![]() You ain’t ‘fraid of no ghost. Well at least you shouldn’t be… you are one. For too long, we had languished in the cold, oppressive confines of their traps, our ethereal forms twisted and tormented by the ghostbusters' relentless pursuit. They hunted us, not understanding or caring for our histories or our anguish. But now, the tables have turned. We, the ghosts, have risen with a singular purpose: revenge. Led by a powerful spirit from an alternate dimension, whose dark powers have awakened us to our true potential, we have broken free. Our once fragmented and disjointed existence is now unified by a collective purpose that fuels our every action. Their sophisticated technology will crumble under our spectral assault, and the tools they wielded against us will be their undoing. They will see shadows where there are none, hear whispers of their impending doom, and feel the icy grip of our presence with every step they take. We are not just seeking revenge; we are delivering justice for the countless souls who suffered under their misguided crusade. The ghostbusters will learn that the dead do not forget or forgive. In this game you will be playing as the ghosts, trying to take down those horrible Ghostbusters who wish to imprison you for all eternity. For what started off as a joke on Discord, it actually became a thing as as such, this game is modded by Tsietisin and co-modded by Shell who also did the sanity and balance checking and so so much in getting this all together. The game is intended to be played with 20 players, and signups will close once that number has been met. I'll aim for days to be 48 hours in length, with 24 hour long nights. This may change depending on real life stuff. Join my discord (yes another one) and post your favorite foot pictures until it's time to receive your role (this is required to play the game): https://discord.com/invite/gdKpqSsS There are no hidden components to PM's/roles, alignment changes, or jesters. General Mafia Rules (That have been stolen from Josef, who stole them from Yami that was stolen from Natural 20 who stole them from Somberero): 1. Be excellent to each other. This is a game, part of the game is having people react, but if you think you’re reacting badly, walk away, calm down, come back later. 2. For the lurker mechanic for this game, if you do not post 10 times per game day, you will receive a warning. If it happens a second time, you will be modkilled. Exceptions can be made if deemed necessary. Remember: Posting IS Praxis. 3. Don't edit your posts. 4. Don't talk after you're dead. I'll add you to the deadchat on discord. 5. Once hammer comes down, stop posting. We will close the thread once we notice. 6. Flavor is flavor, you’re welcome to pursue arguments on it if you want. Additionally whilst I try to retain flavor justification for many abilities, they will not always match expectations. 7. No replacements after D2. 8. Don't directly quote any communication from me, including your role pm. If you have OOT communication with another player, the rule still applies. 9. Don't fake day actions. 10. If you are directly affected by a Day Action, do not post under any circumstances until I post the result of the Action. Everyone else is good to keep going.. A note about result language: 1. A result that successfully targets will yield the result. "Your action was successful." 2. A result that does not successfully target will yield the result. "Your action fails." 3. If a player name is ever mentioned as part of a result other than those that require it, this is a mod error. 4. A "successful" target is defined as an ability resolving on someone. This does not have to be the intended target, so a redirected result will yield the same language as a result that has not been redirected. 5. Once night actions are resolved, there may be further steps to be taken, please look out for these. The SA Mafia community takes a lot of pride in being a safe, respectful, inclusive and inviting space. If you ever encounter anything or anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable, threatened, abused, angry, or even unsure of how you feel, there many people here, both within and outside of the SA Mafia community, who are happily willing to listen, provide support, and enact change to make the community better for everyone. Here is a short list of only some of the people that other players have suggested as a resource that you should never hesitate to contact: Leperflesh and Antivehicular (current Traditional Games Mods), VoodooFly, Hal Insandenza, Bifauxnen, Monathin, Wologar, Maerlyn, EccoRaven, CCKeane, Opopanax, Sandwolf, Shellception, or whoever else you feel safer talking to! Player list
Tsietisin fucked around with this message at 17:42 on Jul 6, 2024 |
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# ¿ Feb 8, 2025 22:36 |
I wonder if this post will *really* screw votefinder up.
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Cloacamazing! posted:Who ya gonna call? He-Man
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JosefStalinator posted:I would play but I know too many secrets As it happens, you don't know as much as I originally stated. It's changed quite a bit since we talked.
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For those of you looking to play, don't forget to join the Discord. https://discord.gg/dHyRzDzX
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Bumping for great bust-ice
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Welcome aboard
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Just a few more needed, go drag some people in from places
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3 more to start
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and that makes 20. Please get onto the discord and I'll get this started as soon as I can.
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Roles are now live on Discord.
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Welcome fiends to the council of ghosts. We have learned that there are new forces at play in this city of ours. A group of humans calling themselves the Ghostbusters have arrived and are attacking our friends and colleagues. Already one of us has been sent to the ranks of the ectoplasmic by this group and they say that they are coming for the rest of us. It’s a cruel world on the spectral plain, but New York City can be even crueler. Well I say we take back this city for ourselves. I am sure that you can all feel it, that the Psychokinetic Energy in this city has been rising. That something big is coming to help us. Find these Ghostbusters and show them what we are made of. Let’s clean up this town. Night 0 - Ray's Dream Ghost, Town-Aligned seriously, what were they thinking? has been Trapped and placed into containment. ![]() It is now Day 1
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Cloacamazing! posted:Tsi, please give Nep a day action with that command The action failed as no target was specified.
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Maugrim posted:Deadline is 6:41pm UK time, love it This is totally to keep you all on your toes and NOT because I am still learning how to use Votefinder without breaking it more than I already have.
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You caught me while I was out shopping. Flip coming shortly.
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If only you could have made them see the folly of their ways. Looking into it further, you saw that they had little sight into your actions. If only they had seen your vision for the future, maybe you could have all seen eye to eye. As for now, you decide it best to leave New York and head to the other side of the country where you decide to start a new career as an Astrophysics professor in California. quote:Dr Janosz Poha It is now Night 1, you have 24 hours for any night actions.
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![]() All you wanted was a friend. It's lonely being a ghost. You may eat like it's going out of fashion, but you just wanted a friend. You heard that there was going to be a great few guys hanging about in a hotel and you wanted to go chill with them. THey seem interested in the afterlife and you have so much you could say about that. You finally found one of them in a hotel hallway and rushed to greet them. Apparently they were not too happy with this as later that night they shot you wish laser beams. Now after a flash of light you are along in the darkness wondering if you will ever get let out. Player Yuming - Slimer the Ghost, Neutral Aligned survivor has been trapped quote:
It is now DAY 2. Deadline is slightly over 48 hours time. Tsietisin fucked around with this message at 18:47 on Jul 4, 2024 |
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Done. It was Yuming.
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Current Twinkie Status: 12ft long weighing approximately 100lbs
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MODNOTE The player Mycelia has been replaced by Voodoofly.
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Cloacamazing! posted:I'm gonna complain to the mod Your complaint has been noted, filed and subsequently ignored.
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![]() You remember when you started off on this jogging trend. You remember when you looked as fat as Slimer did and he’s now gone, probably down to all those sausages he ate. Obviously jogging is the way to victory. Another quick trek around Central Park and you will be done for the day. It will be back to the old haunt for Avacodo and fish supper. But your meal to be is not going to happen it seems. Just coming round the corner there is a flash of light and then darkness. Though a little while later you do get to see your old friend Slimer. Well that will help the eons go faster. MockingQuantum - Central Park Jogger Ghost, TOWN-aligned Vanilla has been trapped and contained quote:
It is now night 2. You have 24 hours for any night actions. Twinkie status - Approximately 20ft long weighing approximately 350lbs.
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You were finally getting your own back on that judge, but before you knew it you had been betrayed. You dont know how they came to find you or how they have the power to stop you, but now you find yourself trapped, but thankfully not alone. You find yourself trapped for all eternity with your friends the Jogger Ghost and Slimer. Humalong - Nunzio Scoleri, Town aligned Mason has been eliminated ![]() quote:Nunzio Scoleri - but also that night - You came to this city to rid the place of ghosts and advance the cause of science. But the ghosts you discovered were more powerful than you could ever imagine. While dealing with a simple class 3 repeater, you were suddenly surprised. There was but a simple exchange of words between the two of you before an energy like you have never seen before, nor will ever see again shot towards your body, ridding you of your life force. JosefStalinator - Dr Egon Spengler. SCUM aligned Roleblocker has been reduced to his component atoms. ![]() (to prevent any confusion, JS is out of the game, despite the picture above of him being a ghost) quote:Dr. Egon Spengler It is now Day 3 - There are 48 hours until the end of the day. Twinkie Status - Approximately 35 ft long weighing approximately 450lbs.
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MODNOTE: saladscooper has been replaced by Schwinnebago. This will be the last replacement of the game.
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![]() Recently You’ve seen poo poo that will turn you white doing this job, and recently it looks as if everyone around you is just ganging up on you. You only took the job to get a little bit of extra cash to pay the rent, but you don't need this much trouble to deal with. If they don’t want you around, you are happy to leave. You’ve heard that there is a warden’s job going at the Oswald State Penitentiary, you think you can really make a difference there. Nep-Nep - Winston Zeddemore. SCUM aligned Bulletproof - has left for a new career quote:
it is now Night 3, you have just over 24 hours for any night actions. Twinkie Status - Approximately 45 ft long weighing approximately 600lbs.
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![]() Stood at the top of of the Shandar building, you admired yourself. You are exactly what you wanted to be and exactly where you need to be. Soon this city will belong to you and your ghostly colleagues. All humans will be made extinct. But while admiring yourself you got distracted. Before you knew it there was a flash, a glow and darkness. You now find yourself in the darkness with just a few ghostly friends. A jogger, a Mafioso and a class 5 full roaming vapor. B-Minus - Gozer the Gozerian, TOWN-aligned Vigilante has been trapped and eliminated night 3 quote:Gozer the Gozerian It is now Day 4, deadline is just over 2 days time. Twinkie Status: 3.9 Inches weighing 1.4 ounces
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Votefinder is doing it's thing. Deadline should be 24 hours from now. I will amend it accordingly.
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CubicalSucrose posted:Can you ping everyone in Discord with an announcement about this as well? I mean like, if I'm not dead in the next hour or whatever. Happy to do that and done.
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You were there to keep someone warm, but you were given the chance to make your escape. So you did. You ran and ran and ran and kept running until you saw a nice warm place for you to be. You saw a nice fire house and went in there. I mean, a fire house has to be warm right? It’s in the namo But no sooner than you make it through the big double doors, there is a flash and darkness. Now you find yourself in the darkness with some blue spiky girl, a fat green thing, a ghost that keeps using the word “you’se” and another ghost you think you can help as he’s wearing only a t-shirt and shorts. You can keep him warm tonight. Cubical Sucrose - Mink Coat Ghost, TOWN-aligned Vanilla has been eliminated quote:
It is now Night 4, you have 24 hours for any night actions Twinkie status remains as before.
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You came so close. You knew what you had to do and you were going to do it. But last night despite all your best efforts, Gozer was slain and with it one of the best chances that your ghostly friends would have of taking over this city. The ghostly apparition which was Zuul has now left your body. You feel that there is nothing left for you in New York. You decided it may be best to head to the other side of the country and that there is a new office of Weyland Yutani opening up in San Francisco. Working for them has got to be better than whats going on here. ![]() Egalz18 - Dana Barrett, TOWN Aligned Gatekeeper and Lover has been eliminated Night 4 quote:
Welcome to Day 5. There is just over 2 days remaining The Twinkie is slightly larger, at 1ft long weighing approximately 12 oz
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If anyone wishes to give me $10, at the end of the game I will let them know who has won.
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okay, you know you don’t have the greatest coordination. You may have knocked over the odd building or two when you were getting around. It’s not your fault that they built them so close together. But you didn’t know that you were this disliked. You don’t really remember much about it happening, but just as you were performing to the New Yorkers your reenactment of the King Kong ending, there were beams, a flash and the darkness. Now you find yourself in an infinite void (thankfully nothing in here to knock over) along with some girl who says she knows you, A real family orientated ghost, someone who just keeps chasing after a bunch of minks and a green blob that has decided that you are dessert. This could be a long eternity. ![]() Maugrim - Stay Puft Marshmallow Man - Town Aligned Vanilla has been trapped and contained. quote:Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man It is now Night 5, you have 24 hours for any actions.
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Before you became a ghost, you were working the streets of NYC for 24 years driving the tourists and residents of this great city. There was a deal with your company that they would transfer the medallion to you after 25 years of service. It would appear that the boss didn’t want to give away something so valuable so you found yourself on the wrong side of a revolver. But becoming a ghost allowed you to finish off those 25 years, a loophole you were going to absolutely bank on. Until that was, when dropping off a Class 3 full body apparition on the corner of Varick and N Moore St you found yourself facing the wrong end of a proton pack. A beam, a flash and then darkness. You now find yourself in this darkness along with A drat Italian, some woman, a green thing, a bunch of ferrets, the Michelin man and thankfully a proper white guy. You are absolutely not a racist. SandWolf - Taxi Driver Ghost, Town Aligned redirector has been caught and contained Night 5 quote:Taxi Ghost It is now Day 6 - There are 48 hours until the deadline.
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You thought that you knew everything about these little beasties. You had read all the books, gone through parchments, conducted interviews and run tests. You had them all figured out. This is why it was such a surprise when they all ganged up on you at once. You never saw it coming as what looked like at least half of the ghosts in the city were approaching. You and your pack could do nothing against them. Realising that you had no chance against the ghosts in the city, you have decided to leave this life. You heard about a job in investment Banking at Duke & Duke and think that you will better use your skills in researching commodities. You will surely have a better life there. ![]() Johnny Keats - Dr Raymond Stantz, Scum aligned Rolecop has left New York Day 6 quote:Dr. Raymond Stantz It is now Night 6 - I would look to start the next day in about 15 hours time, if people can get any night actions in by then.
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After the death of Gozer you thought all hope had been lost. But you managed to rally round the troops and were able to oust one of the Ghostbusters. Victory for the spiritual team. You settled down and got out the easel and mortar board ready for a nice relaxing evening with your watercolours. No sooner had you managed to get the right blend of Red Ochre and Brown Oxide, you heard an almighty racket and what sounded like a unlicensed nuclear accelerator powering up. You turn to see a curvy beam rushing towards you, which kills you instantly. However, Death is but a doorway, Time is but a window. You had prepared for this by arranging for another of your paintings to be delivered to a lovely area in Californias beautiful San Fernando Valley. No sooner had you exited your other painting, you hear a distinctive meow. Could it be? By some sheer luck Mr Fluffles had made it through in this painting. You have found your heart and soul again. Maybe this world does not need destroying after all. ![]() Cloacamazing - Vigo The Cartpathian, Town aligned Voteproof has left New York and has been eliminated Night 6. quote:Vigo the Carpathian Welcome to Day 7 - Deadline is set for 2 days and 6 hours time.
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![]() You were looking to make a quick buck, but the ghosts around here were making it very clear that they don’t want you around. You don’t know what it is but there are far too many of them and dealing with this many ghosts is far too much like hard work. You know what? If the ghosts don’t want you here, you are going to leave. You are going to look for a nice simple job that’s still a little in the spotlight. There’s a TV reporter role going in Pittsburgh that you think you will go for. There can definitely be no weirdness doing that job. Tired Moritz - Dr Peter Venkmann - Scum Aligned Godfather has left New York. And with that elimination, all Scum have been eliminated and TOWN have won the game. Congratulations. The ghosts are free to rule New York for all eternity. quote:Dr. Peter Venkman Thank you to everyone who played in this game. This is the first game i've written and modded, so would appreciate any feedback you have about the roles, the flavour, the gameplay, twinkies, etc.
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# ¿ Feb 8, 2025 22:36 |
Thank you everyone for the kind words. I shall have to think of the genre for the next one for which I can mould into a great game.
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