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Aug 20, 2022
Can't post for 6 days!
In retrospect, it was (and lots of kids I knew were CONVINCED this was true) that dick van dyke had to change his name from penis van lesbian. If you think about it for 5 seconds it makes no sense, why would his parents name him that and why would he pick a name that meant the same thing


May 30, 2015

WE GET IT. YOU LOVE GUN JESUS. Toujours des fusils Bullpup Français.
That you are a good poster

:ocelot: :grin: :letsgo:

Feb 10, 2005

PH thread, let 'er rip boys.

I guess the Richard Gere gerbil or the Marilyn Manson ribs.

Aug 2, 2019

Marilyn Manson removing his bottom ribs so hw could suck his own dick

e.fb :argh:

e. chemtrails, haarp, gnomes, all that stupid poo poo

Tijuana-A-Go-Go fucked around with this message at 23:55 on Aug 9, 2024

Grey Cat
Jun 3, 2023


The flashing headlights and get murdered by a gang myth. Stupid as gently caress, the only reason they're going to kill me is because I can't see them without their headlights on and they plow into me.

Jun 22, 2016

Marilyn Manson's ribs.

Wait, what?

Aug 2, 2019

credburn posted:

Marilyn Manson's ribs.

Wait, what?

People are always talking, gnomes this, gnomes that. I'm not having any of it

May 30, 2015

WE GET IT. YOU LOVE GUN JESUS. Toujours des fusils Bullpup Français.

Tijuana-A-Go-Go posted:

People are always talking, gnomes this, gnomes that. I'm not having any of it

Bogus Adventure
Jan 11, 2017

The chupacabra

Stinky Wizzleteats
Nov 26, 2015
i can't stop complaining about GBS
All the weird dumb poo poo chuds made up about Mr Rogers having tattoos or having killed people in nam or being gay

Rubber Chicken
Mar 13, 2024

If the teacher is 5 min late you can go to study hall

May 26, 2011

Because it never leaves its bedroom, no one has ever seen this poster's real face.

Grey Cat posted:

The flashing headlights and get murdered by a gang myth. Stupid as gently caress, the only reason they're going to kill me is because I can't see them without their headlights on and they plow into me.
that one is awful. most urban legends you can at least see the worried well-meaning adult trying to ward teens away from lovers' point or taking candy from strangers or whatever. the flashing headlights one, like, what is the point of scaring people away from performing a basic courtesy that makes everybody on the road safer?

The Bible
May 8, 2010

No one ever put free drugs in my Halloween candy. :mad:

Rubber Chicken
Mar 13, 2024

There are ghost cars all over these highways

Jun 30, 2006
Mikey being killed by pop rocks and drinking soda.

A Tad Ghostal
Dec 2, 2014

Probably pencil and cum rocks making a huge scene. I don't remember any actual urban legend becoming a thing lest 90s influence made it that way.

gently caress em tho.

You Are A Werewolf
Apr 26, 2010

Black Gold!

If you swallow gum, you never poop it out. It just collects in your gut for several years before you blast a massive gum dookie from the buildup.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
the bullets from an m-16 will tumble in the air which causes bigger wounds!

A Tad Ghostal
Dec 2, 2014

Basically every urban candy that was lit would kill you. My brothers bag of pizzer goldfish were a golden light. Then we had some sega helmet that had handlebar controls on the corner but poo poo was LIT

Apr 6, 2011

Grey Cat posted:

The flashing headlights and get murdered by a gang myth. Stupid as gently caress, the only reason they're going to kill me is because I can't see them without their headlights on and they plow into me.

It’s absolutely this one or the one about watermelon seeds growing into a watermelon in your stomach.

Apr 6, 2011

These days the gang won’t kill you if you flash your high beams but Old Man Foxnews will shoot you if you turn around in his driveway.

Panic! At The Tesco
Aug 19, 2005


ngl it's kind of wild how widespread the marylin manson/other celeb got a rib removed to suck their own penis legend was

Nov 8, 2020

You Are A Werewolf posted:

If you swallow gum, you never poop it out. It just collects in your gut for several years before you blast a massive gum dookie from the buildup.

Xanthan gum, it never leaves your system, you can't digest it, therefore it just becomes a part of you and.

May 29, 2001

The Rod Stewart ‘had his stomach pumped and it was full of cum’ urban legend when I was about ten years old in 1977 or so.

Even though I was a dumbass kid, I saw
Rod always had the most stunningly attractive girlfriends, so I didn’t buy it even then.

Feb 7, 2007

Damn you, harlot! Science and I know what we're doing!

Grey Cat posted:

The flashing headlights and get murdered by a gang myth. Stupid as gently caress, the only reason they're going to kill me is because I can't see them without their headlights on and they plow into me.

How is this supposed to work, anyway? I see a car without the headlights on and flash my lights and then the gang member is supposed to follow me home and kill me?

Feb 7, 2007

Damn you, harlot! Science and I know what we're doing!
A cop has to tell you that they’re a cop if you ask them, even if they’re under-cover.

Nov 4, 2008

I don't think!
Ham Wrangler

Panic! At The Tesco posted:

ngl it's kind of wild how widespread the marylin manson/other celeb got a rib removed to suck their own penis legend was

It kinda owns actually.

I would say the various "my uncle worked at Nintendo and..." fake cheats like finding Mew under the truck at the St Anne and the secret temple of light (?) in ocarina of time and whatever. Although the original Pokémon games did have some freaky weird glitches so it made things seem feasible.

Jan 6, 2003

if you rearrange the songs on the Tool album Lateralus in a different order based on some bizarre intepretation of the Fibonacci sequence you unlock the "real" album

also, Andrew WK is actually like three different people in some sort of "Dread Pirate Roberts" type scheme

May 30, 2015

WE GET IT. YOU LOVE GUN JESUS. Toujours des fusils Bullpup Français.

Earwicker posted:

if you rearrange the songs on the Tool album Lateralus in a different order based on some bizarre intepretation of the Fibonacci sequence you unlock the "real" album

also, Andrew WK is actually like three different people in some sort of "Dread Pirate Roberts" type scheme

He's playable in Backyard Wrestling 2 on the PS2 featuring Violent J

Grey Cat
Jun 3, 2023


MoonshineWilly posted:

How is this supposed to work, anyway? I see a car without the headlights on and flash my lights and then the gang member is supposed to follow me home and kill me?

Yes, that is the entire premise.

Oct 27, 2010

Flashing headlights is meant to warn people the other direction there's cops and/or a speed trap up ahead. It's a fundamental part of our road system (Aus).

Edit: it was probably the same in the US and the cops spread the myth of gang members so people wouldn't get warned and therefore they ticket people more.

Feb 18, 2009

😌Finally, an avatar the describes my love of tech❤️‍💻, my love of anime💖🎎, and why I'll never see a real girl 🙆‍♀️naked😭.

MoonshineWilly posted:

How is this supposed to work, anyway? I see a car without the headlights on and flash my lights and then the gang member is supposed to follow me home and kill me?

Basically, yeah. The idea is that neferious gang members will go around without their headlights on and follow and kill the first person who flicks their high beams as some sort of initiation ritual.

The dumbest one I remember people believe is the "Advil in Coke" thing.

Feb 11, 2019
Can't post for 18 days!

syntaxfunction posted:

Flashing headlights is meant to warn people the other direction there's cops and/or a speed trap up ahead. It's a fundamental part of our road system (Aus).

Edit: it was probably the same in the US and the cops spread the myth of gang members so people wouldn't get warned and therefore they ticket people more.

This makes sense. Pigs spread the candy drugs rumor and satanic panic poo poo.

Feb 11, 2019
Can't post for 18 days!
Grew up with Weird New Jersey and the dumbest thing we did was the Pig Lady thing on Duke Parkway off 206.

Jan 6, 2003

if you define the A above middle C as 432hz instead of 440hz (the current standard) your music will be more in touch with the ~Natural Frequencies of the Earth~

Jul 22, 2011

Earwicker posted:

if you define the A above middle C as 432hz instead of 440hz (the current standard) your music will be more in touch with the ~Natural Frequencies of the Earth~

I need to hear more about this one

Mar 7, 2005

Look to your left. Look to your right. Only one of you is going to pass this course.

kntfkr posted:

Grew up with Weird New Jersey and the dumbest thing we did was the Pig Lady thing on Duke Parkway off 206.

Did you ever go to Shadytown in Skillman? I think it was officially called Princeton Residential Psychiatric or something like that.

Edit: North Princeton Developmental Center, though it was a whole village that was at times a state run psychiatric hospital.

WILDTURKEY101 fucked around with this message at 03:52 on Aug 10, 2024

Jan 6, 2003

Arrhythmia posted:

I need to hear more about this one

this article does a pretty decent job of explaining the history of it from a scientific approach

if you want the more woo oriented perspective of people who think music where A4=432hz will Heal You, youtube has a few hundred videos on that

Earwicker fucked around with this message at 03:55 on Aug 10, 2024

Aug 20, 2022
Can't post for 6 days!

Earwicker posted:

this article does a pretty decent job of explaining the history of the debate from a scientific approach

if you want the more woo oriented perspective of people who think A=432hz will Heal You, youtube has a few hundred videos on that

once i was at the library using the computer to apply for jobs and there was a homeless woman watching youtube videos of sounds that would supposedly cause your brain to reach higher frequencies of perception or some other bullshit and it made me vaguely sad


Jul 22, 2011

Earwicker posted:

this article does a pretty decent job of explaining the history of it from a scientific approach

if you want the more woo oriented perspective of people who think music where A=432hz will Heal You, youtube has a few hundred videos on that

Lol I absolutely want someone's turquoise decked aunt performing reiki to strangely tuned music

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