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Apr 16, 2017

Í̝̰ ͓̯̖̫̹̯̤A҉m̺̩͝ ͇̬A̡̮̞̠͚͉̱̫ K̶e͓ǵ.̻̱̪͖̹̟̕
The emphasis on that long E sound makes everyone around you think you're dumb as hell or that ice cream is a new type of delicacy from a foreign land. Stop it and talk normal ffs


Grey Cat
Jun 3, 2023


I need an audio example before I can pass judgement.

Feb 20, 2004

Upset Trowel
yeah op do provide us with a specimen of the correct way to pronounce ice cream.

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Apr 5, 2007

Apr 6, 2011

When ilovebeersooomuch isn't posting, all the other goons should be asking "where's ilovebeersooomuch?" That's what I think.
Ice crme

Apr 4, 2004

Forms change so fast
Time is moving past
Memory is smoke
Gonna get wider when I die
Nap Ghost

Oct 21, 2020

No, I like my hat, thanks.
eyes cram

Nov 16, 2022
"ea" is generally pronounced as a long E sound in English, OP. Hope this helps!

Rubber Chicken
Mar 13, 2024

I think OP is trying to say the E sound is long in duration, not phonetics

Or maybe not and we're both dumb

Devils Affricate
Jan 22, 2010
I hate when people try to describe how something is pronounced by using arbitrary bullshit terms like "long" or "rounded" just learn IPA bitch

William Henry Hairytaint
Oct 29, 2011

if we all move quickly we can beat the poo poo out of the OP and be gone before the mods get here

Apr 4, 2004

Forms change so fast
Time is moving past
Memory is smoke
Gonna get wider when I die
Nap Ghost
one unit of icicled creeee, por favor!

Apr 18, 2003

I give your invention the worst grade imaginable: An A-minus-minus!

I don't know what the hell you're talking about op but while we're at it I hate Colorado mountain people who put too much cruh in words like crunch and cream.

Lmk if it's ok for us to talk about this here or if I. Red to start a new thread.

Grey Cat
Jun 3, 2023


Devils Affricate posted:

I hate when people try to describe how something is pronounced by using arbitrary bullshit terms like "long" or "rounded" just learn IPA bitch


Jun 12, 2001

Hey Hey Let's Go! 喧嘩する
大切な物を protect my balls

bvj191jgl7bBsqF5m posted:

The emphasis on that long E sound makes everyone around you think you're dumb as hell or that ice cream is a new type of delicacy from a foreign land. Stop it and talk normal ffs

I'll talk how the gently caress I want OP.

Nov 4, 2008

Bitch, I said what I said
Ham Wrangler
Eye scream
Ewe scream
We all scream
For ice CREAM or whatever op is saying

the holy poopacy
May 16, 2009

hey! check this out
Fun Shoe
I could sure go for some ice crayum right now, speaking normally

Feb 16, 2007

What God wants, God gets, God help us all
Mmm, iz crim, I love iz crim!

Extra Large Marge
Jan 21, 2004

Fun Shoe
Related question: Has blue moon flavored ice creeeeeeam made it out of the Midwest?

Jun 12, 2001

Hey Hey Let's Go! 喧嘩する
大切な物を protect my balls

French Vanilla is the only Ice Creeeeam flavor you need tbh. Everything else is a tragedeeeee.

flubber nuts
Oct 5, 2005

ahs crim

Dec 23, 2005

Devils Affricate posted:

I hate when people try to describe how something is pronounced by using arbitrary bullshit terms like "long" or "rounded" just learn IPA bitch

yes. YES.

Mar 7, 2006

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?


Oct 27, 2010

This should be a thread for making GBS threads on how everyone else pronounces things. Bostoners are all "ey I'm do da thing-uh" what the gently caress how is that legal?

I heard a guy from LA once and it sounded like their maw opened revealing an empty heart every syllable they spoke.

Anyway I know all this from movies. Let's all poo poo on accents!

Addendum: "je me poopoo le weewee croissant" french sounds like someone invented a language for cartoon characters and people decided "well it's better than what we had" it's amazing.

Oct 27, 2010

Australians always sound like a broken motor is stuck in our throats just "nerrrrrrr" god we sound annoying.

Feb 16, 2007

What God wants, God gets, God help us all
How do you even get noerrr out of no?

Oct 27, 2010

Pvt.Scott posted:

How do you even get noerrr out of no?

Being able to say things impressively wrong makes a lot of words that shouldn't be.

What's crazy that never gets mentioned is whenever Americans try to correct the names of places or whatever here y'all seem to suddenly adopt a British accent. "Oh no, it should be Briss-bane" suddenly you sound like you own corgis and a Elizabeth II memorial tea set, what is up with that? You won, you don't need to go back.

Mar 4, 2008

syntaxfunction posted:

Being able to say things impressively wrong makes a lot of words that shouldn't be.

What's crazy that never gets mentioned is whenever Americans try to correct the names of places or whatever here y'all seem to suddenly adopt a British accent. "Oh no, it should be Briss-bane" suddenly you sound like you own corgis and a Elizabeth II memorial tea set, what is up with that? You won, you don't need to go back.

I only make sure to pronounce Copenhagen the German way to remind Danes of the Occupation and the future if they dont hand over Greenland.

Mar 7, 2006

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Everywhere else: oil

Texas: OWEL

Oct 21, 2020

No, I like my hat, thanks.
əs crəm

R.L. Stine
Oct 19, 2007
creme glacee

Colonel Cancer
Sep 26, 2015

Tune into the fireplace channel, you absolute buffoon
rear end crehm

Mar 7, 2006

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Uh its custard you rock eater

Feb 10, 2014

Jan 31, 2010

stomp clap

Smugworth posted:

I don't know what the hell you're talking about op but while we're at it I hate Colorado mountain people who put too much cruh in words like crunch and cream.

Lmk if it's ok for us to talk about this here or if I. Red to start a new thread.

The way Colorado people say mountain like "mow-an" is infuriating. It's gotta be something in the atmosphere because my wife and I are not from Colorado and we pronounce it right but our kid born here says "mow-an" and it really grates.

Jan 31, 2010

stomp clap

Extra Large Marge posted:

Related question: Has blue moon flavored ice creeeeeeam made it out of the Midwest?

Like blue moon beer? Whose rear end can I kick to make sure it doesn't make it out of the midwest?

Loden Taylor
Aug 11, 2003

yes hello i would like to order a bowl of your "ice craem"

The Hello Machine
Jul 18, 2021

I'm not a real machine, but I am a real Hello-sayer.
Ice crime

Feb 16, 2007

What God wants, God gets, God help us all

nullandvoid posted:

Everywhere else: oil

Texas: OWEL

I dunno it sounds more like earl, or at least the old timers say it.


Apr 18, 2003

I give your invention the worst grade imaginable: An A-minus-minus!

Pvt.Scott posted:

I dunno it sounds more like earl, or at least the old timers say it.

My mom says warshing machine and uhl

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