new to mafia

Aug 20, 2018

JosefStalinator posted:

ghostbusters is more of a comedy isnt it?

yeah im pretty sure the big monster at the end of ghostbusters is the michelin man or something

Aug 20, 2018

has someone claimed miller in this game and is it keats

Aug 20, 2018

MockingQuantum posted:

two someones have and neither are keats

off with their heads

Aug 20, 2018

hm, rip

Aug 20, 2018

looks like it's up to me rolls up sleeves in take-charge fashion

okay i gotta go to a barbeque back later

Aug 20, 2018

my judgement is that fakeclaiming miller is not in molly's general wheelhouse. i have never seen her do it and it doesn't match her somewhat cautious style

i dunno nothin about this toalpaz person

Aug 20, 2018

my credentials on this matter are that ive played like 30 games with molly and she is not generally an adventurous player who does random goofy/risky poo poo like that as scum

Aug 20, 2018

i guess? but also that seems like a dumb thing to brazenly lie about

it seems more likely i would simply tell the truth about this irrespective of my alignment

Aug 20, 2018

has your experience with molly so far been that she is some kind of weirdo maverick who would fakeclaim miller day 1 for no reason? a keats, you might say? because i don't think it has

Aug 20, 2018

CubicalSucrose posted:

Yeah this isn't about Molly though, it's about you.

no im pretty sure it's about molly

to answer your question, no i don't think she's particularly credulous

Aug 20, 2018

if you would like it to be about me feel free to bring up an actual point instead of passive aggressively suggesting that i am pocketing her

otherwise tough noogies

Aug 20, 2018

considering my first post didn't explain why i would know that information at all, i fail to see why explaining why i would know that constitutes overexplaining. it's just regular explaining

Aug 20, 2018

would you prefer i not justify my statements at all

Aug 20, 2018

Tired Moritz posted:

im at the point where i rather just kill every miller

i didnt say this last game because i was scum and i wanted easy kills on the (real) millers but anyone who is suggesting just sniping a miller as the default elim is being lazy as gently caress and might be scum

Aug 20, 2018

stalin is probably town i think his posting yesterday was pretty good and showed effort

Aug 20, 2018

Tired Moritz posted:

Is it? It's not like there's any way for us to prove you wrong

huh i thought you were simply me-tooing onto cube's thing but the way this is framed indicates a continued attempt at a miller push

Aug 20, 2018

er, imagine i quoted this post there

Tired Moritz posted:

Personally I have history in this site of Shark brazenly believing something that turns out to be wrong twice so I'm not particularly sure I can trust their meta reads

Aug 20, 2018

MockingQuantum posted:

holy fuckoli that's a lot of posts that happened when I wasn't looking

now see the actual people we should kill are not the millers but anybody who returns to the threat and goes GEE GOSH THERE SURE WERE A LOT OF POSTS

Aug 20, 2018

but no really i would vote mq

Aug 20, 2018

yall shoulda gotten nepnep. yuming had a good case. rip

Aug 20, 2018

clo's posting wasn't good re: SB

Aug 20, 2018

Cloacamazing! posted:

At this point Spacebanito is OMGUSing half the game. Has scum already won?

makes this snipey post without actually voting as the bandwagon was getting there

Cloacamazing! posted:

I do kind of think that's a town reaction though? Feels more like clueless newbie town to me, and while I know Tsietisin pulled that off really well as scum, they can't all be like that

waffles with this wishy washy-rear end post


Cloacamazing! posted:

Yeah at this point I'm not really buying it either. ##vote spacebanito, cop claim having to be pulled out of the nose like that is sus

votes anyway. this is a fuckload of justification and prevaricating for a lovely d1 bandwagon

Aug 20, 2018

##vote clo

Aug 20, 2018

nepnep round 2 and mq also things that i would vote for but i really do not like those posts

Aug 20, 2018

b-minus1 posted:

##vote sandwolf classic scum eod posting and sandwolf may have accidentally confirme that nep is town

actually yes this isnt bad, would vote sandwolf as well

lotta scummy motherfuckers posting around day end yesterday

Aug 20, 2018

however i feel clo's weird waffling and uncommitted me-tooing are more sus than sandwolf's possible 'haha i know SB will flip town, time to get some cred' posts

Aug 20, 2018

b-minus1 posted:

Throw down a vote

i prefer clo

but would vote: mq, sandwolf, maybe nepnep

would rather not vote the miller claimers or stalin

Aug 20, 2018

we killed spacebanito

pretty key to first learn who is actually dead in the game

Aug 20, 2018

with this one simple step you too can become a mafia master

Aug 20, 2018

Voodoofly posted:

Clo was pushing Stalin hard right? Because the way clo dances around on the “maybe vote” by Stalin is pinging me

I concur. Putting your already sussed scumpal as about third most suspicious (so you look like you're sussing them but you never *actually* vote them) is a common scum play

Clo still a good vote

Aug 20, 2018

man binus posting up a storm

you've unearthed another 'i think clo is scummy but i wont vote them because these other people are scummier' post by josef there i see

##vote clo

Aug 20, 2018


ive thought about it and i don't think there's a downside to doing this

so basically, my role needs to find another player in this game. if i am successful, it will ultimately be beneficial for town.

if the person i'm looking for sounds like your role, keep quiet about it. what i'd like you to do instead look for the secret message i've hidden somewhere in my posts. it should probably be understandable to you, but hopefully not to the scum. please reply covertly in the same way.

Aug 20, 2018

shwinnebego posted:

Do you still think this, shark and yuming?

Meh, I'd rather get clo for starters. Need to evaluate more though

Aug 20, 2018

shwinnebego posted:

i'm thinking nep is town at this point

let's whack binus

why binus


Aug 20, 2018

i broadly agree w not whacking nep nep overall but i don't follow re: getting binus

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