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Nov 4, 2008

I don't think!
Ham Wrangler
He had such a unique voice and was one of those rare musicians that becomes super popular despite not being traditionally attractive. I remember being a fat little kid and thinking "maybe I could be famous one day too even if I'm fat if I just work hard and have the talent!" And look at me now: fat once again and shitposting on an old obscure message board. OK maybe I was a little off but hey The Voice exists which is specifically supposed to give people a chance even if they maybe don't look like a typical singer/their voice doesn't match how they look. This guy was ahead of the times.


May 26, 2011

Because it never leaves its bedroom, no one has ever seen this poster's real face.
I only thought about him as that guy who was the harmonica guy on roseanne one time, I think john goodman played with him on stage and the audience was like woooooo! my mom hated blues traveler because he wailed on the harmonica like a saxophone or something and to her harmonica is supposed to be a more subdued, soulful, almost keening sound. idk maybe she kind of had a point, iirc he had a vest of harmonicas for when he blew out a reed, and I don't know of any instrument that you're supposed to play so hard that you regularly break it (on accident. The Who broke their instruments but it was usually on purpose)

but then youtube recommended me a clip of the game grumps talking about blues traveler and one of them does the opening harmonica solo from Run Around with his voice and it's pretty funny because he just goes for it and you know exactly what he's talking about, but also then they talk about how the music video for that song had a fake band performing then it cuts to him in the back being not as pretty as the fake band and it was a commentary on appearances and shallow phony commercialism. I won't embed it because I feel like it would be disrespectful to just impose some video game youtubers on this thread like it's a universally shared cultural touchstone but I do think it's relevant enough to link to since it's what last made me remember blues traveler and because this thread is about how john popper was not a conventionally attractive musician

Cubone fucked around with this message at 20:16 on Aug 11, 2024

Mar 11, 2004

Just like Mama used to make it!
In 1996 was working as a medical records tech and we were located in the sub-basement of hospital. The only radio station we got was some adult contemporary bullshit that only had about 20 songs.

One of these was Runaround. Just hearing the 1st two milliseconds of the songs puts me into a rage .

Apr 6, 2011

He’s dead op

Brother Tadger
Feb 15, 2012

I'm accidentally a suicide bomber!

Found a harmonica the other day in my attic and immediately thought of Tom Petty and Blue travelers Guy

Milo and POTUS
Sep 3, 2017

I will not shut up about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I talk about them all the time and work them into every conversation I have. I built a shrine in my room for the yellow one who died because sadly no one noticed because she died around 9/11. Wanna see it?
I think about the guy from jurassic 5 with the super deep voice. The gently caress was up with that

20 Blunts
Jan 21, 2017
i think about the huskies from Snow Dogs more

Lucky Guy
Jan 24, 2013

TY for no bm

One of my friends in middle school was convinced that he became so fat it was illegal for him to be on TV any longer, and that's why the band disappeared

Mar 4, 2008

Any band with some non-traditional rock instruments in the mid to late 90s. Blues Traveler, Ben Folds Five, Cake, Squirrel Nut Zippers. Give me a harmonica or some trumpets or something.

mailorder bees
Nov 4, 2011

didnt he die in a murphy bed accident?

Mar 11, 2004

Just like Mama used to make it!
He's still around and lost a lot of weight. He was on Pawn Stars a few years ago selling one his old harmonica bandoleers.

Legin Noslen
Sep 9, 2004
Fortified with Rhiboflavin
Got caught in WA with a ton of guns in his car, which was cool

Flowers for QAnon
May 20, 2019

John popper smuggled cocaine in his harmonicas, which is a feat for a musician that is not conventionally attractive

Dec 7, 2004

The People's Tight End.
Wasn't there a former Goon/Weird Twitter user who used to harrass that guy on Twitter?

Pennywise the Frown
May 10, 2010

Upset Trowel
wtf?! I could have sworn he was dead. I thought he died like 20 years ago.

Mar 11, 2004

Just like Mama used to make it!

Pennywise the Frown posted:

wtf?! I could have sworn he was dead. I thought he died like 20 years ago.

That was his career. The man is still aroujnd.

Feb 18, 2001

If two grown men can't make a pervert happy for a few minutes in order to watch a film about zombies, then maybe we should all just move to Iran!
For some reason like 2 days ago, sitting in traffic, I decided to see if I still remembered all the words for that one part of that one song.

Sure do.

Dumb Sex-Parrot
Dec 25, 2020

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump
^something about rintintin, right?

My Dad Nintendo
Oct 7, 2005

Throwaway 90's faux-euphoria along the lines of Hootie and Dave Matthews

Bula Vinaka
Oct 21, 2020

beach side
how 'bout hootie

ne1 thinkin of him?

Deep Glove Bruno
Sep 4, 2015

yung swamp thang

Milo and POTUS posted:

I think about the guy from jurassic 5 with the super deep voice. The gently caress was up with that

it's how it is. chali 2na prob wouldn't have sounded weird if he were in a crew with roots manuva or something (they did a song together called "join the dots") but the other guys in j5 were all kind of reedy voiced

Apr 6, 2011

Holy poo poo he is still alive! I would have put money on him being dead for a decade at least. Egg on my face for sure.

Mar 11, 2004

Just like Mama used to make it!

Bula Vinaka posted:

how 'bout hootie

ne1 thinkin of him?

Darius Rucker is a country music star now.

Pirate Radar
Apr 18, 2008

You're not my Ruthie!
You're not my Debbie!
You're not my Sherry!
There was a dog in Blues Traveler?

Brother Tadger
Feb 15, 2012

I'm accidentally a suicide bomber!

Bula Vinaka posted:

how 'bout hootie

ne1 thinkin of him?

Nah, he’s Darius now

E. Fb

Feb 11, 2019
Can't post for 18 days!
Booty and the Hole Fish

Pirate Radar
Apr 18, 2008

You're not my Ruthie!
You're not my Debbie!
You're not my Sherry!
Wait no I was wrong

There was a furry in Blues Traveler?

Oct 22, 2004

(Thinking about them
fish delites...)


John Popper was on Stern one time and cornered one of his staffers to show him the (no joke) fifteen different knives he had hidden on his person. It was uhhh somewhat disturbing.

Brother Tadger
Feb 15, 2012

I'm accidentally a suicide bomber!

Were they for cutting up different cheeses or

Oct 22, 2004

(Thinking about them
fish delites...)


Brother Tadger posted:

Were they for cutting up different cheeses or

Either that or stabbing homeless people, the vibes were kinda similar.

Oct 29, 2012

This avatar brought to you by the 'save our dead gay forums' foundation.

I assume he still travelin'

Devils Affricate
Jan 22, 2010

Pirate Radar posted:

There was a dog in Blues Traveler?

Bluey Traveler

Sex Farm
Nov 17, 2017

Bonzo posted:

Darius Rucker is a country music star now.

Darius Rucker is NOT hootie. They've said this many times
Please edit your post

Aug 11, 2007
Can't post for 36 hours!
I do because of this thread, OP. That's the power of ideas - you created it out of nothing, but now it exists. I'm thinking of that husky Blues Traveler guy. God bless him, God bless us all.

Funky See Funky Do
Aug 20, 2013
Who still thinks about any other member of Blues Traveller? Ironic isn't it? That the least mobile one of them would end up being the only one remembered.

Scrotum Modem
Sep 12, 2014

he gave the disabled a spot to hang out on stage with him. he a cool dood in my book

Feb 11, 2014

mailorder bees posted:

didnt he die in a murphy bed accident?


Deep Glove Bruno
Sep 4, 2015

yung swamp thang

Sex Farm posted:

Darius Rucker is NOT hootie. They've said this many times
Please edit your post

if you don't want to be called hootie you need to consider carefully the costs and benefits of fronting a band called hootie and the somethings

Apr 15, 2003

haljordan posted:

John Popper was on Stern one time and cornered one of his staffers to show him the (no joke) fifteen different knives he had hidden on his person. It was uhhh somewhat disturbing.

John Popper is an insane libertarian


Dumb Sex-Parrot
Dec 25, 2020

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump
anyone own a husky? what's it like?

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