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Jun 4, 2001

the COBGOBLIN got me! I bear the curse of bad sandwiches
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAID AD--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This is the finest post you will ever see, and a post you and your family would really like around the home.
It can brighten up your whole house, as well as cleaning any nasty germs that may be laying in wait, to
Send you and your family to the hospital or early grave!

If consumed twice a day this post it will also help clean out any germs and toxins hiding in your guts, making
you feel like crap. In just a wake of consuming this ad twice a day over 90% of all common illness will be
rid of. Ask your doctor about being prescribed this ad today!!!!

If you have any doubts listen to this testimony for a satisfied customer!

"I was about to die. I had just thrown up my spleen and a bucket of blood the night before. I was on death door
When suddenly I heard an ad for this new miracle post. I then took it immediately and with in two hours I had
grown I knew spleen!

Buy a this post today!!!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAID AD--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Feel free to advertise any of your own fine posts in this thread! But you know, not after you've bought a dozen or so of this post. Obviously.


Anderson Koopa
Jun 9, 2006

all is right with the world especially as I lay waste to my fellow IKs
Grimey Drawer
AD stands for Anno Domini (the year of our Lord).

You'll be hearing from my lawyers for taking the Lord's name in vain :colbert:

Feb 20, 2004

Upset Trowel
I said no tracking. I turned cookies off. Stop following me around!

Jun 4, 2001

the COBGOBLIN got me! I bear the curse of bad sandwiches

Anderson Koopa posted:

AD stands for Anno Domini (the year of our Lord).

You'll be hearing from my lawyers for taking the Lord's name in vain :colbert:

I'll have you know The Lord is one of my marketing firms clients!

Although not sure if that's a pop singer, god, or both. Their representative has been pretty cagey about it when we ask to clarify.

Oct 15, 2004

reported for account security compromised

N. Senada
May 17, 2011

My kidneys are busted

My Spirit Otter
Jun 15, 2006


Anderson Koopa posted:

AD stands for Anno Domini (the year of our Lord).

You'll be hearing from my lawyers for taking the Lord's name in vain :colbert:

i thought it was latin for anus domination

N. Senada
May 17, 2011

My kidneys are busted
Who do you think is dominating that anus?


Rubber Chicken
Mar 13, 2024

AssDick is just an odd brand Dick butt imo

N. Senada
May 17, 2011

My kidneys are busted
Animation Domination. Only in FOX!

Jun 4, 2001

the COBGOBLIN got me! I bear the curse of bad sandwiches
So just to interrupt all this content, with an short ad from my sponsor, this post. I was so glad when this post reached out to me saying it would like to sponsor this thread, as I'd been using this post for years. You see as an important thread creator, I work very long hours, and then when I finally do get to bed, I find I have trouble sleeping.

Using this post though, I've found I've far more reliably been able to get to sleep, and wake up less during the night as well, leading to more constant sleep, leaving me waking up refreshed in the morning.

If you have trouble sleeping like I did just look for this post in your local pharmacy, and then you just need to spend ten minutes reading it again and again before bed, and you find you'll instantly be going to sleep! Stop waking around like a zombie all day because you didn't get any sleep, visit you local pharmacy and buy this post today!!!

Anyway back to your content!

N. Senada
May 17, 2011

My kidneys are busted
I bet the OP has never made a post in his life before he got sponsored

Nov 24, 2024

hey why isn't my adblocker working here :confused:

Apr 17, 2003
i love kami-sama
Don't be fooled by that other guy's post, this post is the real deal! Only $9.99 per post! Ours come with a Certificate of Post-enthicity so you know it's 100% post and nothing else. Get yours today, call now!

And we'll throw in a second post, free of charge, for calling on the next 30 seconds! Don't delay, CALLLLL NNNOWWWWWWW!

Staberind Mk II
Nov 23, 2024
I will poo poo in a hotdog bun and mail it anywhere for £500

Mar 7, 2006

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
dsget user "CN=dr_rat,CN=users,dc=sa,dc=tld" -memberof -expand

By popular demand
Jul 17, 2007


Hey guys, I got a line on some PREMIUM posts but at half price. Meet me behind the truck stop and keep it on the down-low.

Jul 5, 2003

GreatMrPopo posted:

Don't be fooled by that other guy's post, this post is the real deal! Only $9.99 per post! Ours come with a Certificate of Post-enthicity so you know it's 100% post and nothing else. Get yours today, call now!

And we'll throw in a second post, free of charge, for calling on the next 30 seconds! Don't delay, CALLLLL NNNOWWWWWWW!

You're saying I can get a full value of 19.98 for only 9.99?


Anderson Koopa
Jun 9, 2006

all is right with the world especially as I lay waste to my fellow IKs
Grimey Drawer

By popular demand posted:

Hey guys, I got a line on some PREMIUM posts but at half price. Meet me behind the truck stop and keep it on the down-low.

Sounds good. Anyone want to go halfsies on a shower?

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