Ill start out this thread with a review with a nearby mall . Westfield Culver City This one is an old favorite. Triple story indoor mall with ample parking. It includes an attached Target and Best Buy (but this is in sort of a rougher zip code so all the key caps off the display keyboards are pulled out. Food court is fairly decent, has a good variety of food, and now a slightly overpriced Popeyes. We just lost a Caribbean jerk chicken food place, but theres some weird Korean hot dog thing which I haven't tried but it's probably better than hotdog on a stick. Unfortunately this mall features a few hype-shoe resellers in case you wanted a pair of $400 Nikes. Theres some black owned bookstore that had a dude grilling food before a live audience once, which was neat but they dont do that anymore unfortunately. Store variety is generally good. Minimal dudes who want to wash your shoes, medium levels of chthonic ambiance. I almost got trampled here in a stampede once because of a supposed mass shooting (was just something in one of the kitchens popping off) Go If: you want to do some fun fashion shopping but also need a few practical things from target. Big Santa area during the holidays. 4/5
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# ? Feb 7, 2025 21:28 |
Yeah, but how is the arcade?
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what pizza place does the food court have
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I think there was a tiny one there when I first went to it, but it's been long replaced by those suit (rental?) stores that nobody goes into.
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Worf posted:what pizza place does the food court have Sbarros. I avoided it for the longest time but it eventually became kinda attractive since the prices of food skyrocketed. Never any long lines there either.
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The closest "mall" to us is a strip mall. It gets 3.9 stars on Google. It offers such amenities as: Papa Ginos, Subway, D'Angelos, and Asian Bistro - So if you're hungry, you are covered. Just be sure you want sandwiches or pizza Famous Footwear - buy shoes here. Spectrum store - I think you can download a car here? Martial Arts, Gym, and US Navy Recruitment office - Get in shape! Serving your country is optional. 2!! ATMs - when you need ![]() Gamestop - Overpriced video games Kohls, Old Navy, and TJ Maxx - Clothes Michaels - craft stuff Dollar General / Movie Theater - why not? Package store - it's cold and dark here for a solid half the year, sometimes you need something to get you by. There used to be a mattress store, but it's not there anymore. Also there's an Applebees in the parking lot along with another ATM.
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Westfield Culver City In 2024 I shoplifted about $200 of thunderbolt 4 cables, as well as an apple tv remote and a phone case from the attached best buy 5/5
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Anderson Koopa posted:The closest "mall" to us is a strip mall. It gets 3.9 stars on Google. Massachusetts rear end post
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Worf posted:Massachusetts rear end post You are surprisingly close lol. What gave it away?
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Papa Gino’s put you in the neighborhood and package store theoretically sealed it It’s not gonna be Rhode Island since afaik spectrum doesn’t serve that state lol eastbrook mall. Most CT rear end place ever Worf fucked around with this message at 01:31 on Jan 16, 2025 |
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American Dream This mall has roller coasters, a water park, mini golf, ice skating rink, and an indoor ski slope with a goddamn chair lift. Oh and a Ferris Wheel with a view of Manhattan. 4/5 because parking isn't great and you have to be in New Jersey
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Westfield Century City Further west you get an outdoor mall that is a “cut above” Westfield Culver City, in both clientele and shopping experience. There’s a Gelson’s grocery store here as well as an Equinox gym, if you get the picture. This is an outdoor mall, but mercifully the food court is indoors. Dining options are much more constrained at this mall. An overpriced mediocre kebab place, some ube donuts, a poke place, then your standard Panda Express and Chick Fil A. This mall unfortunately suffers from teenagers of wealthy parents, so on the weekends and later weekdays you’ll see a gaggle of highschooolers doing something or another on their phones. There’s some premium clothing places, yet luckily there’s an H&M for the rest of us. A Dr. Martin’s shoe store, a LEGO store, and even a Razer store are here. Somehow, someway the Razer store still exists after over a year. I go in there sometimes to touch the clacky keyboards. I have no idea if they’re making rent. There’s an Apple Store where I bought my iPad that I later sold in the food court of the same mall. Parking is paid. The rates are tolerable if you split it amongst a friend or two. Go here if: you wanna see all the Razer peripherals, are kind of rich, or are the child of a rich person who wants to act cool in ill fitting streetware. You like the sun. Avoid if: annoying parking structures bother you, you have only median-american income shopping tastes 3/5.
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Having my face buried in my phone would have been a vast improvement in behavior in the mall from when I was a kid tbh
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There used to be two malls in the city I spent my teenage years in but they turned one of them into a charter school in the late 90s which is fitting
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Our local shopping mall seems to be cursed; by itself. Every loving store just cuts their margins to practically nothing that they all fail within a year. Don't get me wrong, I loved being able to buy 3 t-shirts at JCPenny for $10. Similar prices on socks and underwear and such. But, I practically felt guilty every time I left I felt like I just robbed the place. There's a movie theatre and they charge like $8 a ticket. How are you still in business? Oh, that's right, you aren't. I loved and cherished shopping malls as a kid. I've posted this before, but the mall was the hangout place for all of us young kids in our neighborhood. They were the place to be. Now I walk through one and they are the saddest place to be.
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I was reading about some mall that was taking storefronts and making like 100 sq foot apartments out of them
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Internetjack posted:Yeah, but how is the arcade? A lot of people blame 9/11. It certainly didn't help, but America died with the arcade.
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I just looked up teen-me's mall and there are less than a dozen stores left in the directory that I recognize. I guess it has been over 30 years. ![]() I did like this review though, it's just so Hawai'i "" posted:Our latest day trip to The Gathering Place included a stop here as we were wanting to try the new location of Waiahole Poi Factory. Needless to say, they were sold out of kalua pig at lunchtime, so we skipped them and browsed around instead. Also, "suitable mall" like, drat, making Kaneohe sound like the boonies. It's still got the Fun Factory (arcade) though, which is cool. Wifi Toilet fucked around with this message at 03:26 on Jan 16, 2025 |
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- AI LensCrafters - AI Lids - AI Sephora - AI FootLocker - A couple of brand new cars in here for some reason - AI pretzel stand - AI Sunglass Hut - GameStop - China House/King/#1 - Probation office
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They still exist but it's just not the same ![]()
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Our local mall is very similar to the mall in Dawn of the Dead. It has a sporting goods store with a firearm section, a grocery store, clothing stores, and a furniture store. Also a indoor skate park for that apocalypse sitting in place boredom.
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I live near the Burlington Mall which is where they filmed Paul Blart Mall Cop so that’s p cool
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Raere posted:I live near the Burlington Mall which is where they filmed Paul Blart Mall Cop so that’s p cool arguably not
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I would like to review the Holyoke Mall, which I visited over the holiday. Surprisingly active and full, but like three places to get your eyebrows "threaded", I guess that is some sculpting thing. And four or five jewelry stores, three in eyeshot of each other. Hot Topic had teens inside. There was a Starbucks, and if you walked in the Target next to it, there was another starbucks.
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Nice scare quotes on a thing that's been commonplace for decades
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University Village Mall, Seattle An "outdoor" mall that they've thoughtfully ran car lanes throughout so that you can dodge inattentive drivers constantly. Parking is a nightmare on weekends and if you're bored you can watch as the many parking enforcement mall cops ticket cars lingering in the 10 minute parking spots. It's so nice of the wealthy patrons to support their local mall enforcement jobs. Stop by the Rivian or Tesla stores so you can laugh at how awful the poorly designed metal body panels on the Cyber truck look up-close. Drop some cash on overpriced faux-high fashion shops like Gap, North Face, and Eddie Bauer so you can fit in with the local trend of dressing like you're leaving the Amazon offices for a day hike. To be fair there is a pretty tasty ice cream shop and a spot that brews and sells growlers of ginger beer. Plus the local eruv was generously extended around the whole mall so you can safely shop during the sabbath without pissing off god!
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About 10 years ago I had this great idea to go looking for arcade games again, and the London Trocadero was like the biggest arcade in the UK, spanning several floors. It also used to house the indoor Sega theme park "Sega World" where I went to for my birthday once as a kid. Pumped up, armed with pockets full of coins and ready for some arcade action, I set off to the centre of the city. On the underground train, I reminisced over the cool blue neon lighting, the sound of hundreds of cabinets, pinball tables and other games making noises, claw machines filled with prizes, and the terrifying Xenomorphs that roamed the basement areas. I finally arrived and entered the building. The miniature strip mall remained with several cutesy little Japanese stores selling manga, plush toys, Japanese candy and other little things. I marched on, the coins jingling in my pockets with each step, to find the grand double escalator at the end, the escalator you'd ascend to reach the games, the cinema, the cool stuff. But it was bordered off. In front of the boards remained one small relic of time gone by... a grey, plastic, very 90s looking portable ATM. Anyway, that's my arcade/mall story. If you're ever in London, don't go to the Trocadero. It's probably still poo poo.
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Wifi Toilet posted:I just looked up teen-me's mall and there are less than a dozen stores left in the directory that I recognize. I guess it has been over 30 years. Is the food in hawaii really so bad that Buffalo Wild Wings is a highlight???
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Do any malls still have water features? That was the peak of western civilisation.
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huh posted:Do any malls still have water features? That was the peak of western civilisation. They do at the Asian Garden Mall. Water features were the peak of western civilization? Are you sure the peak of western civilization wasn't eastern culture assimilated into the culture of the west? The origins of the dragon...
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Ones of ours got torn down and replaced with an Amazon DC... Makes u think.
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Para Brahman posted:Are you sure... Yes.
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huh posted:Yes. Then you ARE correct.
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deep dish peat moss posted:Is the food in hawaii really so bad that Buffalo Wild Wings is a highlight??? Hawai'i goes crazy when a national chain comes to town for some reason. I remember when Kmart first came they literally had lines going out the door into the parking lot. Same thing when Walmart and then Target came in. There were no Buffalo wild wings when I was there, I don't know when they arrived, but if it was relatively recent I could see it being something everyone has to check out.
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Raere posted:I live near the Burlington Mall which is where they filmed Paul Blart Mall Cop so that’s p cool I worked in that mall very briefly when I was young
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My local mall (Crystal Mall, Waterford, ct) is on the verge of death. None of the escalators or elevators even function anymore. Weird to feel such nostalgia for a big empty commercial space. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3UZvjptILk This guy has a lot of good mall exploration videos.
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There's a really cool indie tabletop RPG called Green Dawn Mall where you're teenagers exploring a surreal infinite mall looking for your friend. I made a module kinda thing to generate interesting plazas and came up with a bunch of different store names and themes, check it out if you want. The store descriptions are under the mall directory link at the top. https://astrangeaeon.github.io/GDMPlazaGenerator/ There's that Modest Mouse lyric that's more and more prescient, "the malls are the soon to be ghost towns / well so long, farewell, goodbye" My hometown mall is for sale, lots of memories of that place. It was across the parking lot from the library so a Saturday was real easy to squander once mom or dad dropped you off. A Strange Aeon fucked around with this message at 14:09 on Jan 16, 2025 |
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My local mall is the mall from the original Dawn of the Dead. It's still hanging on alright, honestly a decent chunk of that is probably because of the movie connection. There's a small museum and gift shop dedicated to horror movies, there's a really good theater, and every year they host the Living Dead Weekend, which is basically a huge horror movie convention centered around (mostly) George Romero movies. The remaining shops are pretty much a mix of smaller independent stores and the mall staples like Hot Topic, plus they do a ton of craft and art shows recently where people set up in the atrium and sell their stuff, which is cool. There was also a shooting there over 10 years ago but every single boomer still posts "WON'T GO THERE, GANG ACTIVITY!" every time the mall makes the news.
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I left the san Francisco bay ar-yuh in 2021 and almost every single retail location downtown had shut down even before covid and then it became literal madmax video game like setting of the homeless and smash and grab flashmob thefts of anything remaining an interesting experience to live though, I can’t think of a way to convey it though posting particularly well I commuted by bike which started as a naive poor millennial working in an office building hearing theme song music in their head (I’m the star of the show you see) and ended with oh gently caress I’m gonna get killed goddamn it is that guy making GBS threads?? is that poo poo? why is it so liquid there is SO MUCH why are the other people touching it now NO
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# ? Feb 7, 2025 21:28 |
There’s one near me that is basically closed due to bankruptcy but it’s got some nice local stores that are probably there because the mall is desperate. There’s some chain stores too but they keep moving out
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