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N. Senada
May 17, 2011

My kidneys are busted
I gotta assume gyrados is constantly attacking boats and eating sailors


N. Senada
May 17, 2011

My kidneys are busted
Machamp antagonizes bar patrons into fighting him, claiming self defense after he murders

Feb 16, 2011

On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

Literally all of them except magikarp and maybe Caterpie. They’re all dangerous magical creatures who can shoot fire and electricity from their body so you can’t go into the tall grass without a magical creature to protect you

Feb 3, 2003

Weber scored 49 points?

:allears: :allears: :allears:
The only thing I know about pokemon is when he gets wet he turns into a panda or bear, or a girl or something.

also Charzard could prolly burn down Los Angelas Tokyo

les enfants Terrific!
Dec 12, 2008
Mewtwo canonically kills people, and it's smart enough that you know that poo poo is premeditated

Jun 23, 2023

(sings in latex)
In the anime they get nearly killed every couple of episodes

Feb 1, 2022


Literally all of them except magikarp and maybe Caterpie. They’re all dangerous magical creatures who can shoot fire and electricity from their body so you can’t go into the tall grass without a magical creature to protect you

I can take a Ratata.

Private Cumshoe
Feb 15, 2019

I got shanked by a Clefairy once :(

Bird Turgler
Aug 6, 2024

Keeper of all things
feathered and fowl
Scyther would absolutely disembowel you if you looked at it funny.

kiminewt posted:

I can take a Ratata.

They carry bubonic plague. You'd probably be able to stomp one to death but one scratch and you're dying in the gutter like a medieval peasant.

Panic! At The Tesco
Aug 19, 2005


mr mime would not only kill you in cold blood, he'd gently caress your mother afterwards

Feb 16, 2011

On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

kiminewt posted:

I can take a Ratata.

Hyperfang is actually a very good move even for other pokemon so no you cant

Bird Turgler
Aug 6, 2024

Keeper of all things
feathered and fowl

Panic! At The Tesco posted:

mr mime would not only kill you in cold blood, he'd gently caress your mother afterwards

So that's what happened to Ash's dad

Panic! At The Tesco
Aug 19, 2005


Bird Turgler posted:

So that's what happened to Ash's dad


exactly, just look at that smug motherfucker

Sep 22, 2014

i could take a diglet on. just step on that fucker

Mar 5, 2004

I bet Agumon could bite someone's throat off

Bird Turgler
Aug 6, 2024

Keeper of all things
feathered and fowl

TK8325 posted:

i could take a diglet on. just step on that fucker

You can try

May 9, 2007

"You're trying to tell me, that for instance, a magical rat that can use electricity at will, would not do so to avoid someone literally enslaving it?"

There Bias Two
Jan 13, 2009
I'm not a good person

Drone_Fragger posted:

"You're trying to tell me, that for instance, a magical rat that can use electricity at will, would not do so to avoid someone literally enslaving it?"

I don't know if this is a good argument. Consider your average house cat, for example - they domesticated themselves.

A Fancy Hat
Nov 18, 2016

Feelin' Fine.
Some idiot probably tried to domesticate a Growlithe and got burnt to death instead. Just like real life, almost every animal has probably killed at least one human, usually because it’s the human’s fault.

Panic! At The Tesco
Aug 19, 2005


true pokeheads please let me know, have any pokemon in the games or cartoons etc killed or attacked humans? from my limited knowledge your pokemon always just fight the wild pokemon, but like what if you went wandering in the tall grass without any pokefriends? would you just be getting savaged by a bunch of hosed up wild monster animals?

Apr 13, 2004

Fry old buddy, it's me, Bender!
Oven Wrangler

Bird Turgler
Aug 6, 2024

Keeper of all things
feathered and fowl

Panic! At The Tesco posted:

true pokeheads please let me know, have any pokemon in the games or cartoons etc killed or attacked humans? from my limited knowledge your pokemon always just fight the wild pokemon, but like what if you went wandering in the tall grass without any pokefriends? would you just be getting savaged by a bunch of hosed up wild monster animals?

In ruby/sapphire/emerald when you start the game the professor is being attacked directly by a wild pokemon and you have to grab his balls (:imunfunny:) and save him. It's how you choose your starter.

Pikachu tried to kill Ash like a million times before Ash saved him from some angry bird pokemons that ended up attacking him instead.

Also if all your pokemon faint when fighting wild pokemon it's somewhat implied that they beat you unconscious, at least that's how I always read it.

Bird Turgler fucked around with this message at 13:46 on Jan 25, 2025

Panic! At The Tesco
Aug 19, 2005


drat Pokémon land seems like a pretty hosed up scsry place to live. where im from we have basically no wildlife that can kill or seriously hurt you so dealing with electric snails and psychic badgers and stuff would be an absolute nightmare

Strategic Tea
Sep 1, 2012

by Pragmatica
At least it isn't Australia

Das Boo
Jun 9, 2011

There was a GHOST here.
It's gone now.
All killings are committed by Ditto and blamed on the other 150.

Bird Turgler
Aug 6, 2024

Keeper of all things
feathered and fowl
Also the games explicitly state that Drifloon kidnaps and kills children. I'm not kidding.

e: it's also fatphobic

Bird Turgler fucked around with this message at 14:04 on Jan 25, 2025

Das Boo
Jun 9, 2011

There was a GHOST here.
It's gone now.
Honestly, a lot of Pokemon canonically kill people.
The little ghost stories in Pokemon games also kick major rear end.

Colonel Cancer
Sep 26, 2015

Tune into the fireplace channel, you absolute buffoon
Pokemon are pitbulls of pokemon setting

Lt. Cock
May 28, 2005


Bring back the deviantart thread

death cob for cutie
Dec 30, 2006

dwarves won't delve no more
too much splatting down on Zot:4

Lt. Cock posted:

Bring back the deviantart thread

no thanks!

pig labeled 3
Jan 3, 2007

Das Boo
Jun 9, 2011

There was a GHOST here.
It's gone now.

Mar 5, 2009

Panic! At The Tesco posted:

true pokeheads please let me know, have any pokemon in the games or cartoons etc killed or attacked humans? from my limited knowledge your pokemon always just fight the wild pokemon, but like what if you went wandering in the tall grass without any pokefriends? would you just be getting savaged by a bunch of hosed up wild monster animals?

Multiple humans have taken a Hyper Beam to the face and walked it off, implying that Pokémon either can't or won't naturally use lethal force against people, or at least that they're less powerful than you might assume at first glance

One was a rocket grunt that Lance was torturing for info, the other is a Skull grunt trying to get you to give him $20

OTOH Cacturne explicitly hunts humans for food, but they only go after people who are already dying in the desert so they probably don't go after someone who can defend themself properly. Bewear absolutely can and will break you in half, but regular bears will do that too

Shishkahuben fucked around with this message at 15:33 on Jan 25, 2025

Stinky Wizzleteats
Nov 26, 2015
Can't post for 5 hours!
There are multiple child skeletons inside any given victreebell

E. Fb

Stinky Wizzleteats
Nov 26, 2015
Can't post for 5 hours!
Also I'm pretty sure Hypno canonically has killed some kids

Grey Cat
Jun 3, 2023


I'm going with drowzee, I hate his stupid loving face.

Jun 12, 2001

Hey Hey Let's Go! 喧嘩する
大切な物を protect my balls

Squirtle is 007. James Bond killed many humans.

Feb 16, 2011

On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

Drone_Fragger posted:

"You're trying to tell me, that for instance, a magical rat that can use electricity at will, would not do so to avoid someone literally enslaving it?"

It does use that to avoid it. But then it gets its rear end kicked by the Magical Lizard who's now my friend so its weakened. After that we become BFFs because I provide food, shelter, attention and the ever-important "Friendship" and "Dreams" (Dreams most important in Japan)

Nov 11, 2015

I think first we should determine what type/type combo humans are


Oct 22, 2008
Voltorb / Electrode's evolutionary history points directly to them preying on humans.

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