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Aug 10, 2007

by Lowtax

I would love to watch a show about a guy who is the baby daddy to a harem of women instead of one guy with a harem of kids he likes to diddle.


Funky See Funky Do
Aug 20, 2013

Needs googly eyes photoshopped on so it stops staring into my soul with sinister intentions.

Alan Smithee
Jan 4, 2005

A man becomes preeminent, he's expected to have enthusiasms.

Enthusiasms, enthusiasms...

Haier posted:

I would love to watch a show about a guy who is the baby daddy to a harem of women instead of one guy with a harem of kids he likes to diddle.

why can't we have a tv show about an upstanding black father like Bill Cosby

Say Nothing
Mar 5, 2013

by FactsAreUseless

Funky See Funky Do posted:

Needs googly eyes photoshopped on so it stops staring into my soul with sinister intentions.

Funky See Funky Do
Aug 20, 2013

Have I ever told you that you are a very handsome poster? Because you are.

jenny jones fan
Dec 24, 2007
Remember when Huckabee wrote a 2 paragraph diatribe about how Duggars Did Nothing Wrong and basically publicly supported a child molester (rather than doing the smart thing and just saying nothing)?

Then a few days later people noticed the Duggars photos stopped showing up on his website so everyone assumed he realized he hosed up?

Well, Huckabee has reassured us that the photos of the Duggars will immediately be back up on his website, in case anyone was concerned.

You can't make this poo poo up. You just can't.

Lord of Pie
Mar 2, 2007

Huckabee heard Weird Al's dare to be stupid once and has exceeded all expectations.

Mr. Pumroy
May 20, 2001

preferred gender pronouns: jim bob/jim bob/jim bob

Say Nothing
Mar 5, 2013

by FactsAreUseless
Anyone want a truly disturbing avatar?

Darkman Fanpage
Jul 4, 2012

Roki B posted:



Kwisatz Pederast of the House Du'Gar

my name is a molesting word

Inside Out Mom
Jan 9, 2004

Franklin B. Znorps
Dignity, Class, Internet
Someone edit the Hitler movie scene but all the subtitles are Jim Bob.

Feb 21, 2007

This looks a lot like suffering.

Inside Out Mom posted:

Someone edit the Hitler movie scene but all the subtitles are Jim Bob.

Inside Out Mom
Jan 9, 2004

Franklin B. Znorps
Dignity, Class, Internet

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
lost it at "jiminy bob" well done

Darkman Fanpage
Jul 4, 2012
only now do i realize how stupid the name "jim" is. bob can only do so much.

Captain Yossarian
Feb 24, 2011

All new" Rings of Fire"

Darkman Fanpage posted:

only now do i realize how stupid the name "jim" is. bob can only do so much.

Jim Bob

Hemingway To Go!
Nov 10, 2008

im stupider then dog shit, i dont give a shit, and i dont give a fuck, and i will never shut the fuck up, and i'll always Respect my enemys.
- ernest hemingway
jib mob

Mr. Pumroy
May 20, 2001

bobs knew

Shark Sandwich
Sep 6, 2010

by R. Guyovich
Quiverfulls are gonna learn their lesson from this and make sure the women never learn to read or write

Jan 17, 2003

Downloaded and saved for posterity

Darkman Fanpage
Jul 4, 2012

Slaughterhouse-Ive posted:

Quiverfulls are gonna learn their lesson from this and make sure the women never learn to read or write

why stop there just lobotomize them problem solved

Feb 22, 2008

by FactsAreUseless

Slaughterhouse-Ive posted:

Quiverfulls are gonna learn their lesson from this and make sure the women never learn to read or write

A literate woman is a lonely woman

Automatic Slim
Jul 1, 2007

Darkman Fanpage posted:

why stop there just lobotomize them problem solved

Nah. The whole point is watching a woman turn her eyes to the floor in subservience and doing what she's told, besides being an unceasing breeder.

The Fattest PI
Mar 4, 2008
Has anyone brought up lena dunham yet because this is a masterstroke that excuses sexual abuse of young sisters.

Captain Yossarian
Feb 24, 2011

All new" Rings of Fire"

The Fattest PI posted:

Has anyone brought up lena dunham yet because this is a masterstroke that excuses sexual abuse of young sisters.

One weird trick liberals don't want u to know!

value-brand cereal
May 2, 2008

It's hard to 'shop her looking into your soul when she doesn't have one and so doesn't know what it'd look like.

Hemingway To Go!
Nov 10, 2008

im stupider then dog shit, i dont give a shit, and i dont give a fuck, and i will never shut the fuck up, and i'll always Respect my enemys.
- ernest hemingway

The Fattest PI posted:

Has anyone brought up lena dunham yet because this is a masterstroke that excuses sexual abuse of young sisters.

republicans love imaginary arguments where they win, see the clint eastwood chair interview or god's not dead.

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
Or the duck dynasty guy talking about how of god didn't exist then rape is ok

Darkman Fanpage
Jul 4, 2012
the dumpy little goblin lena dunham molested her sister so its okay if our dumpy little goblin molests his sisters :smug:

Hemingway To Go!
Nov 10, 2008

im stupider then dog shit, i dont give a shit, and i dont give a fuck, and i will never shut the fuck up, and i'll always Respect my enemys.
- ernest hemingway

Eonwe posted:

Or the duck dynasty guy talking about how of god didn't exist then rape is ok

not just rape but godless atheist performs incest + rape + murder, and the response is castration

Oct 4, 2009

2019. New York is in ruins. The global economy is spiralling. Cyborgs rule over poisoned wastes.

The only time that's left is

Darkman Fanpage posted:

the dumpy little goblin lena dunham molested her sister so its okay if our dumpy little goblin molests his sisters :smug:

the only moral goblin is my goblin.

Windows 98
Nov 13, 2005

HTTP 400: Bad post

Shark Sandwich
Sep 6, 2010

by R. Guyovich

Darkman Fanpage posted:

why stop there just lobotomize them problem solved

because nothing turns on guys like jim bob and gothard then watching the souls of their wives and daughters die as they get berated, beaten, and raped into submission, and you just can't get that if they're already dead inside

Young Freud
Nov 26, 2006

Slaughterhouse-Ive posted:

because nothing turns on guys like jim bob and gothard then watching the souls of their wives and daughters die as they get berated, beaten, and raped into submission, and you just can't get that if they're already dead inside

Alec Baldwin talked about the joy that his born-again brother Stephen talks about the potential of his own daughter getting snuffed in an attempt to renounce Jesus at a family dinner. He still loves his brother, but, man, it gets hard sometimes.

Mar 20, 2004

Wedemeyer posted:

It's hard to 'shop her looking into your soul when she doesn't have one and so doesn't know what it'd look like.

Can you make her chin really long.

Mr Ice Cream Glove
Apr 22, 2007

Mooooovin on u...


Josh Duggar is moving back to Arkansas in the wake of resigning from the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., due to the revelation that he molested five minor girls, including his sisters.
Now with no job keeping him in D.C., Duggar, his wife, and kids are reportedly headed back to their home state. Moving trucks were spotted outside their Maryland residence on Monday. Duggar is believed to have another residence near other family members in Arkansas. It is not clear what he will now do for work.


Well, obviously we have a rapist in Arkansas. He's climbin' in yo windows, he's snatchin' yo people up, tryin' to rape 'em. So y'all need to hide yo kids, and hide yo babies cause he rapin' everybody out here.

big business man
Sep 30, 2012

LOL Josh Duggar lives in PG county

Twinty Zuleps
May 10, 2008

by R. Guyovich
Lipstick Apathy

what the gently caress is this that scene in the show has him sitting in a cardboard box

value-brand cereal
May 2, 2008

SERPUS posted:

Can you make her chin really long.

Like King Tut?

Or just the whole thang?


Mr Ice Cream Glove
Apr 22, 2007

The Mayor tells Jim Bob to shut the gently caress up


The City will not dignify suggestions of misconduct in this matter by Chief O’Kelley with any comment beyond labeling them as outrageous and categorically false. Chief O’Kelley is a dedicated public servant whose career in law enforcement has been committed to duty and the adherence to the law.

With respect to the release of records pursuant to requirements of the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the facts are these:

The City complied with each and every requirement of the FOIA with respect to the request for records.

Upon notification of the request for information pursuant to the FOIA request, the Chief of Police referred the matter to the Springdale City Attorney for an opinion as to whether the requested records were subject to public disclosure under the FOIA. As part of due diligence and in order to thoroughly analyze the request, the City also contacted the Arkansas Municipal League, the Arkansas State Police, the Washington County Juvenile Prosecuting Attorney within the Washington County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, and made unsuccessful attempts to contact appropriate officials within the Arkansas Department of Human Services.

Out of courtesy with respect to the release of information in potentially sensitive situations, the Police Chief directed the family be notified of the FOIA request. The Police Chief further directed that the family be kept regularly informed as to the status of the request; the City’s analysis of the request and any action the City would take with respect to the request, including notification to the family that the City had an obligation under the FOIA law to release the redacted report.

Subsequently and consistent with and pursuant to advice of legal counsel, the City Attorney determined that the record – after thorough redaction -- was subject to release under the FOIA.

Prior to release, the record went through several rounds of review that included redaction of the names of minors and all potentially identifying pronouns.

The Springdale Police Department files in this case are not part of juvenile proceedings, had not been sealed or expunged, and at the time the report was filed the person listed in the report was an adult, not a juvenile.

In 2014, the Chief indicated to the Mayor her intent to retire in 2015. In a letter to the Mayor on May 6, 2015, she formally notified the Mayor that she would be retiring as Chief of Police on June 30, 2015. With respect to the Police Chief’s reference to “unfinished business” cited in her retirement letter, those issues relate to issues of Departmental structure, organization and leadership succession planning and were not in reference to any case specific, including this one. Any suggestion or assertion otherwise is patently false.”

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