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fart blood
Sep 13, 2008

by VideoGames

Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

It all comes full circle

:stare: Jesus tap dancing Christ.

I don't even...

How do you....

....:stare: Jesus tap dancing Christ.


Code Jockey
Jan 24, 2006

69420 basic bytes free

Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

It all comes full circle

Moses parted the red sea, Jim, so can you

Jan 26, 2007

Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

It all comes full circle

Christians are nuts.

Mr Ice Cream Glove
Apr 22, 2007

Code Jockey posted:

Moses parted the red sea, Jim, so can you

Jim, sometimes you need to Bob instead of Dive

Feb 21, 2005

Playing games, watching movies, owning goons. 'sup
If the internet were around 20 years ago it would have been Jim Bob slipping the sausage.
Preferences: Bug eyed submissive brunettes with low IQs and can recite Old Testament verses while sucking.

Mr Ice Cream Glove
Apr 22, 2007

happyhippy posted:

If the internet were around 20 years ago it would have been Jim Bob slipping the sausage.
Preferences: Bug eyed submissive brunettes with low IQs and can recite Old Testament verses while sucking.

NIV or New King James?

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

happyhippy posted:

If the internet were around 20 years ago it would have been Jim Bob slipping the sausage.
Preferences: Bug eyed submissive brunettes with low IQs and can recite Old Testament verses while sucking.

The Internet was around 20 years ago. Sorry ur a noob.

Feb 29, 2012

If satan's going to be building fortresses in my heart he should be paying rent imo

Nov 3, 2012

DrManiac posted:

If satan's going to be building fortresses in my heart he should be paying rent imo

he does

ever get laid out of wedlock? Boom, Satan.

Anne Frank Funk
Nov 4, 2008

Leon Einstein posted:

That 40 day versus 80 day abstinence depending on gender is weird af.
It's perfectly explained in the old testament. Girls are twice as dirty as boys and sliding them out of a fundie vag requires twice the cleansing time.

May 13, 2009

who the fuck is scraeming
"LOG OFF" at my house.
show yourself, coward.
i will never log off

Neurolimal posted:

he does

ever get laid out of wedlock? Boom, Satan.

Wow, Satan is my favorite tenant, it turns out.

Three Olives
Apr 10, 2005

Not a single fucking olive in sight

Haha no, these loonies love to claim credit but the fact is that keeping the porn around was costing them money just in content deals, server space and angry customers who lie about not ordering the movies while on the other hand everyone in the US has access years of free pornography on the internet if not stored right on their laptop/tablet.

There is no current public pressure, if it was public pressure it would have been done years ago when pornography was much more of a public taboo and there wasn't beyond easy access to free pornography for all of their hotel guests.

These same loons protest basically every TV show ever and then claim credit for the show being cancelled even though most TV shows fail because they are just poo poo.


“Anna will not leave him,” says the source. “As with her in-laws, she is turning more to her faith than ever. She and Josh are probably praying around the clock right now, I would assume.” The source says that from their knowledge of Josh and Anna and the Duggar family, “no way is she leaving him” – adding that it would not come as a surprise if “on some level” Anna tries to “absorb some of the blame.” “Maybe not publicly, ever, but privately, there will be some suggestion of whether or not she should have been more aware of the pressures Josh was under, of the issues he was facing, and how she could have better counseled him or helped him,” says the source. “She is fully and permanently committed to her marriage and her children. And she’ll have the support of Jim Bob and Michelle and everyone else in their circle in terms of staying with him and making this work,” continues the source. “Divorce is not even something that will be discussed.”

gently caress these people, gently caress these people so hard.

Three Olives fucked around with this message at 18:01 on Aug 21, 2015

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
She is as broken as he is holy gently caress

Indubitable Leg
Aug 9, 2013
It's pretty Par for the course in terms of fundie horribleness; of course she would stick with him. Leaving him, or holding him entirely responsible for his actions would require self worth would mean that you failed in your position as wife of the household and everyone knows your value is directly tied to your position in the household. So of course she must've done something wrong to enable his urges that he can't control by the way.

Maneki Neko
Oct 27, 2000

Three Olives posted:

Haha no, these loonies love to claim credit but the fact is that keeping the porn around was costing them money just in content deals, server space and angry customers who lie about not ordering the movies while on the other hand everyone in the US has access years of free pornography on the internet if not stored right on their laptop/tablet.

There is no current public pressure, if it was public pressure it would have been done years ago when pornography was much more of a public taboo and there wasn't beyond easy access to free pornography for all of their hotel guests.

These same loons protest basically every TV show ever and then claim credit for the show being cancelled even though most TV shows fail because they are just poo poo.

I do recall seeing one hotel chain (I forget which one at this point) advertising their porn on demand service as a way to avoid viruses and spyware, and based on the amount of poo poo that our field salesguys got on their laptops, I'd say that's a pretty valid point. :(

Maneki Neko fucked around with this message at 18:22 on Aug 21, 2015

Jul 16, 2004
You know I would try to think of something funny to put here but ill just pass on that and threaten people with a + 2 board with a nail in it.

Three Olives posted:

Josiah assume he decides not to find a nice black man and run off to NYC to study musical theatre.

I hope the little dude does, It'd be kinda adorable and something sweet to come out of their hosed up family.

pathetic little tramp
Dec 12, 2005

by Hillary Clinton's assassins
Fallen Rib
How old are Josh and Anna's kids? How old were his sisters when he raped them, 5 or 6? If I were on the jury that was deciding the Anna Duggar burning mattress case, I wouldn't convict.

Centripetal Horse
Nov 22, 2009

Fuck money, get GBS

This could have bought you a half a tank of gas, lmfao -
Love, gromdul
Ev'ry night on your TV, you could see him arrive
With his nineteen kids and subservient wife
They said it was love, but it was creepy and sick
Aimed the remote, but you just couldn't click, Jim Bob

Jim Bob
Jim Bob
Big Jim Bob

The media spotlight is where Jim called home
He drifted onto TLC and made it his own
Presented himself as a helluva guy
But behind the scenes he was cunning and sly, Jim Bob

Somebody said Jim had secrets to keep
That his oldest boy Josh was kind of a creep
In Touch Magazine found a whistle to blow
Now only Freepers support the show, Jim Bob

Jim Bob
Jim Bob
Big Jim Bob

(c) Jimmy Dean Bob sausage company

Jesus Christ
Jun 1, 2000

mods if you can make this my avatar I will gladly pay 10bux to the coffers

Centripetal Horse posted:

Ev'ry night on your TV, you could see him arrive
With his nineteen kids and subservient wife
They said it was love, but it was creepy and sick
Aimed the remote, but you just couldn't click, Jim Bob

Jim Bob
Jim Bob
Big Jim Bob

The media spotlight is where Jim called home
He drifted onto TLC and made it his own
Presented himself as a helluva guy
But behind the scenes he was cunning and sly, Jim Bob

Somebody said Jim had secrets to keep
That his oldest boy Josh was kind of a creep
In Touch Magazine found a whistle to blow
Now only Freepers support the show, Jim Bob

Jim Bob
Jim Bob
Big Jim Bob

(c) Jimmy Dean Bob sausage company

Aug 21, 2015

Voted #1 Babysitter in Mushroom Kingdom

For some reason it was shock, awe, and surprise that a couple willing to have 19 kids and keep going for more was severely hosed up. Nobody needs that many children. One is already pushing the limit.

Aug 12, 2013

Josh Duggar set up a phony Facebook account he used to contact strippers and lingerie models


Josh Duggar maintained a secret Facebook profile he used to carry on friendships with strippers and lingerie models.

The former reality TV star and anti-LGBT activist admitted Thursday to being unfaithful to his wife after reports showed that he paid for two accounts with the adultery website Ashley Madison.

He also admitted in May to molesting four of his sisters and a family friend more than a decade ago, when he was a teenager.

Radar online reported that the same email address Duggar used to set up the Ashley Madison accounts was used to set up a Facebook profile for “Joe Smithson” — whose friends are primarily women who live in the Arkansas area.

The account lists just a few “likes,” including Miss Michigan 2011 Elizabeth Wertenberger, porn actress Danica Dillon, and the MTV show “The Hills.”

Most of “Smithson’s” 31 friends are young women, including a dancer at Sensations Gentleman’s Club in Arkansas, a lingerie model, and a boudoir photographer.

Only two posts, shared nearly a year apart, are visible on the account’s timeline.

“Working late, but some days just bring that. Anyone else have crazy days?” he posted in April 2013.

“Chillin in the town today. Some days are half full, others are half empty,” he posted in January 2014.

The profile indicates that “Smithson” was posting on the site as early as 2004 — four years before Duggar was married.

The 27-year-old Duggar resigned his position with the Family Research Council, where he spoke out against same-sex marriage, after the molestation was revealed.

TLC canceled his family’s popular reality program, “19 Kids and Counting,” last month.

Sep 11, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
Fun Shoe
i hope he gets facefucked

Hollis Brownsound
Apr 2, 2009

by Lowtax

Stop...... I might pass out from all this blood rushing into my schadenfreude boner.

Aug 21, 2015

Voted #1 Babysitter in Mushroom Kingdom

Man this rabbit hole just keeps getting more and more hilarious. poo poo, I need some popcorn for this.

Aug 12, 2013

Was this posted yet?

Duggars 'Still Stunned' by Backlash to Josh's Scandal: 'They Truly Felt People Would Understand'


When it comes to Josh's "mistakes," parents Michelle, 48, and Jim Bob, 50, "truly felt people would understand and eventually be okay with it," adds the source.

Jessa, Jill, Jim Bob and Michelle have all publicly said they forgive Josh, now a married father of four, and "none of the Duggars think Josh is to blame" for the tremendous fallout, says the source. Instead, it is the officials who released the police records about Josh and his young victims who are the focus of the family's anger.

If I was the Duggars I'd be pretty loving pissed at Josh for crashing that money train.

Jan 30, 2003


The source says that from their knowledge of Josh and Anna and the Duggar family, "no way is she leaving him" – adding that it would not come as a surprise if "on some level" Anna tries to "absorb some of the blame."

Dec 13, 2010

Strength and speed, that's why you're a special agent.
So countdown to a stripper or two coming forward to talk about Joe Smithson?

Nov 7, 2012

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

Roll Tide
so this guy was 100% spending the family fortune on hookers and we're just waiting for that part of the story now right

Shimrra Jamaane
Aug 10, 2007

Obscure to all except those well-versed in Yuuzhan Vong lore.
Im waiting for the dead hooker to be found buried in the backyard.

Dang It Bhabhi!
May 27, 2004

eat fresh

Nov 12, 2003

There is nothing I want to be. There is nothing I want to do.
I don't even have an image of what I want to be. I have nothing. All that exists is zero.
He seems like the kind of guy who takes months or years to get up the nerve to hire a hooker then when he finally does it just cries on her shoulder for two hours

Casimir Radon
Aug 2, 2008

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins posted:

Last night we learned from online reports about allegations concerning Josh Duggar and then read his confession today. We are grieved by Josh’s conduct and the devastating impact of his pornography addiction and marital unfaithfulness. Our hearts hurt for his family, and all those affected by Josh’s actions. His deceitful behavior harms his family, his friends, his former coworkers, and the cause he has publicly espoused. Those of us who advocate for family values in the public square are held to a higher standard, and Josh’s failures serve as a painful reminder of the destructive effects of not living with integrity. We are praying for the family.

Tony Perkins then left in a van filled with young Pacific Islander boys with whom he said he was going to share the Gospel.


Feb 21, 2005

Playing games, watching movies, owning goons. 'sup

skaboomizzy posted:

He seems like the kind of guy who takes months or years to get up the nerve to hire a hooker then when he finally does it just cries on her shoulder for two hours

I thought that was the normal thing you did with Hookers.
Apart from then hitting them with a shovel.

Mar 15, 2007

Number 6 holds The Village record in Duck Hunt.

The first one to kill :laugh: wins.

Shimrra Jamaane posted:

Im waiting for the dead hooker to be found buried in the backyard.

or the stripper knocking on the door with Josh's bastard kid.

Rambling Robot
Sep 13, 2011
Duggar Fan Club Superstar #1 LOL

PassTheRemote posted:

or the stripper knocking on the door with Josh's bastard kid.

i'm sure the child hoarders wouldn't mind that.

Aug 12, 2013

Rambling Robot posted:

i'm sure the child hoarders wouldn't mind that.

what if it was a black stripper

Casimir Radon
Aug 2, 2008

Rambling Robot posted:

i'm sure the child hoarders wouldn't mind that.
It's a gay baby. And black

May 28, 2008


PassTheRemote posted:

or the stripper knocking on the door with Josh's bastard kid.

Or a rent boy with evidence so they can't deny it.

Rambling Robot
Sep 13, 2011
Duggar Fan Club Superstar #1 LOL

Clochette posted:

what if it was a black stripper

no worries, duggar genes are unbeatable.


Lord of Pie
Mar 2, 2007

The Duggars are going to have to step it up if they want to reach the level of both fleecing rubes out of money and weird sex poo poo as Tony Alamo. At this rate they'll only be the second worst hosed up religious diddlers in Arkansas.

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