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Dec 23, 2005

my eyes are all gritty and itchy because of wildfire smoke in the air. i been using propylene glycol for the grit, naphazoline hcl for the tree poo poo, and neomycin/polymyxin b/dexamethasone ointment for the iritis.

how are your all eyes doing?


May 26, 2011

Because it never leaves its bedroom, no one has ever seen this poster's real face.

Buce posted:

how are your all eyes doing?
they're so hosed dude. it's real bad

neato burrito
Aug 25, 2002

bitch better have my chex mix

Far sight was bad, but near was good. Now near is getting bad too!

Das Boo
Jun 9, 2011

There was a GHOST here.
It's gone now.
Anyone else get a lot of styes as a kid? I suddenly realized I haven't had one in my entire adult life.

Dec 23, 2005

Das Boo posted:

Anyone else get a lot of styes as a kid? I suddenly realized I haven't had one in my entire adult life.

i never got one of those

deep dish peat moss
Jul 27, 2006

I've got a refractive amblyopia where one of my eyes doesn't take in enough light to see properly so it has vision so bad that my brain literally filters it out when both eyes are open and I don't consciously see out of it.

My other eye was historically perfect in every way to compensate but these days it's struggling a lot with e.g. text on tv in a dark room

Acoustic Radiation
Mar 27, 2010

Slippery Tilde
i got astigmatism in my right eye

Dec 23, 2005

deep dish peat moss posted:

I've got a refractive amblyopia where one of my eyes doesn't take in enough light to see properly so it has vision so bad that my brain literally filters it out when both eyes are open and I don't consciously see out of it.

My other eye was historically perfect in every way to compensate but these days it's struggling a lot with e.g. text on tv in a dark room

do you have any blindsight sensations as a result?

e: i mean subconscious response to stimulus in the hosed up eye

Funky See Funky Do
Aug 20, 2013

Das Boo posted:

Anyone else get a lot of styes as a kid? I suddenly realized I haven't had one in my entire adult life.

Humans start get fewer sties around the same time they stop needing to be told to wash their hands.

My vision is constantly pixelated and warped but it's not me peepers it's me noggin.

Das Boo
Jun 9, 2011

There was a GHOST here.
It's gone now.

Buce posted:

i never got one of those

It feels like your eyelids are made of tongue depressors and they scuff your eye every time you blink. Do not recommend.

Dec 23, 2005

Das Boo posted:

It feels like your eyelids are made of tongue depressors and they scuff your eye every time you blink. Do not recommend.

ty for making my eyes water

Das Boo
Jun 9, 2011

There was a GHOST here.
It's gone now.

Buce posted:

ty for making my eyes water

I got u, friend. :cool:

Lil Swamp Booger Baby
Aug 1, 1981

Gritty, itchy, eyeballs getting bitchy
The bifocals son, that poo poo is Versace

Dec 12, 2013

Can eyeglasses goons give me an advice? During the latest checkup they said that yup can technically get reading glasses, I didn't yet get around to it. Will my eyesight continue to deteriorate if I continue to roll without glasses? From strain or something? I don't particularly notice any strain but at times I feel like I might be straining sometimes.

Dec 18, 2020
Can't post for 3 days!
youre going to die

Funky See Funky Do
Aug 20, 2013
but you will see it coming

Apr 15, 2003

Sekenr posted:

Can eyeglasses goons give me an advice? During the latest checkup they said that yup can technically get reading glasses, I didn't yet get around to it. Will my eyesight continue to deteriorate if I continue to roll without glasses? From strain or something? I don't particularly notice any strain but at times I feel like I might be straining sometimes.

Your eyes will never get better than they are right now

Aug 2, 2016

Not a Dickman, just a shape
I copped a volleyball spike to the face a few years ago and now my (luckily) non dominant eye doesn't focus perfectly and gets uncomfortable easily

May 26, 2011

Because it never leaves its bedroom, no one has ever seen this poster's real face.

Sekenr posted:

Can eyeglasses goons give me an advice? During the latest checkup they said that yup can technically get reading glasses, I didn't yet get around to it. Will my eyesight continue to deteriorate if I continue to roll without glasses? From strain or something? I don't particularly notice any strain but at times I feel like I might be straining sometimes.
there's basically no evidence that using or not using eyeglasses will have any effect on your future need for eyeglasses. needing glasses is usually because your eyeball is the wrong shape, and you can't change their shape or prevent them from becoming a stupider shape by using them a certain way
eye strain is real but it's not chronic. your eyes focus using muscles and like any part of your body you can push it too far, and if that happens that just means you need to rest them and let them recover, usually by closing your eyes for a bit every hour or so

May 21, 2019

I have two eyes but no real binocular vision. I have to choose which of two images to focus on at any moment. If I'm riding in the passenger seat of a car I will often see a vehicle in the right lane as being halfway in our lane, which is kind of scary. I can't drive due to this, although I am licensed.

mawarannahr fucked around with this message at 08:57 on Aug 12, 2024

Dec 23, 2005

mawarannahr posted:

I have two eyes but no real binocular vision. I have to choose which of two images to focus on at any moment. If I'm riding in the passenger seat of a car I will often see a vehicle in the right lane as being halfway in our lane, which is kind of scary. I can't drive due to this, although I am licensed.

so the entire world islike a magic eye image?

Acoustic Radiation
Mar 27, 2010

Slippery Tilde

i get this sometimes

Dec 12, 2013

Cubone posted:

there's basically no evidence that using or not using eyeglasses will have any effect on your future need for eyeglasses. needing glasses is usually because your eyeball is the wrong shape, and you can't change their shape or prevent them from becoming a stupider shape by using them a certain way
eye strain is real but it's not chronic. your eyes focus using muscles and like any part of your body you can push it too far, and if that happens that just means you need to rest them and let them recover, usually by closing your eyes for a bit every hour or so

Do eyeglasses make you smarter though?

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.
All my life, my vision was tip-top, gently caress you awesome, I could read the smaller text on a poster or sign on the other side of the room. About 7 years back, it began to deteriorate and now, everything is a blurry mess and it's loving me up. Already been through 2 sets of glasses and feels like I need to get tested again, it's been a depressing and humbling experience (in terms of realising yeah, I'm getting old). Like sure, I figured I might need glasses someday but the way my eyes went from perfect to garbage so fast just knocked me on my arse.

WTB Kiroshis dammit.

Quiet Feet
Dec 14, 2009


Oh these fuckers. I get them more frequently the older I get but they don't last as long these days. It used to be I'd see one every other year or so in my twenties and they'd last for hours. Now it's usually a couple per year but only for 30-45 minutes at a time.

And you know what triggers them? Bright light! And it's usually sunlight. My eyes are getting more light sensitive as I age and I now wear sunglasses whenever I leave the house.

Wifi Toilet
Oct 1, 2004

Toilet Rascal
Left eye's getting a cataract :corsair: and poo poo's getting all hazy, annoying driving at night. Also got some kind of translucent flake or floater in that eye keeps moving into the center of my vision when I move my eye around. Sucks.

Oh yeah I got that scintillating scotoma thing when I don't eat enough.

Acoustic Radiation
Mar 27, 2010

Slippery Tilde
i had my first one while reading a book in my room, my doctor thought i had a stroke

Captain Splendid
Jan 7, 2009
Can't post for 6 hours!
I have a permanent scotoma practically in the middle of my right eye's field of vision.

If anything ever happens to my left eye reading will be a bitch

Cobra Commander
Jan 18, 2011

I have a generic eye condition and it’s unfortunately progressive, so I periodically have days where it is like reopening a wound as I deal with my vision worsening. I have night blindness, can’t drive l, losing my peripheral vision, cs t judge distances that great anymore, and I have trouble discerning colors now too. I will be joining the white cane society before long.

Mar 22, 2013

my actual vision is fine technically and I don't need glasses, but I have really heavy visual snow and floaters all the time I just kind of tune out during day to day life

at times it does make it hard to focus especially at a distance though

Shithouse Dave
Aug 5, 2007

each post manufactured to the highest specifications

I just booked an eye test today actually, I feel like my night vision and far vision aren’t as good as they used to be.

I get something kinda like the scintillating scrotum, but it’s not an arc, it’s little bright points around my peripheral vision, like sparkles, sometimes with colours. I don’t know what that’s called. Sometimes it comes with a migraine, other times it doesn’t.

Mar 7, 2006

Look, the Mona Lisa's not a better painting, it's merely a more famous one, and it was made more famous because it was stolen. And this was stolen, so...
I have Adie's Pupil.

Oct 15, 2004

I got lasik in 2019 with no complications and my vision owns.

Dec 18, 2020
Can't post for 3 days!
i got astigmatism in both eyes or however that terminology goes, i cant see poo poo!

i must compose
Jul 4, 2010

Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
I have glaucoma

May 12, 2012
I expected this thread to have fancy css with larger fonts but was disappointed

SIDS Vicious
Jan 1, 1970

i made food with jalapenos the other day and kept forgetting and rubbed my eyes like thirty different times and they were so sore

Jun 29, 2003

I've had dry eye disease for seven years and it makes me want to kill myself. Imagine the feeling of getting an eyelash stuck in your eye that you could never get out, which slowly progresses to feeling like a new papercut opening up on your cornea every ten seconds. I'm actually going to another ophthalmologist appointment today.

Grey Cat
Jun 3, 2023


I have astigmatism in both eyes, but if you know what -4.50 means then you know what's really up.

I'm also overdue for a new scrip but I've been putting it off as usual.


sex excellence
Feb 19, 2011

Satisfaction Guranteed
herpes simplex in my eye. If it breaks out it feels like a razor was run deep against my cornea. Closing the eye provides no relief. You put a medicated goop in it to heal faster.

No one hosed my eye or anything cool like that. You usually get it when someone with a cold sore kisses your face as a baby.

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