Dad had some heart issues, got scheduled for a big examination and prescribed Nitroglycerin. But then he had chest pains on Friday so thankfully the double bypass surgery got pushed to Monday at 5:30 AM, instead of consultations at Jan 30th and who knows when the surgery would be. We're all feeling luckier than not that this pain pushed his surgery up since apparently he was looking at months of uncertainty. I still feel loving lost and have sent him some trivial poo poo about wanting him to watch Big Trouble in Little China out of a DVD pile during his recovery. He's being positive but I still feel lovely no matter how many people we knew also went through this struggle. Everything seems to be for the best but I still can't accept it given how scary a double bypass sounds. Even knowing he's in great hands and the surgery has a high survival rate I still feel shook.
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# ? Feb 7, 2025 22:08 |
I did. About 1/3rd of my heart is artificial
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Take it to E/N Just kidding, that's bullshit and I'm sorry you have to deal with it.
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My old man had a triple bypass at 43. I was 21 at the time and was scared as poo poo, but still probably didn't really get the gravity of it. At the time, they said his surgery had a "life span" of 10-15 years" and that was 24 years ago now. Science is amazing.
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LordoftheScheisse posted:My old man had a triple bypass at 43. I was 21 at the time and was scared as poo poo, but still probably didn't really get the gravity of it. At the time, they said his surgery had a "life span" of 10-15 years" and that was 24 years ago now. Science is amazing. That's scary, I'm older than that now.
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Loved? No. Family? Yeah. I've also had a lot heart issues myself. Been in the hospital multiple times for it including some scares. Did beta blockers for years. Every EKG I've had I've only been told "it looks weird." A cardiologist told me one of my valves is "weird." But nobody ever seems to want to elaborate beyond "idk it's weird". I just assume my heart will pop at some point.
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To be fair the tests all seem like magic bullshit. Even when he called the ambulance they were half assed and guessing about if he needed it until he mentioned his history. It seems like a weird fine line between people "overreacting" and those who need it. I also enjoy and love people with their own bullshit or jokes about it, it really does make me feel better. And I'm feeling rather positive regardless. Joked that he needs to watch Big Trouble in Little China while he's waiting to recover. I still just feel restless and lovely no matter how positive the situation and statistics feel. So sorry for making GBS threads up the threads too, but I hope you can allow me this trespass.
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My dad just had a quadruple bypass so guess I win this one you churl.
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Aeryk posted:My dad just had a quadruple bypass so guess I win this one you churl. did he win tho?
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i'm waiting until they can give me a pig's heart gonna ask if they can do a pig scrotal rejuv while i'm under as well
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2! My nephew developed cardiomyopathy at 13 due to Rocky Mountain spotted fever from a tick bite. They only caught it because he had an abdominal x-ray due to persistent flu-like symptoms and the x-ray caught his heart bulging into his abdominal region. He received a donor at the 11th hour and the surgeon said that when he opened his chest, his heart popped out like a mushroom. He received a second donor in his early 20's when his brother found him face down in his bedroom. Doing well now! We took him parasailing in Hawaii last week. Second was my dad at 69. My parents live extremely rural, so he had to drive my mom 4 hours to get a (minor) cancer treatment. He had flu-like symptoms the whole way and was insisting on powering through it. My mom complained about his stubbornness to her doctor who instructed her, politely, to GTFO and get him to a hospital. He begrudgingly obliged. I'm a little unclear on this, but a nurse was getting maybe vitals? from him, and she suddenly sprinted out of the room. She came back with 5 other people and they began hooking him up to equipment then and there while my dad was like ![]() Anyway, it was a widow maker. They were able to put a stent in through his arm. 2 hours after he left ICU, they got their first covid patient and quarantined the entire floor. He missed it by a hair. My dad was admitted Friday and drove the 4 hours back home on Monday. Insisted on it. I can hear him playing RDR2 and singing to himself right now.
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Pigs have a lot more time on their hand and a lot less bullshit going on tbqh. So pigs might be ready.
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Das Boo posted:2! I told him to get better and loving watch Big Trouble in Little China
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A Tad Ghostal posted:I told him to get better and loving watch Big Trouble in Little China ![]() Such a good dad movie!
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One of my good friends in highschool had a congenital heart defect that they subsequently hosed up trying to fix when he was a little kid, which lead to more problems as he grew older. He had to undergo surgery again which he then did not survive. Was the first person I cared about that I lost and was a tough time. My mom a few weeks ago started to have weird heart rhythm issues, which freaked me out, likely due to the friend thing, despite everyone saying it wasn't a big deal and they just needed to do some shock therapy thing to reset things to normal. Luckily she had the procedure last week and everything went normally/well, so no surgery or anything needed. Hopefully it stays that way.
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My dad had a double bypass and a valve replacement. It's scary and poo poo sucks. Just remember that there is a team of people keeping your dad safe
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Squee posted:One of my good friends in highschool had a congenital heart defect that they subsequently hosed up trying to fix when he was a little kid, which lead to more problems as he grew older. He had to undergo surgery again which he then did not survive. Was the first person I cared about that I lost and was a tough time. Glad to hear it went well despite out bullshit, It's super weird and rough but like I said I feel lucky we were able to have poo poo go on and be a thing before it was less of a thing. Hopefully you're mom has the same luck and my own bull poo poo acting as a lever or what the the gently caress ever makes sense. Nothing will make it seem ok or right but it does seem like a lot of this stuff if less worse than it sounds.
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Anderson Koopa posted:My dad had a double bypass and a valve replacement. It's scary and poo poo sucks. Double bypass is the name of the game and I'm glad you can help make that stuff sound like it seems to be. Like I'll always worry about my dad more than I should but I'm glad someone can say that poo poo about his team. Like I get everything else but having a line of that sort helps a lot.
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A Tad Ghostal posted:Double bypass is the name of the game and I'm glad you can help make that stuff sound like it seems to be. Like I'll always worry about my dad more than I should but I'm glad someone can say that poo poo about his team. Like I get everything else but having a line of that sort helps a lot. ![]() I was scared as poo poo for my dad as well. It's very normal. My dad's surgeon said that one of the tests they ran was riskier than the surgery itself. At the end of the day you have to weigh the benefits of doing the surgery against the risk of not doing it. If we didn't do anything with my dad he'd probably only have had a couple of months. Hoping this helps somewhat. These were some thoughts I had.
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I had a stroke scare at the beginning of December and had the fastest emergency room visit I recall in recent memory - in and out in 4 hours, with a CT scan with and without contrast to see if my head was exploding. Apparently 2024 made me develop high blood pressure in addition to putting on extra weight, and I'm still processing the fact I can't take my cardiovascular system for granted. My dad is 81 and has had some medical issues the last couple years, but is doing well now. Mom is 77, I think, and generally in good health. I worry about them both, and one of my many stressors last year was really being confronted by parental mortality. Then I had my own shoved right in my face, just to cap things off. I'm not sure where I was going with this, but I wanted to express sympathy - this poo poo is scary.
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Aeryk posted:My dad just had a quadruple bypass so guess I win this one you churl. I'll raise you a sextuple bypass I had last August. Turns out my high blood pressure was caused by one of the four arteries to the heart basically being non existant and caused all sorts of other cascading issues, it was onlymy love of cycling loads of kms that got me this far. 60 years ago I'd be dead. A Tad Ghostal posted:Dad had some heart issues, got scheduled for a big examination and prescribed Nitroglycerin. But then he had chest pains on Friday so thankfully the double bypass surgery got pushed to Monday at 5:30 AM, instead of consultations at Jan 30th and who knows when the surgery would be. We're all feeling luckier than not that this pain pushed his surgery up since apparently he was looking at months of uncertainty. I still feel loving lost and have sent him some trivial poo poo about wanting him to watch Big Trouble in Little China out of a DVD pile during his recovery. He's being positive but I still feel lovely no matter how many people we knew also went through this struggle. Everything seems to be for the best but I still can't accept it given how scary a double bypass sounds. Even knowing he's in great hands and the surgery has a high survival rate I still feel shook. Yeah completely understandable you feeling that way. It's some scary rear end poo poo but the fact is a heart bypass these days is lower risk than abdomin surgery. The teddy they will give him is goingt be his best friend for a few weeks esp when you cough ..... or sneeze. Geez sneezing after our chest has been cut open is *rough* I'm back to riding 50kms a day and walking 5ish kms only a few months later so believe me there's better days ahead for your dad.
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hang on, nitroglycerin? they're going to explode his heart?
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I got 2 cardiac ablations done for afib and tachycardia. A++ highly recommend. My heart works great now.
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Inexplicable Humblebrag posted:hang on, nitroglycerin? they're going to explode his heart? Nitrites relax arteries and reduce blood pressure. Nitro was I think one of the first and still one of the best fast acting relief of angina Fun fact - Viagra is a nitrate that was originally made for reliving high blood pressure
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CaptainSarcastic posted:I had a stroke scare at the beginning of December and had the fastest emergency room visit I recall in recent memory - in and out in 4 hours, with a CT scan with and without contrast to see if my head was exploding. . ![]() If they keep you waiting in the ER, it's a good thing even if it's annoying in the moment. My dad also had some breathing issues last year. He showed up to the ER and they admitted him right away. They did a CT scan because of his lungs and found a 10 cm AAA (abdominal aortic aneurysm), a weakening in one of the major arteries. For context AAAs up to 5 cm are images annually. If it burst then it is pretty much an instant death sentence. They transferred him to a larger hospital and they were able to fix both issues. He was and might still be a smoker. He used to smoke fairly heavily.
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I had a small stroke apparently 15ish years ago due to insanely high chronic hypertension. Woke up dizzy and somehow drove to work but then had my girlfriend at the time take me to the hospital. CT scans showed minor brain damage I'll never know what knowledge was lost Sorry about my posts Don't sleep on high blood pressure.
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Ex gf had a pacemaker installed at 24 and a full on heart transplant at 26. She takes a bunch of different meds daily but otherwise lives a normal life now.
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Inexplicable Humblebrag posted:hang on, nitroglycerin? they're going to explode his heart? Fun fact: the explodey Nitroglycerin and the keep-the-heart-going Nitroglycerin are the exact same chemical. But the medicine is mixed with a lot of other chemicals so it's no longer explodey.
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Quell his nerves by discussing the latest Nintendo Switch 2 leaks.
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I got an echocardiogram because heart death runs in my family and my valves and arteries are as clean as a whistle. I attribute it to regular gym, cardio and never drinking alcohol.
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Oh, I forgot one! My uncle was on the phone with my mom while he was driving home and he was complaining about flu symptoms. Some things happened the week before that put my mom on edge, so she nagged him into going to the hospital. But first, he stopped at Walmart to get some strawberry Whoppers. And yes, it was a heart attack. Strawberry Whoppers is a family joke now.
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# ? Feb 7, 2025 22:08 |
My dad got a quad bypass 36 years ago. He’s getting senile but his heart is still going strong. Oh yeah there’s a copy of the paper plan of the surgery in my sister’s Ted talk https://youtu.be/V3Cav6WhwZc?t=223 Domus fucked around with this message at 18:29 on Jan 15, 2025 |
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