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Are you plagued with regret?
Goku regrets nothing
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Mar 22, 2024
Are you constantly plagued with regret for past actions? At night, when you try to sleep, do you constantly remember your failings? Do you go about your business, before suddenly remembering something mean or embarrassing you did many years ago?


Sep 5, 2000

Can you spare a little cheddar?
Nap Ghost
Can't do nothing about it except learn from it.

hot cocoa on the couch
Dec 8, 2009

Nocheez posted:

Can't do nothing about it except learn from it.

this, quiote frankly, op. life is about learning, and growing

Jul 10, 2008

Gravy Boat 2k

Feb 11, 2019
Can't post for 18 days!
I sold Amazon stock in 1999 OP. I was 13. What are you gonna do?

Just gotta keep twerking.

May 30, 2015

WE GET IT. YOU LOVE GUN JESUS. Toujours des fusils Bullpup Français.
No, OP.

Grey Cat
Jun 3, 2023


Yeah, I regret.

Regret deez nuts.

Apr 6, 2011

What’s done is done op. It is what it is.

hot cocoa on the couch
Dec 8, 2009


What’s done is done op. It is what it is.

It is what it is.

Larry Cum Free
Jun 3, 2022

move it or lose it dillweed
The past is a place we go sometimes when we forget to remember the future. The trick is to not.

May 29, 2011

I don’t know if grad school made that much sense for me, it does look good on a resume

Grey Cat
Jun 3, 2023


I regret posting in this thread.

Apr 4, 2004

Forms change so fast
Time is moving past
Memory is smoke
Gonna get wider when I die
Nap Ghost

Nocheez posted:

Can't do nothing about it except learn from it.

yea basically there are things i wish i hadn't done or things i didn't do i wish i had but the only thing to do is to have those regrets inform your future actions so that you become a better person

Cyril Sneer
Aug 8, 2004

Life would be simple in the forest except for Cyril Sneer. And his life would be simple except for The Raccoons.
I'm constantly plagued with ragweed

Apr 23, 2014

Cyril Sneer posted:

I'm constantly plagued with ragweed


Apr 6, 2011

Some Plague Regrets

Mar 25, 2018

Grey Cat posted:

Yeah, I regret.

Regret deez nuts.

hot cocoa on the couch
Dec 8, 2009


Some Plague Regrets


The Bramble
Mar 16, 2004

Good way to have your spirit haunt the earth forever mourning and regretting your deeds and misdeeds, op

Brother Tadger
Feb 15, 2012

I'm accidentally a suicide bomber!

Don’t be so self-important, OP; everybody is more concerned with their own dealings and doesn’t even remember what you said/did. Except that one time; whooo boy we’ll never forget get that one or ever let you live it down…

Dec 20, 2003

Listen to reason, man. Why make your job difficult?
i had someone ask me a few weeks ago, if i could redo my life but keep the knowledge and experience ive gained so far, would i do it? the answer is no, i wouldn't. sure there's lots i could have done differently, and perspectives and insights i wish i had at certain times, but what if i did it all again only to not have my wife, or have a different family... feels wrong and it seems fruitless and lame to dwell on what life could have been like

Jul 20, 2024

by vyelkin
I am consistently plagued with down syndrome

Feb 11, 2019
Can't post for 18 days!

naem posted:

I don’t know if grad school made that much sense for me, it does look good on a resume


Sep 8, 2012

Khajit has wares
if you have coin

Yes I too have anxiety

Mar 25, 2018

Donglepuss posted:

I am consistently plagued with down syndrome

it hasn't gone unnoticed

GABA ghoul
Oct 29, 2011

I think part of it is some kind of expectation that if you replay that horrible regretful situation in you mind again you can reframe or interpret it in a different and more positive way and that will make you feel better about yourself. That expectation of relief/reward releases dopamine and motivates you to replay the scene in your mind again and again. But there is no reframing, no reinterpretation of what happened. No relief. You hosed up and as long as you replay the scene in your mind you will continue to feel bad. Dopamine is a liar. Never trust it.

Basically, you fix what you can fix and you let the rest go. If there ain't nothing to be done about it ain't even a problem. It's just an aggravation.

hot cocoa on the couch
Dec 8, 2009

ChubbyChecker posted:

it hasn't gone unnoticed


DJ Fuckboy Supreme
Feb 10, 2011

And when you stare long into the abyss, you become aggressively, terminally chill

I used to be, OP. I started therapy at 27 and regularly maintain it at 41 now. I accept the parts of myself that I consider ugly or unpleasant and work to muting my self-talk when those parts rear start shouting in my mind.

We're complicated beings and our personalities more or less lock in around adolescence. It's been stated upthread and in fewer words - accept what you dislike about yourself or your actions, cause they are a part of yourself whether you like them or not. All we can do, to parrot earlier goons, is learn from our actions and do our best to improve on them.

Toxic Mental
Jun 1, 2019

no but i'm constantly plagued with the plague

Sep 13, 2000
No, I am a man of constant sorrow.

You want regrets, two doors down.

Nov 22, 2002

Keep calm and Harry on.
Yeah. Most of my regrets are about stuff I didn't do but should have. I have very few about dumb stuff I did that I wish I hadn't. One of my regrets is that I didn't do more dumb stuff when I was younger.

Feb 10, 2005

Mozi posted:

yea basically there are things i wish i hadn't done or things i didn't do i wish i had but the only thing to do is to have those regrets inform your future actions so that you become a better person

Yup. Often a decision about what to do in any given situation can come down to "what outcome will I regret less" and past regrets can help inform this choice. Because regret sucks, it's not just that a bad thing happened, but that you know you could have done something differently and changed the outcome. Bad feels, gotta learn from them.

Larry Cum Free
Jun 3, 2022

move it or lose it dillweed

Presto posted:

One of my regrets is that I didn't do more dumb stuff when I was younger.
Especially now that you know that being in trouble is a fake idea.

You Are A Werewolf
Apr 26, 2010

Black Gold!

Plenty of “What if…?” and “If I only…” scenarios had poisoned my mind for years.

I’ll be turning 45 in a few months and I ain’t got time or energy for that poo poo anymore.

Good Sphere
Jun 16, 2018

midnight77 posted:

Are you constantly plagued with regret for past actions? At night, when you try to sleep, do you constantly remember your failings? Do you go about your business, before suddenly remembering something mean or embarrassing you did many years ago?

You are connecting yourself to your past self. If you are completely different, that’s almost like connecting yourself with someone else that did something as regretful as your former self.

You’ve grown past it, which is something people fail to do all the time, and they are stuck with a less improved self. You are a different person now.

Mar 7, 2006

Look, the Mona Lisa's not a better painting, it's merely a more famous one, and it was made more famous because it was stolen. And this was stolen, so...

midnight77 posted:

Are you constantly plagued with regret for past actions? At night, when you try to sleep, do you constantly remember your failings? Do you go about your business, before suddenly remembering something mean or embarrassing you did many years ago?

I have a structured settlement and I need cash now

Flowers for QAnon
May 20, 2019

You might find comfort in the idea of determinism

Jan 7, 2020

I ordered luscious new gemstones from India and made new earrings for my SA mart thread

Remember my earrings and art are much better than my posting

New stuff starts towards end of page 3 of the thread

Aug 20, 2022
Can't post for 6 days!
I regret never having sex. Being a 35 year old virgin is rough….


Das Boo
Jun 9, 2011

There was a GHOST here.
It's gone now.
I was until I started taking Lexapro, yeah.

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