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Jun 29, 2008

The beast we awoke hath been untamed
Eyes of fireth and wings of a flame
Over the holidays my nephew's wife pointed out no one in my family says I love you to each other.

I don't say it to my folks, my younger sister or my two nephew's, which is all the family I actually care about and go out of my way to see.
And none of them say it to me.

Is this strange? Is my family hosed up? Am I hosed up?! (yes)


Sep 12, 2017

i'm OBSESSED with quibbling over minutiae!!!!!!!!

Saalkin posted:

Over the holidays my nephew's wife pointed out no one in my family says I love you to each other.

I don't say it to my folks, my younger sister or my two nephew's, which is all the family I actually care about and go out of my way to see.
And none of them say it to me.

Is this strange? Is my family hosed up? Am I hosed up?! (yes)

I don’t love you either

Mar 7, 2006

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
My family is protective, but not nurturing. My family will make sure no one affects anyone else in the family, but they won't say anything nice. My wife has let me know that my mother says nice things about me behind my back, but she'll never say them to my face.

Das Boo
Jun 9, 2011

There was a GHOST here.
It's gone now.
If I told people I love them as much as I tell my pets I love them, it'd be creepy.

Jun 29, 2008

The beast we awoke hath been untamed
Eyes of fireth and wings of a flame

Worf posted:

I don’t love you either

everyone on SA is aware you aren't capable of love.

Das Boo posted:

If I told people I love them as much as I tell my pets I love them, it'd be creepy.

truth, i tell my dog i love him none stop.

Dec 23, 2005

it’s because of the implication

E: but yeah I say that and other affirmations of love to my dog all the time. I gotta make sure he remembers, you know?

Sep 12, 2017

i'm OBSESSED with quibbling over minutiae!!!!!!!!

Saalkin posted:

everyone on SA is aware you aren't capable of love.

Guess you can just call me mommy then

Apr 18, 2003

I give your invention the worst grade imaginable: An A-minus-minus!

I don't say I love you to your mom either op

Feb 11, 2019
Can't post for 11 days!
I love you op

Herbicidal Maniac
Jun 3, 2008

You will be the effigy I burn, infused with all the traits that make them the detestable little goblins they are.

My dad never said that he loved me, only talked about things I'd done or could do. My sister apparently had the same experience. After she came to visit me a few years back, and after a quite a few drinks, we agreed that we would change that, and tell each other we love one another. I don't get to talk with her all that often, I live in Germany and she lives in San Francisco, but we still stay true to it and are better for it. It's never too late to change family dynamics if you want to.

Grey Cat
Jun 3, 2023


I don't love my original family so it sounds like you should just find a new one.

Jun 29, 2008

The beast we awoke hath been untamed
Eyes of fireth and wings of a flame

kntfkr posted:

I love you op

I love you too kntfkr

Mar 7, 2006

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

Grey Cat posted:

I don't love my original family so it sounds like you should just find a new one.

You can find anything on Craigslist!!

Anderson Koopa
Jun 9, 2006

all is right with the world especially as I lay waste to my fellow IKs
Grimey Drawer
I tell the wife and kid that I love them.

I tell my parents I love them. I don't tell my brother I love him, we have kind of a strange bond.

The Bramble
Mar 16, 2004

Sounds like you’re an adult child of emotionally immature parents, op

Apr 4, 2004

Forms change so fast
Time is moving past
Memory is smoke
Gonna get wider when I die
Nap Ghost
real families communicate feelings solely through telepathy

Mulaney Power Move
Dec 30, 2004

well some families love each other others disapppint each other

Feb 11, 2019
Can't post for 11 days!
It’s most important for the children to be told they are loved.

Oct 27, 2010

My family isn't a nurturing, protective or connected type of family. We're more antagonistic. If I ever heard anyone in my family say "I love you" I'd immediately assume they're trying to "borrow" a large sum of money I don't have for something loving stupid.

A lot of families have the saying "the only people you can count on are family", my family has the motto "you can't count on anyone, not even family. Especially family".

Anyway therapy has been good, A+ would recommend.

Mar 5, 2004

Your family tells me they love me all the time

Jan 23, 2004

Dinosaur Gum
I'm one of five kids in a family that also never mentioned loving each other, despite us actually loving each other.

A few years back I decided to change that and now I hug mum and dad hello and goodbye whenever I see them and I hug my brothers and sisters too. I don't tell them I love them every time but I do every now and then.

I think at some stage we have to take control of our relationship with our families. I regret nothing. Feels good, man.

The Moon Monster
Dec 30, 2005

Saalkin posted:

Over the holidays my nephew's wife pointed out no one in my family says I love you to each other.

I don't say it to my folks, my younger sister or my two nephew's, which is all the family I actually care about and go out of my way to see.
And none of them say it to me.

Is this strange? Is my family hosed up? Am I hosed up?! (yes)

It's only weird if you actually do love eachother

Apr 18, 2003

I give your invention the worst grade imaginable: An A-minus-minus!

kntfkr posted:

I love you op


Feb 11, 2019
Can't post for 11 days!

I hate you milkman smugworth

Das Boo
Jun 9, 2011

There was a GHOST here.
It's gone now.
Oh yeah, I forgot we say "Love you." in my family every time we end a phone convo. Followed by "Mwah!" in place of "Bye."

I used to be embarrassed by it, but my sister-in-law was offended when we didn't say it to her so now I just assume people think it's a good thing and covet the "Mwah!"

You Are A Werewolf
Apr 26, 2010

Black Gold!

I'd always felt it kind of a chore to constantly reassure your immediate family that you love them. If your family dynamic is close and loving already, then reassuring one another that you love them all the time seemed more like an empty platitude than a genuine statement.

Then I lost my dad in 2021 and that feeling changed. I wish I could have told him I loved him more, and I didn't even get the chance to tell him on his deathbed, either. He knew it, but still, y'know? I try and say it more now.

Nov 9, 2004

Center in, pull back. Stop. Track 45 right. Stop. Center and stop.

My birth family told each other I love you, but in retrospect, I don't think I believed them. It was less a family and more a hostage situation with kids, and saying I love you was required to keep the situation from escalating.

I tell my wife and children I love them on a multiple times daily basis, and try like hell to do it under all kinds of circumstances. I want them to be able to say "I always knew he loved me" when they grow up.

I just told them I loved them, just now. They said it back. All good over here, goons.

Professor Shark
May 22, 2012

Some people show their love without words while sitting in a room watching Blue Bloods and you aren’t sure they’d notice if you left op

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

my mom said it often, my dad only begrudgingly on rare occasions where it was expected of him in a quietly ashamed manner like hank hill

Mar 7, 2006

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
You know you've got a lovely family when the general attitude is "well everyone laughed at it so it's okay to do"

Oct 6, 2005

kntfkr posted:

It’s most important for the children to be told they are loved.

gently caress yeah

I make sure I tell my kid I love her at least once a day and make sure I mean it every time

Oct 6, 2005

Bad Purchase posted:

my mom said it often, my dad only begrudgingly on rare occasions where it was expected of him in a quietly ashamed manner like hank hill

Not a fan of the "I'm a man I can't admit I love things" dingdong school of masculinity.

Man up and admit you love your loved ones

Jun 12, 2001

Hey Hey Let's Go! 喧嘩する
大切な物を protect my balls

If someone has to say they love you so you think they love you. Do you think they actually love you?

Jun 22, 2016

credburn posted:

This feels like as good as place as any to finally ask

What the fuck do these faces mean???

but more importantly

Why are they so badly drawn???
I only ever say "I love you" to coworkers and customers.

hot cocoa on the couch
Dec 8, 2009

i tell my children and partner that i love them daily, otherwise i don't express it, despite feeling it. i love my friends, for example, like you op, but im not telling you that every time you leave my house

i do not love my (remaining) parent

Bonerland Hitman
Jun 29, 2003



1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
My parents divorced when I was 5, leading to a critical break in my conception of, and their demonstration to me of what 'love' is, and/or means. We say it to each other, sometimes, but it seems perfunctory or otherwise nebulously defined.

Mar 7, 2006

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

Bonerland Hitman posted:

My parents divorced when I was 5, leading to a critical break in my conception of, and their demonstration to me of what 'love' is, and/or means. We say it to each other, sometimes, but it seems perfunctory and nebulously defined.

Does it seem transactional? Because my family went through the same thing about the same time.

And in my family, if you are given something there is an expectation that strings are attached, and they want something in return.

Jun 29, 2008

The beast we awoke hath been untamed
Eyes of fireth and wings of a flame
I definitely love my father, and younger sister. And my nephew's. My nephew's are more like brothers though because they're not much younger then me. We just never say it

My mother, older sister and brother suck poo poo.

satanic splash-back
Jan 28, 2009

i tell my partner i love them often, multiple times a day.

my family does not say it unless there's some kind of seriously negative event going on. otherwise it's all "ill see you in a few days" and that's about it. but we always help each other with anything from manual labor to venting without hesitation.


flubber nuts
Oct 5, 2005

Jesus loves me. Jesus loves you too op.

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