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Nov 10, 2022

here’s the situation gbs. i have this extremely persian friend and he’s having some troubles. seems his born-in-america nephew has been getting bullied real hard on account of living in texas. the kid is 16 now, going into his third year of highshool, and his grades have cratered

the whole family is worried to death. my friend, his brother, and this kid’s mom all came over to the us during grad school. they love it here and it’s their grades that made it possible, so they’re freaking the hell out over all the fs this poor kid is getting

they’ve come up a fresh prince of bel-air type scheme to ship the kid up here to live with his uncle. probably a good plan since this town is so liberal that the all of the racist republican children go to their own private school from k-12, all segregated from everyone else

the catch though is that my friend has no kids and hasn’t lived close enough to the rest of his family to have much exposure. on top of that, all of his pre-graduate level education happened in tehran. he’s clueless

so he’s come to me, his best friend in town, for advice. i explained the way american bullying culture worked back when i was in school and i think that might have broken him a little. he rambled through his plan to save this kid by turning him into a mathlete, and well, that was a terrible plan

the kid is clearly real smart and capable, but i’m pretty sure no amount of his weird uncle pushing academics is gonna get him back on track. poor little guy has to be running empty on self esteem and that’s gonna wreck the poo poo out of his new school experience

at least that’s what i’m thinking. could be wrong, but based on my life experiences that seems like the most likely outcome. filled my buddy in on this opinion of mine and it seemed to click with him as well

now, here’s where i need help. my friend has decided, despite suggestions that this was ill advised, to ask for my assistance with mentoring this kid into some kind of glowup. i’ve agreed to do what i can, but i don’t know jack poo poo about what life is like for teenagers these days

he’s convinced i can do it though. all because he’s also convinced that i’m his coolest american friend (another ill advised opinion, btw). i refuse to let a buddy down so i’m gonna do my best here

seems like plenty of ya’ll are rad suburban dads and i need your know how. what are teenagers into these days? what’s cool? what’s skibidi? what are some good things for a gen a teenager to do to make friends? what kind of stuff would be social suicide? whatever you got, please, i’ll take it

ps: i’ve spent plenty of time around zoomers and understand them just fine. what i need here is advice for gen a teens and if you don’t understand that their experiences are different your advice sucks and i don’t want it anyway. thank you & bless 🙏


Radio Nowhere
Jan 8, 2010

free hubcaps
Oct 12, 2009

Dude we're all old as gently caress lmao

Stinky Wizzleteats
Nov 26, 2015
i can't stop complaining about GBS
how do I reach these keeds?

Apr 15, 2003

my best friend has a kid in 3rd grade and, in a conversation between her parents and I where we were making GBS threads on AI, she told us about Copilot and then asked us, "AM I THE ONLY PERSON IN THIS ROOM THAT APPRECIATES TECHNOLOGY?"

She was told, 3 ways in unison, "in this case, YES"

idk i am a rad fake uncle who lives in the hood and i cant understand these kids

Nov 10, 2022

Stinky Wizzleteats posted:

how do I reach these keeds?

been asking this

Mumpy Puffinz
Aug 11, 2008
Nap Ghost

MrQwerty posted:

my best friend has a kid in 3rd grade and, in a conversation between her parents and I where we were making GBS threads on AI, she told us about Copilot and then asked us, "AM I THE ONLY PERSON IN THIS ROOM THAT APPRECIATES TECHNOLOGY?"

She was told, 3 ways in unison, "in this case, YES"

idk i am a rad fake uncle who lives in the hood and i cant understand these kids

They should listen to Tool. Such a good band

Oct 29, 2012

This avatar brought to you by the 'save our dead gay forums' foundation.


Nov 10, 2022

yeah, he needs more of that

Mumpy Puffinz
Aug 11, 2008
Nap Ghost

TrashMammal posted:

yeah, he needs more of that

I know, right?

Stinky Wizzleteats
Nov 26, 2015
i can't stop complaining about GBS
There's really only one thing that you can do to get a teenager to obey you, and that is to convince them you are a wizard. They won't be smart enough to call your bluff, you can outsmart them at any turn.

Dec 20, 2003

Listen to reason, man. Why make your job difficult?
radical, dude

Loden Taylor
Aug 11, 2003

they like this

Nov 10, 2022

if i took this kid to burning man would that up his rizz? wasn’t planning on going this year but it’s happening in a couple weeks so that’s an option. his mom would get mad but she’s also desperate so if that worked she’d probably forgive me

The Bramble
Mar 16, 2004

Jul 22, 2009

tell him to watch jujutsu kaisen

Nov 10, 2022

Endorph posted:

tell him to watch jujutsu kaisen

been hearing that anime is an acceptable lifestyle choice now, but i remain suspicious

Oct 19, 2002

I give your invention the worst grade imaginable: An A-minus-minus!

Total Clam
School starts on Monday. I'm teaching exclusively 7th grade this year. I'm just wondering what will replace "Skibidi" and "Sigma" as this year's hot, with-it phrases.

Loden Taylor
Aug 11, 2003

some of them like this

Oct 29, 2012

This avatar brought to you by the 'save our dead gay forums' foundation.

McDonald's just had a jujutsu kaisen garlic sauce, its mainstream

Nov 10, 2022

Genesplicer posted:

School starts on Monday. I'm teaching exclusively 7th grade this year. I'm just wondering what will replace "Skibidi" and "Sigma" as this year's hot, with-it phrases.

since you’ve got some experience watching this kind of thing unfold, would you happen to have any at least vaguely actionable advice for a new kid? doesn’t need to be deep. maybe just a quick gallant/goofus rundown

the holy poopacy
May 16, 2009

hey! check this out
Fun Shoe
dragon ball z marathon. instill a love of sophisticated high culture so that he can impress his peers with his worldly cosmopolitan ways

Bula Vinaka
Oct 21, 2020

beach side
the current batch of teenagers are basically akin to very buggy computer programs


Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

make him watch twin peaks, op, kids today don't know about twin peaks

Bula Vinaka
Oct 21, 2020

beach side
also, the term you might want to search for more research into this, is "brain rot"

Nov 10, 2022

Bula Vinaka posted:

also, the term you might want to search for more research into this, is "brain rot"

no that is actually not what i’m asking at all

Devils Affricate
Jan 22, 2010
Trying to teach him an adult's interpretation of kid culture is probably the worst thing you could do for him OP. Sounds like what he needs most is stability and self esteem.

Cool people do cool stuff. If you want to help him out, just do cool stuff together like biking/surfing/concerts/etc. Give him a verbal boost when he seems down. Teaching him to parrot skibidi rizz vibe check poo poo will make him the ultimate dork.

Nov 8, 2020

Any time you buy something new make a deboxing or a debagging video. This includes grocery store visits.

Pull out a jar of olives and mention their various benefits like how you find these are somewhat less salty than the ones you have been buying, which you don't name.

Also the youngsters don't say cool any more, that makes them think of being cold which is a dangerous condition.

Instead they say that's rizz genghis my fo. This gets confusing as some of them know of the word 'foe' including 'fo' but you can figure it out with context.

"Jah subscribe this genghis prompt?" This is a question you can pose for any line of inquisition.

Aug 11, 2007
Can't post for 36 hours!
Learn martial arts

Apr 15, 2003

redshirt posted:

Learn martial arts

Sophy Wackles
Dec 17, 2000

> access main security grid

The plan is to take the vulnerable kid with self esteem issues away from his mother to be raised by you and his uncle, neither of which have any experience with children?

Aug 27, 2000

You need to dress up as a teen and join them at school, be their cool 17yo no-nonsense friend with a heart of gold. Also, if they wear glasses, remove them and have them let their hair down, always makes them cool. At least based on the movies I've seen.

Jul 17, 2012
the current batch of teens dont like when you talk to them hth op

Jun 29, 2003

First of all you need to tone down your "why bother? global warming's gonna get you killed in the water wars anyway, kid," vibe when you're around him. If you even can...

Colonel J
Jan 3, 2008
have him sync dark side of the moon to wizard of oz

Feb 11, 2019
Can't post for 18 days!

Genesplicer posted:

School starts on Monday. I'm teaching exclusively 7th grade this year. I'm just wondering what will replace "Skibidi" and "Sigma" as this year's hot, with-it phrases.

sigma balls

Chief McHeath
Apr 23, 2002
Can't post for 14 days!
get them a QP and tell them to flip it and buy a pound, OP

Jul 17, 2012
teach them how to make crack in the microwave

Three Olives
Apr 10, 2005

Not a single fucking olive in sight
Kids these days don't know how to use computers and it completely baffles me. I mean maybe it is just my line of work, or my specific generation but when I came into the workforce and where I am now there was just an assumption that you could throw a giant Excel file at someone and answer a specific question from it or like detailed time management in Outlook and the under 25 crowd seems to think Excel is a design tool at best and that Outlook is just a thing old people because they don't know how to text.


Apr 15, 2003

Three Olives posted:

Kids these days don't know how to use computers and it completely baffles me. I mean maybe it is just my line of work, or my specific generation but when I came into the workforce and where I am now there was just an assumption that you could throw a giant Excel file at someone and answer a specific question from it or like detailed time management in Outlook and the under 25 crowd seems to think Excel is a design tool at best and that Outlook is just a thing old people because they don't know how to text.


same thing as me being born in '86 and getting to vibe with genx while watching everything they loved completely destroyed by the doubling yearly march of technology (i learned to dial a rotary phone as a child as a necessity and remember the logo of Southwestern Bell), except that poo poo stopped when everyone got screens and it went to software and human programming

MrQwerty fucked around with this message at 05:17 on Aug 11, 2024

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