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Feb 23, 2007
Most Loved
I was listening to a podcast about the cola wars and they briefly mentioned caffeine free soda, which I hadn’t thought about in years. I remember it being prominently displayed in similar numbers to the regular sodas at the store when I was younger in the early 00s, but I’ve managed to not noticeably see it in years. Looking it up, my preferred grocery store shows caffeine free Diet Coke, Coke, and Diet Pepsi in stock, but only in 12 packs.

I remember the only person I knew who drank caffeine free soda being my aunt and uncle, who are fundamentalist Christians and thought that caffeine was evil. They’re not Mormons and we aren’t in a Mormon state, and they seem to have dropped that belief sometime this century and drink regular soda now.

In the age of LAN parties, I would drink caffeine free soda in the weeks prior in order for the caffeine to be more effective when I was drinking Bawls, which is the best energy drink for LAN parties. I don’t know if this actually worked.

Caffeine free soda tastes terrible, though, so why do people drink it?


Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

Private Cumshoe
Feb 15, 2019

diet jamoke

the holy poopacy
May 16, 2009

hey! check this out
Fun Shoe
Does caffeine free soda actually taste different than other soda? Like, who drinks soda for the Real Caffeine Flavor?

Or are you just saying soda tastes bad and there's no reason to drink it if you don't need your fix?

I would probably drink caffeine free soda if it was conveniently available but a lot of stores don't bother carrying it and it's not important enough for me to pay attention to where I can actually buy it, so I just don't drink soda most of the time.

Rubber Chicken
Mar 13, 2024

It does taste different. Worse if you aren't used to it

I used to drink it because caffeine triggers acid reflux. But then I lost a lot of weight and don't have that problem anymore so I don't need to worry about caffeine either

Rubber Chicken
Mar 13, 2024

Also Sprite and (non barqs) root beer are caffeine free so plenty of people drink that obviously

Oct 14, 2007

We can all learn from our past mistakes.

Where are the lines/drip bags of Ketamine?

Dec 19, 2007

God its never not so weird and sad and embarrassing

Apr 23, 2006

Taco Defender
I drink cf Diet Pepsi because too much caffeine makes my heart go flippity-flops. I save my caffeine qutoa for morning coffee.

It does taste a little different, but it's still artificially sweetened battery acid so in the grand scheme of things it's not a big deal

The Grimace
Sep 18, 2005

I like to try out new Root Beers and Craft Sodas I happen upon. When it comes to carbonated beverages, I don't generally care if it's caffeinated or not, as long as it tastes good.

Staberind Mk II
Nov 23, 2024
As mentioned, carbonated drinks that never used caffeine are plentiful, but I dont think i've ever been desperate enough to drink a non caffeine version of one that usually has caffeine; sort of defeats the purpose, like trying to jerk it to an ikea instruction manual for a shelf.

Jul 16, 2019

Teen suicide is out this year
and homicide is a
much healthier
therapeutic expression.
My dad always used to drink caffeine free Pepsi, I'm not sure why. I think he was under some misapprehension that it was easier on the kidney stones (he doesn't drink water).

I'd have some sometimes, I never noticed a difference in taste. That said, I probably couldn't differentiate between Coke and Pepsi in a blind taste either.

Jan 1, 2008

Yeah sometimes I wanna little treat late at night and don't wanna be kept awake

Feb 11, 2019


what a bitch

Diamond Dallas Page
Nov 17, 2017

og brogi
I quit drinking a couple months back and wanted a substitute drink that wasn't as horrible for me so I've been trying various diet pops. Currently sipping on an ice cold caffeine free a&w root beer and I gotta say, it really loving sucks

By popular demand
Jul 17, 2007


I can't get caf free Coke Zero for close to a year now, probably to do with the ongoing crisis here
Obviously my suffering is the worst and everyone else's doesn't count.

Funky See Funky Do
Aug 20, 2013
All the best flavours don't have any caffeine in them. Unless this one of those regional American things where soda specifically means cola?

Secks Cauldron
Aug 26, 2006

I thought they closed that place down!
Weirdos do. I don't touch that poo poo because it tastes noticeably bad

Caffeine also doesn't seem to affect me. Some say that is a sign of having the tism

Das Boo
Jun 9, 2011

There was a GHOST here.
It's gone now.

Rubber Chicken posted:

Also Sprite and (non barqs) root beer are caffeine free so plenty of people drink that obviously

And these are the best sodas, so

Dec 23, 2013

I got COVID last year and had a Blood pressure spike, not dangerously high, but it's a thing that can happen. Went back to normal after a month. But to help keep my BP down during that time I cut out caffeine and switched to the free versions.

I rapidly noticed two things. I couldn't tell the difference between my customary tea or soda and the caffeine free version. I was falling asleep way easier and quicker at night.

So seeing no reason to go back, I haven't.

Ape Fist
Feb 23, 2007

Nowadays, you can do anything that you want; anal, oral, fisting, but you need to be wearing gloves, condoms, protection.
I did for a while when I thought my anxiety was linked heavily to my caffiene consumption. I was in denial and what it was actually linked too was my deep, deep alcoholism. I still drink Caffiene Free coffee (because I still don't like morning jitteriness from Coffee), but I happily drink Coke Zero throughout the day.

Thanks for reading my blog!

Jun 12, 2001

Hey Hey Let's Go! 喧嘩する
大切な物を protect my balls

I drink sugar free caffeine free Mountain Dew exclusively OP.

Dec 18, 2020

yup i love coke zero no caffeine

Apr 18, 2003

I give your invention the worst grade imaginable: An A-minus-minus!

c*mpantry posted:

yup i love coke zero no caffeine

this tracks

Dec 18, 2020

esp with oreos :twisted:

Nice Van My Man
Jan 1, 2008

I try to if I drink soda because if you drink caffeine all the time you're just building up resistance and becoming addicted to caffeine and that is bad.

Mar 11, 2004

Just like Mama used to make it!
I do because I'm old and caffeine makes me all jumpy.

I don't drink soda but when I do there is usually rye mixed in so the caffeine will be make me feel even worse in the morning.

Hotel Kpro
Feb 23, 2011

owls don't go to school

Dinosaur Gum
Ginger Ale has no caffeine, people drink Canada Dry all the time cause it's good

Dec 18, 2020

my drug of choice is "Weed" i do not care for your caffeine, your nicotine, your party drugs... well wait, i mean, if you know a guy with cheap E then... but yea who needs caff

Apr 4, 2004

Forms change so fast
Time is moving past
Memory is smoke
Gonna get wider when I die
Nap Ghost
i prefer uncaffinated sodas (starry and dr pepper), if i drink any caffeine at all after lunch i don't sleep as well

Nov 11, 2015

I drink sparkling water, like an adult

May 15, 2023

titty_baby_ posted:

I drink sparkling water, like an adult

maybe a european one. gross.

Sep 12, 2017

i'm OBSESSED with quibbling over minutiae!!!!!!!!
its crazy that somebody worth $400,000,000 has a nightstand that would fit right in at some goons posting hovel

Dec 18, 2020

the deus ex gun is badass

hot cocoa on the couch
Dec 8, 2009

titty_baby_ posted:

I drink sparkling water, like an adult

Apr 13, 2004

Fry old buddy, it's me, Bender!
Oven Wrangler

Worf posted:

its crazy that somebody worth $400,000,000 has a nightstand that would fit right in at some goons posting hovel

e: water/black coffee crew reporting for doody

Three Olives
Apr 10, 2005

Not a single fucking olive in sight
Yes, but only mixed with whiskey with a Benadryl chaser.

Nov 10, 2002

Muay Buok
I like caffeine free Mtn Dew but it's hard to find around here.

I only drink sparkling water and tea nowadays though. Sodas with any sugar are just too sweet and sweeteners like Stevia have a terrible aftertaste.

A good cold root beer is good once in a while though.

Toxic Mental
Jun 1, 2019

I rarely drink caffeine any more

Orange sodas are good


Jan 31, 2010

stomp clap

Funky See Funky Do posted:

All the best flavours don't have any caffeine in them. Unless this one of those regional American things where soda specifically means cola?
orange Slice
grape Nehi
various root beers
motherfuckin Squirt
various ginger ales and ginger beers

Pretty much every caffeine-having soda is just some basic-rear end poo poo for basic-rear end scrubs

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