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tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

I can’t afford the new legend since I bought like 500 reskins!! Oops!!!


kung fu jive
Jul 2, 2014

Solos has put into perspective how bad I am at this game. It's a bit disheartening.

Quarantine Zone is an awesome POI though, and overall I really like the Broken Moon map.

The respawn mechanic is really cool. I really enjoy the thought process of do I go back for revenge / where I somewhat know what I'm getting into? Or do I roll the dice on repositioning somewhere else? It could be empty and give me a good ring position or it could be super hot and be the end of my match.

Anyway, I don't see much point to dropping into corners of the map and ratting around, so for now I'm dropping into the thick of it and duking it out in an endless stream of 1v1s and 1v1v1s and 1v1v1v1s.

Jan 20, 2017

runchild posted:

Not a fan of them changing the “play with X legend” daily from 2 matches to 4. I rarely play more than 4 matches, so now I’m either locked into one legend the whole time or I miss out on BP progress. Can always just no-fill and immediately quit a couple times but that’s lame.

Also lol that they somehow brought the empty banner glitch back. Between that and solos it really is like season 2 again!

That change means I now never bother with that quest unless it's for a character I actually enjoy playing. I'll reroll once and if it doesn't come out the way I want I'll just ignore it.

Jul 29, 2012

important notes: i was playing conduit, there were zero gibbies on either team, and halfway through the match alter's tac info box got stuck on my screen and only my passive worked. couldn't tac or ult. i played conduit the entire time

Relyssa fucked around with this message at 16:25 on May 11, 2024

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

I think “oops all [character]” would make for a pretty fun mixtape LTM.

Jack B Nimble
Dec 25, 2007

Soiled Meat
What hero would synergize the best with themselves?

Edit - caustic? The control heroes generally?

Car Hater
May 7, 2007

wolf. bike.
Wolf. Bike.
Wolf! Bike!
Octane for an entire map covered in jump pads

Jul 29, 2012

Bangalore for all smoke all the time

Fuse for the eternal hell of knuckle clusters

Jan 20, 2017

I'm enjoying this new version of Broken Moon vastly more than the original. The original was grey, boring, and had a lot of terrible POIs and terrible routing between them.

Jul 29, 2012

Fully agreed. Also, while I am absolute dogshit at solos, I really hope they keep them permanently after this. I'm so tired of no-fill queueing duos.

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010

Jack B Nimble posted:

What hero would synergize the best with themselves?

Edit - caustic? The control heroes generally?

theres only one true answer

Apr 11, 2005

I like the big pyramid thing

Aug 9, 2004

Every day takes figurin' out all over again how to fuckin' live.
Slippery Tilde

Jack B Nimble posted:

What hero would synergize the best with themselves?

Edit - caustic? The control heroes generally?
Caustic vs Caustic would be pointless, as you're immune to gas. The traps would really only work as proximity detectors. Unless you mean an entire team of Caustics vs Anyone Else and then yeah, that'd be OP as poo poo. NO ROOM IS SAFE

Jack B Nimble
Dec 25, 2007

Soiled Meat

SubponticatePoster posted:

Caustic vs Caustic would be pointless, as you're immune to gas. The traps would really only work as proximity detectors. Unless you mean an entire team of Caustics vs Anyone Else and then yeah, that'd be OP as poo poo. NO ROOM IS SAFE

Yeah, I was thinking a three stack, not a whole server. Funny how it'd go from best to worst.

kung fu jive
Jul 2, 2014

Triple Valkyrie would be mediocre, maybe the worst? Triple Catalyst would be pretty cool if you coordinated ults.

Jul 29, 2012

kung fu jive posted:

Triple Valkyrie would be mediocre, maybe the worst? Triple Catalyst would be pretty cool if you coordinated ults.

Triple Valk would mean you have repositions basically whenever you needed them.

kung fu jive
Jul 2, 2014

Oh duh, I’m thinking one track mindset of popping ults at the same time. lol

On that note, chaining wraith portals would be funny. Not sure how practical it would be.

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Three drones three EMPs is all I'm saying here

10 Beers
May 21, 2005

Shit! I didn't bring a knife.

Rodney The Yam II posted:

Three drones three EMPs is all I'm saying here

Stop trying to make Crypto happen!

Jan 20, 2017

10 Beers posted:

Stop trying to make Crypto happen!

He's really good right now with instant nearby squad identification and +drone speed / +drone range on his first upgrade. I do not expect people to catch on until late this season or even next season.

Jul 29, 2012

SKULL.GIF posted:

He's really good right now with instant nearby squad identification and +drone speed / +drone range on his first upgrade. I do not expect people to catch on until late this season or even next season.

One of my friends is a crypto main and has been for ages and he is absolutely loving these changes. He's eating good right now.

Mar 15, 2006

saw this post claiming ~30% of pred/masters players were recently banned likely for cheating, which is pretty depressing on what vidja james is turning into

(the number is probably more like 20% due to a bit more players existing than the 3rd party tools used could track, but still)

Herstory Begins Now
Aug 5, 2003

I can absolutely believe it. for as much of a reputation as tarkov has for being an extremely cheat ridden game, I ran into (and more importantly, actually get killed by) vastly more cheaters or people running weird config bullshit in apex than I have ever experienced in tarkov. apex is by a significant amount the least clean game i've ever played. before i more or less quit it reminded me of the worst eras of csgo ranked.

i'm speaking specifically of diamond+ ranked apex to be clear

Jan 31, 2004

Hot Rope Guy
The solution is to just be poo poo at it like I am :smug:

Jul 21, 2005

There did seem to be a lot more cheaters in Season 20 than usual. I figured the shitters who "must have" shiny badges but don't have the skills to fight their way up ranks had to bring out cheats when ratting was no longer a viable strat due to RP gain changes. The widely publicized cheat exhibition by Destroyer2009 in ALGS raising awareness of what kinds of advantages you can give yourself probably didn't help either.

Cardamommy Issues
Feb 16, 2005

I've waited around for more important things
My K/D is about half what it usually is this season so far. I don’t assume I’m facing cheaters but I’m getting wrecked.

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

There’s some sort of Horizon lore video out but they’ve only put it up on TikTok so far so lol. Guess I’ll wait.

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Okay, here it is. Further cementing my feeling that someone on the dev team managed to put their Mary Sue OC in the game.

Jul 29, 2012

what do we think the chances are of permanent solos after this? trios/duos/solos all at once, perpetually. i'm really hoping for it as i hate playing with randos but i fully expect the worst.

Herstory Begins Now
Aug 5, 2003

mfcrocker posted:

The solution is to just be poo poo at it like I am :smug:

unironically this is how you have the most consistent, sustained fun

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Relyssa posted:

what do we think the chances are of permanent solos after this? trios/duos/solos all at once, perpetually. i'm really hoping for it as i hate playing with randos but i fully expect the worst.

My money is on it going away and coming back a few times before becoming permanent, kinda like Control. That’s assuming it’s popular enough and doesn’t hurt their onboarding metrics like it did last time. That was their stated reason for only doing it once - it apparently made new players much less likely to continue playing. They must feel like things have changed if they’re bringing it back. Hopefully a well thought out solos mode multiple years into a game’s life hits different, cause I’m enjoying it.

Jul 29, 2012

runchild posted:

My money is on it going away and coming back a few times before becoming permanent, kinda like Control. That’s assuming it’s popular enough and doesn’t hurt their onboarding metrics like it did last time. That was their stated reason for only doing it once - it apparently made new players much less likely to continue playing. They must feel like things have changed if they’re bringing it back. Hopefully a well thought out solos mode multiple years into a game’s life hits different, cause I’m enjoying it.

Wasn't the original version just solo with zero other changes? The current solo mode has a lot going for it to make it feel so much smoother to play and avoid a lot of pitfalls. Battle sense alone helps immensely to prevent the pubg syndrome of hiding in a bathroom the entire match waiting to ambush someone who walks past.

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010

Relyssa posted:

what do we think the chances are of permanent solos after this? trios/duos/solos all at once, perpetually. i'm really hoping for it as i hate playing with randos but i fully expect the worst.

zero they're replacing it with quads later this season

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Relyssa posted:

Wasn't the original version just solo with zero other changes? The current solo mode has a lot going for it to make it feel so much smoother to play and avoid a lot of pitfalls. Battle sense alone helps immensely to prevent the pubg syndrome of hiding in a bathroom the entire match waiting to ambush someone who walks past.

Yeah that’s what I meant by “well thought out”.

Jan 25, 2005

Every demon wants his pound of flesh
World's Edge is by far the least interesting map to me. It just feels like there is so little of interest for too much of the map. Anyone else feel that way or am I missing something?

Conduit's Ultimate is fun in theory but in dozens of matches I don't think I've hit one single enemy. Am I just unlucky?

Edit 2 (gently caress this insomnia): Since the game released have there been any graphical or other engine improvements, I know the current gen consoles got 120Hz support recently and have further draw distances, but otherwise there don't seem to have been any improvements to lighting etc.

WattsvilleBlues fucked around with this message at 04:13 on May 16, 2024

kung fu jive
Jul 2, 2014


runchild posted:

My money is on it going away and coming back a few times before becoming permanent, kinda like Control. That’s assuming it’s popular enough and doesn’t hurt their onboarding metrics like it did last time. That was their stated reason for only doing it once - it apparently made new players much less likely to continue playing. They must feel like things have changed if they’re bringing it back. Hopefully a well thought out solos mode multiple years into a game’s life hits different, cause I’m enjoying it.

lmao at the idea of being new, jumping into solos (with no respawn), and getting beamed by someone with 1k+ hours immediately

I would be so disenchanted with the game. But this solos mode owns bones. Please don’t take it away respawn :ohdear:

Abroham Lincoln
Sep 19, 2011

Note to self: This one's the good one

yeah now you get to be new, jump into solos WITH a respawn, and get beamed by two people with 5k+ hours.

Sep 22, 2008

Now I do not know whether I was then a head coach dreaming I was a Saints fan, or whether I am now a Saints fan, dreaming I am a head coach.
Fwiw the Apex folks gave a talk at GDC this year outlining their different SBMM models that they've used, and the first time they had Solos would have likely been before they had any very strong SBMM as well. Now they have a much better system.

Jan 25, 2005

Every demon wants his pound of flesh
Whatever they use for matchmaking is pretty good compared with the likes of Call of Duty. I have won exactly 2 matches of Warzone with 1 million hours played, whereas I squeeze a win or two per week out with Apex.


Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

MJBuddy posted:

Now they have a much better system.


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