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Windows 98
Nov 13, 2005

HTTP 400: Bad post
When you think about it cheating on your wife is pretty traditional for a lot of people


May 28, 2008


Windows 98 posted:

When you think about it cheating on your wife is pretty traditional for a lot of people repressed christians


Blue Train
Jun 17, 2012

true, esp with another dude

Jan 12, 2001
Grimey Drawer
Hmm were his sisters Duggared or Fogled? Did Jared Dugger or Fogle those kids? Please help me sort the terminology out.

Nov 15, 2011

Hail SS-18 Satan may he cleanse us with nuclear fire


Lowtechs posted:

Hmm were his sisters Duggared or Fogled? Did Jared Dugger or Fogle those kids? Please help me sort the terminology out.


somebody do a Fraggle Rock->Fuggle Rock conversion now

Young Freud
Nov 26, 2006

Meanwhile, why pay for overpriced edited-down porn (and yes, it's edited down, with no penetration, male genitals, or split beaver shots shown) when you can just use the hotel's WiFi and go to a Tube site for anything you desire?

Demon Of The Fall
May 1, 2004

Nap Ghost

Young Freud posted:

Meanwhile, why pay for overpriced edited-down porn (and yes, it's edited down, with no penetration, male genitals, or split beaver shots shown) when you can just use the hotel's WiFi and go to a Tube site for anything you desire?

old people

Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

Young Freud posted:

Meanwhile, why pay for overpriced edited-down porn (and yes, it's edited down, with no penetration, male genitals, or split beaver shots shown) when you can just use the hotel's WiFi and go to a Tube site for anything you desire?

Tube sites forever. Some people think that sites like Pornhub can give you viruses and poo poo, but that's absolutely false. Everything on the Pornhub network is legitimate. You might get popups, but they're just ads, not even adware.

Edit: but leave it to idiots like Josh Duggar to just not understand that at all.

Mr Ice Cream Glove
Apr 22, 2007

Trouble brewing


Josh Duggar’s family is divided between some who are “angry” and others who “sympathetic” towards him after he was nailed for cheating on his wife Anna, Gossip Cop learned. A source close to the family exclusively tells us there are Duggars who are angry because of “obviously what he did to Anna, the kids… his folks” by using the Ashley Madison affair site. The insider adds that the former head of the Family Research Council, which is devoted to marriage and family values, “preached one thing and completely did the opposite,” which has upset some in the family.

“He committed adultery, lied… did everything the family finds an abomination,” says the insider, noting, “He’s disgraced himself, the family… and now hurt, for lack of a better word, the ‘brand.'” While our source wouldn’t divulge who stands on the “angry” side and who’s in the the “sympathetic” corner,” we’re told even angry family members are using their deeply rooted Christian beliefs to show Duggar sympathy and support.

The family understands the public has, for the most part, formulated an unfavorable opinion of Duggar, says the source, who notes they’re now “less focused on swaying others’ [opinion] than their faith in God and prayer.” Still, it’s been “very taxing” on everyone, first with the public revelations of Duggar having sexually molested minors when he was a teen, followed by the cancellation of “19 Kids And Counting,” and now the latest cheating and porn addiction scandal.

Demon Of The Fall
May 1, 2004

Nap Ghost
Those poor Duggars

Frozen Horse
Aug 6, 2007
Just a humble wandering street philosopher.

Pvt.Scott posted:

I think he could do alright. Not hideous. minor celebrity, looks good in purple and his repressive upbringing
means he's gonna be into some major kinks before long. Seems like a power bottom to me.

No, I see him growing into a very fierce top, "Now it's my turn, bitch!"
I just hope it doesn't end for him with a dismembered drug-dealing rentboy found in the river.

Young Freud
Nov 26, 2006

Rupert Buttermilk posted:

Tube sites forever. Some people think that sites like Pornhub can give you viruses and poo poo, but that's absolutely false. Everything on the Pornhub network is legitimate. You might get popups, but they're just ads, not even adware.

Edit: but leave it to idiots like Josh Duggar to just not understand that at all.

Well, I'd stick with at least the big name tube sites, like aforementioned Pornhub, or Xhamster, Xtube(or their family), XVideos, Pornhub, etc. Namely, anything that has a premium tier or host camshows, since they want to be clean enough to keep paying customers.

I'd avoid going to the more sketchy ones, just because they for the most part are just aggregators for the content on the bigger tube sites and will put you into redirect hell, which leads to malware sites.

Feb 25, 2014

Demon Of The Fall posted:

Those poor Duggared

Nov 9, 2009

i went to one of these wrestling shows and it was... honestly? frickin boring. i wanna see ricky! i want to see his gold chains and respect for the ftw lifestyle

I'm mad at josh!!! i mean i guess it sucks for his wife or whatever but how am i going to get a new tv to watch kirk cameron movies on now!!!

Synthwave Crusader
Feb 13, 2011

Calling it now, the only ones sympathizing with him are Jim Bob and the husbands of the two married Duggar girls, who in a shocking twist accidentally out themselves as serial cheaters.

The Bible
May 8, 2010

Scyantific posted:

Calling it now, the only ones sympathizing with him are Jim Bob and the husbands of the two married Duggar girls, who in a shocking twist accidentally out themselves as serial cheaters.

Jim Bob is desperate to get back on TV, and even torpedoed his youngest daughters' shows because they didn't include him God wanted the whole family on TV (minus Josh now).

Jim Bob is probably bursting at the seams to destroy Josh for wrecking the money train and making the cult look even more of a joke.

Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

Young Freud posted:

Well, I'd stick with at least the big name tube sites, like aforementioned Pornhub, or Xhamster, Xtube(or their family), XVideos, Pornhub, etc. Namely, anything that has a premium tier or host camshows, since they want to be clean enough to keep paying customers.

I'd avoid going to the more sketchy ones, just because they for the most part are just aggregators for the content on the bigger tube sites and will put you into redirect hell, which leads to malware sites.

Very true, but a major reason the Pornhub network (everyone listed here, doesn't do malware or poo poo like that is because they just flat-out be the best out there, and you don't get there by ruining people's computers. Also, they make a ton of money from ad revenue.

I work for Mindgeek, porn is literally my livelihood. Josh needs to open his heart, mind, and fly to what we can offer.

Oct 29, 2012

I would pay to watch The Josh Duggar Gangbang: 19 Loads and Counting

1 in 5 millenials have contemplated doing sex work to help pay for college. Dude has no skills and no hope of a real job that's not given to him. I think there's a chance to make it happen.

Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

Do It Once Right posted:

I would pay to watch The Josh Duggar Gangbang: 19 Loads and Counting

1 in 5 millenials have contemplated doing sex work to help pay for college. Dude has no skills and no hope of a real job that's not given to him. I think there's a chance to make it happen.

There's always the Pornhub Amateur program.

Jan 4, 2001

by Lowtax

Do It Once Right posted:

I would pay to watch The Josh Duggar Gangbang: 19 Loads and Counting

1 in 5 millenials have contemplated doing sex work to help pay for college. Dude has no skills and no hope of a real job that's not given to him. I think there's a chance to make it happen.

Like that human potato would be able to physically last through a session like that, let alone perform for a filmed one.

Oct 29, 2012

Rupert Buttermilk posted:

There's always the Pornhub Amateur program.

The Family Research Council gifted him a six figure job for his family name alone. He doesn't have the work ethic to start from the bottom.

hehe, bottom, geddit?

I would blow Dane Cook
Dec 26, 2008

Rupert Buttermilk posted:

Very true, but a major reason the Pornhub network (everyone listed here, doesn't do malware or poo poo like that is because they just flat-out be the best out there, and you don't get there by ruining people's computers. Also, they make a ton of money from ad revenue.

I work for Mindgeek, porn is literally my livelihood. Josh needs to open his heart, mind, and fly to what we can offer.

You should do an ask tell thread.

Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

Jumpingmanjim posted:

You should do an ask tell thread.

I'm not going to, sorry. I answered a few questions in an unrelated thread a few months ago, but that's it. I don't want to risk my job or anything. The quick answer to the most asked questions is "It's like a regular office job, except nothing is :nws:, and no, content isn't produced on our premises or even in the same city. Yes, I've seen horrible poo poo, no, I can't get into our process for dealing with said horrible poo poo."

May 23, 2005


Lord of Pie posted:

The Duggars are going to have to step it up if they want to reach the level of both fleecing rubes out of money and weird sex poo poo as Tony Alamo. At this rate they'll only be the second worst hosed up religious diddlers in Arkansas.

You missed one pretty crucial point from this article....


Carter said he is unsure whether he will ask Miller County Judge Kirk Johnson for damages to be assessed against Alamo.

The Goatse man managed to get on the bench?


Nov 9, 2009

i went to one of these wrestling shows and it was... honestly? frickin boring. i wanna see ricky! i want to see his gold chains and respect for the ftw lifestyle

Killer_B posted:

You missed one pretty crucial point from this article....

The Goatse man managed to get on the bench?


say what you will about the goatman, he wears the ring symbolizing his holy bond with pride.

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

Rupert Buttermilk posted:

Very true, but a major reason the Pornhub network (everyone listed here, doesn't do malware or poo poo like that is because they just flat-out be the best out there, and you don't get there by ruining people's computers. Also, they make a ton of money from ad revenue.

I work for Mindgeek, porn is literally my livelihood. Josh needs to open his heart, mind, and fly to what we can offer.

I would like to work for Mindgeek

Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

Eonwe posted:

I would like to work for Mindgeek

Then go to our site and apply, silly!

Scrotum Modem
Sep 12, 2014

Killer_B posted:

You missed one pretty crucial point from this article....

The Goatse man managed to get on the bench?


holy poo poo you're right

Jan 7, 2012

We gazed into the eyes of madness... And all we found was horny.

Wait, how'd people come to decide he was the goatman? Legitimately curious, here.

Scrotum Modem
Sep 12, 2014

Regalingualius posted:

Wait, how'd people come to decide he was the goatman? Legitimately curious, here.

kirk johnson is the goatman's name

Aug 20, 2006

He was positively identified and interviewed before he died. The rare successful goon project.

Nov 3, 2012

He also has a p distinctive face, hard to mistake him

I'm amazed that he was a judge

Mr Ice Cream Glove
Apr 22, 2007

Do It Once Right posted:

I would pay to watch The Josh Duggar Gangbang: 19 Loads and Counting

1 in 5 millenials have contemplated doing sex work to help pay for college. Dude has no skills and no hope of a real job that's not given to him. I think there's a chance to make it happen.

Jan 1, 2005


... JENNER ?

Feb 15, 2011

Jack Gladney posted:

He was positively identified and interviewed before he died. The rare successful goon project.

Wait, the Goatman died?

Scrotum Modem
Sep 12, 2014

he still posts new vids on his :nws: pornhub page regularly but you just gotta go with the flow regarding this SA gimmick

Shithouse Dave
Aug 5, 2007

each post manufactured to the highest specifications

DicktheCat posted:

Wait, the Goatman died?

My husband thinks it's his partner who died, take that as you will.

Uncle Wemus
Mar 4, 2004


Aug 20, 2006

He's no joke like a folk hero. There are a thousand tales of the goatman, and a hundred deaths all told. What is true and what is false only one man knows, if he still lives.

The goatman? Aye, I met him once on the wastes, traveling to New Caledonia. He saved me from the sand pirates there. What happened to him after that, I can't say. He had no food and too little fuel. Normally bad odds for the windy season there. But he was no normal man--I knew it then and have heard it in the tales since. Stay a while, and listen.


Oct 29, 2012


The oldest son in my gross sex cult where men are god-kings and women are sex slaves has grown into a sex pervert for some inexplicable reason.

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