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Seth Pecksniff
May 27, 2004

Good... Good... Use your aggressive posting. Let the hate flow through you.
Our beloved friend GamemasterAnthony will be turning 50 on February 28!

Goons, how should we celebrate this momentous occasion of knowing this image is from 2008 and time is an inexorable march towards oblivion and we're all getting old? We have a month to plan this so we better get started soon


welcome 2 Clown Town
Aug 1, 2006


*scrunt skull
Get him a nice cheese

funeral home DJ
Apr 21, 2003

We regret to inform you that Gamemaster Anthony was permabanned in the mid 2010’s.

The Loin King
Feb 16, 2017

Check out this goddamned cat
Nick Mullen's surprisingly deep for him essay about gamemaster anthony.

The Loin King
Feb 16, 2017

Check out this goddamned cat
I hope he found some friends and is doing OK.

Dec 18, 2020
Can't post for 4 days!
Uh oh...

Lil Swamp Booger Baby
Aug 1, 1981

All those moments with Gamemaster Anthony will be lost in time like tears in rain

Feb 19, 2014

How much do I cum? The answer might surprise you!

thats one big party were gonna need a 7 or maybe even an 8 layer dip

Mar 27, 2012

Goon art project where we do a collab of every character from every game, comic, cartoon, TV show, movie, and book reality throwing a huge party?

or we could just buy a sheet cake I guess

Apr 6, 2011

When ilovebeersooomuch isn't posting, all the other goons should be asking "where's ilovebeersooomuch?" That's what I think.
I’m gonna gift him a swift kick in the nutz

Lil Swamp Booger Baby
Aug 1, 1981


I’m gonna gift him a swift kick in the nutz

He's hanging with all those characters, jelly?

Apr 6, 2011

When ilovebeersooomuch isn't posting, all the other goons should be asking "where's ilovebeersooomuch?" That's what I think.

Lil Swamp Booger Baby posted:

He's hanging with all those characters, jelly?

I’m gonna kick them all in the nutz

mom and dad fight a lot
Sep 21, 2006
Can't post for 19 days!
how do we know this girl is even alive anymore

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

we can't use the word "master" at work anymore

would he be ok changing his name to gameleader or gameprimary?

mom and dad fight a lot
Sep 21, 2006
Can't post for 19 days!
I am GameslaveAnthony please paddle me it's my birthday

Milo and POTUS
Sep 3, 2017

I will not shut up about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I talk about them all the time and work them into every conversation I have. I built a shrine in my room for the yellow one who died because sadly no one noticed because she died around 9/11. Wanna see it?
is he even alive

e: i hope he is

neato burrito
Aug 25, 2002

bitch better have my chex mix




Dec 20, 2003

Listen to reason, man. Why make your job difficult?
does this count as helldumping

Lil Swamp Booger Baby
Aug 1, 1981

Junk posted:

does this count as helldumping


Sep 21, 2015

funeral home DJ posted:

We regret to inform you that Gamemaster Anthony was permabanned in the mid 2010’s.

What did he do?

Colonel Cancer
Sep 26, 2015

Tune into the fireplace channel, you absolute buffoon
There is no way a guy like that didn't die in the g*mer wars

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

too many good kids with bright futures died in the console wars, and for what

Dumb Sex-Parrot
Dec 24, 2020

think I once read a ff7 fanfic where the selfinsert was named Anthony. his catchphrase was d'oh

Howard Beale
Feb 22, 2001

It's like this, Peanut
gamemaster anthony, now there's a man who knows how to invite

Van Hammer
Jun 24, 2007

Dumb Sex-Parrot posted:

think I once read a ff7 fanfic where the selfinsert was named Anthony. his catchphrase was d'oh

Dumb Sex-Parrot
Dec 24, 2020

it's worse dude, he was red's brother lmao

Van Hammer
Jun 24, 2007

Dumb Sex-Parrot posted:

it's worse dude, he was red's brother lmao



Radio Paranoia
Jun 27, 2010

It is now safe to turn off your computer.

A lot more games, comics, cartoons, TV shows, movies, and books happened in the interceding years. We're going to need a much bigger venue.

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