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Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

Good Soldier Svejk posted:

Those are just his eyes by default though.



Aug 14, 2004


BumikiIsFreaky posted:

No, I mean a penalty for Philly, bonus for removing the only player that caused your only goals of the series.

Yeah why? It was a legal, shoulder to shoulder hit

Jun 2, 2011


Oct 23, 2007

That was one hell of a ping

Repo Jake
Feb 26, 2016
:siren: SHARP :siren:

Apr 27, 2015

The real fun of living wisely is that you get to be smug about it.

something something state of hockey

triple sulk
Sep 17, 2014

booshi posted:

Yeah why? It was a legal, shoulder to shoulder hit

yeah unless i see another angle it was a legal hit

Alfred P. Pseudonym
May 29, 2006

And when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss goes 8-8


May 24, 2006

You try to be happy when everyone is summoning you everywhere to "be their friend".



Reverend Sub-Zero
Jan 11, 2008

Filladelfia Pliers
Not a great start for Minnesota :stare:

communist kangaroo
Oct 2, 2006

those are my principles, and if you don't like them...well, i have koalas.
did sulk get a selfie with injured rear end brooks orpik

Aug 31, 2006

go caps haha

*Washington Capitals #1 Fan On DeviantArt*

FBS posted:

something something state of hockey

the state of the hockey is good

also that's a hosed up av

Apr 27, 2014

Give Sharp back.

& Oduya.

May 24, 2006

You try to be happy when everyone is summoning you everywhere to "be their friend".

mcvey posted:

the state of the hockey is good

we sure are :smugdog:

Chairman Wao
Mar 5, 2013

go star

onemillionzombies posted:

Give Sharp back.

& Oduya.

Really? Nothing about Johns? Lmao

Shawn Cotureier
Jan 21, 2009

Still better than Umberger
Whether a Flyers fan, Caps fan or otherwise, there is one thing we can all agree on

Jun 2, 2011

Wow, why pass the back?

Jun 28, 2007

c'mon flyers do a good thing pls

Whale Cancer
Jun 25, 2004

Signs of life on the Flyers. Has anyone seen Girioux yet? Haven't seen him the whole series.

Feb 26, 2003

Still better than android clock

triple sulk posted:

yeah unless i see another angle it was a legal hit

That slowdown CBC showed just now looked like a shoulder-to-shoulder that turned, entirely accidentally, into a head-to-head-to-glass :ohdear:

Apr 27, 2014

Chairman Wao posted:

Really? Nothing about Johns? Lmao

Blackhawks powers that be didn't really like Johns for whatever reason.

Eric the Mauve
May 8, 2012

Making you happy for a buck since 199X
Ok yeah wow, I just saw the replay from a different angle and if Orpik were a boxer the ref would have declared a TKO before he even hit the ground, the lights were on but there was nobody home.

Alfred P. Pseudonym
May 29, 2006

And when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss goes 8-8

I like the Minnesota jerseys

Reverend Sub-Zero
Jan 11, 2008

Filladelfia Pliers
Time for another PP :geno:

take me you ANIMAL
Nov 28, 2002

Congrats big boy

booshi posted:

Yeah why? It was a legal, shoulder to shoulder hit

I was saying the Flyers should get a chance to score a goal, because they got rid of a bad player. This bad player was the cause of their only goals this series. Therefore they should get a better chance to score a goal because their best goal creator (Orpik doing something dumb) is now gone. And now i'm done with this, back to shitposting and no more explaining stuff.

Jun 28, 2007

oh good another PP

Alfred P. Pseudonym posted:

I like the Minnesota jerseys

yeah they're nice

Reverend Sub-Zero
Jan 11, 2008

Filladelfia Pliers
Schenn fall down. Funny.

Feb 26, 2003

Still better than android clock

Embellishment is one thing Schenn but you hafta wait until the play actually starts or they won't believe you.

Jun 28, 2007

lol did brayden just eat it?

Chad Sexington
May 26, 2005

I think he made a beautiful post and did a great job and he is good.
Embellishment much?

Whale Cancer
Jun 25, 2004


Good Soldier Svejk
Jul 5, 2010

Eric the Mauve posted:

Ok yeah wow, I just saw the replay from a different angle and if Orpik were a boxer the ref would have declared a TKO before he even hit the ground, the lights were on but there was nobody home.

As sad as it is, you have to think that with his history and age that could very well be a career.
He was a poo poo-heap for us in the end and all but he also deserves to go out better than that.

Reverend Sub-Zero
Jan 11, 2008

Filladelfia Pliers
Holtby in total "gently caress you" mode.

Aug 14, 2004


BumikiIsFreaky posted:

I was saying the Flyers should get a chance to score a goal, because they got rid of a bad player. This bad player was the cause of their only goals this series. Therefore they should get a better chance to score a goal because their best goal creator (Orpik doing something dumb) is now gone. And now i'm done with this, back to shitposting and no more explaining stuff.

Makes more sense if you read when you wrote "penalty" as "power play"

triple sulk
Sep 17, 2014

Chad Sexington posted:

Embellishment much?


Jun 28, 2007

jesus brayden, come on

Good Soldier Svejk
Jul 5, 2010

Just saw Holtby give a hell of a wack to Simmonds at the end there

May 7, 2007

It sure is nice to have a significant goaltending edge in this series so far.

Also thx Bray Bray

Jun 2, 2011

Nice way to end the period, Flyers.

Holtby doesn't even look bothered right now.


Shawn Cotureier
Jan 21, 2009

Still better than Umberger
For your intermission entertainment

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