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Nov 4, 2008

Bitch, I said what I said
Ham Wrangler
I kind of miss the days when you could just get caramel flavor stuff and it didn't have to be all salty. I love salty food too but when I do have sweet stuff I guess I want it to be just sweet most of the time? Everyone talks about salted caramel like it's the best thing. I don't hate it and I'll usually still eat it it's just I'll usually pick something else given a choice.


R.L. Stine
Oct 19, 2007
yes it is

Nov 8, 2020

I still have to send constituent consumer complaints to Werther's because I have to carry around a bug-a-salt and unwrap a handful and blast my palm to make them edible.

You Are A Werewolf
Apr 26, 2010

Black Gold!

For caramel, no salt.

But for black licorice, yes salt.

Nov 24, 2024

salt in threads is even better

Sweaty IT Nerd
Jul 13, 2007

You Are A Werewolf posted:

For caramel, no salt.

But for black licorice, yes salt.

Which northern European country are you from?

Detective Thompson
Nov 9, 2007

Sammy Davis Jr. Jr. is also in repose.
Just buy caramel that isn't salted. How is this a problem?

Aug 11, 2007

I like all caramels equally

You Are A Werewolf
Apr 26, 2010

Black Gold!

Sweaty IT Nerd posted:

Which northern European country are you from?

Kmount da Hood
Oct 18, 2024
Yeah like imagine an old seaman who has been making caramels his whole life, and he finally finds the perfect balance of under salted caramels and adding the salt at the end. He has like, the recipe, you know? And he sells his house and drives to the coast in a beat up old car, running on fumes when he gets there, pulling up at a taffy store. Walks up to the lady at the counter, says "hey you have nice palms" and she looks at the trees and he shakes his head, "no, THOSE palms" and when she turns her hands over he slips in a salted caramel. Was it worth it, was this lifetime worth it? Yes, she orders a thousand. A thousand caramels.

Apr 18, 2003

I give your invention the worst grade imaginable: An A-minus-minus!

my god i love salt so much
yes i have chronic hypertension its genetic

R.L. Stine
Oct 19, 2007
things that are good with gigantic chunks of salt:

- caramel
- german pretzels
- ???

Jun 12, 2001

Hey Hey Let's Go! 喧嘩する
大切な物を protect my balls

I get the unsalted caramel, but then my tears from having unsalted caramel make it salty anyway.

You Are A Werewolf
Apr 26, 2010

Black Gold!

R.L. Stine posted:

things that are good with gigantic chunks of salt:

- caramel
- german pretzels
- ???

Homemade chocolate chip cookies.

Aug 11, 2007

R.L. Stine posted:

things that are good with gigantic chunks of salt:

- caramel
- german pretzels
- ???

- A comically giant margarita

Oct 22, 2008
All caramel has always been salted caramel.

Nov 8, 2020

My biggest fear is a caravel loaded with salt.

Aug 11, 2007

I bet peppered caramel is tasty

Private Cumshoe
Feb 15, 2019

yes but I am also a deer

Mar 31, 2011

This might hurt a bit..

i've never been a fan of caramel in general. it's fine. i dont hate it, but i'd never pick it. like the ol cheapo mcdonalds sundae, Hot fudge >>>>>> caramel any day of the week. if i ordered cheesecake and it normally would come with a caramel drizzle i'd request it without. it just doesn't add anything for me. just tastes like sugar. i like me a snickers bar just fine, but the caramel is almost an afterthought in there.

Sweaty IT Nerd
Jul 13, 2007

Aishlinn posted:

i've never been a fan of caramel in general. it's fine. i dont hate it, but i'd never pick it. like the ol cheapo mcdonalds sundae, Hot fudge >>>>>> caramel any day of the week. if i ordered cheesecake and it normally would come with a caramel drizzle i'd request it without. it just doesn't add anything for me. just tastes like sugar. i like me a snickers bar just fine, but the caramel is almost an afterthought in there.

Making fresh caramel for popcorn is deluxe.

Nov 8, 2020

There must be a better way to slightly burn sugar.

PYF microwave caramel recipes.

Troll Bridgington
Dec 22, 2011

Keeping up foreign relations.
i just love caramel. like any kind really.

my childhood favorite was :goatsecx:

Mar 31, 2011

This might hurt a bit..

Troll Bridgington posted:

i just love caramel. like any kind really.

my childhood favorite was :goatsecx:

when i was little i'd eat the cream part and spit out the caramel :X

i'd also eat the lollipop portion of tootsie pops and throw away the tootsie roll in the middle. i guess i've just never liked that texture of candy. :shrug:

Troll Bridgington
Dec 22, 2011

Keeping up foreign relations.

Aishlinn posted:

when i was little i'd eat the cream part and spit out the caramel :X

i'd also eat the lollipop portion of tootsie pops and throw away the tootsie roll in the middle. i guess i've just never liked that texture of candy. :shrug:

lol definitely not for everyone! loved the cream part though. it was my go-to candy at the gas station down the road when i had pocket change. also cowtails and chik-oh-stix

Sep 21, 2024

Just go with it, OP.

Nov 8, 2020

Troll Bridgington posted:

i just love caramel. like any kind really.

my childhood favorite was :goatsecx:

That's about half right.

May 10, 2012

They're like two suicide notes stuffed into a glitter bra

Dixville posted:

I don't hate it

I hate it enough for both of us OP, it's loving poop.

Troll Bridgington
Dec 22, 2011

Keeping up foreign relations.

covidstomper58 posted:

That's about half right.

pink salt? in this economy?

Troll Bridgington fucked around with this message at 05:41 on Jan 25, 2025

Mar 7, 2008
Caramel is better when it's runny instead of the taffy consistency

Mar 31, 2011

This might hurt a bit..

Troll Bridgington posted:

lol definitely not for everyone! loved the cream part though. it was my go-to candy at the gas station down the road when i had pocket change. also cowtails and chik-oh-stix

these things are great. everyone likes a salty nut :v:

but its basically a block of that cream, a very thin layer of caramel, and peanuts. if you like those caramel creams and also peanuts, these are that but better.

Nov 16, 2022
Caramel without salt is just burnt sugar

Troll Bridgington
Dec 22, 2011

Keeping up foreign relations.

Aishlinn posted:

these things are great. everyone likes a salty nut :v:

but its basically a block of that cream, a very thin layer of caramel, and peanuts. if you like those caramel creams and also peanuts, these are that but better.

oh hell that does sound good. ill look for one tomorrow lol

Mar 7, 2008
now I want peanut brittle

Mar 31, 2011

This might hurt a bit..

Troll Bridgington posted:

oh hell that does sound good. ill look for one tomorrow lol

they're most widely available in the midwest, but dollar tree (usually) sells them. (Also, get the OG version. they make a peanut butter version, i've tried it, its not as good.)

Troll Bridgington
Dec 22, 2011

Keeping up foreign relations.

Aishlinn posted:

they're most widely available in the midwest, but dollar tree (usually) sells them. (Also, get the OG version. they make a peanut butter version, i've tried it, its not as good.)

currently in phoenix, but from the midwest so now it makes sense why it looked familiar.

scanning the retail list on their website, i saw woodman's which is pretty nostalgic for me. i do have a winco which is on the list as well, so i guess ill hit them up for groceries tomorrow!

your guidance is much appreciated!

peanuts :yum:

Jan 3, 2020

Kmount da Hood posted:

Yeah like imagine an old seaman who has been making caramels his whole life, and he finally finds the perfect balance of under salted caramels and adding the salt at the end. He has like, the recipe, you know? And he sells his house and drives to the coast in a beat up old car, running on fumes when he gets there, pulling up at a taffy store. Walks up to the lady at the counter, says "hey you have nice palms" and she looks at the trees and he shakes his head, "no, THOSE palms" and when she turns her hands over he slips in a salted caramel. Was it worth it, was this lifetime worth it? Yes, she orders a thousand. A thousand caramels.
Why would the seaman have to drive to the coast? :confused:

Grey Cat
Jun 3, 2023


I have to be in the mood for salted sweets. So when I get a chocolate craving or something I get kinda annoyed when salted chocolate is my only option.

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

salt brings out more intense flavor in sweets, it's literally a scientific fact


Mar 4, 2008

R.L. Stine posted:

things that are good with gigantic chunks of salt:

- caramel
- german pretzels
- ???

Salt bagels.

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