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Aug 11, 2004

Dude needs to delete his social media accounts.

Maybe somebody needs to pull a Britney and get a conservatorship over him.


Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

He's pretty obviously been dealing with some serious mental poo poo for a while and it's sad to watch. I don't think there's anything to be done but hope he gets help and not to feed the troll. :sigh:

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

Marathon of all 8 seasons on VH1, please.

Jan 26, 2009

I'm becom-, I'm becom-,
I'm becoming
Tana in, Tana in my mind.


Mar 23, 2004

the dlob days of summer
LOL Logo is dead

Also Fridays are a graveyard slot but it's good for bars that have viewing parties as people will come early for the show and stick around after.

shadow puppet of a
Jan 10, 2007


Some poor sap at Logo now has the job of trying to fill the void left by RPDR.

I bet they were crushed when 'Not Today Bianca" utterly flopped. That's really funny, probably the funniest thing to do with that show.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

I mean, it won an Emmy. Does this move to Friday really mean cancellation is nigh?

shadow puppet of a
Jan 10, 2007


Drag Race is fine, its not at any risk of cancellation. It just got promoted up a tier in the Viacom hierarchy, even with that iffy Friday timeslot. But LogoTV the channel is going to be hard up if VH1 has full ownership of the Drag Race franchise.

Cpt. Mahatma Gandhi
Mar 26, 2005

Pan Dulce posted:

I mean, it won an Emmy. Does this move to Friday really mean cancellation is nigh?

Meh, not necessarily. Yes, Fridays tend to be a spot where shows go to die but there have also been shows that have thrived on Fridays, BSG and Grimm being the immediate 2 that come to mind.

Mar 23, 2004

the dlob days of summer
It sounds like LOGO is also going to air it, but in reruns or something.

So they have that and the Golden Girls.

Feb 24, 2001

Uh! Double up Uh! Uh!
They better not pull any bullshit like they did for All Stars 2 where all the episodes were simulcast on Logo & VH1 until the episode where the eliminated queens came back was suddenly Logo-only. :mad:

Three Olives
Apr 10, 2005

Not a single fucking olive in sight

shadow puppet of a posted:

Drag Race is fine, its not at any risk of cancellation. It just got promoted up a tier in the Viacom hierarchy, even with that iffy Friday timeslot. But LogoTV the channel is going to be hard up if VH1 has full ownership of the Drag Race franchise.

Yeah, this is actually really good news, VH1 reaches way, way more households and has much better brand ID. It also probably means higher ad prices which could mean a bigger budget for Drag Race to be even more over the top.

My only concern would be VH1 deciding that Drag Race is a bit too racy for their more mainstream audience and trying to tone things down, especially the pit crew but maybe not.

Jan 26, 2009

I'm becom-, I'm becom-,
I'm becoming
Tana in, Tana in my mind.

It's great news that it moved networks, I just hate that it's Fridays. What if I have plans?

Aug 11, 2004


Nemo posted:

They better not pull any bullshit like they did for All Stars 2 where all the episodes were simulcast on Logo & VH1 until the episode where the eliminated queens came back was suddenly Logo-only. :mad:

No, in fact it's going to air on VH1 first, and Logo second from now on. No simulcast.

Sep 2, 2011

what a humorous anecdote.
I am ecstatic that it's airing on VH1 instead of Logo. My cable provider actually carries VH1 so i can finally watch episodes that are behind that "log in with your cable provider" wall instead of having to :filez: it the entire time.

Feb 20, 2003

Gimme that sweet (Comcast-over-compressed) HD vision again, yessssssssssssssssssssssss. It really makes a huge difference!

Jul 11, 2005

psycho killer
qu'est-ce que c'est?
haha the first ten minutes leaked and lady gaga trying to convince them she's a drag queen celebrity impersonator is going to be so good I can't wait

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Seeing Nina as a peach makes me think it's a family realness challenge. Georgia is known for peaches.

I was thinking I'd have to do with just Alaska family realness, or if each competitor has a pick of a guest queen to match.

Mar 23, 2004

the dlob days of summer
Oh, no, no.

It's a hometown realness challenge.

Jan 26, 2009

I'm becom-, I'm becom-,
I'm becoming
Tana in, Tana in my mind.

I'm starting to work on the OP.

Let's see how political I get, it's a work in progress. :ohdear:

Sep 28, 2008

by reading this post you have agreed to form a gay socialist micronation.
Anyone know any good gay bars in New Orleans that might be having a watch party? I'm going down for the weekend and am having trouble finding anything.

Aug 11, 2004


QuickbreathFinisher posted:

Anyone know any good gay bars in New Orleans that might be having a watch party? I'm going down for the weekend and am having trouble finding anything.

You're having trouble finding gay bars, or finding gay bars advertising Drag Race watch parties? Most gay bars rely on the gay community for their business, so they don't really ever get into the habit of advertising. A lot will probably be airing it without advertising it online. Just call around.

Sep 28, 2008

by reading this post you have agreed to form a gay socialist micronation.

Nihonniboku posted:

You're having trouble finding gay bars, or finding gay bars advertising Drag Race watch parties? Most gay bars rely on the gay community for their business, so they don't really ever get into the habit of advertising. A lot will probably be airing it without advertising it online. Just call around.

The latter thanks, I know there's a ton of gay bars :) guess it's time to start checking around. I've seen event ads in my city so I got worried when I didn't see anything similar there. Thanks!

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Holy poo poo. Wow.

Aug 11, 2004


That would be awesome. Even if they have to fudge the timelines a bit, I'd love to see 80s Ru with a young Michelle and Lady Bunny.

No network tv. No Logo. This needs something like FX, Netflix or Amazon Prime. It probably won't get HBO. Showtime messes up every good series they get. What other television network possibilities?

Mar 11, 2005

You lookin' at me? Don't.
I know you guys aren't a huge fan of Todrick Hall as a judge but he puts out some fun videos. He posted this one earlier today and it's pretty fun! I've got the song stuck in my head now. Also RuPaul is in it too.

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Yeah for all his lovely judging and kickstarter nonsense, dude can put a track together

Jan 26, 2009

I'm becom-, I'm becom-,
I'm becoming
Tana in, Tana in my mind.

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. :drat: :nyd: :supaburn: :dance:

Aug 11, 2004


Stabitha posted:

I know you guys aren't a huge fan of Todrick Hall as a judge but he puts out some fun videos. He posted this one earlier today and it's pretty fun! I've got the song stuck in my head now. Also RuPaul is in it too.

Ok.... that was pretty fantastic. I really don't know anything about him outside of his mediocre judging on Drag Race.

Was all that music original, by him?

If so, I can totally understand why Ru would want to get with Todrick. A total upgrade from the craptastic Lucian Piane.

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
Is there a version of that video that doens't look like complete garbage? It seems really cool but it's rendering at like 480p with that link.

e: oh poo poo the whole album is a giant video

Yodzilla fucked around with this message at 04:27 on Mar 23, 2017


Jan 26, 2009

I'm becom-, I'm becom-,
I'm becoming
Tana in, Tana in my mind.


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