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Jul 20, 2024

by vyelkin
For me:



Apr 4, 2004

Forms change so fast
Time is moving past
Memory is smoke
Gonna get wider when I die
Nap Ghost
piss is stored in the balls

Jul 20, 2024

by vyelkin

Mozi posted:

piss is stored in the balls


Inexplicable Humblebrag
Sep 20, 2003

saw the phrase "op is a greg of doom rereg" carved into the door of a public toilet. never understood it, but it's stuck with me ever since.

Jun 15, 2012
Be gay, do drugs, hail Satan.

Jul 20, 2024

by vyelkin

Inexplicable Humblebrag posted:

saw the phrase "op is a greg of doom rereg" carved into the door of a public toilet. never understood it, but it's stuck with me ever since.

Who is Greg of doom

20 Blunts
Jan 21, 2017
u cant steal, what u cant feel

Pot Smoke Phoenix
Aug 15, 2007

Smoke 'em if you gottem!
Dinosaur Gum
We are the universe contemplating itself.

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

the higher, the fewer

Feb 28, 2011

it's round, like always

my grandma (:rip:) used to rip a gnarly fart and then sagely say 'you can't hold what's not in your hand'

Apr 4, 2004

Forms change so fast
Time is moving past
Memory is smoke
Gonna get wider when I die
Nap Ghost
always go to other people's funerals or else they won't come to yours

Anderson Koopa
Jun 9, 2006

Grimey Drawer
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time.

Sep 15, 2007

oh god how did this get here i am not good with computers
Top Cop
"The cheese is more binding." -while stroking their beard.

Strategic Tea
Sep 1, 2012

Love means never having to say you're sorry

Nov 11, 2002

Muay Buok
Just post

Panic! At The Tesco
Aug 19, 2005


he who hath the last fart, hath farted last

Grey Cat
Jun 3, 2023


I have so much fertility in my brain.

Sep 8, 2012

Khajit has wares
if you have coin

David Letterman asked Warren Zevon, who was dying of cancer, if he had any insights now that he was staring down his own mortality. His answer was "I know exactly how much I should enjoy every sandwich"

I think about it a lot

Grey Cat
Jun 3, 2023


How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

Jun 22, 2016

That last line to The Great Gatsby was pretty hard hitting the first time I read it.

Chief McHeath
Apr 23, 2002
Can't post for 14 days!
Man who stand on toilet high on pot.

unknown butthole
Jan 2, 2020

The old customs remain
and the ancient gods live on

Croccers posted:

Be gay, do drugs, hail Satan.


Jul 19, 2004


William Henry Hairytaint
Oct 29, 2011

unironically, "A strange game, the only winning move is not to play" was a big one for me

You Are A Werewolf
Apr 26, 2010

Black Gold!

Things my dad said:

“It went tango uniform” (the polite way of saying ‘tits up’ if something died or stopped working).

“Running like a striped rear end ape” (an old biker slang for something working as intended).

Nice Tuckpointing!
Nov 3, 2005

I just read Mark Twain's travel book The Innocents Abroad, which he ends after 500 pages with, "Bye-bye!"

But then he ruins it with a few more paragraphs. It could have been perfect.

neato burrito
Aug 25, 2002

bitch better have my chex mix

You know the line "I was dead before I was born and it was of no great inconvenience" or whatever that gets attributed to Mark Twain but apparently it wasn't really him?

It helps during my daily existental crisis that 40 years olds get.

William Henry Hairytaint
Oct 29, 2011

when my dad taught me how to drive he told me that driving is the most dangerous thing that most people will do every day and I've always taken that one to heart

one I read in a book: "Within any square mile in America there is someone looking to have sex with a child", which is not specifically relevant to me as a childless adult (and probably applies to every country in the world) but it remains in my head as a good general warning that dangerous people aren't always easy to spot

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

From The Power Broker,


No that’s not why highways get built where they get built. They get built there because Robert Moses wants them there!

Has helped me to contextualize why I’m stuck in traffic, why a sports team is hopeless, or even large wars. Not that way because of subtle societal trends, sometimes just because a powerful guy said so.

Nice Tuckpointing!
Nov 3, 2005

Real quote I love. Star Trek VI, Klingon Chancellor Gorkon to Capt. Kirk: "If there is to be a brave new world, our generation is going to have the hardest time living in it."

Helps me cope with all the hip and cool slang I don't understand :corsair:

Apr 4, 2004

Forms change so fast
Time is moving past
Memory is smoke
Gonna get wider when I die
Nap Ghost
wherever you go, there you are

GABA ghoul
Oct 29, 2011

Scared money can't win and a worried mind can't love. NAMASTE

Vincent Van Goatse
Nov 8, 2006

Enjoy every sandwich.

Donglepuss is the worst poster.

Haptical Sales Slut
Mar 15, 2010

Age 18 to 49
I was ashamed of myself when I realised life was a costume party; and I attended with my real face.

Feb 11, 2004

Ask me about my STD collection!
hands are for shaking, not tying

Jun 25, 2012

Now sauntering to the ring, please welcome the lackadaisical style of the man who is always doing something...

The opposite of love is indifference.

Hit me at a time I was being a massive piece of poo poo, and it's something I think about a lot so I can try and be better.

Jun 25, 2012

Now sauntering to the ring, please welcome the lackadaisical style of the man who is always doing something...

neato burrito posted:

You know the line "I was dead before I was born and it was of no great inconvenience" or whatever that gets attributed to Mark Twain but apparently it wasn't really him?

It helps during my daily existental crisis that 40 years olds get.

Oh thank God I thought it was just me.

May 29, 2001


Froghammer posted:

David Letterman asked Warren Zevon, who was dying of cancer, if he had any insights now that he was staring down his own mortality. His answer was "I know exactly how much I should enjoy every sandwich"

I think about it a lot

Zevon also stated(I’m paraphrasing) ‘I hadn’t gone to the doctor in about 20 years, which now seems like a poor tactical decision’. When I was diagnosed with cancer after not going to the doctor for about 20 years, I thought about that.

Many times.

Mar 4, 2015

yeah, rip.
dont it always seem to go
that you dont know what you got til its gone
pave paradise and put up a parking lot


May 22, 2003

Grey Cat posted:

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

Real eyes realize real lies

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