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Dec 12, 2016
People's weird lust for estates reminds me of skulltown which was also an area that sucked dick and attracted a bunch of people for no reason as well.


egg tats
Apr 3, 2010
skulltown at least has a really cool name

bonsai plaza is my fave drop there, you usually get a few people on either side, so you tend to have 2-3 clearly defined battles right in a row, but with time to patch up a bit in between

occasionally it's a 9 team clusterfuck, but there's a fair few ways to disengage in that case

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Skulltown was actually good but every iteration past the first had less and less loot because they were trying to get people to not fight in the most fun environment kings canyon had to offer.

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?






Sep 27, 2004

Big fan of :frog:

No drop in this game sucks worse than waterfall. I get why it was happening on day 1, why are there still 2-3 teams reliably dropping for a half squad’s worth of loot? because they want to show off their shiny new 30XX GPUs?

Anyway my favorite gimmick drop is to take the phase runner straight off the drop and go halfway - or all the way, if you want to drop by hydroponic and just take two jumps to rift - across the map. If you don’t want to drop hot it’s usually a very safe way to get away from everyone.

Dec 12, 2016

dogstile posted:

Skulltown was actually good but every iteration past the first had less and less loot because they were trying to get people to not fight in the most fun environment kings canyon had to offer.

The most fun environments in KC were Artillery and Repulsor. Theres better stuff now but Id take either any day over the trash that was Skulltown.

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?

AnEdgelord posted:

The most fun environments in KC were Thunderdome and The Small Towns Next To Thunderdome You Rotate To In Order To Intercept The Cowards Running From Skulltown After Your Fully Armed Rampage. Theres nothing worth living for now

I agree

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?

AnEdgelord posted:

I'm really bad at Apex so skulltown was an exercise in misery for me

Man, that really sucks. It's ok though, i'm sure you'll get better.

Reading that back that may come across as way meaner than intended

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
Skulltown was fun and good and created many interesting fights

Estates is just boring and terrible

egg tats
Apr 3, 2010

Boxman posted:

No drop in this game sucks worse than waterfall. I get why it was happening on day 1, why are there still 2-3 teams reliably dropping for a half squad’s worth of loot? because they want to show off their shiny new 30XX GPUs?

Anyway my favorite gimmick drop is to take the phase runner straight off the drop and go halfway - or all the way, if you want to drop by hydroponic and just take two jumps to rift - across the map. If you don’t want to drop hot it’s usually a very safe way to get away from everyone.

there's no better feeling than going phase runner (or in my groups parlance "orb orb") and getting to absolutely light up a team that jumps in there in a panic 30 seconds later

Jan 5, 2010

egg tats posted:

skulltown at least has a really cool name

bonsai plaza is my fave drop there, you usually get a few people on either side, so you tend to have 2-3 clearly defined battles right in a row, but with time to patch up a bit in between

occasionally it's a 9 team clusterfuck, but there's a fair few ways to disengage in that case

Yeah, Bonzai is the best hot drop spot on Olympus imo. Land on one side up top, grab a gun and get a few kills if another team landed on your side, then push for the center as soon as you can and try to hold it.

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

One more teaser image, and the Story From the Outlands is coming tomorrow.

Also of note, Northstar is the name of one of the Titan models from TF|2. Could be something, could be nothing.

Sultan Tarquin
Jul 29, 2007

and what kind of world would it be? HUH?!
Skulltown was good and fun if you played Pathfinder because haha zoop now im on the roof.

denereal visease
Nov 27, 2002

"Research your own experience. Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is essentially your own."

denereal visease posted:

How much has the meta shifted during Season 6 and 7?

Schneider Inside Her posted:

I miss the Prowler, I can tell you that.
Is it care package only now?

AnEdgelord posted:

Spitfire is good now
Did it get a buff to recoil or ???

Regrettable posted:

Horizon has a higher win rate than Wraith. Octane is also op, which I thought I would never say. Volt is a better SMG than the R-99. Snipers are actually good now. Quite a lot has changed.
I've only played a few hours this weekend but I'm not really seeing anyone use snipers after the second round on Olympus. Volt basically replaced the R-99 before I took time off. Good to know that Horizon is the new wraith; time to stop being a Wattson main I guess.

Chard posted:

armored core lookin rear end legend

better have a moonlight bladedash
thanks for this reference; wish we could get an armored core game on PC

Plank Walker
Aug 11, 2005
Oasis is my favorite, you can shoot for the 2nd or 3rd floor of either tower and usually loot those uncontested, then hop out of the third floor and circle to the basements from the back door

Jan 9, 2011

by Fluffdaddy
Bonsai Plaza always has a high level shield on the bottom floor, sometimes even gold. It's nice to drop right down to there and grab it but then you need to fight your way back up.

Sep 27, 2004

Big fan of :frog:

denereal visease posted:

Is it care package only now?

Did it get a buff to recoil or ???

Yes. It always has the selectfire hop-up as a result, which is nice, but we all miss it.

All of the above. I'm looking at the patch history. It got improved recoil in August; then in February, a slight damage bump (18 to 19 damage) and got a half second improvement in reload time.

Harvey Baldman
Jan 11, 2011

Justice is bald, like an eagle, or Lady Liberty's docket.

Rampart is not enormously strong most of the time, but I love that those walls can turn a doomed push or rescue into a workable solution, and there is nothing more satisfying than staging her minigun correctly and just evaporating enemies. I've been playing ranked, though, and occasionally I get pubbie squads that decide we've already lost at the character selection screen once they see me grab her.

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
People just don't seem to know how to deal with Rampart, or better yet consider her to be so little of a threat they don't particularly care that you're building walls. People who know how to circumvent her will pretty much always get the upper hand, but as the match goes on and real estate becomes a premium, having the power to build a fortified position out of nothing is just so drat good. Suddenly you can't let her do her own thing because the rate she can bolster that position by constantly rebuilding walls becomes a major issue as you start to run out of munitions or have to enter more exposed areas to deal with her team.

Jul 29, 2006


Boxman posted:

No drop in this game sucks worse than waterfall. I get why it was happening on day 1, why are there still 2-3 teams reliably dropping for a half squad’s worth of loot? because they want to show off their shiny new 30XX GPUs?

Lol yeah that spot is loving dumb, I feel like only dumb people drop there. Even if a squad doesn’t also drop on you there you barely have enough loot for three ppl. And generally there’s a team in labs so you can’t just get that loot for free or anything. It’s annoying enough in pubs but when plat ranked players do it it’s so infuriating. I don’t think anyone in diamond is dumb enough to drop there but I’m sure it’s been done.

Jan 30, 2013

"I... I did well, didn't I?"
What's up with the takeovers this event? I guess I missed the respawning one because it wasn't around for very long, but I got to play with the regenerating shields one for like a day which was pretty cool because it effected everyone equally. But it feels like Ultra Zones event has been going on for who knows how many days now. I thought they were supposed to switch them up every 48 hours or something?

Aug 13, 2009

There was a bug with one of the modes (it broke stat tracking so you couldn't progress on some challenges/badges) which derailed the original schedule

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Aquasnake posted:

What's up with the takeovers this event? I guess I missed the respawning one because it wasn't around for very long, but I got to play with the regenerating shields one for like a day which was pretty cool because it effected everyone equally. But it feels like Ultra Zones event has been going on for who knows how many days now. I thought they were supposed to switch them up every 48 hours or something?


Modifier Schedule

All modes begin and end during mornings, PT time.

Second Chance: Tuesday, 4/13 – Thursday, 4/15
Ultra Zones: Thursday, 4/15 – Monday, 4/19
Auto Banners: Monday, 4/19 – Wednesday, 4/21
Killing Time: Wednesday, 4/21 – Friday, 4/23
Armor Regen: Friday, 4/23 – Tuesday, 4/27

Some of them are two days, others are four days. Maybe to avoid situations like the Second Chance issues happening over the weekend? Hopefully they got the issues ironed out and they can replace part of the original Armor Regen time with Second Chance again.

Jun 2, 2006

Probably my favorite SFTO so far.

Aug 16, 2012

So good! Seems like the new legend will have some sort of fighter drone ultimate. Hover passive from TF2, and possibly cluster missiles for her tactical?

Jun 2, 2006

Some info


New Legend: Valkyrie
Bold, brash, fiery and fierce, Kairi Imahara grew up in the shadow of her father's legacy. But now she's ready to launch her own.


Infested Olympus
An infestation has sprung loose, strangling the city with roots and natural growths.


New Weapon: Bocek Bow
A powerful and deadly weapon, for those with the skill to wield it. Capable of inflicting tremendous damage at medium range, you’ll need to make each shot count.

May 22, 2003

Chopping up a titan to make something less cool. How very apt.

Aug 16, 2012

I don't understand why futuristic shooters introduce bows later on in the game. Same thing happened in Destiny 2. I'm playing a game about space travel and using primitive technology to kill? It just doesn't seem right to me.

Jun 2, 2006

Instead of a dumb bow, it should've been the EPG :mad:

Aug 24, 2010

MarshyMcFly posted:

I don't understand why futuristic shooters introduce bows later on in the game. Same thing happened in Destiny 2. I'm playing a game about space travel and using primitive technology to kill? It just doesn't seem right to me.

its a skill-ceiling thing, separate from any in-universe concern. bows are a risk-reward weapon that take a higher level of play to use effectively, kinda like sniping but moreso, so naturally they attract players who have already sunk hours into getting good at the base game; either for style or the potential damage output. if apex was skinned like a fantasy game we'd have been using wands and swords until now, when the bows arrive.

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
Lol a fuckkn bow???

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
I'm up for the cool bow actually. Style points baybeeeee

Aug 13, 2009

Daztek posted:

Instead of a dumb bow, it should've been the EPG :mad:

The EPG has shown up in leaks, hang in there

Schneider Inside Her
Aug 6, 2009

Please bitches. If nothing else I am a gentleman
Bows are rad

Aug 21, 2007

Every time I see Goatse, I think of Maureen. That's the last thing I saw. Before I blacked out. The sight of that man's anus.

Give me that light ammo LMG you cowards.

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

Retromancer posted:

Give me that energy pistol you cowards.

Sep 27, 2004

Big fan of :frog:

I was gonna pick up Titanfall 2 finally, because everyone raves about it and its $7.50 on Steam at the moment. The first one doesn't have a single player campaign to speak of, right? I'm guessing it isn't really even worth the $5 they're asking?

Apr 17, 2005


Boxman posted:

I was gonna pick up Titanfall 2 finally, because everyone raves about it and its $7.50 on Steam at the moment. The first one doesn't have a single player campaign to speak of, right? I'm guessing it isn't really even worth the $5 they're asking?

1 had iirc literally just offline multiplayer with radio plays between the arena fights, and after they were criticized for this they spent a fortune on the singleplayer for 2 and it shows.

Jan 20, 2017

I hope the bow ragdolls people.


Jan 20, 2017

MarshyMcFly posted:

So good! Seems like the new legend will have some sort of fighter drone ultimate. Hover passive from TF2, and possibly cluster missiles for her tactical?

I read the leaks too

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