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Nov 25, 2024

I lost my job yesterday, almost one year after I joined the company (left a 5 year job for this one). This is the first time I've ever became unemployed since I started my career and I am kinda desolated tbh :smithicide:

Thankfully I got some money saved that will hold me for some months until I can find a new job, but I'm feeling bad because I suddenly had to interrupt some plans I had for the near future and bored with all the spare time I have available from now.

For those who recently became unemployed for whatever reason or went through this at some point, what have you been doing to cope with this forced boredom? (beside applying for new positions obviously). I've been playing some Marvel Rivals since then and will go biking now and grab food on the way


Seth Pecksniff
May 27, 2004

Good... Good... Use your aggressive posting. Let the hate flow through you.
I had a whole system when I was unemployed
Monday: look for jobs
Tuesday: update my resume for the jobs I wanted to apply to
Wednesday: create cover letters (if necessary)
Thursday: send out the job applications after reviewing everything
Friday: day off

I did this for three hours a day every morning. It helped to reduce burnout. The rest of the time I played FF14 which was kind of fun to be honest

Jan 15, 2009

View of Washington D.C. from space. Credit: NASA (2025)
Curious how many goons Trump's EO just made jobless. Guess we'll see shortly.

Nov 25, 2024

Seth Pecksniff posted:

I had a whole system when I was unemployed
Monday: look for jobs
Tuesday: update my resume for the jobs I wanted to apply to
Wednesday: create cover letters (if necessary)
Thursday: send out the job applications after reviewing everything
Friday: day off

I did this for three hours a day every morning. It helped to reduce burnout. The rest of the time I played FF14 which was kind of fun to be honest

Seems like a good system to keep consistency, I’ll try to follow something similar, randomly applying for jobs just make you feel frustrated at a long teen. How long did it take for you to find a new job after you started this routine? I still have to figure out a lot of stuff like updating resume, portfolio etc

Vile_Nihilist666 posted:

Curious how many goons Trump's EO just made jobless. Guess we'll see shortly.

I am not from the USA but I feel you. I got fired due to the unhealthy relationship I had with my manager, which was an obnoxious egocentric prick who couldn’t stand different opinions rather than his. We never got along and he decided it was the best for him to just do the work by himself

Seth Pecksniff
May 27, 2004

Good... Good... Use your aggressive posting. Let the hate flow through you.

Shamewave posted:

Seems like a good system to keep consistency, I’ll try to follow something similar, randomly applying for jobs just make you feel frustrated at a long teen. How long did it take for you to find a new job after you started this routine? I still have to figure out a lot of stuff like updating resume, portfolio etc

I am not from the USA but I feel you. I got fired due to the unhealthy relationship I had with my manager, which was an obnoxious egocentric prick who couldn’t stand different opinions rather than his. We never got along and he decided it was the best for him to just do the work by himself

For the top question, about three months or so. It didn't take too too long but it was a bit stressful in the meantime.

For the second one, poo poo did you have my old manager lol

By popular demand
Jul 17, 2007


Seth Pecksniff posted:

I had a whole system when I was unemployed
Monday: look for jobs
Tuesday: update my resume for the jobs I wanted to apply to
Wednesday: create cover letters (if necessary)
Thursday: send out the job applications after reviewing everything
Friday: day off

I did this for three hours a day every morning. It helped to reduce burnout. The rest of the time I played FF14 which was kind of fun to be honest

Sunday: D&D
Monday: jerk off
Tuesday: consider looking for work.
Wednesday: gently caress it, updating this chart sucks
Apr 9, 2005

Fun Shoe

Seth Pecksniff posted:

I did this for three hours a day every morning. It helped to reduce burnout. The rest of the time I played FF14 which was kind of fun to be honest

Which class(es) :colbert:

Feb 10, 2005

By popular demand posted:

Monday-Friday: jerk off Goon style

Colonel Cancer
Sep 26, 2015

Tune into the fireplace channel, you absolute buffoon
New career in streaming awaits

Toxic Mental
Jun 1, 2019

I hope this post is a hit like previous threads "GBS divorce thread" and "GBS in therapy thread" and "GBS wife took the kids thread"

Feb 10, 2005

Toxic Mental posted:

I hope this post is a hit like previous threads "GBS divorce thread"

If this thread wants to match that one you'll need a bunch of goons chiming in about how they are gainfully employed and love their jobs.

A Fancy Hat
Nov 18, 2016

Feelin' Fine.
I was unemployed back in 2013 after getting laid off. I got a severance package and could file for unemployment as well, so I at least had a safety net for a bit. But it helped to give myself a list of things to do in order to feel like I was making progress.

1) Reach out to all my business references
2) Update my resume
3) Write a generic cover letter that could be edited depending on the job
4) Figure out what kind of job I wanted to do

I think I ended up applying for close to 200 jobs, I got about 50 interviews, and maybe only 10 of those led anywhere. So don't get discouraged when it feels like you're not hearing back from jobs or you don't get a callback after an interview.

Seth Pecksniff
May 27, 2004

Good... Good... Use your aggressive posting. Let the hate flow through you. posted:

Which class(es) :colbert:

Black mage and dancer

Jun 16, 2008

If to live in this style is to be eccentric, it must be confessed that there is something good in eccentricity.

Grimey Drawer
I'm also unemployed right now! :hfive:

I quit an easy job I loved and moved back to the US thinking a masters degree and 4+ years of experience would qualify me for at least an entry level job.

I have not heard back from even a single company. It's been months.

Jun 16, 2008

If to live in this style is to be eccentric, it must be confessed that there is something good in eccentricity.

Grimey Drawer
I pass the time by playing hundreds of hours of Factorio a day, working out, studying, translating, and hanging out with friends. Use this time to learn a skill, OP!

May 11, 2008
Just out of curiosity, what approximate dollar value would you have to have saved up to just say gently caress looking for another job, gently caress work in general, I'm just going to coast from here on out?

Mar 7, 2006

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

Vakal posted:

Just out of curiosity, what approximate dollar value would you have to have saved up to just say gently caress looking for another job, gently caress work in general, I'm just going to coast from here on out?

$60,000 a year for the rest of my life

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

Vakal posted:

Just out of curiosity, what approximate dollar value would you have to have saved up to just say gently caress looking for another job, gently caress work in general, I'm just going to coast from here on out?

Been wondering that about a buddy who has been doing that for last five years.

Larry Cum Free
Jun 3, 2022

move it or lose it dillweed
If You Are Strong: check with your local government to see if there are nuisance animals you can kill for a bounty. Make sure to sleep when you're tired or you can be overwhelmed by a foe that does not present a challenge when you're well rested.

If You Are Pretty: sugarbaby relationships remain popular and lucrative. You are largely free to set the terms of your arrangement, but some restrictions may limit your pool of suitors and the money you can earn.

Jun 16, 2008

If to live in this style is to be eccentric, it must be confessed that there is something good in eccentricity.

Grimey Drawer

A Fancy Hat posted:

I think I ended up applying for close to 200 jobs, I got about 50 interviews, and maybe only 10 of those led anywhere. So don't get discouraged when it feels like you're not hearing back from jobs or you don't get a callback after an interview.

Isn't 1/4 of the jobs you applied to replying to you for an interview extremely high or is my situation even more grim than I thought?

Feb 10, 2005

Larry Cum Free posted:

If You Are Strong: check with your local government to see if there are nuisance animals you can kill for a bounty. Make sure to sleep when you're tired or you can be overwhelmed by a foe that does not present a challenge when you're well rested.

If You Are Pretty: sugarbaby relationships remain popular and lucrative. You are largely free to set the terms of your arrangement, but some restrictions may limit your pool of suitors and the money you can earn.

OP remains ugly and weak, so what then?

May 10, 2007

Being unemployed for a long time can really start to wear on you. Make sure you keep a good sleeping schedule and try to get out of the house to do anything. Take a walk, go to walmart, whatever it doesn't matter. I was unemployed for 2 years then worked for a bit and now I'm unemployed again. It sucks and for me it has worn down my social skills and confidence in some weird ways. Just try not to get stuck in that rut.

Das Boo
Jun 9, 2011

There was a GHOST here.
It's gone now.
My contract ends next month, so joining you soon!
I was unemployed a full year from 22-23. My whole industry tanked and I kept hearing our employment rate was riding around 25% of the norm.

Colonel Cancer
Sep 26, 2015

Tune into the fireplace channel, you absolute buffoon

Larry Cum Free posted:

If You Are Strong: check with your local government to see if there are nuisance animals you can kill for a bounty. Make sure to sleep when you're tired or you can be overwhelmed by a foe that does not present a challenge when you're well rested.

If You Are Pretty: sugarbaby relationships remain popular and lucrative. You are largely free to set the terms of your arrangement, but some restrictions may limit your pool of suitors and the money you can earn.

If You Are Wise: consider becoming a hermit. Make your own schedule as a cryptic ominous figure looming on the outskirts of civilization. Adventurers will seek you out for your wisdom. You may have to die in dramatic circumstances.

Jun 21, 2008

A Fancy Hat posted:

I was unemployed back in 2013 after getting laid off. I got a severance package and could file for unemployment as well, so I at least had a safety net for a bit. But it helped to give myself a list of things to do in order to feel like I was making progress.

1) Reach out to all my business references
2) Update my resume
3) Write a generic cover letter that could be edited depending on the job
4) Figure out what kind of job I wanted to do

I think I ended up applying for close to 200 jobs, I got about 50 interviews, and maybe only 10 of those led anywhere. So don't get discouraged when it feels like you're not hearing back from jobs or you don't get a callback after an interview.

No one is hitting a 25% interview to application rate anymore, unfortunately. I'm getting turned down for jobs I don't even remember applying for now.

A Fancy Hat
Nov 18, 2016

Feelin' Fine.

Shadow0 posted:

Isn't 1/4 of the jobs you applied to replying to you for an interview extremely high or is my situation even more grim than I thought?

A lot of the jobs I applied to were literal fry cooks and janitors and snowplow drivers and stuff. Part of it was keeping my unemployment benefits, some of it was just wanting to interview, and some was desperation to find anything before my money ran out.

For jobs in my specific field it was more like 1/8 of those responded for an interview.

Jul 11, 2001

nullandvoid posted:

$60,000 a year for the rest of my life

Feb 10, 2005

Colonel Cancer posted:

If You Are Wise: consider becoming a hermit. Make your own schedule as a cryptic ominous figure looming on the outskirts of civilization. Adventurers will seek you out for your wisdom. You may have to die in dramatic circumstances.

OP is weak, ugly and dumb, none of this advice is helping!

Rubber Chicken
Mar 13, 2024


Vile_Nihilist666 posted:

Curious how many goons Trump's EO just made jobless. Guess we'll see shortly.

My rear end in a top hat is firmly clenched about this poo poo

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

nullandvoid posted:

$60,000 a year for the rest of my life

a basic retirement calculator will tell you that you need about $1,500,000 invested in a basic stock/bond portfolio to achieve this income (inflation adjusted) in perpetuity with a high (>90%) success rate

you only need to scam about 100 elderly couples out of new roofs or whatever to get there. hint: knock on doors following hail storms

i recommend never doing the same scam in the same city more than twice, then skip town. change states every 6 months or so. if you're a real go-getter, you can do about 50 scams per year, but if you're just starting out aim for a more realistic 20.

Mar 4, 2008

You’re never too old to take your happy rear end down to the Voc-Tec and learn to do HVAC.

Lil Swamp Booger Baby
Aug 1, 1981

Szyznyk posted:

You’re never too old to take your happy rear end down to the Voc-Tec and learn to do HVAC.

Hot Vagina, rear end, Cock

Mar 4, 2008

Lil Swamp Booger Baby posted:

Hot Vagina, rear end, Cock

That stopped paying very well after the start of the Hubs and Tubes Era.

Jun 12, 2001

Hey Hey Let's Go! 喧嘩する
大切な物を protect my balls

Friday to Thursday - Whiskey hour, every hour.

Jun 12, 2001

Hey Hey Let's Go! 喧嘩する
大切な物を protect my balls

Szyznyk posted:

That stopped paying very well after the start of the Hubs and Tubes Era.

It still pays though. So get to it.

Nov 25, 2024

Toxic Mental posted:

I hope this post is a hit like previous threads "GBS divorce thread" and "GBS in therapy thread" and "GBS wife took the kids thread"

You could direct your hopes on me finding a new job instead

Nov 25, 2024

Shadow0 posted:

I pass the time by playing hundreds of hours of Factorio a day, working out, studying, translating, and hanging out with friends. Use this time to learn a skill, OP!

There are some books I want to take off my shelf, sounds like the perfect time. I also have been wanting to get back on writing music again. I’ll try to be as productive as I can to keep my mind busy

Feb 27, 2023

Led through the mist, by the milk-light of moon, all that was lost is revealed.
I was unemployed for a about a year until just recently. It was very frustrating, and I started resenting employers for refusing to give me interviews for jobs that I was more than qualified for. Sorry you're in this position, OP. If you get really bored, you might consider volunteering somewhere. It gives you something to do, and it looks good on a resume.

Aug 24, 2004

i haven't worked in years OP, it's cool


May 7, 2007

Kidney Buddies
Yeah, just rage quit my job a few weeks ago and while I wanted to take a few weeks off to do nothing, it really isn’t healthy for me. Just been obsessively playing video games. It also doesn’t help that my husband’s car won’t start when it’s too cold, so I have been stuck without transportation all day too. I have tried to get insurance and my 401k figured out, but my workplace hasn’t reported to either that I quit. I guess they have 30 days to tell their third party cobra management, and then they have 14 days to mail a letter to me. So it’s just hurry up and wait right now.

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