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Aug 11, 2007

- Make the soccer/"football" goal as big as the penalty area to increase scoring. Seriously, any sport where 1 goal is an achievement and often insurmountable is ludicrous. I want to see 8-6 footie match scores on the pitch. How can you disagree with this?

- Reduce the number of refs and fouls in basketball by 66%

- NFL football eliminates TV timeouts and all uniforms are ads, like Fly Emirates, my favorite team. Also, cyborgs. Also drone ads and hologram ads.

- Increase the size of freaking hockey goals too.


Nov 19, 2013

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

eliminate the rule barring dogs from playing

Aug 11, 2007

You heard me.

Sep 6, 2022

"I did a perfect print job, grown men were coming up to me and saying with tears in their eyes, 'Sir, it was a perfect print job.' What they're trying to do to your favorite printer (ME!) is a disgrace."
Remove the weight and mobility restriction for NHL goalies. I want to see the chunkers from my 800 pound life fork trucked into that goal and plomped down.

Aug 11, 2007

Bad Purchase posted:

eliminate the rule barring dogs from playing

Since Air Bud 4 dogs are technically allowed to play in the NBA but none has made it past the G League to date.

Call Your Grandma
Jan 17, 2010

u have to play barefoot

Aug 11, 2007

LaserPrinter69 posted:

Remove the weight and mobility restriction for NHL goalies. I want to see the chunkers from my 800 pound life fork trucked into that goal and plomped down.

They have weight restrictions?! Dang.

mailorder bees
Nov 4, 2011

everybody must play nude. nfl, nba, etc

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

every sport adopts the gun circle

Aug 11, 2007

mailorder bees posted:

everybody must play nude. nfl, nba, etc

Like the original Olympics.

Imagine all the changes in strategy when dudes wangs are swinging all over.

Sophy Wackles
Dec 17, 2000

> access main security grid

The only penalty in soccer is murder.

The points scored in a football TD or FG are proportional to the distance thrown, run or kicked on the play.

The hockey rink is made as big as a soccer field.

Baseball batters have to physically fight the other team to get on each base after a hit. Using the bat to do so is legal.

Basketball is played in a stadium with 1/4 gravity.

Oct 27, 2000

All is for the best, in this, the best of all possible worlds
Every penalty in football should be half the distance to the goal. It'd make the game much more dynamic.

Also the refs should have to hit the offending player with the flag or it doesn't count.

dee eight
Dec 18, 2002

The Spirit
of Maynard

ban golf, convert all the courses into community gardens and free housing paid for by bezos and musk.

increase the max allowable weight of bowling balls to 42 pounds and put a sick jump halfway down the lane.

shorten basketball season from 11 months to 7 weeks.

bomb yankee stadium.

dig up marge schott and elect her to congress. (R district only. it's what she would want)

induct j edgar hoover into the drag racing hall of fame.

3 words: international hungry hungry hippo league!

new kinda dog racing:

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Sep 6, 2022

"I did a perfect print job, grown men were coming up to me and saying with tears in their eyes, 'Sir, it was a perfect print job.' What they're trying to do to your favorite printer (ME!) is a disgrace."

redshirt posted:

Like the original Olympics.

Imagine all the changes in strategy when dudes wangs are swinging all over.

tbh it wouldn't change much, but it would be funny to be included in official stats. Like here comes Davey Charles, 6 foot 1, 4 inches erect (average), 225lbs

Aug 11, 2007

LaserPrinter69 posted:

tbh it wouldn't change much, but it would be funny to be included in official stats. Like here comes Davey Charles, 6 foot 1, 4.5 inches (average), 225lbs

Are you crazy? Running? Tackling? Posting up in the box when your junk is hanging out? Everything becomes more difficult. Not to mention nut shots, especially baseball.

Sophy Wackles
Dec 17, 2000

> access main security grid

Olympics should be all nude and the something awful Olympics subforum mods must continue to enforce the no horny posting rule.

Poohs Packin
Jan 13, 2019

Allow metal bats and steroid use in baseball. I wanna see more dingers.

Nov 12, 2005

Fun Shoe
Each side in any sport should have one call per match to replace the ball/shuttlecock/etc with a food item of their choice for five minutes

free hubcaps
Oct 12, 2009

I think the nhl would be more interesting if they change it so hockey players give each other handjobs instead of fighting

Canine Blues Arooo
Jan 7, 2008

when you think about it...i'm the first girl you ever spent the night with

Grimey Drawer
~~ Sports Patch Notes ~~


• Pitch clock from 15 seconds to 12 seconds on open bases, and from 20 seconds to 15 seconds on occupied bases
• All calls are reviewable either by challenge or by booth
• Home Base umps no longer call balls and strikes - Robots do that now.
• Managers yelling at officials is now a 10 game suspension.


• Officials will now actually call traveling
• Arguing about any traveling calls results in an immediate technical foul
• Quarter length reduced to 10 minutes.


• Kick-offs and punt returns have been removed
• After scoring a field goal or a touchdown, the scoring team now can choose to take a 4th and 15 player at their own 40 yard line, or for the opposing team to begin their standard possession at their 20 yard line.
• At the beginning of each half, the team that is the 'receiving' team shall start a standard possession at their own 20 yard line.
• Field Goals are now worth 4 points if the ball is spotted further than the opponents 40 yard line


• Deleted this 'sport'. We all realized this is incredibly loving stupid


• All lateral hazards are now played as out of bounds. You incur a 1 stroke penalty and must retake your previous shot


• Adjusted the scoring system to be way less stupid. We actually count by 1 now. Not by 15/10 depending on how we feel about it.


• Enforcers now give each other handjobs instead of fighting

Jun 1, 2006

you have been visited by the Tasty Garlic Bread. you will be blessed by having good Garlic Bread in your life time, but only if you comment "ty garlic bread" in the thread below
Need a bigger gun in the gun circle. Athletes are stronger and faster than ever before and high caliber rounds would be nice.

Feb 19, 2014

How much do I cum? The answer might surprise you!

Make the tour de France a 21 day bicycle scavenger hunt that roams the country.

free hubcaps
Oct 12, 2009

I think drug use should be allowed in sports. Not just steroids and blood doping and stuff but mandatory field-leveling drugs too, like there should be a mandatory hallucinogen handicap for the best players and compulsory methamphetamine doses for their lesser peers

Aug 11, 2007

free hubcaps posted:

I think drug use should be allowed in sports. Not just steroids and blood doping and stuff but mandatory field-leveling drugs too, like there should be a mandatory hallucinogen handicap for the best players and mandatory methamphetamine doses for their lesser peers

The Harrison Bergeron Playing Field

Aug 11, 2007

Random Double Jeopardies in baseball

Anderson Koopa
Jun 9, 2006

Sophy Wackles posted:

The hockey rink is made as big as a soccer field.

If you watch European hockey, they play on a larger rink.

Bring back the Bullpen Car!

Poohs Packin
Jan 13, 2019

Overtime shootouts in Hockey replaced by "puke jousting":

Two folding chairs are placed at centre ice facing each other and two players selected at random from each team. Each player is given a jug of flat, warm Molson Canadian or Labatt (players choice). Once they start drinking they cannot stop until theyve spewed on the other player or are given another jug.

If you get puked on youre eliminated and your team loses.

Aug 11, 2007

100% more "Cheer Dudes"

Extra Large Marge
Jan 21, 2004

Fun Shoe
Instead of confusing overtime rules, the NFL should settle ties by having the head coaches engage in an anything goes kumite on the 50-yard line.

Anderson Koopa
Jun 9, 2006

dee eight posted:

ban golf, convert all the courses into community gardens and free housing paid for by bezos and musk.

increase the max allowable weight of bowling balls to 42 pounds and put a sick jump halfway down the lane.

bomb yankee stadium.

dig up marge schott and elect her to congress. (R district only. it's what she would want)

induct j edgar hoover into the drag racing hall of fame.

3 words: international hungry hungry hippo league!

new kinda dog racing:

These are all great ideas!

Someone did an homage to the Hot Dog truck in 24 hours of Lemons.

Caesar Saladin
Aug 15, 2004

Put a second ball on the field to make soccer more interesting

Nov 22, 2002

Keep calm and Harry on.
Baseball: the better is allowed to carry his bat to 1st base after a hit to try to whack the 1st baseman to disrupt the play.

Golf: the other day at work we invented(?) skeetgolf. Everybody gets rifles and they are allowed to try to shoot your ball out of the air. If your ball is just damaged you still have to play it. We're still working out some of the rules, like would the group in front be allowed to shoot backwards, but it's coming along nicely. Anyone want to invest?

Aug 11, 2007

Presto posted:

Baseball: the better is allowed to carry his bat to 1st base after a hit to try to whack the 1st baseman to disrupt the play.

Golf: the other day at work we invented(?) skeetgolf. Everybody gets rifles and they are allowed to try to shoot your ball out of the air. If your ball is just damaged you still have to play it. We're still working out some of the rules, like would the group in front be allowed to shoot backwards, but it's coming along nicely. Anyone want to invest?

Can I have a machine gun equipped golf cart? With missles?

Extra Large Marge
Jan 21, 2004

Fun Shoe
The third quarter of every NBA game will be played on donkeys

Oct 6, 2010

A man whose blood
Is very snow-broth;
One who never feels
The wanton stings and
Motions of the sense

No team sports will be played before noon, including children’s games

E- just a proposal, it hasn’t actually gone into effect yet, just fyi

Anderson Koopa
Jun 9, 2006

Presto posted:

Golf: the other day at work we invented(?) skeetgolf. Everybody gets rifles and they are allowed to try to shoot your ball out of the air. If your ball is just damaged you still have to play it. We're still working out some of the rules, like would the group in front be allowed to shoot backwards, but it's coming along nicely. Anyone want to invest?

Is that you Dick Cheney?

Rubber Chicken
Mar 13, 2024
Fan participation in all sports

Throwing fish onto the ice, streaking at football games, squirt guns and air horns at golf, etc

mailorder bees
Nov 4, 2011

the nfl should let fans kiss the football between plays


Rubber Chicken
Mar 13, 2024
NASCAR gets item pickups like Mariokart

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