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Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!

Ignatius M. Meen posted:


:raise: So is any of what binus is claiming about the masonry true?

idk i'll have to look, there's a LOT of masonry


Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!
like what am I looking for specifically?

Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

CapitalistPig posted:

like what am I looking for specifically?

b-minus1 posted:

It’s true

Also I joined a reregs masonry last night and posted night actions for the previous two nights

b-minus1 posted:

I targeted you both nights

First night you and shwinn. You should have performed shwinns action and vice versa. Results should have been backwards
Last night you and cpig. You should have performed his action and vice versa . Results are backwards

Full disclosure I originally submitted meen and potato for last nights target but rereg asked me to switch to cpig to test something. I can’t remember the exact wording, I don’t have access to th masonry anymore.

b-minus1 posted:

Hmm I guess it’s possible that rereg kicked me to confirm my action and scum killed him. Idk, all I can say is that I had previously targeted people in the masonry and they confirmed receiving results that tracks with my ability

Rereg specifically asked me to switch targets last night

It looks like binus might flip soon anyway based on what Muse and/or binus did but I'm still curious.

Jan 10, 2020

with a ghostly howl binus’ life expires
Binus has died of being possessed and not following ghost orders

**You are ihsoY, LARGE-sized Reverse Yoshi**

You are a strange Yoshi, probably born of a strange egg. Everything you do always seems to be so... backwards. You lay fruit and spit out eggs, and you have a tongue, well... best not to think about it too much. Either way, you struggle to fit in with your other large yoshis, but you are a friend and pal, and want to help them thrive. Maybe it will gain you acceptance.

**That Flavor of Gum You Like..."** Each night you may ##paws two players of your choice other than yourself. They will use each other's actions against their intended targets, and their results will be provided to them backwards.

**Opposite Day**: You can't help your nature. All investigations and actions taken against you will show the opposite results of what they should show.

**You win when all threats to the LARGE sized players have been eliminated. **

The day continues

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
im a prophet

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
For anyone wondering what just happened, I obviously have no idea because I’m just a sexual freak who has a kink for vore and a habit of misspelling things.

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
But if I had to guess, binus was possessed by a ghost on night 6 and was required to, in his next post, truthfully claim his night action using ##. His first post was instead “lol ok” so he was mod killed.

It’s a total shot in the dark though so who knows

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!
oh well lol, yeah i can confirm what binus said rip

Jul 11, 2002

Good thing I didn’t turbo binus

Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

I wish binus had actually allowed people time to back up his claims of having affected them or even made the barest minimum effort to show that such had been posted in the thread himself and hadn't voted Andy, even if that meant he got misyeeted earlier. I guess it's karmic justice that he was so thoroughly out of it that he didn't even check his own results before making a fatal mistake, but I'm still slightly disappointed that he didn't see he needed to pull out of the crash trajectory earlier.

Apr 28, 2013




Well I was gonna say "binus is saying approximately the same things here as in the masonry but idk man it seems like a scummy role" but. Guess not.

But yeah masonry is still open with me, ani and cpig.

Apr 28, 2013


(Ani iirc usually comes online in about an hour's time)

Sep 11, 2014

Yes hi mycelia has me pegged. I can also confirm what binus said. It's too bad, I agree that they came across as scummy as heck in the thread but their masonry discourse was a lot better. Also seeing the flip it's like, oh, god damnit. Binus thought from the text of it that it meant each person who had been swapped would see the verb that the person they'd been swapped with used, but in fact, it meant that Josef put reversed text in my actions.

I guess it's a bit late to tell you not to vote for binus but I was going to anyway because I am a watcher and last night I watched MSRR and they were only visited by me and Potato Salad prior to death.

##vote Potato Salad

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!

aniviron posted:

I am a watcher and last night I watched MSRR and they were only visited by me and Potato Salad prior to death.

##vote Potato Salad

Well, that's enough for me.

##vote potate

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 8

⚪⚪⚪🟢🟢 Potato Salad (2): aniviron, CapitalistPig
⚪⚪⚪⚪🟢 shwinnebego (1): Anonymous
⚪⚪⚪⚪🟢 Ignatius M. Meen (1): Anonymous

Not voting: Ignatius M. Meen, Illusionis, mycelia, Potato Salad, shwinnebego, Your Personal Muse

With 8 alive, it's 5 votes to execute. There is currently no deadline set.

Jul 11, 2002

##vote psal

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
Please don’t turbo

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer
Note that it is four to hammer, not 5.

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
Again, I need to make 15 posts today or I get mod killed because I lurked on day 7

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude

JosefStalinator posted:

Note that it is four to hammer, not 5.

Mod interference????????

Apr 28, 2013


I'm not sure how my vote interacts with that but in the interests of not getting YPM modkilled I'll abstain for now. Still, I trust Ani. I'll be interested to hear Psal's explanation...

Jul 11, 2002

alright ypm post away

Dec 12, 2011
Sure no turbo, I was sus of Potato already so I'm kinda good with it.

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude

shwinnebego posted:

alright ypm post away

You can’t tell me what to do

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
I refuse to just post just to post

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
That would threaten the sanctity of mafia

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
I would never shitpost

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
Coincidentally I’m over 15 posts

##vote potato

Jul 11, 2002

mycelia posted:

I'll be interested to hear Psal's explanation...

i won't

Jul 11, 2002

Your Personal Muse posted:

Coincidentally I’m over 15 posts

##vote potato


Jul 11, 2002

JosefStalinator posted:

Note that it is four to hammer, not 5.

if this is corect

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer
RIP Potato Salad

Potato Salad aka Hurricane Gyotshi, SMALL-sized Hurricane Shaped Shock Yoshi was executed Day 8!


You are Hurricane Gyotshi, SMALL-sized Hurricane Shaped Shock Yoshi

You came, you saw, you shocked - you are a true menace to society. But you are really not that large - you're a smol bean, just the eye of the storm with a bit of a temper. The large yoshis mock you and taunt you... they must be taught a lesson. They must be destroyed. And you're just the distended one to do it.

DO NOT LOOK AWAY: Once per game, you can sweep up the entire thread into your distended eye. All players in the game will target you with their actions that night.

However, to active this you must post a relatively SFW goatse parody for every living player in the game in this confessional. Those who target you will receive one at random as their results.

FEMA DEATH CAMPS: Each night, you may ##Agenda 21 another player, calling in FEMA to place them in a camp and role block them that night.

You win when the Small-Sized Yoshis have uncontested control of the vote.

With their death, the last small-sized Yoshi is slain.

Cubical Sucrose, Maugrim, IggyMeen, and all the LARGE-sized Yoshis win!

(rest of flips shortly)

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer


You are Fat Sax Yoshi, LARGE-sized Saxophone Playing Extremely Cool Yoshi

Let's be honest, the fat Yoshi trend has gotten a bit out of control. All these posers want to be fat like you - but they missed out on the fact that it wasn't being fat that made you cool - it was your sick rear end tunes. Still, it's good to see the fat Yoshi ideal spread - and those who would undermine your collective obesity represent a real threat.

I Know You're Not A Fool: Each day you MUST post at least one sick rear end tune, in the form of a Youtube link. Failure to do so will result in yourself being mod killed. Days <24 hours do not count.

As I Take Your Hand: The first player to quote your first sweet sax tune (or the first post after if no one quotes it) will be in your thrall. You can choose their target that night.

Coolness Factor: 11/10

You win when all threats to the LARGE sized players have been eliminated.



You are a Yoshi-Gi-Oh Mew Trap Card, LARGE-sized Yoshi/Pokemon Crossover Yugioh Digimon Card

Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon... all the same, right? Yoshi is effectively a pokemon... he is a little cartoon dinosaur dude, made by Nintendo, and mostly just says "Yoshi!", so it fits. You were made to commemorate the big, huge, and massive release of the best Pokemon movie (the first one), making your sympathies lie firmly with your large sized brethren. Those who resist the corporate embiggening must be stopped.

KING OF GAMES: As a night action, you may in all caps and in a deep British accent, post YOU'VE ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD in your confessional. Anyone who visits you that night will have their night action reflected back on them. You cannot do this two nights in a row.

Mew, Too? Each night, you may instead cutely say ##Mew in your confessional, selecting a player. Any actions that target the player that night will also target you, and you will be told what that action was.

You win when all threats to LARGE sized players have been eliminated.



You are Norman Yoshistien Reading the 18th Brumaire at a Charli XCX Concert, LARGE-sized Yoshi Academic

A frequent guest on excellent podcasts and child of survivors of the Yoshi-holocaust, you understand the plight of the common man, and stand firmly with the Shy Guys in the ongoing genocide in Shy Gaza. You've found a new audience in the youth, and to help radicalize them, you've decided to read the 18th of Brumaire at the latest Charli XCX concert. You've been officially deemed "brat" by Charli herself.

Bourgeoisie Democracy: You understand Marxist dialectic, and the importance of pokemon going to the polls. You may double, triple, quadruple, etc vote each day. But each time you do so, you gain a permanent hated stack. You cannot vote nor gain hated beyond what would cause yourself to be hammered nor to hammer another player. You lose one perma-hated stack each day.

Norm is Brat: You MUST call three players brat each day, or you die at hammer. Doesn't apply if day is < 24 hours

First as a Tragedy... If at any point in the game, a King is executed, you will lose a hated stack.

You win when all threats to the LARGE Sized players have been eliminated.



You are The Lich Birdo Queen Gal, LARGE-sized Lich Birdo Queen

A good friend of Yoshi, Birdo is an icon in the trans community, and your royal authority is greatly admired across the Mushroom Kingdom. You are also quite large, with an even larger throne made to fit your grandeur, and you look down on those small peasants who would question your rule. It is time to crush them and secure your largess and power.

Royal Largess: Once per game, you may grant a royal pardon after the hammer. The hammered player will instead be saved, and the day extended another 24 hours. The player in question cannot be voted on that day. You must choose another player than yourself.

The Watcher: You sit upon your throne and... watch all. Each night, you may choose to ##watch another player, being told who visited them that night.

You win when all threats to the LARGE Sized players have been eliminated.



You are Johnny Keats/Mr. Steak but as a Yoshi, LARGE-sized Yoshi Ban Dodger and Erotic Poet

You were banned for the second time from your favorite internet forum, and in your sadness, blacked out. When you awoke you found your two identities merged... into the form of a Yoshi. And a large one, at that.

Yet this is a blessing in disguise. You now have the power to bend reality to your will... and make your fake claims your truth. The world of mafia shudders at your power. You shall crush all who oppose you.

Johnny Keats: Each day, you MUST claim a role in the thread. It must be distinct and different each day, and appear like a genuine claim. Examples might include "I am a miller, I am a jailor, etc".

Mr. Steak: That night, you will transform into Mr. Steak, and a random aspect of whatever you claim will become reality. If you try to claim something truly game breaking, like "I can read everyone's role PM" or "I can instantly know everyone who is scum," the mods reserve the right to transform it into something else... something potentially terrifying.

You win when all threats to the LARGE sized players have been eliminated.



You are Dr. Yoshi, SMALL-sized Deathproofish Yoshi Messenger

Trapped forever in a labyrinth not of your own design... but that of SOCIETY, you are a deeply angry and disturbed Yoshi. Your anger at the larger Yoshis than yourself has manifested in you achieving immortality - even if you shuffle off your mortal coil, you remain alive to continue the fight against larger Yoshi tyranny.

Incremental Knowledge: Each night, you may message another player with whatever you wish. However, each successive night must include all previous nights' messages in your message. The target may also respond during the following day as they please.

Immortality: You have achieved immortality... of a sorts. Should you be killed by any means, you will "die", but not flip, and be resurrected the next day. You will still be able to vote but cannot be voted on, and can continue voting freely. You also cannot be targeted by night actions (players will be informed of this and you will not be a valid target, as if you were dead).

Your death counts towards other faction's win conditions.



You are Yoshi Jesus, UNDEFINED-sized Deathproofish Prophet

You are Yoshi Jesus - the son of God Yoshi and the Virgin Mary Yoshi, sent to earth to die for our mafia sins. Given that you are the son of God Yoshi himself, it is hard to determine your size... how many Yoshi Angels would fit on the head of a pin? Whatever the case, you simply want to observe and ensure that you are around to prolystesize to whichever size of Yoshi wants to listen. You're above such petty squabbles.

If You Strike Me Down...: You are not so easily killed, and should you be executed or killed in any way, you will immediately return from the dead with a permanent hated stack. If it is the vote that kills you, the day will be extended another 6 hours (if <6 hours yet remain), and continue with votes reset. You may be voted again, however.

I Shall Become More Powerful... Each time you die, you gain a one-shot ability of your choosing from the following list. You may only choose each one one time:


You cannot get more hated stacks than would put you at -1, BUT, if you do receive enough hated stacks to be put at -1 from them, your subsequent one shot power (if you choose) will be a nightvig.

You win if you are alive at the end of the game.



You are CubicalYoshcrose, Miniscule-Sized Jester and Yoshi

You are CubicalYoshcrose, everyone's favorite mechanics focused Yoshi mafia player and lover of fake(r) wrestling. You're the first one to call when disentangling night action bingo, and have created some great and innovative mafia games! Just don't ask about your politics, or lack thereof.

Yet... you've grown weary of the mafia life. For too long OP's have constrained you and kept you from the ultimate role - the Jester. You finally get your chance to prove yourself in your final, Yoshified form, and bring about your own execution.

Everybody Loves Cube: Who could ever hate you? It takes an extra vote to hammer you, because you're just that wonderful.

SELF VOTING IS FOR SCUM: You're not scum, you're a Jester! It's too cheap for you to be able to spiral downward and vote for yourself. You cannot vote for yourself under any circumstances, or you will be modkilled and fail your win condition, unless you are hammering yourself.

Miller? I hardly know 'er! Upon death, you will not flip with the above. Oh no, you will instead write your own flip, but it must include the words "clown" "fool" "harlequin" "buffoon" "joker" and "pantaloon" somewhere within it.

You win if you successfully see yourself executed by vote during the day phase.

GG everyone!

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!

Thanks for the game.

The nights i claimed I knew someone visited someone was because I made them visit that person.

Sep 11, 2014

I was really considering you a strong case for last scum because I doubted there would be two watchers; which isn't exactly what you claimed, but you were dancing around it enough to give me bad vibes.

Thanks for the game & mod work! Was a lot of fun.

Feb 16, 2011

I eat your face
My first 3p win I think, :woop:

Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

I'm a little disappointed shwin wasn't on a second scum team but that was quite a ride even so.

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
I did nothing and still won lfg

Apr 18, 2018

Too cute to be evil
Congrats, Cube, Iggy and Town!

I'm sad that we didn't get to legalize weed though


Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

Cloacamazing! posted:

Congrats, Cube, Iggy and Town!

I'm sad that we didn't get to legalize weed though

Thanks! Post the picture!

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