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Nov 4, 2008

Bitch, I said what I said
Ham Wrangler
"The microwaves did something to our brains / we need to take these pills to help us change"

Where my ADHD peeps at?? Isn't it crazy to be able to hyper focus on something, with creativity that most people just can't even fathom and blazing mental speed, but you can't check the mail or wear matching socks? I love my brain sometimes and I can be super creative in ways that are very esoteric but ADHD also makes my life really loving hard sometimes. I don't think it's worse than my bipolar, I would say mostly not but there are times that it feels like an unfair burden. Anyway do you even "believe" in ADHD? There are plenty people who don't. Or at least don't approve of the treatments for it. It's quite controversial actually. I think goons are generally better than that but I'd be interested to hear the other side too.


Nov 24, 2024

i guess the cramps went away?

Nov 4, 2008

Bitch, I said what I said
Ham Wrangler

CEOofFART posted:

i guess the cramps went away?

No :( I'm distracting myself with shitposts

Albino Broccoli
Aug 5, 2022
This avatar brought to you by the thickest skinned poster on the site :v:
Looks like someone remembered the password to their old alt account

Nov 4, 2008

Bitch, I said what I said
Ham Wrangler

Albino Broccoli posted:

Looks like someone remembered the password to their old alt account

Nah I'm probably just manic. It's fine though I have weed to smooth things out

Nov 24, 2024

Albino Broccoli posted:

Looks like someone remembered the password to their old alt account

maybe someone should forget it again

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

add/adhd is a miracle diagnosis, I love it

Nov 4, 2008

Bitch, I said what I said
Ham Wrangler
Imagine hating me and I'm just over here dancing to Crocodile Rock with my dog

Apr 25, 2017
coffee and other stimulants make me sleepy and apparently that's a really good indicator of ADHD

...another good indicator of ADHD is that I was dumb as poo poo as a kid bc I couldn't focus in school and got non stop bad grades while the teachers all went "I don't get it, he's so quiet in class how could he be failing?"

The Loin King
Feb 16, 2017

Check out this goddamned cat

May 31, 2006

I prefer to SUBTRACT

The Loin King
Feb 16, 2017

Check out this goddamned cat

mystes posted:

I prefer to SUBTRACT

Your going to end up with no one. I MULTIPLY.

read: gently caress

Jun 1, 2000

I'm going off the rails on a CRAZY TRAIN!

Fallen Rib

Rad-daddio posted:

coffee and other stimulants make me sleepy and apparently that's a really good indicator of ADHD

...another good indicator of ADHD is that I was dumb as poo poo as a kid bc I couldn't focus in school and got non stop bad grades while the teachers all went "I don't get it, he's so quiet in class how could he be failing?"

Coffee naps = best naps

R.L. Stine
Oct 19, 2007
i relate with shows and movies with bipolar characters because it's easy to guess who the villain will be. #breakthestigma

Lil Swamp Booger Baby
Aug 1, 1981

Sorry I don't want to read threads about arithmetic

Loden Taylor
Aug 11, 2003

adhd isn't real because brains arent real, your skull is hollow and inside is a tiny man/demon who pilots you and if you can't pay attention it's because your head homunculus is agitated

Nov 4, 2008

Bitch, I said what I said
Ham Wrangler

Loden Taylor posted:

adhd isn't real because brains arent real, your skull is hollow and inside is a tiny man/demon who pilots you and if you can't pay attention it's because your head homunculus is agitated

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

Powerful Katrinka
Oct 11, 2021

an admin fat fingered a permaban and all i got was this lousy av

Rad-daddio posted:

coffee and other stimulants make me sleepy and apparently that's a really good indicator of ADHD

...another good indicator of ADHD is that I was dumb as poo poo as a kid bc I couldn't focus in school and got non stop bad grades while the teachers all went "I don't get it, he's so quiet in class how could he be failing?"

You might have ADHD's basic bitch cousin, ADD. I have that one, it comes without the consistent hyperactivity. My sister just got diagnosed at 40 with ADHD because she's always gotta be extra.

Lil Swamp Booger Baby
Aug 1, 1981

Everything about hyper focusing is offset by u instantly losing orientation or any idea about wtf u were doing as soon as u step away from that task and come back to it

May 26, 2011

Because it never leaves its bedroom, no one has ever seen this poster's real face.

Loden Taylor posted:

adhd isn't real because brains arent real, your skull is hollow and inside is a tiny man/demon who pilots you and if you can't pay attention it's because your head homunculus is agitated

what's in the tiny man's head?

May 31, 2006

Loden Taylor posted:

adhd isn't real because brains arent real, your skull is hollow and inside is a tiny man/demon who pilots you and if you can't pay attention it's because your head homunculus is agitated
that just means that it's the homunculus that has adhd

Lil Swamp Booger Baby
Aug 1, 1981

The first hour of every Stellaris session is me reloading and going "what the gently caress was I doing "

Nov 4, 2008

Bitch, I said what I said
Ham Wrangler

Powerful Katrinka posted:

You might have ADHD's basic bitch cousin, ADD. I have that one, it comes without the consistent hyperactivity. My sister just got diagnosed at 40 with ADHD because she's always gotta be extra.

Technically it's all ADHD and it's either hyperactive or inattentive. I have inattentive. and I'm female so I definitely didn't get diagnosed as a kid. I was good at taking tests somehow though so I lucked out. I guess. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I had never gone to school and spent my time finding a partner and raising kids or whatever. Would I be happier? No way to know for sure.

Nov 4, 2008

Bitch, I said what I said
Ham Wrangler

Lil Swamp Booger Baby posted:

The first hour of every Stellaris session is me reloading and going "what the gently caress was I doing "

Oh yeah and don't forget forgetting to eat... Or pee..

My Spirit Otter
Jun 15, 2006


Dixville posted:

Technically it's all ADHD and it's either hyperactive or inattentive. I have inattentive. and I'm female so I definitely didn't get diagnosed as a kid. I was good at taking tests somehow though so I lucked out. I guess. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I had never gone to school and spent my time finding a partner and raising kids or whatever. Would I be happier? No way to know for sure.

yea, i lucked out on the ability to take tests as well, because once i got my license and a car, i dont think i was ever there for first period, or most of the rest of em.

i often wonder what my life would have been like if i had gotten diagnosed as a kid and been medicated, but instead im an under-achieving piece of poo poo that will put everything off until the last minute

Apr 6, 2011

When ilovebeersooomuch isn't posting, all the other goons should be asking "where's ilovebeersooomuch?" That's what I think.
Easy as 1 3 3

Jun 22, 2016

credburn posted:

This feels like as good as place as any to finally ask

What the fuck do these faces mean???

but more importantly

Why are they so badly drawn???
I love it when people misplace their keys are tell me about their ADD haha what a struggle that must be occasionally misplacing your keys

Loden Taylor
Aug 11, 2003

Cubone posted:

what's in the tiny man's head?

possibly an even smaller man

mystes posted:

that just means that it's the homunculus that has adhd

prevailing wisdom holds that the homunculi are neither sentient nor sapient and have no mind as such to be afflicted with "adhd"

My Spirit Otter
Jun 15, 2006


credburn posted:

I love it when people misplace their keys are tell me about their ADD haha what a struggle that must be occasionally misplacing your keys

right? get at me when you forget what you were saying mid-sentence

May 26, 2011

Because it never leaves its bedroom, no one has ever seen this poster's real face.

Lil Swamp Booger Baby posted:

Everything about hyper focusing is offset by u instantly losing orientation or any idea about wtf u were doing as soon as u step away from that task and come back to it
lol truth

this morning... god, somebody said something that was a joke about mishearing something from another language, and it made me think of L'Hôpital's Rule, because before I saw it written down I assumed L'Hôpital was a Chinese name because I misheard it as "Lopi Tau's Rule" and then I was like "drat what was L'Hôpital's Rule again?" so I looked it up and was nose deep in relearning sophomore calculus for like an hour and a half, but I had a quick appointment I had to get to and my ride wanted to get breakfast afterward at this new mexican place and I was like sure, and the place was super crowded, I got back to my house like an hour later, sat back down in front of my computer and was like "abuhhh?"

I've gotten better about this but I used to finish any long-term project in one long marathon of work because the idea of going back to something and picking up where I left off was that impossible

May 26, 2011

Because it never leaves its bedroom, no one has ever seen this poster's real face.

Dixville posted:

Oh yeah and don't forget forgetting to eat... Or pee..
lmfao yeppppp

the number of times I've had my concentration broken and suddenly realized that I had to pee so bad that it hurt to walk

Nov 24, 2024

mystes posted:

I prefer to SUBTRACT

nah gently caress that, XOR is where it's at

Anderson Koopa
Jun 9, 2006

all is right with the world especially as I lay waste to my fellow IKs
Grimey Drawer
This is an ADDER. You can see her in her native habitat atop the LOG TABLE she uses for multiplication.

Bula Vinaka
Oct 21, 2020

beach side

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Rubber Chicken
Mar 13, 2024


Anderson Koopa posted:

This is an ADDER. You can see her in her native habitat atop the LOG TABLE she uses for multiplication.

That's the best joke about math and snake sex I've heard this week

Edit: so far

Nov 4, 2008

Bitch, I said what I said
Ham Wrangler

Silly, he had schizophrenia not ADHD. As far as I know.

Anderson Koopa
Jun 9, 2006

all is right with the world especially as I lay waste to my fellow IKs
Grimey Drawer

Rubber Chicken posted:

That's the best joke about math and snake sex I've heard this week

Edit: so far


It always makes me smile because it so freaking pedantic that most people would miss it.

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

you think cavemen had add? what did they hyperfixate on?

Mar 7, 2005
Love that moment where if I dont get started on this thing I’ve been putting off right now, at this hour, I am hosed and I do two months worth of work in 72 hours and finish it with 20 seconds to spare. Its such a rush.


Mar 1, 2011
I hate it and I hate myself for being diagnosed with it.

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