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My Second Re-Reg
Aug 31, 2021

Come on down.
Let's make a deal.
eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk b


Apr 28, 2013


b-minus1 posted:

It’s not absurd if it’s the truth

My night actions have been confirmed by multiple people in the thread. I’m not trying to sound too defensive here because I totally get why anyone would think I’m scum, I haven’t done much of anything in this game, but I felt like you all should know that you’re wrong. I’m town, just didn’t have much to give for this game.

well........if I speak I'm a hypocrite. but "my actions were confirmed" is not much of an argument unless we know that there is exactly one scum left, which i don't think we do...?

brief tierlist (which I was actually working on between day start and end yesterday, came home to find the hammer had dropped smdh)
def town:
ani (smug about this soulread)

lean town:
ypm (would be very impressive and risky gambit for scum)
andy (extremely silly power for a scum, can't technically put it past JS)

psal (couple of "hrm" posts but nothing concrete)
illu (started off as a scumread but looks better and better every day)
msrr (is in this game, i dont know why but their posts keep sliding off my brain)
OA (will look much worse if schwinn is town obviously but our reasoning is similar so that inclines me to think he's towny)

lean scum:
schwinn (see earlier reasoning vis a vis egalz, illu)
binus (did not iirc respond to my post several days ago asking if scum--this is scum binus meta /jk) (but the wolo thing is weird)

iggy (iggy)

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
I missed that post one sec

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before

mycelia posted:

Hi binus are you scum this time?

Nope I’m town

Apr 28, 2013


b-minus1 posted:

Nope I’m town

no further questions your honor

Jul 11, 2002

mycelia posted:

Someone presumably attempted to kill me. I got better :science:

(I am the Doctor, specifically the Twelfth, but also a Yoshi. I regenerated! Into a stump.)

Was that always gonna happen if someone tried to kill you

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!
Hello friends.

I'm starting to think binus is scum.

Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

b-minus1 posted:

It’s not absurd if it’s the truth

My night actions have been confirmed by multiple people in the thread. I’m not trying to sound too defensive here because I totally get why anyone would think I’m scum, I haven’t done much of anything in this game, but I felt like you all should know that you’re wrong. I’m town, just didn’t have much to give for this game.

Feb 27, 2004

Some teeth long for ripping, gleaming wet from black dog gums. So you keep your eyes closed at the end. You don't want to see such a mouth up close. before the bite, before its oblivion in the goring of your soft parts, the speckled lips will curl back in a whinny of excitement. You just know it.

CapitalistPig posted:

Hello friends.

I'm starting to think binus is scum.
It's not a bad bandwagon, but I'm also distrustful of it because it seems like the only bandwagon today, if that makes sense. Days when everyone kinda mills around until we settle on someone that's good enough, those are days where the vote isn't very trustworthy.

Jul 11, 2002

CapnAndy posted:

It's not a bad bandwagon, but I'm also distrustful of it because it seems like the only bandwagon today, if that makes sense. Days when everyone kinda mills around until we settle on someone that's good enough, those are days where the vote isn't very trustworthy.

do you have an alternative case?

i do not like obama, partially for OMGUS and partially cuz the plurality hting was bad and partially cuz I haven't seen him do good scum hunting

i'd vote obama

Jul 11, 2002

@mycelia did you know that your alignment would be scrubbed upon your stump flip?

Jul 11, 2002

Ignatius M. Meen posted:

binus was intentionally low-posting so that wologar could keep powering him up

it's a good conspiracy theory op

Apr 28, 2013


shwinnebego posted:

Was that always gonna happen if someone tried to kill you


shwinnebego posted:

@mycelia did you know that your alignment would be scrubbed upon your stump flip?

Also yep!

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 6

⚪⚪🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢 CapnAndy (5): Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous
⚪⚪⚪⚪🟢🟢🟢 shwinnebego (3): Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous
⚪⚪⚪⚪🟢🟢🟢 b-minus1 (3): aniviron, shwinnebego, Ignatius M. Meen
⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪🟢 ObamaAkbar. (1): Your Personal Muse, shwinnebego, shwinnebego
⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪🟢 Ignatius M. Meen (1): Anonymous
⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ Potato Salad (0): Your Personal Muse, Your Personal Muse

Not voting: b-minus1, CapitalistPig, CapnAndy, Illusionis, My Second Re-Reg, mycelia, ObamaAkbar., Potato Salad

With 12 alive, it's 7 votes to execute. The current deadline is November 02nd, 2024 at 8 p.m. EDT -- that's in about 1 day, 6 hours.

Jul 11, 2002

i could kill cappy appy rn but i'm choosing not to

using my power is extremely fun so this is very difficult for me

sadly i'm p sure binus is scum so let's kill binus

Jul 11, 2002

oh i don't think illusionis has even checked in

Jul 11, 2002

Illusionis posted:

They seem related to his extra votes

oh wait illusionis popped in to just post this

let's kill binus and then illlu's likely gonna be p high on my list of people to kill

Dec 12, 2011

Dec 12, 2011
I've missed the last 2 days pretty completely but that' partially your fault. I've tried to post some opinions in the masonry

Dec 12, 2011
I think Psalad could be scum, he posted something that felt like tmi on Egalz before the flip in masonry.

I think MSRR was pushing really hard for voting YPM out first and that's pretty sus

Binus I could vote, feel kinda whatever there.

I can see what Obama is about with Shwinn, but I don't think it's so likely we can't get more data on him

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before

I’m too lazy to go through posts but it has been mentioned by people I targeted

Here I’ll just list my targets for each night

N1: shark and wind shipper
N2: ypm and zoya
N3: mycelia and potato
N4: aniviron and clo
N5: aniviron and potato

Oh yeah i forgot to mention this. I have a passive ability so that investigations and actions taken against me will show the opposite of what they should show

Dec 12, 2011
Right ##vote Binus

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
It’s all good I hope that list helps at some point. Town should be in decent shape even with my mislunch good luck

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
I guess I might as well ##vote capn andy

Apr 7, 2009

DesiredPopulationMin = 3
DesiredPopulationMax = 19
AverageDeathsPerDay = 6
WeaponsUsed = 13

Your Personal Muse posted:

That’s actually a great bus choice because you don’t run the risk of actually killing shwinne and if one of you dies for another reason you can claim cred

Okay but that’s distancing not busing

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer
Votecount for Day 6

⚪🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢 CapnAndy (6): b-minus1 , Anonymous
⚪⚪⚪🟢🟢🟢🟢 b-minus1 (4): aniviron , shwinnebego , Ignatius M. Meen , Illusionis
⚪⚪⚪⚪🟢🟢🟢 shwinnebego (3): Anonymous
⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪🟢 ObamaAkbar. (1): Your Personal Muse , shwinnebego , shwinnebego
⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪🟢 Ignatius M. Meen (1): Anonymous

Not voting: CapitalistPig, CapnAndy, My Second Re-Reg, mycelia, ObamaAkbar., Potato Salad

With 12 alive, it's 7 votes to execute. The current deadline is November 02nd, 2024 at 8 p.m. EDT - that's in about 1 day, 5 hours.

That's hammer! :redhammer:

(Remember that mycelia will lower the "alive" players by 1, making it 11 total, and 6 to hammer).

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer
With the final vote in, the crowd's calls for captain andy's death grew louder. And perhaps the one calling for death the loudest, was andy himself. Smiling the entire way to the gallows, captain andy's death sets into motion something truly wicked...

CapnAndy aka a Pro-Scum Large Yoshi, LARGE-Sized Pro-Scum Yoshi was executed Day 6!


You are a Pro-Scum Large Yoshi, LARGE-Sized Pro-Scum Yoshi

You are not even sure why you exist. You are large, and you survive with your large brethren, but deep down you hate yourself. You don't want to be around any other large yoshis, and have conflicted feelings about the success of your large kin. It is almost as if God created you to sabotage your own future, your own desires, your own dreams. Existence is pain. Yoshi!

Beloved Yoshi:
Your own self loathing is so deep, that you almost beg for death, and will drag everyone down if you do die by their hand. If you are executed by voting, you will cause the next day phase to be skipped.

Hated Yoshi: Others have picked up on your self loathing, and as time goes on, their hatred will only grow. Each time a non-large sized player is killed, you gain a hated stack. Your hated stacks may not go beyond placing you at -1.

Paranoid Yoshi:
You really, really get uncomfortable around other large Yoshis. Each night, you will kill a random large yoshi who visits you, if any.

You win when all threats to the LARGE sized players have been eliminated.

Night 6 begins! Get those actions in... because there will be no Day 7!

We will be skipping straight to Night 7 after!

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer
Obamakbar, aka A Smart Yoshi with a Collar, LARGE-sized Smart Yoshi was killed Night 6!


You are A Smart Yoshi with a Collar, LARGE-sized Smart Yoshi

There are few Yoshis who match your intelligence - you went to the finest Yoshi schools, scored the highest marks, and wear an appropriately coiffed collar to signify your high status and high value. Your Yoshi parents would be proud, and your body is somehow even larger than your ego. You've begun to look down on those less intelligent and less massive than yourself - and as such, fear and must crush all smaller beings who threaten your well being and status.

Smart Individual: You fancy yourself something of a writer - in fact, you're so intelligent, you don't just appreciate Rick and Morty, you wrote for the show. As such, each night you may choose to make the next day's vote ##Majority or ##Plurality, according to your whim. It will remain in whichever mode you set it at until you otherwise change it.

Brilliant Yoshi: You are an educated Yoshi! In fact, you went to medical school! Each night, you may also ##Apply Healing Saliva to another player, preventing them from dying from any killing actions.

You win when all threats to the LARGE sized players have been eliminated.

Due to the death of the abomination that is CapnAndy, Day 7 immediately ends in no execution!

Night 7 begins! 24 hours for actions!

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer
Night 7 ends... with murder!

My Second Re-Reg aka Chocolate Yoshi, LARGE-sized Chocolate Flavored Yoshi was murdered night 7!


You are Chocolate Yoshi, LARGE-sized Chocolate Flavored Yoshi

You are an immense, chocolate flavored Yoshi. I mean literal chocolate - you are melty and consumable, and fear small creatures like mice and other insects who might slowly nibble you out of existence. As such you seek out friends and allies who might help keep your chocolate solid and unconsumed. Your large friends have thus far been most receptive to your chilly requests.

Let's Chill: Each night you can ##befriend another player, adding them to your masonry. You may have at most 4 players in your masonry - adding any one else will require you kick someone out. You choose who to ##kick at that point.

Edible Amigos: You begin in an unconfirmed masonry.

Using you to fall back down again: The night wherein you kick a member of your masonry out, you will learn what ##action they took that night.

You win when all threats to the LARGE Sized players have been eliminated

Day 8 begins!

Remember that it is 5 votes to execute, NOT six, due to mycelia's voting stump status!

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 8

⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪🟢 shwinnebego (1): Anonymous
⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪🟢 Ignatius M. Meen (1): Anonymous

Not voting: aniviron, b-minus1, CapitalistPig, CapnAndy, Ignatius M. Meen, Illusionis, mycelia, Potato Salad, shwinnebego, Your Personal Muse

With 10 alive, it's 6 votes to execute. There is currently no deadline set.

Dec 12, 2011
##vote Binus probably 1-2 scum left after him

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
Lol ok

Dec 12, 2011
Are you going to try an excuse that hammer, I'd love to hear what you can come up with, but it was hilariously blatant.

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
I didn’t realize my vote was the hammer vote

Dec 12, 2011
Lol ok

Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

b-minus1 posted:

I didn’t realize my vote was the hammer vote

##vote binus

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
It’s true

Also I joined a reregs masonry last night and posted night actions for the previous two nights

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before

I targeted you both nights

First night you and shwinn. You should have performed shwinns action and vice versa. Results should have been backwards
Last night you and cpig. You should have performed his action and vice versa . Results are backwards

Full disclosure I originally submitted meen and potato for last nights target but rereg asked me to switch to cpig to test something. I can’t remember the exact wording, I don’t have access to th masonry anymore.

Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

Well that's neat but I haven't had an action since I tried to redirect shwin onto Andy. I haven't had anything happen to me on either of the two nights we just had either. Sooooooo if I'm supposed to have gotten shwin's results either he didn't do anything either or you didn't target me with your actions.


Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

Also your joining the masonry with MSRR is only meaningful if anyone in it is still alive. Otherwise I'd bet you murdered everyone there.

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