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free hubcaps
Oct 12, 2009

OK I know this movie doesn't come out till next year and what we know rn is limited but I'm fed up with this WOKE LIB BULLSHIT crapping up my favorite franchises!!! Just from the trailer I can already tell this is gonna be a loving disaster

-Gumby is GREEN. HES ALWAYS BEEN GREEN. he's not loving teal, or turquoise, like it shoes him in the trailer....gently caress this pandering, identity politics poo poo!!! #MakeGumbyGreenAgain

-Gumbys dad, Gumbo, was always a masculine fireman and a good father figure and loving but strict husband to Gumba, as he should be. Now he's divorced and apparently GAY???!? That certainly appears to be the dynamic between him and the new policeman character Gumbert based on the trailer.

-Pokey's dead????

There were lots of other shocking bits of the trailer, please help me assemble all of the terrible bits so we can draft a letter to Legendary Pictures and let them know the fans won't stand for this WOKE bullshit!!!!!1


Jun 15, 2012

Gumby got cancelled for what he done to those robits

Feb 11, 2019
Can't post for 18 days!
Gumby is hung

Gertrude Perkins
May 1, 2010

Gun Snake

dont talk to gun snake

Drops: human teeth

Gumby is hung.

Edward Mass
Sep 14, 2011

𝅘𝅥𝅮 I wanna go home with the armadillo
Good country music from Amarillo and Abilene
Friendliest people and the prettiest women you've ever seen
For real, though, see who bought the rights to Gumby a few years ago.

meat police
Nov 14, 2015


May 30, 2015

WE GET IT. YOU LOVE GUN JESUS. Toujours des fusils Bullpup Français.

Oct 14, 2007

We can all learn from our past mistakes.

free hubcaps posted:

OK I know this movie doesn't come out till next year and what we know rn is limited but I'm fed up with this WOKE LIB BULLSHIT crapping up my favorite franchises!!! Just from the trailer I can already tell this is gonna be a loving disaster

-Gumby is GREEN. HES ALWAYS BEEN GREEN. he's not loving teal, or turquoise, like it shoes him in the trailer....gently caress this pandering, identity politics poo poo!!! #MakeGumbyGreenAgain

-Gumbys dad, Gumbo, was always a masculine fireman and a good father figure and loving but strict husband to Gumba, as he should be. Now he's divorced and apparently GAY???!? That certainly appears to be the dynamic between him and the new policeman character Gumbert based on the trailer.

-Pokey's dead????

There were lots of other shocking bits of the trailer, please help me assemble all of the terrible bits so we can draft a letter to Legendary Pictures and let them know the fans won't stand for this WOKE bullshit!!!!!1

Yo Critical Drinker make a video about it.

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

when gumby said his pronouns my kids and i left the theater in disgust

Aug 20, 2022
Can't post for 6 days!

Stinky Wizzleteats
Nov 26, 2015
i can't stop complaining about GBS
I'm not allowed to talk about politics but I hope this is all in jest I hope they don't do that to gumby

Feb 11, 2019
Can't post for 18 days!
Chris Pratt as Gumby

Nov 28, 2007

Take me at your own risk.

Kiss From a Hog
Sorry OP but the movie's already been out for quite some time

William Henry Hairytaint
Oct 29, 2011

My father, currently 78 years old, hates Gumby and always has. I remember when I was 8 or 9 years old he and my older brother got into a back and forth where my brother would hide a little 5-inch tall Gumby figure in places my father would stumble across it. In his desk drawer, on the car dashboard, perched on the doorknob when my father got home from work. Just silly stuff like that. My dad would always trash talk Gumby a bit and give it back to my brother, jokingly threatening consequences. Then one time my brother did it and instead of returning Gumby, my father hung him from a yarn noose. The next time my brother did it, Gumby disappeared entirely. To this day he will not tell us what he did with that Gumby.

I've always wanted to find a large inflatable Gumby, sneak it into my dad's house while I'm visiting, and blow it up and leave it in his bedroom while he's asleep. I think it'd be fun to make my dad wake up and find a huge Gumby looming over him.

Stinky Wizzleteats
Nov 26, 2015
i can't stop complaining about GBS
My dad hated gumby too, thought it was too violent and he didn't think it was appropriate that he used swears

May 10, 2009

Billions and billions of fat clouds

I wish I could go back to sleep

Feb 11, 2019
Can't post for 18 days!

Stinky Wizzleteats posted:

My dad hated gumby too, thought it was too violent and he didn't think it was appropriate that he used swears

"Get your loving rear end in the truck you shitbag horse." ~ Gumby

Captain Hygiene
Sep 17, 2007

You mess with the crabbo...

ChickenHeart posted:

Sorry OP but the movie's already been out for quite some time

Robot rumps?! :monocle:

Aug 11, 2007
Can't post for 35 hours!
They took our Gumby!

Aug 24, 2004

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019


Apr 5, 2007
Gumby got into some hosed up adventures. Sometimes they'd do some weird psychedelic poo poo other times they'd turn into weird poo poo to fight people

Lil Swamp Booger Baby
Aug 1, 1981

Gumby gives me negative feelings. He would walk up like a golem and kill you with that expression on his face.

Aug 15, 2024

"I'm ten years late already!" - Eric Feeble
I implore all those who haven't yet to watch the 1995 Gumby movie. I dare you, double dog. It's an amazingly testament to the fact that all you need to make a good movie is silly clay insanity with absolutely no sense or grip to reality to speak of. The first five minutes feels like a movie on it's own.
I don't have high hopes for this new Gumby cartoon thats coming out soon. Not because muh woke or anything, just because 2d animated gumby doesn't make sense to me. The entire kistch and charm of the series is that claymation, that tinny audio, the quaintness of it all. I'll watch it when it comes out to form my full opinion tho'

wait just a darn minute there...


Cassette Moodcore
May 4, 2022

I didn’t know people gave a poo poo about Gumby in 2024, are there people who give a poo poo about huckleberry hound or underdog?

Maybe OP can get a Dennis the menace reboot going

Captain Hygiene
Sep 17, 2007

You mess with the crabbo...

Wait, it's just generic animated poo poo? What's even the point of Gumby if you can't sort of appreciate the sheer amount of time somebody spent manipulating a physical model to get dubiously entertaining results :negative:

Aug 15, 2024

"I'm ten years late already!" - Eric Feeble

Cassette Moodcore posted:

I didn’t know people gave a poo poo about Gumby in 2024, are there people who give a poo poo about huckleberry hound or underdog?

you're huckin' with the wrong dog buddy
also while trying to find a suitable angry huckleberry hound image i found this:

the kids ain't alright

The Bible
May 8, 2010

Pokey was poisoned by an insane neighbor who was convinced he was pissing on her rose bushes every night and woke up the family daily by angrily pounding on the windows and shrieking.

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Budzilla posted:

Yo Critical Drinker make a video about it.

This neu fookin Goomby moovie is the woorst ting since whatever neu Star Wars show I was mad aboot last week because Kathleen Kennedy peersonally murdered all the white bouys in it and transed everyone. I'm so angry aboot it, I will now play a clip of Tyrion Lannister vomiting eight times in a row while I swig a Jack Daniels I boot at a gas station last week.

sex excellence
Feb 19, 2011

Satisfaction Guranteed

William Henry Hairytaint posted:

My father, currently 78 years old, hates Gumby and always has. I remember when I was 8 or 9 years old he and my older brother got into a back and forth where my brother would hide a little 5-inch tall Gumby figure in places my father would stumble across it. In his desk drawer, on the car dashboard, perched on the doorknob when my father got home from work. Just silly stuff like that. My dad would always trash talk Gumby a bit and give it back to my brother, jokingly threatening consequences. Then one time my brother did it and instead of returning Gumby, my father hung him from a yarn noose. The next time my brother did it, Gumby disappeared entirely. To this day he will not tell us what he did with that Gumby.

I've always wanted to find a large inflatable Gumby, sneak it into my dad's house while I'm visiting, and blow it up and leave it in his bedroom while he's asleep. I think it'd be fun to make my dad wake up and find a huge Gumby looming over him.

he but cumby in his rear end

Jun 15, 2012

Bad Purchase posted:

when gumby said ***** pronouns my kids and i left the theater in disgust

Jun 22, 2016


May 26, 2011

Because it never leaves its bedroom, no one has ever seen this poster's real face.
I have been saying for years, YEARS, that if they ever brought Gumby back they would try to erase Grundlebus from history, and goons called me crazy and said I was making a big deal out of nothing just because nobody had bought the rights to Gumby or mentioned or thought about Gumby for thirty years and there was no indication that they would remove the character of Grundlebus the Fruckle, without LISTENING TO WHAT I WAS ACTUALLY loving SAYING. well, here we are, assclowns. Gumby is back and what's this? no Grundlebus. he's not on the imdb cast page, his page is gone from the unofficial Gumby fan wiki, I can't even find an image of him online. I can't even find my old Gumby posts mentioning him! the framed photo I have of me with my Grundlebus bedsheets as a child is beginning to fade away. the bastards really did it. Grundlebus is being erased from history. I tried to warn you. I tried to warn everybody

Aug 15, 2024

"I'm ten years late already!" - Eric Feeble
You cannot escape Pokey. No matter where you are, no matter what time period you inhabit. He will find you. And you WILL eat Goo's Pies.


Goo: "You see Prickle? I control the robots with-

Goo: This little radio computer!"

Prickle: "she has RETRACTABLE FINGERS?"
Prickle: "Uhhh...yeah, that's real swell Goo. Say, what have you been putting in these pies anyhow?"

TVsCoach fucked around with this message at 09:33 on Aug 15, 2024

Mar 9, 2007

And you don't remember what I said here, either, but it was pompous and stupid.
Jade Ear Joe

Cubone posted:

I have been saying for years, YEARS, that if they ever brought Gumby back they would try to erase Grundlebus from history, and goons called me crazy and said I was making a big deal out of nothing just because nobody had bought the rights to Gumby or mentioned or thought about Gumby for thirty years and there was no indication that they would remove the character of Grundlebus the Fruckle, without LISTENING TO WHAT I WAS ACTUALLY loving SAYING. well, here we are, assclowns. Gumby is back and what's this? no Grundlebus. he's not on the imdb cast page, his page is gone from the unofficial Gumby fan wiki, I can't even find an image of him online. I can't even find my old Gumby posts mentioning him! the framed photo I have of me with my Grundlebus bedsheets as a child is beginning to fade away. the bastards really did it. Grundlebus is being erased from history. I tried to warn you. I tried to warn everybody

you're imagining things I'm on the Grundlebus right now

Apr 18, 2003

Hey op

I'm woke :flip:

Apr 6, 2011

Not much else to say…

Impossibly Perfect Sphere
Nov 6, 2002

They wasted Luanne on Lucky!

She could of have been so much more but the writers just didn't care!
What until you read about the Betty Boop reboot OP.

Henry Lee Mucus
Dec 11, 2003

Apparently Woody Allen directed this new Gumby movie under a pseudonym because he loves that little green gently caress


Aug 11, 2007
Can't post for 35 hours!
Is Eddie Murphy involved?

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