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Toxic Mental
Jun 1, 2019

Two guys on dirt bikes were getting chased by cops and now a ton of homies from the hood have come out in support and now there's a 20+ strong group of dirt bike and ATV guys popping wheelies and making the cops look like fools


May 10, 2007

This news announcer is delusional.

Jul 29, 2012

Put me in the trash
Recycle Bin
I belong.
New Road Rash game lookin' good.

May 10, 2007

It no longer seems to be a police chase because the police disappeared.

Nov 4, 2008

Bitch, I said what I said
Ham Wrangler
Lol this rules

militia etheridge
Jan 2, 2005

sounds ruff
Hanging with the dudes at the gas station, having some big gulps and in pursuit of some 2 for 1 chips

house of the dad
Jul 4, 2005

Cops just mad these guys have friends and like to hang out

Jan 6, 2012

We gazed into the eyes of madness... And all we found was horny.

They lost ‘em under the freeway :laffo:

Toxic Mental
Jun 1, 2019

Five stars to zero with the classic "drive under the overpass and vanish into the night" trick, EZ

Desmodus rotundus
Sep 15, 2013


Holy poo poo I cannot believe the under the freeway trick worked. God speed lil biker

Apr 6, 2011

When ilovebeersooomuch isn't posting, all the other goons should be asking "where's ilovebeersooomuch?" That's what I think.

Desmodus rotundus posted:

Holy poo poo I cannot believe the under the freeway trick worked. God speed lil biker

Cops don’t have object permanence. Oldest trick in the book.

Desmodus rotundus
Sep 15, 2013


I approve of anything that makes the LAPD look like idiots. Also wanna find the stream the dude on the bike was supposedly doing.

Sep 12, 2017

i'm OBSESSED with quibbling over minutiae!!!!!!!!
gently caress the police

Jun 22, 2016

credburn posted:

This feels like as good as place as any to finally ask

What the fuck do these faces mean???

but more importantly

Why are they so badly drawn???

Desmodus rotundus posted:

Holy poo poo I cannot believe the under the freeway trick worked. God speed lil biker

It worked so well I think the news guy is in on it.

Aug 18, 2007

Those white people are annoying as poo poo

Desmodus rotundus
Sep 15, 2013


credburn posted:

It worked so well I think the news guy is in on it.

poo poo this is just a viral stunt for gta6 isn't it

Lil Swamp Booger Baby
Aug 1, 1981

Evil cops and obnoxious dickheads, I truly weep for anyone caught in the middle of this. I am revving up prayers for my pre-honkshoo one-on-one with God.

Feb 11, 2019
Can't post for 11 days!
gently caress the pigs.

The Last Call
Sep 9, 2011

Rehabilitating sinner
They got away.

Wow, the police really do look like fools don't they.

Sophy Wackles
Dec 17, 2000

> access main security grid

Guy who used his atm card at the gas station is going to take the rap and cops will call it a day.

Mental Hospitality
Jan 5, 2011

At one point that had 6 motorcycle CHP guys behind them and just left them in the dust doing wheelies the entire time. Detroit has guys just like this, they do a really good job at stopping traffic at intersections for the rest of the group. I was in the middle of it earlier this summer and just kinda thought "these guys are having way more fun than me".

Once in a while one of them gets creamed by an F-150 though and ends up in our ER. If you're not used to it or not paying attention it can catch drivers off guard and they panic. For that reason, I don't recommend riding motorcycles like this.

Chief McHeath
Apr 23, 2002

trump drinks piss
no sick jumps, C-

Nov 25, 2024

mario kart 9 trailer is looking really realistic

Dec 20, 2003

Listen to reason, man. Why make your job difficult?


Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

lol watching the rerun and skipped to the middle and it's just a helicopter cam of a couple guys popping sick rear end wheelies among a group of guys on bikes and atvs while the cops sit there with their thumbs up their asses unable to do anything about it, this is incredibly cool

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