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Aug 20, 2022
Can't post for 6 days!
This always seemed really weird to me, that when you apply for most jobs you have to "explain" any gap in your work history as though it's some extremely suspicious thing that you better have a good reason for. Even in normal social conversations if you say you didn't have a job for a year or whatever alot of people will be like "so what were you DOING?"

Work loving sucks, is it so strange that someone would save up money to not have to for a while, or even adopt a more spartan lifestyle to avoid it? And even most of the "acceptable" excuses for not working, like higher education or a training program, are just avenues to become a worker.


Waltzing Along
Jun 14, 2008

There's only one
Human race
Many faces
Everybody belongs here
something something capitalism

Apr 6, 2011

Boomers, op

Stinky Wizzleteats
Nov 26, 2015
i can't stop complaining about GBS
I love not doing poo poo. I ate a big mushroom I found in the woods yesterday, it's almost pawpaw season and I'll be able to put back on some weight. If I don't catch a fish I can always find a turtle. I walk around in a big mosquito net and hikers think I'm a ghost

Jun 25, 2012

Now sauntering to the ring, please welcome the lackadaisical style of the man who is always doing something...

I worked for a massive law firm that did an annual virtual meeting with the top attorneys who were going for shareholder (basically the ticket from the 1% to the .1%). They asked this one guy to explain a 20-month gap in his employment with the firm. It was because two of his kids died in a car accident.

I never thought much of it before that, but yeah, "why weren't you working" is a pretty lovely and often personal question to just throw out there.

Aug 20, 2022
Can't post for 6 days!

Stinky Wizzleteats posted:

I love not doing poo poo. I ate a big mushroom I found in the woods yesterday, it's almost pawpaw season and I'll be able to put back on some weight. If I don't catch a fish I can always find a turtle. I walk around in a big mosquito net and hikers think I'm a ghost


Sarah Cenia
Apr 2, 2008

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me
tbh the 1.5 year period where I was a jobless recluse but survived on savings is something that I sometimes look back on and miss hard
it was the best and worst

Aug 20, 2022
Can't post for 6 days!

Time_pants posted:

I worked for a massive law firm that did an annual virtual meeting with the top attorneys who were going for shareholder (basically the ticket from the 1% to the .1%). They asked this one guy to explain a 20-month gap in his employment with the firm. It was because two of his kids died in a car accident.

I never thought much of it before that, but yeah, "why weren't you working" is a pretty lovely and often personal question to just throw out there.

exactly, what the gently caress? why is it any of your business? can i do the job or not?

Jan 7, 2020

I ordered luscious new gemstones from India and made new earrings for my SA mart thread

Remember my earrings and art are much better than my posting

New stuff starts towards end of page 3 of the thread

pencilhands posted:

This always seemed really weird to me, that when you apply for most jobs you have to "explain" any gap in your work history as though it's some extremely suspicious thing that you better have a good reason for. Even in normal social conversations if you say you didn't have a job for a year or whatever alot of people will be like "so what were you DOING?"

Work loving sucks, is it so strange that someone would save up money to not have to for a while, or even adopt a more spartan lifestyle to avoid it? And even most of the "acceptable" excuses for not working, like higher education or a training program, are just avenues to become a worker.

I haven't worked since COVID first began; I'm going to have a great time explaining that I was taking care of my dying brother.

I'll be able to show a little bit of income from California during that time but yeah I hope it doesn't gently caress me when I look for work again.

Imagine being old, a woman, and having like a 5 or 6 year work gap at least, that's going be fun. I'll be asking Western Washington goons for help when the time comes...

Aug 20, 2022
Can't post for 6 days!

Sarah Cenia posted:

tbh the 1.5 year period where I was a jobless recluse but survived on savings is something that I sometimes look back on and miss hard
it was the best and worst

I think about the "high covid" period quite a bit (being in mass, everything was shut down and irregular for quite some time)and it was oddly one of my happiest and most memorable nostalgic experiences. I can't say that I would want to go back, but I'm glad it happened. I think I learned alot about myself.

Jun 25, 2012

Now sauntering to the ring, please welcome the lackadaisical style of the man who is always doing something...

Spinz posted:

I haven't worked since COVID first began; I'm going to have a great time explaining that I was taking care of my dying brother.

I'll be able to show a little bit of income from California during that time but yeah I hope it doesn't gently caress me when I look for work again.

Imagine being old, a woman, and having like a 5 or 6 year work gap at least, that's going be fun. I'll be asking Western Washington goons for help when the time comes...

Yeah, that's lovely as hell. I don't even know how anybody moves state. Everything seems so out of reach, and all the places I applied to that were farther than the next state over wanted me to explain why I was applying there. Because Kansas sucks. Christ, can we move the interview along?

Oct 21, 2020

No, I like my hat, thanks.
Not working 80 hour weeks is a sin

Grey Cat
Jun 3, 2023


Buttchocks posted:

Not working 80 hour weeks is a sin

Call me a sinner.

Vertical stats GBS verified 6/30/2023 185.4cm

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

i haven’t had a single day’s gap in employment since 2006 op

Feb 18, 2001

If two grown men can't make a pervert happy for a few minutes in order to watch a film about zombies, then maybe we should all just move to Iran!
I came up with this thing where I microdose being unemployed every Saturday and Sunday, which keeps me from having to be fully unemployed ever.

Jul 22, 2011
Because they're usually deadbeats

Oct 29, 2012

This avatar brought to you by the 'save our dead gay forums' foundation.

Filtering out Hitler(s)

Stinky Wizzleteats
Nov 26, 2015
i can't stop complaining about GBS

I get my water from a natural spring

Disco Godfather
May 31, 2011

Every time of these threads appears, I wonder why everyone doesn't just work freelance. I've never had a full-time job in my life (on paper) and I do just fine.

Stinky Wizzleteats
Nov 26, 2015
i can't stop complaining about GBS
I also sell tarot cards and decoctions and offer holistic counseling if anyone wants to message me about that stuff, the cards are especially potent

Aug 20, 2022
Can't post for 6 days!

Disco Godfather posted:

Every time of these threads appears, I wonder why everyone doesn't just work freelance. I've never had a full-time job in my life (on paper) and I do just fine.

what sort of freelance job do you have

Apr 13, 2005

Still contemplating why I didn't register here under a clever pseudonym

pencilhands what if you got paid to LIFT

Literally A Person
Jan 1, 1970

Smugworth Wuz Here
A rare miss of a thread for the Pen Wizard.

Literally A Person
Jan 1, 1970

Smugworth Wuz Here
Voting 5

Aug 20, 2022
Can't post for 6 days!

istewart posted:

pencilhands what if you got paid to LIFT

i would love that. i used to lift as a hobby but work just takes up too much time to do a 3 day/week split and i'm doing manual labor for 40 hours a week besides.

Feb 14, 2012

"I was skiing in the Alps, Chet." :grin:

Oct 21, 2008
They want to know if you were in prison or doing stuff that would put you in prison.

Aug 20, 2022
Can't post for 6 days!

emptyspace posted:

They want to know if you were in prison or doing stuff that would put you in prison.

How would working keep you from doing stuff that would put you in prison? In many cases they're one and the same.

Aesop Poprock
Oct 21, 2008

Grimey Drawer

Literally A Person posted:

A rare miss of a thread for the Pen Wizard.

Honestly this is probably his best thread if he's thinking post resource scarcity but that's not likely to happen

Oct 22, 2010

how long is your employment gap? no one cares about a few months of unemployment

Aesop Poprock
Oct 21, 2008

Grimey Drawer

Vegetable posted:

how long is your employment gap? no one cares about a few months of unemployment

Pencilhands has never been employed

Lil Swamp Booger Baby
Aug 1, 1981

It's insanely stupid as poo poo OP

Literally A Person
Jan 1, 1970

Smugworth Wuz Here

Aesop Poprock posted:

Honestly this is probably his best thread if he's thinking post resource scarcity but that's not likely to happen



Jun 22, 2016

Oh I was working all that time.

Working on myself, Mr. Employer. I was working on myself.

Feb 28, 2011

it's round, like always

just look up a company that collapsed during your employment gap and say you worked for them op there's no way they can check you on it, bing bong so simple

Strategic Tea
Sep 1, 2012

My speculation, in the rare cases HR is actually smart enough to have thought about why they're asking the question:

It indicates you can sustain yourself at least for a year or two and that you're not socially conditioned to desperately climb the greasy pole until you drop.

Who's to say you won't ditch them someday? Maybe you'd have the guts to quit if they really screwed you over? Bad drone material!

Oct 11, 2004

nah chill
the gaps on my resume are the only times I was ever even close to happiness

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.

I once went three years without working.

Boy, was I glad to be able to work again, because that essentially fast-tracked me into being able to be a permanent resident.

But I do agree with the OP that it is bullshit most of the time.

Aug 7, 2010

I once explained a gap on my resume as taking care of my dying father for like 14 months and they legit rolled their eyes lol, living in hell rules.


Aesop Poprock
Oct 21, 2008

Grimey Drawer

SilvergunSuperman posted:

I once explained a gap on my resume as taking care of my dying father for like 14 months and they legit rolled their eyes lol, living in hell rules.

Honestly that was a pretty good excuse regardless of whether it was true or not those guys must have been assholes

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