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Professor Shark
May 22, 2012

Hey yeah A Tale of Two Cities is about the French, set in Paris and France- those are the two cities- and they are really mad at each other. The book follows some French people who eventually take over and everything is good!


Anderson Koopa
Jun 9, 2006

all is right with the world especially as I lay waste to my fellow IKs
Grimey Drawer
It's definitely not about two young cats who are growing up in different circumstances. That would be "A Tale of Two Kitties."

Ding Dong Silver
Feb 4, 2024
Niv High Football Rules!

Mar 4, 2015

yeah, rip.

itt? ive been doing basically that for 20 years

Apr 18, 2003

I give your invention the worst grade imaginable: An A-minus-minus!

ChatGPT, make up some bullshit

Mar 7, 2006

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Im buying the assignment off someone who took the class last year

Supreme Allah
Oct 6, 2004

everybody relax, i'm here
Nap Ghost
the thread title was, present and timely. it added value.

Apr 5, 2007
I never didn't do an assignment and I wasn't about to start now so I stayed up late to get it done.

but now I realize by doing the assignment I failed to do the op assignment

Jul 6, 2013

I think I was in the 6th grade when I realized that on anything other than an assigned book report that the odds of a teacher having read all the books kids chose, or even being familiar with them, was roughly nil. For a while after that realization I would sometimes just write book reports on completely imaginary books, making them a purely creative endeavor. Similarly, teachers were highly unlikely to actually check reference lists, so on other reports some or all of my resources were entirely fabricated. I didn't do this often and not for very long, but that was more because the ethics were problematic than it was out of fear of getting caught.

Apr 18, 2003

I give your invention the worst grade imaginable: An A-minus-minus!

My dad donated 30 grand so the library could get new bookshelves just fuckin pass me

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

it says a lot about the human condition

Toxic Mental
Jun 1, 2019

The text clearly states that the reasons for doing so are nothing trivial. The reasons for which they decided to do this are numerous and important. In conclusion, the reasons for which are numerous and important, while revealing something about the reader themselves via the author.

Jul 12, 2007

Insight: Try to discern the fuck they said.

Hey yeah teach I did the assignment here it is


A Tale of Two Cities is about the French, set in Paris and also France- those are the two cities- and they are really angry at each other. The book follows some French people who eventually take over and everything is great!!

Aug 11, 2007

Websters defines "bravery" as the "act of being brave", which raises a lot of questions.

In this essay...

Feb 21, 2001
Johnny Tremaine invented the high five

Mar 22, 2007

There's no one I'd rather be than me.

Ok so, instead of a 26 page report on Ireland's government, I accidently wrote a two hundred page Homestuck fanfic.

Do you think my.professor will notice?

Aug 11, 2007

lipid posted:

Johnny Tremaine invented the high five

Johnny Tremaine became a tremendous swimmer, and was able to swim out to Cape Cod and warn them about the British coming.

Nov 8, 2020

Madam Bovaries was a book about a cow that couldn't reproduce so she turned into a total slut and got milked a lot.

Nov 29, 2004
Yeah prof, A Modest Proposal had some interesting ideas in it. I didn't agree with everything Swift said in it, but overall I agree with his proposal.

Sep 21, 2024

If you increase the font size and mess with the margins the paper will be longer

Dec 18, 2020
Can't post for 4 days!
he was pride. she was prejudice. thank you

Caesar Saladin
Aug 15, 2004

i'm just gonna use chatgpt like all teenagers do nowadays

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

slips $20 into the teacher's palm along with the blank assignment

Oct 3, 2012

The Hague
tryna get me
for these glutes

Chat GPT your speech so the teacher can't run it through an AI checker

Feb 26, 2004

while i completed the assignment the results i learned have affronted my personal beliefs and i have chosen not to reproduce the information in any way. thank you for understanding. the end.

Sweaty IT Nerd
Jul 13, 2007

It was a tale of two cities

Probably San Francisco and Vegas

Dec 12, 2011

BigRed0427 posted:

Ok so, instead of a 26 page report on Ireland's government, I accidently wrote a two hundred page Homestuck fanfic.

Do you think my.professor will notice?

not only notice, but judge you harshly for your uninspired and downright trite application of the relationship quadrants

Jul 6, 2013

Dec 19, 2008

the Motorola is the power house of the cell phone

Jan 6, 2004
I was supposed to read the house of the seven gables but didn't. We were to give a report on our favorite character from the novel, so i chose the house itself and made a way too involved outfit of the house, including seven gables, and totally played it off. Got an A, yay me.

Sep 9, 2007

Class is over! Hand in your tests right now.

Do you know who I am?? No?? Good!!

*neatly shuffles test into middle of stack and leaves the room*

Jun 23, 2008
In conclusion the American Civil War was certainly a war but was it ever civil.

P.S. I have located your onlyfans account and would like my grade to reflect that.

Haptical Sales Slut
Mar 15, 2010

Age 18 to 49

TelevisedInsanity posted:

the Motorola is the power house of the cell phone


Mar 27, 2010

I Pay to Poast on Internet
...And it turns out... that mockingbird? Yeah.. That was a bad bird and they were right to kill it.

Dec 23, 2005

this book astutely asks the question “is paris burning?” and the answer is yes, notre dame burned down a couple years ago. in summation, WW2 was not a lot of fun.

Jul 6, 2013

The title of my oral report is "Sharks: Smooth Lions of the Sea." Unlike dolphins, sharks do not have blowholes, and instead breathe through their top fin, which is why it sticks out of the water. Similar to dolphins, however, sharks are not fish. Much as dolphins are actually marsupials, sharks are in fact a type of fungus that adapted to life in the ocean. Like other kinds of fungus sharks must constantly keep moving or they will die, but because the water helps them float they move much faster than fungus that lives on land. Despite this difference, sharks are the same as other kinds of fungus and rely on the blood of other animals to survive, much like vampire bats. A little known fact about sharks is if you cut one in half both sides will grow back to become a full shark in about a week.

Jul 12, 2007

Insight: Try to discern the fuck they said.

Oh no teach, I forgot to do the assignment! I can't have a bad grade, daddy would be so upset! Maybe there's a way I could... make it up to you?

'Excuse me, who are you? You're not in my class. In fact, how old are you? 30? 40? What the gently caress are you doing here?'


*sucks his dick anyway*

*still doesn't pass*

May 7, 2007

The author presents us with an impossibility - that it is both the best and the worst of times, which is only possible if it is the only time. Given that we know that is not the case, we learn that the author is a liar on page one, and we are able to conclude there were never two cities to begin with. Research suggests there are approximately 9,473 cities today and likely several hundred at time of the book’s printing in 2005.

Feb 16, 2007

What God wants, God gets, God help us all
Hatchet? Uh, somebody cuts some firewood and then they have to kill the dog because it got rabies but it makes a red fern grow I guess?


Oct 21, 2020

No, I like my hat, thanks.
No, you're the zero!

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