People died and that's very sad but we also got this rad bunny sabering. https://abcnews4.com/news/videos/easter-bunny-sings-in-new-orleans-empty-french-quarter this person doing some aerobics with some nice footage of a coup taking place. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6lqE_MQv8o and This was a protest in response to George Foyd, I'm glad people took masking up seriously.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 06:58 |
# ? Sep 9, 2024 10:07 |
The thing I miss the most was getting paid to do nothing. Wish we could do that all the time.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 07:14 |
I remember the weekend of March 14th, 2020 very clearly. I got approved for WFH Thursday, my dad had a heart attack Friday, I flew out to Montana Saturday, and the country shut down Monday. I have been milking WFH on a farm for 4 years now. Dad's fine and I get to hang with my very good family and very good pets rather than hanging out in LA traffic.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 07:46 |
Oh and now places have online ordering/delivery gently caress YEAH!
# ? Aug 14, 2024 07:49 |
Yeah WFH rules, thank you covid I get my own private bathroom and I get paid to do the same amount of work that I was doing before (little) and still get the same salary (also little) but now instead of pretending to work by tapping on my keyboard in a cubicle so that it sounds like I'm doing something, I can go out shopping with my wife or play Balatro or something if there's no tickets in our queue
# ? Aug 14, 2024 07:50 |
I wasn't judged for not going outside, truly a golden age.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 07:55 |
I enjoyed being able to go out for a drive in the middle of the day and there being nobody out on the road anywhere.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 07:59 |
Being told for years that working from home en masse just wasn't possible and then watching it become possible overnight. Amazing what a twist of the arm can achieve. I still feel bad for younger folks who lost some of the best years of their life to lockdowns though, that time doesn't come back.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 08:16 |
The pandemic proved in person work for much of society is no longer necessary and capital is pissed about it. Large scale real estate holdings might collapse like China. Lol
# ? Aug 14, 2024 08:18 |
Counterpoint; a lot of reclusive nerds recount it as the best time of their lives as millions of ppl die Who is right. Hard 2 say
# ? Aug 14, 2024 08:21 |
it actually sucked rear end. especially if you had a job that couldn't be done from home.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 08:28 |
It was a glorious time, where my paranoid hyper vigilance could be mistaken for wisdom, op
# ? Aug 14, 2024 08:36 |
The pandemic was a loving disaster for me. I won't go into too much detail but I had to drop out of college, move back home with my parents - then they decided to retire and move up the mountain - take me and 2 siblings with them and I was stuck there for 2 and a half years. Then Rishi Sunak had the bright idea of "eat out to help out" to keep cafes and restaurants afloat - by subsidising meals instead of giving the workers and buisiness owners furlough. Most of my dumbass family got onboard and I was the only one in a house of 5 that didn't catch covid. Maybe being half a foot taller than all of them means I wasn't breathing the same air or I just got lucky. No deaths from covid but my brother was drinking himself to death during all this - he died earlier this year. It took a toll on my sanity. Posting here for four years with only one probe and I just recently made it to two pages of rap sheet entries.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 08:53 |
As a married IT employee with a $2m house and no need for human contact it ruled, why is everyone so negative
# ? Aug 14, 2024 08:53 |
It triggered an anxiety spiral and existential crisis in my that meant I took 3 months off work, that I've never really recovered and turned into a full diagnosis of ocd. Going into the office for the first two weeks while people still believed it was carried by droplets and spit and as long as you just don't touch the wrong thing or bump into the right person you'll be fine, I swear. Only knew one person who died from it (excluding celebrities) and almost finished the FF14 MSQ while pretending to be at work though.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 09:08 |
I work in a special needs department in a school and basically 90% of the students stayed home and learnt and we got to have incredible amounts of one on one time The whole place was just quieter and it was lovely to have enough time to actually teach things to kids who need it I ran a really good experiment on bean sprouts for an agricultural class since they couldn't come out, did a bunch of practical work with some Deaf students. I also managed to buy a house so like honestly the pandemic was stressful, but from an egoist perspective a positive for me It also kinda broke my brain just a bit seeing how little civil disobedience can cause enforcement for the police and how easily the state can just tick a box and quickly improve social services for large swaths of people So positive for me, but really altered my perspective on statehood
# ? Aug 14, 2024 09:20 |
Got handed a fat paperwork packet from my former corporate masters that explained that pest control was essential (never had to show it to anyone) and went on like nothing happened. Wearing a mask in the Florida heat sucked balls though.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 10:14 |
I always had this idea that we should as a planet shut down for a month. Like, announce one day that in ten years everybody is going to do absolutely nothing for a month and stay home. Begin preparing now. We could basically eliminate a ton of diseases. I realized a week into lockdown that people would never agree to such a plan.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 10:22 |
I got a letter from the CEO of my company saying I was an essential worker and very little changed in my day-to-day work except they sent us a T-shirt that said "We are (company name) STRONG" (we weren't allowed to wear this at work, though). They provided us masks and gloves and hand sanitizer and they'd spray down the building every time someone popped positive for covid. There was a stretch in the winter of 2020 where they were spraying the place down every night, it was honestly one of the scariest times of my life. One of the operation managers came into work coughing and sneezing the week before Christmas and just told everyone he had allergies because he was dusting his house. He got 6 people sick with covid, I think that was the record for a single person infecting other people. He ended up getting fired later for falling asleep in the parking lot of a strip club in a company vehicle. I had a brother-in-law at the time (he's now divorced from my wife's sister) who got covid at least 4 times and it wrecked his body, but he just kept saying he was "sick" or he "had an illness". By the end he was constantly fatigued and pre-diabetic, although I can't say for sure that's due to long covid. My wife's family in general didn't take it serious and we had a ton of arguments with them over this, made worse by the right-wing talking point that covid was "just a cold" and was only dangerous for old people and people with co-morbidities. Everybody would conveniently ignore their own co-morbidities (asthma, obesity, diabetes) and insist they were totally fine, constantly going to church on Sundays (and church didn't require masks after May of 2020) and going out to eat and just basically acting like everything was fine. We did a zoom meeting for Thanksgiving and Christmas and you would have thought we pissed all over the graves of every dead relative from how that went over. 2 co-workers died from it. One guy in the summer of 2021 because he refused to get vaccinated. He was in the hospital for 3 weeks, barely conscious for most of it. His sister was pleading for everyone to get vaccinated after that, she said it was the worst experience of her life. Another guy caught it, seemed to be recovering, and then died in the fall of 2020. The first guy was the life of the party, a volunteer firefighter, and was one of the nicest guys I've ever met. My father-in-law got REAL into conspiracy stuff and became convinced the vaccine had The Mark of the Beast in it, his church got crazier too and just made it even worse. My wife got a LOT of late night calls from him talking about big tractor trailers full of vaccines being shipped across the country and how "they" were going to lock down certain states and force us to get vaccinated so they could mind control us. This was in the summer of 2020. So yeah it actually sucked rear end completely even if I did play a weekly game of Among Us with my friends and family.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 11:41 |
I didnt enjoy getting Covid or watching long time family friends become RFK followers but aside from that it was fine.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 11:42 |
Not gonna lie the pandemic was one of the best times of my life. Cycled on empty roads, explored new hobbies, found new podcasts and YouTube channels to enjoy. Met a new best friend volunteering for community relief programs. It obviously destroyed a lot of lives but the world probably does benefit from some event that puts everything at a standstill for a non-trivial period of time.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 11:51 |
BadFilmBestFilm posted:
Yeah I thought back to being an 18yo student and all the new freedom and fun that entailed that millions of youngsters were missing out on and that sucked. I can't complain too much about my situation. It was boring living in the city when everything was closed.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 11:58 |
Life has changed so much since then. Now I sit in a cubicle and make TEAMs calls to my cubicle neighbors.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 12:00 |
# ? Aug 14, 2024 12:01 |
I'm as reclusive as the next goon but even I got tired of being home all day + afraid of getting sick + half the population turning into even more radicalized nutjobs that think everything is a deep state conspiracy
# ? Aug 14, 2024 12:05 |
Jestery posted:how easily the state can just tick a box and quickly improve social services for large swaths of people The homeless 'problem' was basically fixed overnight in the UK. Now we have the 'problem' again.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 12:40 |
drat if drivers haven't got more crazy since then tho. Im spooked while driving
# ? Aug 14, 2024 13:02 |
was probably the best time in my, and many peoples, lives, due to the government intervening directly to solve several social problems at once. its crazy how they showed us this was not only possible, but easy, only to turn around 1-2 years later and say "haha just kidding serf, back to working my demesne"
# ? Aug 14, 2024 13:25 |
Panic! At The Tesco posted:it actually sucked rear end. especially if you had a job that couldn't be done from home. Yeah, I worked at a convenience store through a lot of it. It sucked and I had to fight tooth and nail to be allowed to clean properly. People were insane and management didn't take things seriously. This was at a pharmacy/convenience store conmbo, btw. It was fun to watch regulars slowly stop coming in and wondering if they died. I only got covid after I had left the job and mask mandates were lifted everywhere. I was no longer working with the public, but got it anyway, because people are assholes and will travel even if they've been exposed to sick family. Now I get sick every single time I have to work a booth at a convention or something, and my body has decided it mildly hates itself and I can't eat half the things I used to anymore. Korben, if you're reading this, I would wring your stupid neck if I could, do not approach me ever again. Your sheltered rear end sucks and has actively made my life worse.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 13:26 |
hot cocoa on the couch posted:was probably the best time in my, and many peoples, lives, due to the government intervening directly to solve several social problems at once. its crazy how they showed us this was not only possible, but easy, only to turn around 1-2 years later and say "haha just kidding serf, back to working my demesne" Crazy isn't the word I would choose for that. Expected is the word, and people didn't make too much of a ruckus resisting it. Covid showed me people value comfort and convenience more than anything, even the truth. A lot of people died because it's more comfy to believe conspiracy theories. It sucks worse when your state is ruled by people like that. Covid also showed me how sharp the divide from office worker to anyone else is. White collar jobs really are their own world, and people in them really are clueless assholes that will bitch about literally anything. I saw so much bitching about work from home from people I knew, and was just flabbergasted. Cool story, bro, I'm out here dealing with people that will literally spit on you to "prove" you shouldn't be wearing your mask. I lost so much respect for computer toucher jobs. Ironic, considering what I do for a living now, but at least I'm not a cubicle jockey bitching about his job security and benefits.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 13:44 |
I worked through most of the pandemic, but there was a period of time where I worked maybe 3 days a week (and I I think we could claim UI on the days we should have worked), I had maybe 2-3 weeks of unemployment that was actually paying me more per week then my ft job, during Qwhich me and my wife spent most of it playing WoW classic. I lived in an area right by the braves stadium what always sucked during the summer, it was great driving all around Atlanta with like no one on the highways. Early in the pandemic, while I was filling my car up with gas, a person came up close to me, maskless, to ask for something, I can't remember what, it was innocuous, but I declined or feigned and went right that back into my car, my wife could tell I was visibly disturbed and shaken, I know I felt super anxious all of a sudden, all because of the fear and mystery still surrounding COVID. All it made me realize is that all employers should have seasonal, mandatory 2 week paid vacations for all employees. Edit: oh and I never got COVID until last year? Was it the weed I smoked every day or just plain luck? I worked full time from 2020 July till current, dealing with the public everyday, albeit somewhat controlled (eye Drs office). GreatMrPopo fucked around with this message at 14:08 on Aug 14, 2024 |
# ? Aug 14, 2024 14:01 |
Panic! At The Tesco posted:it actually sucked rear end. especially if you had a job that couldn't be done from home.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 14:02 |
I had to work in the office because I was part of the mailroom/imaging team so I was working with physical documents. The rest of the office was empty and they split the department up. I was on the fourth floor with like maybe 15 other people all spread the gently caress out. I'd do my job, which maybe took an hour or two, then dick around on my phone. Some days I got to work in less then 5 min because the highway was empty.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 14:11 |
I lost a great deal of trust in my fellow Americans due to their pandemic responses.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 14:12 |
I’m glad my kid was too young for school at the time.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 14:20 |
I’m “essential healthcare” so I never stopped working with the public, double-masked for two years (single masked for another two), literally did not go anywhere but work until summer of 2023 other than a 2022 outdoor wedding reception where everyone had to test beforehand. I have PTSD and was only able to get into a “back of house” part of my career thanks to my mother’s fellow templegoer putting a word in for me. I will never, ever work a public facing job again. More importantly I will never, EVER forgive the people in power who allowed millions to die because money was more important. Somehow I only got Covid this year thanks to a fellow coworker who is no longer at our company. Now I get to have that lingering wonder if I’ll end up with long term impacts in years to come. It’s over the nose you goddamn dimwits.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 14:23 |
Strangely enough, I managed to get a job during it (which also fast-tracked me into being allow d to become a citizen) which required me to be on-site, and since I lived in a country which didn't have lockdowns, I simply took a bus while wearing a mask for the whole time. I always feel slightly odd thinking about it, since I didn't experience any of the forced home-time that was seemed otherwise universal. Ended up getting it from my parents who came round for a visit and I'm still angry at them, but more at myself for not putting my foot down firmly and saying no to it, even if it was at the end of the lockdown.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 14:26 |
My divorce was finalized five months before lockdown, and thank God for that because that was not a great situation. As luck would have it, after a few months of dating again I met my now-wife two weeks before COVID blew up. We're both introverts and that helped immensely; aside from the constant lingering fear of us or family falling ill, things went pretty well overall and we were lucky enough to have resources and employment. More than anything, though, I learned to stop feeling like I needed to give as much as I do to work and the grind in general. They'll replace you as soon as they can, if they can - far better to look out for yourself and your loved ones. I jumped ship from my teaching job of 10 years when my admin threw their "employees are family" line out the window for "number go up now" and made that mentality clear to everyone - kids included.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 14:26 |
One of my neighbors was proudly posting photos of herself, her husband, and her baby going to restaurants that were staying open despite Pennsylvania banning indoor dining for a while. This continued for like a month, then one day it just stopped. I didn't see them walking in the neighborhood or anything like that. The next thing she posted was a request for prayer for her parents, who both caught "the coronavirus" and were hospitalized for a month. Must have just been one of those unavoidable things.
# ? Aug 14, 2024 14:28 |
# ? Sep 9, 2024 10:07 |
Anyone agree that the 1-2 punch of Trump and the Pandemic seriously frayed our "social contract"?
# ? Aug 14, 2024 14:30 |