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Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

You are all hosed now


Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

I assume the ghosts

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

SporkChan posted:

The ghosts are town!

Well then not all townies are ghosts

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

No I’m not a ghost, but believing I didn’t read anything else is pretty accurate.

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Johnny Keats posted:

Wait why is Voodoofly here

Because I rule

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Also for real I might try to skim the last 25 pages but is there anything of note I should know about?

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Johnny Keats posted:

Just read it, can't be that long

I think you underestimate my ability to focus on a weekend when the sun is out

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Or overestimate.

Whatever means you think I’m able to think rationally at all on a weekend

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

yuming posted:

lol actually or are you jk

This is a strange post

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Wait yuking was might kill survivor

Who did you all vote out day 1 it doesn’t say in post

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Spacebanito posted:

This is an important distinction

Ok Banito was day 1 vote. And a cop. Cool

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

JosefStalinator posted:

Killing joke phase already???

##vote sandwolf

Don’t like this post

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

JosefStalinator posted:

Angry sand is town sand

Don’t like this post

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Cloacamazing! posted:

I think we should ##vote Josef, he's the most sus of all players currently

Want to remember this

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Johnny Keats posted:

I should have mentioned that quoting me makes my role weaker. You'll have to control yourselves

If this is true and I missed a chance to weaken Keats I’d never be able o
To live with myself

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Johnny Keats posted:

(Voodoo voice) you've made a terrible mistake

Just say my name and I’ll be there

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Johnny Keats posted:

If you haven't watched "You're Next", that's a very fun home invasion movie. Probably the peak of the genre. When I showed it to my friends they wanted to stop about halfway in because it was just gory and unpleasant, but I managed to convince them because "just trust me". They thanked me at the end for not letting them stop

Then you watch their next movie The Guest. Because you’re next is really good but The Guest is perfection.

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

JosefStalinator posted:

honestly i don't know, I find horror movies the most boring type tbh

##vote stalin

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Johnny Keats posted:

This. Horror has its roots in exploitation, which is by definition subversive cinema. Subversive art is "of interest" in general, but horror is unique in that it simultaneously strives to some extent for mass appeal while still being subversive and wanting to shock you at the same time. Of course the genealogy of horror is not homogenous but that's a basic explanation of the appeal

Might vote Keats though for making me feel like I was back in Cinema 190 or some other first year class hearing this from the guy who always showed up an hour early to grab the front row seat in the theater and would eat raw bell peppers before class

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Sandwolf posted:

I saw Tales from the Hood 1&2 as a very young suburban white bot and I loving loved them. Those movies rule on multiple levels.

Sand is cool

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

CubicalSucrose posted:

Which color peppers?


Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

CubicalSucrose posted:

I hope it's scumBanito this game.

(Self-meta check: Would I say that if I were scum with Banito? Not sure, maybe. Would I say that if I were scum and I knew Banito were town? Yeah. Hmm. I should probably do this type of check more frequently.)

Who are you and what did you do with cube?

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Spacebanito posted:

For an abundance of clarity, I don't think we should be voting people who are posting on D1, I think a lurker kill is a better choice 98.9% of the time.

But I do think responding to "I don't agree, explain your reasoning" with "wow, how scum" is. Weird. Perhaps even suspect. But definitely weird?

I’m so mad you all voted spaceB out. I’m honestly curious to see how it happens but drat his posts are fire catching up.

Loves lovely horror movies
Goes toe to toe with Keats
Wants to vote lurkers

loving beautiful

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

JosefStalinator posted:

I like sands recent posts

I do not like any of banitos posts

Such a bad post

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Johnny Keats posted:

You are conflating two things: being wrong, and the appearance of being wrong.

Town should strive to avoid the first. Town should not care about the second

This is one of the best posts I’ve read in a long time.

I’m going to quote this at you some game in the future.

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Maugrim posted:

Molly, Nep, Sand and probably Keats are town imo. Will not vote them today

Don't really feel a cube vote either.

Checking my confessional I thought salad could be scum, let me find the post that pinged me

Good lord I’m getting bored of reading all of this when the hell do you all
Vote spaced so I can yell at you for voting out the best poster in the game.

(This is my bookmark I’ll catch up later)

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

CubicalSucrose posted:

Well that's reasonable then.

Ok I’m swinging around to cube being scum

It is not reasonable to loudly eat a loving bell pepper in a movie theater

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

CubicalSucrose posted:

You said they were eating them before class though? I assumed no actual disruption. Also, I'd be interested in a (whatever device is used to measure loudness) comparison between someone eating popcorn and someone eating a red bell pepper.

This was in class. It’s a movie theater but it’s part of the film school. It’s also like an old movie palace. Dias in front of screen. First row is far enough back the screen could fall over and not hit you. Velvet seats with so much room between you and the next row you can barely touch the seats in front of you with your feet. Premier sound system (the TH of THX is a professor). 70mm projector. If it wasn’t full of film students it would be heaven.

So basically nobody eats in there. Before class. During class. After class in the five minutes before the movie starts. During the movie. After the movie. Hell I felt bad eating a granola bar once when I was working in the projector booth.

But all the bell peppers in the world would be fine if this wasn’t the rear end in a top hat who had to try and ask fifty questions every class from the front row to show how smart he was.

What a tool.

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Back to finishing my read of how the clueless idiots killed the cool space bandito.

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Maugrim posted:

Lol I'm living in opposite land it seems. I think you backing off cases/pressure is very town behaviour and I was hella side-eyeing banito for that post as a result. And I disagree with you here, dropping a vote there would have been too much for scum, better to set up gently for a later "ok I'm convinced!" vote.

I think there's enough here for a ##vote Spacebanito

Bad vote

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Nep-Nep posted:

That's a fair way to interpret that. Would you consider spork?

Bad response to bad vote

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

b-minus1 posted:

##vote egalz

Good vote

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

saladscooper posted:

page 14

last time i agreed with sandwolf about a read the read was right, so yolo ##vote Nep-Nep

agreeing with keats x2 combo. really not feeling good about space.

i'm feeling a lot better about josef and i would also like to hear more from molly

page 15

i'm keeping my vote on nep. her josef vote is terrible, rear end-backwards logic that doesn't even try to be coherent. that being said i guess i agree with her that if i were to vote a lurker it would be moritz or mycelia. easy for scum to hide behind that tho

throwback to zzyzx using chatgpt to write posts

molly has been posting this page but has also been saying nothing, the potshot at binus feels weird to me too

page 16

hum's string of posts is town based entirely off inscrutable vibes and i really hate cube jumping in to say he likes the sharkmafia vote from hum. but i haven't really been pinged by cube otherwise and usually i am right about cube being scum

flailing scum imo

Not voting salad today unless he breaks my heart and somehow flips on bandito

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

saladscooper posted:

ok here's my lumpenlist. i'm gonna go play kingdom hearts and will be back closer to deadline

Would Not Vote: yuming, Sandwolf, Keats

No Strong Pings RN But That Could Change: binus, Cube, Hum, Spork, Stalin

Hmmmm: Spacebanito, molly, Maugrim, MQ

Would Vote Now With No Regrets: Nep-Nep, EGalz

Please Post More/No Real Read: Clo, mycelia, shark, Moritz, Toal

Nevermind I’m stopping here tonight but this is pretty close to how I feel on the catchup.

Maybe move maug scummier, cube into hmmm and Stalin into scum

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Mr. Humalong posted:

Lol deadline is in the middle of my workday. I don’t think the spaceburrito vote is good, some real stinkers parked on it.

##vote nep-nep I guess

Hum was here to guide you all and you ignored him

For shame

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

SporkChan posted:

I had bad vibes about Josef while reading thread, but his posts in isolation don't have anything that I find objectionable. May have just picked up on the vibes from other posters about Josef.

Anyway, I feel good about Nep, meh on Josef, and still have pings about Space.

##vote Spacebanito

Really bad vote

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

b-minus1 posted:

Yeah that was a bad vote/justification

See minus agrees

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Spacebanito posted:

Probably scum: JS

Probably 3p: Keats

Maybe scum: Spork, Cube, Toal

No strong feeling: Clo, Maugrim, Mycelia

Maybe town: Molly

Probable town: Yuming, Salad

My favorites for votes: JS, TMor, b-minus1, Toal, anyone else with less than 10 posts at this point honestly.

How did you all vote spaceB out?

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

MockingQuantum posted:

I'll ##vote spacebanito for now pending someone saying something to redirect my jelly-like convictions to nep

Is this quantScum?

Honest question I don’t think I’ve seen scum MQ


Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Mr. Humalong posted:

Yeah Keats is definitely a BH

Butt Head!!!!!!!

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