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Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
:siren: 1st kill Zoya 2nd kill ETR 3rd kill shwinn.

gg town.


Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance


DAE need to be healed of their ailments? I can do that for you. :h:

Jul 11, 2002

yuming posted:

more town than not
Pleads (just slightly)


more not than town = scummy

Scumpoints on shwinn:
- bounce-around opinions on / Yami / Zoya / Voodoo

Going from this to refusing to vote Zoya based on ~tone~ while peacing out of the thread is smart scum play 101.

Seriously go reread shwinn and watch how he changes his reads. I don't find it believable.

this is actually the first day that i've been at a computer for any chunk of time during the day for like a week, so i am around

i'll hear cases on toal or zoya if anyone's got'em

so far, i don't agree with the cases on zoya

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
Zoya is caught scum and Mortiz knows she tried to befuddle someone last night.

Also, she plausibly roleblocked me N2.

Like I don't even feel the need to write a case on Zoya it feels like a slamdunk. She isn't even trying to engage me which solidfies my read further.

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
However, I already wrote this case on Zoya > Voodoo from the previous gameday,

And I will explain my read on this game day <stay tuned.> That's a fair compromise, right :sun:

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
~*~ Zoya is still scum on D4~*~

Zoya is not trying to find scum today. She spends her time talking game-theory about 3P.

She doesn't know what result Moritz has in conjunction with what she claimed, so she makes a plausible fake-claim

ETR's claimed track result doesn't match ETR targeting lih, but ETR has information confirming lih's role.

... okay I wandered down a night action path but lemme just say this is the kind of analysis Town-Zoya would be doing here so, >>

ETR's claimed targets /flavor~rolecop
N1 Voodoo / tomatoes
N2 Horse / track
N3 lih / roleblocker

lih's claimed targets / roleblock THE LOCK
N1 Zoya / action success
N2 shwinn / action failed
N3 molly / action success

yuming's :angel: targets / HEAL
N1 Horse / action success
N2 lih / action failed
N3 lih / action success

molly's CHEF empower
N1 lih / action success
N2 lih / action failed
N3 Maer / action failed (RB'd by lih)

Horse track
N1 swhinn / action failed
N2 Voodoo / tracked him to Horse
N3 swhinn / visited Zoya

Voodoo redirect
N1 no action
N2 Redirected Horse to himself

Shark Watch
N1 Zoya / no one visited <where is lih?>
N2 Foo / no visitors <who blocked foo?>
N3 ???

Anyways I'm out of time. Please add to this if you like.

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
But I think a strong point against Zoya is that she is not trying to puzzle this out-- it does not benefit her it only corners her further and is not worth the effort.

swhinn and anyone else meta-reading Zoya here is overlooking this, I think.

I'm ready to die now for my claim :angel:

Have a nice Saturday everyone.

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

My action is track but it fails if anyone else also targets the same player

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

i am going to bash a hole in the wall with my face and then scream into it when i ascend to spobs and get to see tmor's confessional where he goes "ah well, nevertheless" after my town flip while he spent all day inexplicably refusing to tell us the results he received that are supposedly so damning

Jun 9, 2005

pew pew pew

Does it matter much beyond "not what you said"?

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

Zoya posted:

i am going to bash a hole in the wall with my face and then scream into it when i ascend to spobs and get to see tmor's confessional where he goes "ah well, nevertheless" after my town flip while he spent all day inexplicably refusing to tell us the results he received that are supposedly so damning


Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 4

⚪🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢 Zoya (5): yuming, Eat The Rich, Captain Foo, lih, Freaking Crumbum, lih, Freaking Crumbum, lih, Maerlyn, yuming, yuming
⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪🟢 Toalpaz (1): Freaking Crumbum, shwinnebego, Freaking Crumbum, Freaking Crumbum, Freaking Crumbum
⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪🟢 Execute No One! (1): Freaking Crumbum

Not voting: mollyohreally, Pleads, Toalpaz, Zoya

With 11 alive, it's 6 votes to execute. The current deadline is January 12th, 2025 at 11 p.m. EST -- that's in about 1 day, 4 hours.

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
Oh Maer Yami is probably also town. I forgot them on my list.

May 15, 2013

Just a friendly reminder of what it looks like.

We'll do punctuation later.
etr's posts have been pretty bad but i really don't think his role makes sense as scum this game after giving it more thought - i can't think of a character that would fit while making sense as scum, but it's very obvious who fits as town

maer and molly are still my top reads apart from zoya. maer is probably a better choice over molly since we at least know that molly didn't do the kill n3

shwinn, crumbum, and pleads are possibilities but they're all weaker

yuming could maybe be scum and would be a good choice if zoya somehow flips town.

yuming posted:

Shark Watch
N1 Zoya / no one visited <where is lih?>
N2 Foo / no visitors <who blocked foo?>
N3 ???

moritz confirmed that he got shark's result where i visited zoya which is why i believed shark's claim d2

May 15, 2013

Just a friendly reminder of what it looks like.

We'll do punctuation later.

Pleads posted:

Does it matter much beyond "not what you said"?

i think it does a fair bit because it'd be really helpful to evaluate which result is more likely to be fake rather than just relying on tmor's judgment and then having him get annoyed at us for caring about night actions at all

Freaking Crumbum
Apr 17, 2003

Too fuck to drunk

Freaking Crumbum posted:

i'm genuinely listening!!

yuming posted:

But I think a strong point against Zoya is that she is not trying to puzzle this out-- it does not benefit her it only corners her further and is not worth the effort.

swhinn and anyone else meta-reading Zoya here is overlooking this, I think.

I'm ready to die now for my claim :angel:

Have a nice Saturday everyone.

god drat u put in the work

leave luck to heaven, then!!

##vote zota

Freaking Crumbum
Apr 17, 2003

Too fuck to drunk

##vote zoya

Freaking Crumbum
Apr 17, 2003

Too fuck to drunk


Votecount for Day 4

🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢 Zoya (6): yuming, Eat The Rich, Captain Foo, lih, Freaking Crumbum, lih, Freaking Crumbum, lih, Maerlyn, yuming, yuming, Freaking Crumbum, Freaking Crumbum, Freaking Crumbum
⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪🟢 Toalpaz (1): Freaking Crumbum, shwinnebego, Freaking Crumbum, Freaking Crumbum, Freaking Crumbum
⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ Execute No One! (0): Freaking Crumbum, Freaking Crumbum

Not voting: mollyohreally, Pleads, Toalpaz, Zoya

With 11 alive, it's 6 votes to execute. The current deadline is January 12th, 2025 at 11 p.m. EST -- that's in about 1 day, 4 hours.

May 15, 2013

Just a friendly reminder of what it looks like.

We'll do punctuation later.

yuming posted:

This is not a town analysis of Zoyas alignment.

This is a scumbuddy commenting on scumZoya.

like what changed here yuming?

Maerlyn posted:

I don't feel great about leaving Toal alive who has done nothing today... But I want to see this Zoya flip

##vote Zoya

also feels scummy

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

Pleads posted:

Does it matter much beyond "not what you said"?

i didn't say anything! i literally did not say my result because i do not know my result

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

oh :ghost:

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 4

🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢 Zoya (6): yuming, Eat The Rich, Captain Foo, lih, Freaking Crumbum, lih, Freaking Crumbum, lih, Maerlyn, yuming, yuming, Freaking Crumbum, Freaking Crumbum, Freaking Crumbum
⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪🟢 Toalpaz (1): Freaking Crumbum, shwinnebego, Freaking Crumbum, Freaking Crumbum, Freaking Crumbum
⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ Execute No One! (0): Freaking Crumbum, Freaking Crumbum

Not voting: mollyohreally, Pleads, Toalpaz, Zoya

With 11 alive, it's 6 votes to execute. The current deadline is January 12th, 2025 at 11 p.m. EST -- that's in about 1 day, 3 hours.

Oct 20, 2006

That's :redhammer:

Oct 20, 2006

Zoya has been R-U-N-N-O-F-T!


You are **Shigechi Yangu**, a happy, if generally mischevious, young boy who just wants to impress the cool kids at school. Your Stand really helps when it comes to that as well! You are curious, if to a fault, but that doesn't mean you aren't fun to be around.

Your ability is your Stand, **HARVEST**. During the night, you can send Harvest off to go find clues from up to three other players. Because of their small size, they won't be seen as visiting. The clues Harvest brings back will let you know if any of your targets possess the capacity to kill, but you will not know specifically which one. Your information goes to you and not the Lead Investigator.

You are MORIOH aligned, and win when all threats to your community have been eradicated.

Oct 20, 2006

....that would be nice. But, it is a LIE! That was a flimsy cover! The hands of Justice point to Zoya and reveals their true identity!


You are **Akira Otoishi**, a rocker who has been taken by the allure of The Arrow. Under direction from the House of Kira, you have pledged your allegience to support them in any way you can.

Your ability is your Stand, **RED HOT CHILI PEPPER**. Through the manipulation of electrical lines and currents throughout Morioh, you can send false reports to the Lead Investigator, dressed however you like. You can send forward either a fake Tracker report, a fake Watcher report, or a fake Gunsmith report. You may always consult with the mod before sending forward your report. This is not a visiting role.

You are HOUSE OF KIRA aligned. You attain victory as long as The Killer is alive and The House Of Kira has uncontested control of the vote. You are not The Killer and do NOT possess the capacity to kill.

Oct 20, 2006

Lets say another 24-30h for night actions, depends how tomorrows football shakes out.

Oct 20, 2006

Gooooood morning, Morioh Town! It is another lovely day. There will be some showers throughout. Traffic has lightened up since yesterday now that delays at the harbor have gone away, and there has been an increase in interest at the Italian Restaurant that opened here recently. Some locals have claimed strange things occurring at a discontinued energy pylon on the outskirts of town, but why would anyone have an interest in that? Or these alleged crop circles that may have been formed by professional wrestler Terry Fu-I mean, extra terrestrials? All bizarre hogwash, if you ask yours truly!

It was a slow night, but our sources indicate that Freaking Crumbum and Shwinnebego have a lot to answer for from some deaths in recent days. Quite sloppy to just outright accuse people instead of leaving this work for the authorities, isn't it? Oh well, it isn't like we're real journalists anyway! This is all from us at We Love Morioh, so please give us your biggest kiss goodby, and goodnight!

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 5

Not voting: Captain Foo, Eat The Rich, Freaking Crumbum, lih, Maerlyn, mollyohreally, Pleads, shwinnebego, Toalpaz, yuming

With 10 alive, it's 6 votes to execute. The current deadline is January 15th, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. EST -- that's in about 2 days, 4 hours.

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
lolololol :allears:

Guess lih and I should take the same actions again tonight?!

I would vote ETR here 100%

This is tough I think it could be both shwinn and Horse atm actually.

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
My gut says ##vote Horse first.

He made quite the effort not to kill Zoya.

Jun 9, 2005

pew pew pew

Nice work voters, nice work night actioners, nice work tmor :thumbsup:

Turning this ship around.

Jun 9, 2005

pew pew pew

And quite frankly I think both options are a good vote today

Freaking Crumbum
Apr 17, 2003

Too fuck to drunk

yuming posted:

My gut says ##vote Horse first.

He made quite the effort not to kill Zoya.

what? i literally came back after asking u for help & saw u had the correct answer & hit hanmer

that's literally tge opposite of what i did

Freaking Crumbum
Apr 17, 2003

Too fuck to drunk

well, somebody hit me w/ another RB so my night action went nowhere

i am not the killer, nor an accomplice!! i am town horse

the thing is, i saw shwiff visit zoya N3. and there was a NK N3. imo, on that basis alone, it cannot be shwiffles either

##vote no exe

Freaking Crumbum
Apr 17, 2003

Too fuck to drunk


Freaking Crumbum posted:

i'm genuinely listening!!


yuming posted:

But I think a strong point against Zoya is that she is not trying to puzzle this out-- it does not benefit her it only corners her further and is not worth the effort.

swhinn and anyone else meta-reading Zoya here is overlooking this, I think.

I'm ready to die now for my claim :angel:

Have a nice Saturday everyone.


Freaking Crumbum posted:

god drat u put in the work

leave luck to heaven, then!!

##vote zota

im a little surprised to see u immediately point a finger at me

who did u protect last night? that's material info for town

Freaking Crumbum
Apr 17, 2003

Too fuck to drunk

sorry @yuming:

Freaking Crumbum posted:

who did u protect last night? that's material info for town

Freaking Crumbum
Apr 17, 2003

Too fuck to drunk

@lih u gonna confirm the RB on me, or did that come from someone else

May 15, 2013

Just a friendly reminder of what it looks like.

We'll do punctuation later.


You are HOUSE OF KIRA aligned. You attain victory as long as The Killer is alive and The House Of Kira has uncontested control of the vote. You are not The Killer and do NOT possess the capacity to kill.

i think the killer is either pleads or maer. everyone else has at least some sort of corroborated action on one of the first three nights

foo: tracker, targeted yuming n1 (visited crumbum, received by tmor), pleads n2 (failed), ? n3 (failed)

etr: action/flavourcop, targeted voodoo n1 (no action), crumbum n2 (track), me n3 (roleblock)

crumbum: tracker, targeted shwinn n1 (failed), voodoo n2 (redirected to self), shwinn n3 (visited zoya)

lih: roleblocker, targeted zoya n1, shwinn n2 (failed), molly n3

molly: empowerer (unconfirmed), targeted lih n1, lih n2 (failed), maer n3 (failed because i blocked her)

pleads: no claimed actions

shwinn: no claimed actions, but visited zoya n3 according to crumbum's result

maer: no claimed actions

yuming: doctor (unconfirmed), targeted crumbum n1, lih n2 (failed), lih n3

tmor also received a result that crumbum visited shwinn n3.

there are a few possibilities for the killer outside pleads/maer but they're more convoluted scenarios that seem less likely to me.

-molly could be the killer if she swapped fakeclaims with the real scum empowerer and she wasn't actually blocked n3 because she was empowered
-shwinn could be the killer if crumbum is scum with him and lied about his n3 result
-yuming or foo could be the killer if they're scum together and scum had some other way of sending a fake report to tmor n1 (either zoya was empowered by scum molly, which would be 4 scum, or there's a second source of fake reports?)

May 15, 2013

Just a friendly reminder of what it looks like.

We'll do punctuation later.

Freaking Crumbum posted:

@lih u gonna confirm the RB on me, or did that come from someone else

i didn't roleblock you


Jan 10, 2020

I targeted yuming last night

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