#1 Today I wiped up a bunch of cat pee and then dumped bleach on it but there was still enough pee on the ground to foam furiously and then give off a cloud of chlorine gas #2 in 2003 I was doing a very harmless normal home morphine synthesis but I didn't use pyrex glassware and so flaming ethanol exploded all over my kitchen #3 I once put some transmission fluid into the wrong car-hole and had to make a frantic roadside call to a car-knower-friend to know if it was safe to turn the car on and keep driving to The Bug Jar in Rochester, NY #4 I had a home chemistry kit when I was a kid that had, like, cesium and poo poo in it #5 smoked gouda combines with something in my GI to make a scent that clears rooms #6 my partner got fiberboard furniture on amazon, which, six months later, STILL reeks of chemical death when I open it and I hold my breath when I go to get barrettes or shampoo #7 I routinely use leaded solder in the same general area I run all my weed vapes in #8 I got my kid "grow some crystals" sets from China that come with sterner warnings than my closed-loop extraction setup did okay you go,. Chemistry is HUGE AND VAST and if you haven't almost been killed by it by the time you're 10 years old and able to steal a credit card to make a GBS FORUMS account I pity you
# ? Aug 9, 2024 22:34 |
# ? Sep 9, 2024 10:10 |
When I was maybe 12 I tried to make napalm in the church parking lot and got yelled at. I didn't get to finish my fiery creation. When I was a janitor we had a hydrochloric solution we would dilute into bottles. One day I got a big lung full of the fumes off that and thought I was going to die. (they didn't give us ppe) Another guy that was dumb as poo poo would mix a bunch of random cleaning products together in the mop bucket and I swore one day he was going to hit us with chlorine/chloramine gas. Grey Cat fucked around with this message at 23:07 on Aug 9, 2024 |
# ? Aug 9, 2024 23:04 |
I once tried to make a rocket using match stick heads as fuel. At least it was a small scale test and the explosion wasn't that big.
# ? Aug 9, 2024 23:12 |
On Mothers day, I wanted to make my wife happy so I got the pool cleaned up and ready so she could take a swim, and in my haste I put two chlorine pucks into the floatie chlorine dispenser, and then filled it with the activated granules. Put the top on, set it off floating, and 2 mintues later just as I was reaching over to see if the activated stuff had all dissolved, it blew up in my hand. Turns out that activated stuff, when mixed with water and kept in a contained area, is really eplosive. Who knew? Anyways, I ended up with the fire department at my house, and a bunch of buff firemen washing my naked gremlin body off while outside for all the passerbys to see. Then it was off to the hospital for them to determine that, apart from ever so slight chemical burns to my lungs, I was just a big dummy who was then used by the nurses to give interns someone to practice on. I didn't mind, I think my wife enjoyed watching the firemen wash me down. I do not recall if her eyes ever glanced in my direction. Ah well, she deserved it.
# ? Aug 9, 2024 23:20 |
Cheerios burn. FAST.
# ? Aug 9, 2024 23:35 |
# ? Aug 10, 2024 00:09 |
I was trying to reinforce my shoes to skateboard in, just some cheap converse Knockoffs So I get some super glue, put my shoe on so it hardens in the correct shape , liberally apply super glue to the area that breaks quickly And oops, cotton and super glue chemically react in an exothermic reaction and my shoe begins to catch fire and I scramble to take off my spluttering and steaming shoe
# ? Aug 10, 2024 01:43 |
Cabbages and VHS posted:#1 Today I wiped up a bunch of cat pee and then dumped bleach on it but there was still enough pee on the ground to foam furiously and then give off a cloud of chlorine gas Chlorine + ammonia = chlorine gas as byproduct Pee has ammonia
# ? Aug 10, 2024 01:53 |
Bula Vinaka posted:Chlorine + ammonia = chlorine gas as byproduct I did this as a teenager when mom and dad were out of town. I figured if both were good cleaning products; mixed together they should be even better! Fortunately I managed to realize something was wrong and got straight out of the house. I probably only shortened my lifespan by a year or so. Internetjack fucked around with this message at 02:50 on Aug 10, 2024 |
# ? Aug 10, 2024 02:12 |
My Grade 6 or 7 science fair project was to determine how much alcohol you can derive from different materials. This involved building a still, which was fueled by a methol alcohol burner. My younger brother asked me to pick up the empty bottle and unscrew the lid, and once I did he lit a match and stuck it at the neck of the bottle before Icould react, and made one hell of a whistle as it singed my hand white.
# ? Aug 10, 2024 02:45 |
I used a piece of aluminium as the cathode(? - the piece that oxidizes) in an electrolysis reaction, in my unventilated room. I stopped when I began coughing, still not sure what actually happened. Jestery posted:And oops, cotton and super glue chemically react in an exothermic reaction and my shoe begins to catch fire and I scramble to take off my spluttering and steaming shoe woah I need to try this
# ? Aug 10, 2024 08:02 |
Bula Vinaka posted:Chlorine + ammonia = chlorine gas as byproduct yea the worst part is I was aware of this (when I was 16 a boss told me to "mix all these chemicals and clean the floor" and gestured at a shelf that had both ammonia and bleach on it.... oops!), so I had done a good job I thought cleaning up all the pee first, but, that poo poo just soaks into the concrete Dumb Sex-Parrot posted:woah I need to try this yea this seems fun to mess around with.... outside, away from structures, and with PPE
# ? Aug 10, 2024 19:09 |
My ex tried to clean the washing machine using -- vinegar? Bleach? A combination? Well it caused the not-smoke (the holy poo poo, gas!) alarm to go off and we had to vent the apartment for a day.
# ? Aug 10, 2024 19:17 |
Can confirm super glue is caustic to cotton. When I was 13 or so I was gluing a Warhammer or something together and some dripped on the mattress. I thought it was cool though because it reminded me of the facehugger blood in Alien. So of course I added a second hole on purpose
# ? Aug 21, 2024 16:00 |
Metal pencil sharpeners are made of magnesium and if you get them really hot, in say, a bunson burner, they will ignite and burn a fist sized hole in a solid oak table 2 inches thick and melt all your linoleum floor tiles. Don't ask me how I know this.
# ? Aug 21, 2024 16:12 |
One of the few things I remember from chemistry class is that burning magnesium produces x-rays.
# ? Aug 21, 2024 16:43 |
So you're saying Drone_Fragger didn't actually burn a hole in the desk and floor, they were just seeing through it with x-rays? Cool.
# ? Aug 21, 2024 17:10 |
One time in high school chemistry, we were doing some kind of lab with some clear-ish liquids. I don't remember what the liquids were. When we were finished, we were supposed to pour them down the drain (we all had our own table and sink), but I was curious what they'd look like if you mixed them together. Turns out they kind of fizzed up the test tube, turning black and chunky. Presumably they would have mixed together in the sink anyway, but it still scared the poo poo out of me. Any idea what it was?
# ? Aug 21, 2024 21:08 |
YoursTruly posted:One time in high school chemistry, we were doing some kind of lab with some clear-ish liquids. I don't remember what the liquids were. When we were finished, we were supposed to pour them down the drain (we all had our own table and sink), but I was curious what they'd look like if you mixed them together. Turns out they kind of fizzed up the test tube, turning black and chunky. Presumably they would have mixed together in the sink anyway, but it still scared the poo poo out of me. Any idea what it was? Sulfuric acid and sugar-water or glycerol, I'd guess!
# ? Aug 21, 2024 21:35 |
# ? Aug 23, 2024 17:59 |
Why not? It looks safe.
# ? Aug 23, 2024 18:10 |
Dumb Sex-Parrot posted:One of the few things I remember from chemistry class is that burning magnesium produces x-rays. Magnesium emits UV light, not x-rays.
# ? Aug 23, 2024 21:05 |
Expectedly dangerous home chemistry gone boring: when I was a teenager my friend acquired what he said was pure nitric acid, and I researched how to make nitroglycerin in the local college library. We weren't trying to make more than a thimbleful, but it's probably a good thing it didn't work. Dunno what we ended up with. It did something -- if you tapped the glass with your fingernail it would produce spontaneous bubbles. But it didn't go bang. I think the acid was from a drug testing kit, so it wasn't really pure acid. Now I wonder where the heck he got it. None of his family were doctors or cops.
# ? Aug 24, 2024 01:39 |
I got a "Do It Yourself! Chemistry Kit" when I was ten as a birthday present. It came with about 20 pill-sized bottles of various chemicals, basic tools and an instruction manual for 20 different experiments. They were all benign like "Mix these two in these portions and watch the clear solution change color!" My brother and I did a few of those and they were cool enough, but we wanted greater power! We started mixing poo poo at random and then trying to ignite it to see it burn. We were actually smart enough to do this outside on concrete. Unfortunately most of our concoctions failed the test. Then we thought that maybe dipping a length of string in it, and lighting that on fire might produce results. We were amazingly scientific in hind-sight in that we tested how a regular piece of string would burn first, then see how our concoction-soaked experiments compared. We succeeded in essentially making a fuse that burnt pretty drat quickly when lit. Mom caught us hooting and hollering about our success and came to see what was up and there were small piles of ashes all around. Chemistry set was confiscated with the warning that she'd be telling our dad about our endeavors when he got home. Slight oversight on my mom's part there because our dad was a research chemist, who specifically worked on developing solid fuel propellants for nuclear missiles. He was very much of two minds; "Wow! Really? Good job guys!" and then realizing he had to be a parent and tell us that what we were doing was Very Dangerous and Very Wrong. He talked with mom though and she was okay with us continuing as long as dad was with us. I honestly don't know what she was thinking. Most Saturday's that summer had me, my brother, and dad igniting all sorts of poo poo in the backyard. He even brought in small amounts of gasoline from a gas can we had for the lawnmower. Very much a "shhh don't tell mom" scenario. We burned so much poo poo that summer, dad showing us how some things would burn fast, some slow, here's different color flames, etc. Fortunately no one got injured, we didn't burn down anything, and amazingly my brother and I didn't turn out to be pyromaniacs. So nothing specifically went wrong, other than teaching a couple of kids about explosive chemistry.
# ? Aug 24, 2024 02:51 |
One time I sat down on where I usually sat down, but some one had been using it to repair their battery. Got some holes in my underpants.
# ? Aug 24, 2024 04:11 |
i stole a bunch of magnesium from chemistry lab and obviously lit it on fire
# ? Aug 24, 2024 04:54 |
Acetal/delrin is extremely tough, useful stuff, great for all kinds of machine parts, real wonder material. Did you know if you, say, gently caress up machining it real bad it burns with a colorless, near-invisible flame? Did you know that flame offgasses formaldehyde, which is a strong eye and mucous membrane irritant? Did you know it fuckin sucks to try to put out an invisible fire while you're blind and can't breathe and everything feels like it's probably on fireWorf posted:i stole a bunch of magnesium from chemistry lab and obviously lit it on fire Same but a jar of black powder from a gun store Disappointing results but if you put just a bit in a plastic bottle and shove a lit piece of paper in the end they make great bottle rockets. And implode in midair, easy cleanup A Wizard of Goatse fucked around with this message at 05:32 on Aug 24, 2024 |
# ? Aug 24, 2024 05:28 |
A Wizard of Goatse posted:Acetal/delrin is extremely tough, useful stuff, great for all kinds of machine parts, real wonder material. Did you know if you, say, gently caress up machining it real bad it burns with a colorless, near-invisible flame? Did you know that flame offgasses formaldehyde, which is a strong eye and mucous membrane irritant? Did you know it fuckin sucks to try to put out an invisible fire while you're blind and can't breathe and everything feels like it's probably on fire How do you get that much heat into delrin machining it? That's crazy. For my story, when I was around 11-12, I learned about electrolysis, and I got some copper wire scraps, some water an old cord (I didn'r realize DC was a requirement), and made a little setup. The water wasn't interesting, so I poured some bleach in, which was really cool because it bubbled and I got some blue copper oxide crystals to form on my electrodes. I also spilled it everywhere and destroyed the carpet.
# ? Aug 24, 2024 05:39 |
I can't remember how it happened, but mercury got spilt in our high school science room. Needless to say we all played with it with our bare hands and also found out that dipping our cheap gold high school badges in it turned them silver. Our science teacher was a British exchange teacher who really disliked our school so he just watched all this happen, although I think he did clean the mercury off people's jewellery.
# ? Aug 24, 2024 06:10 |
Elviscat posted:How do you get that much heat into delrin machining it? That's crazy. Laser Tried to put together a wet-plate photography studio a while back, buying silver nitrate is fuckin expensive so I decided to DIY it with some nitric acid and scrap silver. Didn't have a fume hood or anything so I made a terrible improvised filter out of... iirc a jar and a bag of activated charcoal? Which was not enough to contain the giant evil yellow cloud of NO2 fumes that rolled out and vaped half the neighborhood. Didn't get any good pictures before spilling the stuff either.
# ? Aug 24, 2024 15:09 |
Internetjack posted:I got a "Do It Yourself! Chemistry Kit" when I was ten as a birthday present. It came with about 20 pill-sized bottles of various chemicals, basic tools and an instruction manual for 20 different experiments. They were all benign like "Mix these two in these portions and watch the clear solution change color!" My brother and I did a few of those and they were cool enough, but we wanted greater power! This is a super cute story. Do you have any other weird stories about having a science dad? I imagine you grew up in towns where lots of dads were doing that kind of science, so it wasn't a big deal to the kids at school. Was he allowed to talk about his work at home? Showing kids chemistry in a controlled environment seems like a really good way to get them interested in at least the parts that burn cool.
# ? Aug 24, 2024 15:52 |
lol my dad is also a chemist and i think he would have been out there with me burning poo poo
# ? Aug 24, 2024 17:33 |
Lolie posted:I can't remember how it happened, but mercury got spilt in our high school science room. Needless to say we all played with it with our bare hands and also found out that dipping our cheap gold high school badges in it turned them silver. Our science teacher was a British exchange teacher who really disliked our school so he just watched all this happen, although I think he did clean the mercury off people's jewellery. Have definitely heard multiple people reminiscing about how their "science class" was the teacher tcracking open a thermometer so the kids can play around with the funny metal juice, would not be surprised if the British are still at it
# ? Aug 24, 2024 18:19 |
Internetjack posted:I got a "Do It Yourself! Chemistry Kit" when I was ten as a birthday present. It came with about 20 pill-sized bottles of various chemicals, basic tools and an instruction manual for 20 different experiments. They were all benign like "Mix these two in these portions and watch the clear solution change color!" My brother and I did a few of those and they were cool enough, but we wanted greater power! yeah honestly as long as he was supervising and made sure you guys didn't hurt yourselves that seems like a genuine Good Dad Moment™
# ? Aug 24, 2024 18:35 |
DicktheCat posted:This is a super cute story. He could talk about his work in general terms. He couldn't share stuff like formulas and such. He shared a few stories over the years, and more details as time passed and the work was declassified. He had a friend at work that had a son my age and we went to the same school and were friends. We'd occasionally swap "dad work" stories, but we were really more interested in riding bikes and hanging out. I've shared a couple of the best ones here in the past but I'd be glad to share my favorite one again. When you have a nuclear arsenal sitting around for years (thankfully) unused, you have to inspect and test a sample occasionally to verify its holding up over time. To do this a missile is decommissioned, disassembled, and the major components are sent to the appropriate facilities around the country. The warheads go to the nuke guys, the body goes to the body shop guys, and then engine goes to the engine guys. Dad was in the subset of the engine guys. So, how do you test a nuclear missile engine? You test fire it. The testing facility was out in the desert, up a canyon with high cliff walls. There is a blast proof bunker there for filming and observation by the team. The engine gets strapped horizontally to an extremely tough test bed that's going no where. You fire it off, record the film, record observations, inspect the aftermath, and take the data back to the lab. But you do have to clean up after yourself. A team would take the remnants of the engine for analysis and disposal and the day is done. Except there is still some clean-up. Firing solid propellent would leave "tailings" at the test site. These are tiny bits of unburnt propellent that shoot out of the engine and scatter around the site. This is completely normal and expected. The problem is that the tailings accumulate after several tests, are still volatile, and need to be cleaned up periodically. The correct method of disposal is to essentially rake them up into a long line, maybe 60' long a few inches high. You set an ignitor at one end and set it off from inside the bunker. It burns off like a huge fuse with no bomb on the end. Fizzles out; job done. One time though, the two guys that were left at the end of the day for clean-up decided it would be neat to rake all of the tailings into one huge pile instead of a line. It was something like 4-5' high and 10' around. They fused it, got in the bunker and lit it off. The explosion was very large. Missile fuel is meant to burn over time in a controlled manner. They essentially exploded the equivalent of 2 missiles worth of fuel in a single second. The bunker kept them from dying. It was knocked off it's foundation and later had to be rebuilt. The blast was seen by a passing airliner from 30,000' or so, a huge mushroom cloud, and was called in to the FAA, "Um, we just saw a VERY large explosion... Are we at war?" The shockwave from the blast echoed down the canyon. 100' high walls and narrow. It acted like a venturi tube and accelerated the blast. Some dumbshit had built an elementary school about a 1/2 mile from the end of the canyon and the force blew out most of the windows on one side of the building. Luckily it was after 5pm and their were no kids and a couple of teachers were fine. The actual crazy part was that there were no serious repercussions. The two guys got a slap on the wrist, "Don't do that again!" The school was compensated for repairs. The facility got rebuilt and everyone got back to testing engines. E: this was in the 60's. Not sure things would be so lenient nowadays. Internetjack fucked around with this message at 19:17 on Aug 24, 2024 |
# ? Aug 24, 2024 19:11 |
When I was a kid I was cleaning and mixed ammonia and bleach together while scrubbing the bathtub and accidentally violated the Geneva Conventions in my own bathroom
# ? Aug 24, 2024 19:31 |
Buddy milled gunpowder in his dryer to make a rocket, botched design so became a pipe bomb & he got plastic lawn chair shrapnel in his thigh but no permanent damage, and luckily bomb squad understood it was nothing more than a dumb idea so he got a pass other than a day or so in hospital.
# ? Aug 24, 2024 19:39 |
A Wizard of Goatse posted:Have definitely heard multiple people reminiscing about how their "science class" was the teacher tcracking open a thermometer so the kids can play around with the funny metal juice, would not be surprised if the British are still at it There's a goon in the dangerous chemistry thread whose chemistry teacher was this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uswf_8Ch39s
# ? Aug 24, 2024 20:56 |
All you cat parents not knowing you use hydrogen peroxide to neutralize/sanitize their urine, smdh
# ? Aug 24, 2024 21:06 |
# ? Sep 9, 2024 10:10 |
Argyle Gargoyle posted:All you cat parents not knowing you use hydrogen peroxide to neutralize/sanitize their urine, smdh every single cat that I've ever had has only used the litter box The literal only exception to that was the time that one of the cats accidentally got locked in the garage for a weekend while we were gone, and then he used a potted plant that was in the garage
# ? Aug 24, 2024 21:58 |