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Jan 10, 2020

ok ok sign me up i'll just hope one of my other games ends in time lol


Jan 10, 2020

hi friends
im gonna do something fun and just tell you all now im a miller

Jan 10, 2020

specifically the first two times im visited i will look like scum but then you will see im town after that

Jan 10, 2020

Spacebanito posted:

Not Zuul, it's the destructor form of Gozer, which makes it the Avatar of a God, not a ghost?

Man Ghostbusters lore has always been weird but it sure hasn't gotten simpler...

i watched the og movies and the reboot with ladies but i still don't like. understand the lore tbh

Jan 10, 2020

yuming posted:

Hello friends :sun:

##vote Josef


##vote yuming

Jan 10, 2020

Maugrim posted:

Visited or investigated?

the word is visited

Jan 10, 2020

SporkChan posted:

Is this for the whole game? Or in each night you give 2 false results then real results?

it doesn't say anything about nightly so I assume it's for the whole game

Jan 10, 2020

SporkChan posted:

The important thing to know is that the new ones got made because the reboot with ladies made nerds on the internet big mad.

yea i had a vague conception about that and then wasn't super interested in watching the new ones but they're probably fine

i thought the one with ladies was like, fine, not the best movie i ever watched but i cant conceive of being mad while watching kate mckinnon be a mad scientist

Jan 10, 2020

Cloacamazing! posted:

I'm the Ghost of Christmas Past btw, is anybody here the Ghost of Christmas Present or Future?

nah im just chilling in the library

Jan 10, 2020

Johnny Keats posted:

What about that newer one with the family roadtrip? (Not Frozen Empire or whatever the gently caress)

That one was actually pretty good

nah i haven't seen any of the newer ones besides the gender swapped one
i'll probably watch them eventually

Jan 10, 2020

Cloacamazing! posted:

That reminds me of the time when I was eight or so and walked in on my cousins watching a horror movie during a party. I knew it had to be a horror movie, you see, because there was this super creepy white glowing ghost facing down a team of heroes. She had glowing red eyes and in a really creepy voice she asked them "Are you a god?". One of the men said no and she told them to leave, and then one of the men said "Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes." and that was the point when I ran back to my parents where it was safe and there were no scary horror movies.

It was very scary and I never forgot that scary scene.

A couple years later I watched Ghostbusters for the first time and felt very stupid.

when i was like, four or five i had the same type of experience walking in on one of the underworld scenes from beetlejuice, like where he becomes a big weird worm? i was scared to death of that movie until highschool when one of my best friends wanted to watch it cos she had a huge crush on winona rider and i realised it was not actually scary unless you're a little kid

Jan 10, 2020

keats to clarify are you town or scum, so i know if i wanna make you weaker

Jan 10, 2020

Spacebanito posted:

I think I might actually be more unnerved by that movie now than I was as a child? It's one of those things that hits different, for whatever reason.

Then again, I watched the Alien trilogy as a child, so it is certainly likely that I was more inured to stuff then than I am now

EVERYTHING scared me and gave me nightmares as a kid, including like, the flying monkeys from Wizard of Oz, and going to the wax museum once

whereas my sister 4 years younger than me used to watch the original Night of the Living Dead repeatedly

that said i do kinda see like, the creepy stuff in beetlejuice does hit kinda real-creepy somehow

Jan 10, 2020

if you are 3p i swear to god

Jan 10, 2020

MockingQuantum posted:

I had a terrifying experience like that as a little kid too, and to this day I can't figure out what movie it could have been, I wanna see if it's actually scary or just cheesy in that way that is unfamiliar and unsettling to children

ok now im so curious

Jan 10, 2020

Johnny Keats posted:

I got kicked out of a Discord server once for defending Sleepaway Camp'a ending, because talking about how the trans people in my life felt empowered by it "made people uncomfortable". So yeah it's a good movie

how did i never hear about this movie before

it looks like it's on TUBI at least in the us

Jan 10, 2020

Toalpaz posted:

im counter claiming miller
r u serious right now

Jan 10, 2020

CubicalSucrose posted:

Ah poo poo we need 11 votes today? That's too many.

##vote cube

Jan 10, 2020

Spacebanito posted:

I'd call it kind of foundational in the genre, though I can't really think of anything that built off of it, and also it isn't actually 'good' in the traditional sense? But it's not good in a way that is very different from, say, the later Elm Street or Friday films weren't good? It's more not good in the way that any good B or lower horror movie is when it's GREAT. Also, because of when it was made, problematic as all hell, but also many of us baby lgbtq+s first encounter with anything approaching gender alternatives, or gender reassignment(which I believe was the correct term at the time?)

I'd say it occupies a space in culture similar to somethingike Cruelty Squad, where it is, undeniably a mess, but that adds to it being what it is, instead of detracting.

Anyway, who scum?

I am mostly unaware of cruelty squad, but i was essentially raised on problematic 80s schlock (I just didn't watch as much horror cos. cowardly.) so i think it's well within my wheelhouse and tolerances

Jan 10, 2020

Spacebanito posted:

Anyway, who scum?

uh. cube, humalong and stalinator

Jan 10, 2020

weirdly im inclined to believe toalpaz

also I realised im probably gonna be driving a car during deadline

Jan 10, 2020

b-minus1 posted:

No worries. Just make sure you vote scum before you go afk and you’ll be good

ill do my best! Did you figure out who it is yet?

Jan 10, 2020

Johnny Keats posted:

That's exactly what a liar would say

why exactly u think im lying

Jan 10, 2020

Cloacamazing! posted:

##vote mollyohreally

Get off this forum, sis!

My younger sister was scared of the loving Carebear movies. I could only ever watch the Carebears in Wonderland one, where the scary evil sorcerer was barely evened out by the baby unicorn. We also couldn't watch any of the Land Before Time movies more than once, because scary.

Our list of movies we could watch together after growing out of Carebears was Clueless and Babysitter's Club. At one point she agreed to watch the Borrowers movie a second time, but it turned out that was because she and her best friend were crushing on that kid who played Draco Malfoy and he was in it, so that ruined that experience.

to be fair the land before time was really scary!!!!!!! also you can't get rid of me sorry <3 *

*i mean u could vote me out of this game, if for some silly reason you wanna do that, but i will just keep coming back

Jan 10, 2020

CubicalSucrose posted:

Ecto-Cooler, yes. I recall it being good and maybe orange, but perhaps I'm confusing myself with Orange Lavaburst which in retrospect seems like false advertising.

nah it was neon green
and yeah i drank it too

Jan 10, 2020

JosefStalinator posted:

honestly i don't know, I find horror movies the most boring type tbh

arright now im ready to ##vote josefstalinator

all ghosts love scary things

Jan 10, 2020

Spacebanito posted:

I think the "Miller for the first two visits, then not anymore" claim is too complicated and temporary a gambit to be a fake claim?

if it was fake, yall could certainly disprove it really easily if you felt like it

Jan 10, 2020

it specifically says that i am a ghost who likes to read in the library and when i am reading i almost look human
but then after im disturbed a few times i go full ghost

Jan 10, 2020

Cloacamazing! posted:

##vote mollyohreally

Get off this forum, sis!

My younger sister was scared of the loving Carebear movies. I could only ever watch the Carebears in Wonderland one, where the scary evil sorcerer was barely evened out by the baby unicorn. We also couldn't watch any of the Land Before Time movies more than once, because scary.

Our list of movies we could watch together after growing out of Carebears was Clueless and Babysitter's Club. At one point she agreed to watch the Borrowers movie a second time, but it turned out that was because she and her best friend were crushing on that kid who played Draco Malfoy and he was in it, so that ruined that experience.

by the way! due to the specific way votefinder is currently broken, and the fact that i have an account there under my profile name at b&r, you should vote marimo if you want it to register as voting for me (hopefully this will be fixed soon lol)

i would suggest you consider not voting for me instead

Jan 10, 2020

mollyohreally posted:

by the way! due to the specific way votefinder is currently broken, and the fact that i have an account there under my profile name at b&r, you should vote marimo if you want it to register as voting for me (hopefully this will be fixed soon lol)

i would suggest you consider not voting for me instead

never mind i was just told that got fixed lol

Jan 10, 2020

Spacebanito posted:

There is, in fact, such a ghost in Ghostbusters.

This claim seems to be VISITS though, not specifically investigations.

As a question for Molly, will you be informed when your miller status has been used up?

my role card is not specific about that

Jan 10, 2020

yuming posted:

Okay I posted this in the wrong thread last night GOMEN NASAI

Having lots of miller claims is the new game hotness here at SA? :iiam:

I believe mollys claim, the flavor matches. Toal I am more suspicious of but I always think Toal is scum so I’m gonna give that a rest D1.

##vote Egalz

Come join us cool ghosties, unless you’re a human ! !

oh this makes
a lot more sense here lol

Jan 10, 2020

theres definitely a lot of horror movies that I don't really care for, lotsa gore can get to be too much for me unless it's presented in a really campy/cartoonish way like in house (hausu) but it's also such a broad genre that i would find it hard to say "i don't like it at all"

Jan 10, 2020

Spacebanito posted:

It might be worth asking the mod so that you know, even if you don't share it, I'd say. Even if just so you can use it later to reinforce a claim

my experience asking mods for clarification is usually that they just repeat the language from my card lol so i kinda gave up

Jan 10, 2020

Spacebanito posted:

A bunch of the first real female leads come from horror. And yes, some degree of that is pure male gaze exploitation, but some of it was stuff like Slumber Party Massacre, a film with a woman writer, director, and producer, that knew it had to be sleazy because a Cormac had the wallet, but also there was nowhere else in Hollywood you'd be able to get a film made about the fear of sex and its impact on the culture of the time, from a girl's point of view? If might be exaggerating but I think a case could be made that SPM is a precursor to something like It Follows, which due to loosening cultural morays is able to be more explicit about what it's saying, and doesn't need to couch it in a murderer with a power drill killing coeds.

I do really like the succinctness of describing classic horror as having its roots in exploration, which itself is subversive, especially when you start going into stuff like Candyman or Tales from the Hood which is very much a part of a history of using exploitation to tell non-white stories, and express an otherwise marginalized community's struggles and feelings in a way that DOES seek mass appeal, to spread that story outside of its community of origin and bridge gaps, as it were? Horror isn't the only genre that does this, but I think a good argument could be made that it does it the most, and the best

this is making me think i need to rewatch slumber party massacre, a handful of my friends and i rented slumber party masscre ii from movie madness in portland or a bunch of times (even though i think it was rare and we had to pay a deposit for it, but that may have just been "cool as ice" which definitely required one.)

Jan 10, 2020

Spacebanito posted:

It might be worth asking the mod so that you know, even if you don't share it, I'd say. Even if just so you can use it later to reinforce a claim

i was told that i will not be informed when it happens

Jan 10, 2020

EGalz18 posted:

I fell into a fourteen hour coma after staying awake too long. It was glorious. Here now, sibling dear. And yes, family masonry was a delight. Even if merk didn't want to be our mom

MockingQuantum posted:

egalz was doing the very important work of helping us deliver puppies tyvm

congratulations on puppies!

Jan 10, 2020

Mr. Humalong posted:

Wow a lunchproof claim

to be clear, i can be voted out like normal i meant i would come back in other games lol

i just don't think its a good idea to vote me cos im town

Jan 10, 2020

JosefStalinator posted:

Answer this honestly, I WILL know:

Are you a ghost yoshi

no its implied that i was human before i died


Jan 10, 2020

Spacebanito posted:

Okay so, SPM 2 was very different and had a greaser work a drill guitar. It fully ruled don't get me wrong, but it was a very different experience.

I highly recommend both films

i did watch the original once but i don't remember like anything about it cos i didnt watch it a bunch of times like the second one lol

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