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dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
Haven't checked for the icon in particular but games on PS4 have definitely been very jittery since the last patch.


Oct 9, 2004

Zesty posted:

and it's really up in the air who has the advantage when it's console players vs PC players. Apparently consoles do a bit of auto tracking?

I regularly play with console players who just want goons to play with. It's all good. Discord link is in the OP.

I watch the TSM guys fairly often and Hal makes the point that at long range mouse and keyboard has an advantage, but at close range the controller auto-aim is a big advantage and since most encounters are close range it's kind of unbalanced. Anecdotally, from watching them there does seem to be a difference in TTK when they get deleted by a controller player but I'm not nearly good enough to tell the difference myself when I play.

Jan 17, 2012

The Great Twist

CoolCab posted:

pretty significant auto-aim and honestly legit pretty close to perfect (at my skill level/observation) in balance with mouse/keyboard, it's very well implemented to be good without being OP. there are some weird quirks - any scope over 3x loses auto tracking when ADS (iirc?) so you can't really snipe as easily for example, but it's totally totally competitive with kb/m.

At least on PC, I know ADS sensitivity can be changed independently from regular aim sensitivity, and it'll even let you change this on a per weapon basis if you really wanted. I'd check the settings.

torn grimoire
Mar 21, 2021

something is clearly WRONG

Rad Valtar posted:

So for the last 3 days I’m getting rubber banding in every match I’m in. Every 30 seconds it pop up the prediction error icon and jolts me around. Anyone else experiencing this on Playstation?

i'm on xbox but i've been getting that one a lot, my games seem to have been laggier than usual since this event started

Sep 27, 2004

Big fan of :frog:

Fat Lou posted:

please switch out the prowler and spitfire respawn

I love the prowler but do we need another gun that empties its clip all quick like?

Spitfire lets me cackle like an idiot while I hold down M1 for what feels like 4 or 5 minutes and eventually everyone on the other team is dead

Jan 17, 2012

The Great Twist
Spitfire shenanigans yesterday:

Welcome to the doorway, fellow Horizon. :blastu:

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?

Kalko posted:

I watch the TSM guys fairly often and Hal makes the point that at long range mouse and keyboard has an advantage, but at close range the controller auto-aim is a big advantage and since most encounters are close range it's kind of unbalanced. Anecdotally, from watching them there does seem to be a difference in TTK when they get deleted by a controller player but I'm not nearly good enough to tell the difference myself when I play.

The console auto aim is ridiculous unless you use your mobility to go over the other player. I gave it a try and it basically just snap locks you onto people, which explains why M+KB is starting to move to longer ranges where that doesn't work.

Jun 12, 2003

*chomp chomp chomp*
I know people who use a controller to play on PC, do they get the auto-aim too like on console?

Hackan Slash
May 31, 2007
Hit it until it's not a problem anymore

Mercury_Storm posted:

I know people who use a controller to play on PC, do they get the auto-aim too like on console?

Yes., but it's not as strong as on console.

A dev explained that the auto-aim function goes from 0 (nothing) to 1 (aimbot). M+KB is a 0, pc controller is a 0.4, and console controller is 0.6.

The Diddler
Jun 22, 2006

Rad Valtar posted:

So for the last 3 days I’m getting rubber banding in every match I’m in. Every 30 seconds it pop up the prediction error icon and jolts me around. Anyone else experiencing this on Playstation?

It's been bad on PS4 all season but got better for a couple of weeks before this event. It's been crap again since it started.

John DiFool
Aug 28, 2013

If you’ve seen it, you’ll know. The full auto r99 mid to close range lock on with irons. A full clip hits and deletes you. Perfect tracking/no recoil. No skill involved. Indistinguishable from an aimbot.

It’s infuriating to get downed like that and then spectating them to see how garbage of a player they are otherwise. Ie no movement, no positioning, just get in close and get a free down.

Sometimes I get good full sprays like that but it’s never a perfect lockon/track because, surprise, it’s practically impossible even with copious amounts of spray practice.

Feb 4, 2001

I play on console and I’m decent and I miss plenty of R99 mags like that.

Y’all are way overstating how much of an aimbot it is.

There’s definitely still recoil and spending hours in the firing range helped me get the R99 recoil under control.

Lots of players on console use devices like the Cronus Zen which can be configured to basically eliminate recoil.

Aug 13, 2009

May 26, 2004

Scroll, then. There are other posts than these.

I recently saw a quote from EA a bit ago. They talked about how the switch was their pathway to Japan. The switch version is currently a technical mess and probably will stay that way until the switch pro. So if they are waiting for the keys to the kingdom, at least they can start with something the switch can do, aka the arenas. Considering splatoon is the other shooter phenom in the country and it's 4v4, focusing on small scale battles will fit right in. And it will get me playing again instead of waiting for the pro.

Jan 17, 2012

The Great Twist

This is probably an Arena rather than a complete Olympus rework.

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

I appreciate the callback to the very first launch trailer with the Mirage-Wraith-Pathfinder squad.

bushisms.txt posted:

I recently saw a quote from EA a bit ago. They talked about how the switch was their pathway to Japan. The switch version is currently a technical mess and probably will stay that way until the switch pro. So if they are waiting for the keys to the kingdom, at least they can start with something the switch can do, aka the arenas. Considering splatoon is the other shooter phenom in the country and it's 4v4, focusing on small scale battles will fit right in. And it will get me playing again instead of waiting for the pro.

My understanding is that Apex is already big in Japan, and it got that way long before the Switch version showed up.

denereal visease
Nov 27, 2002

"Research your own experience. Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is essentially your own."

The Northstar was my favorite loadout in TF|2, interested to see how well a legend styled after poptarting will work in Apex 🤔

Jan 17, 2012

The Great Twist


denereal visease
Nov 27, 2002

"Research your own experience. Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is essentially your own."

The scars of MechWarrior Online jump-sniping with PPCs may fade, but they'll never heal

Aug 13, 2009

The earlier data-mining suggested the arenas would be cut-down sections of the main BR maps (there's been arena-related entities in KC for ages now) but apparently Arena-only maps will be a thing as well

or maybe the BR cut-downs didn't play well and got scrapped

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

There was another custom countdown for this trailer, in case you missed it.

Zesty posted:

This is probably an Arena rather than a complete Olympus rework.

You're right, now that we have a slightly clearer idea about this new mode that is almost certainly an Arena. But we do know Olympus is the map getting revamped this season, and it remains to be seen to what extent it reflects the full map changes of "Infested Olympus".

repiv posted:

or maybe the BR cut-downs didn't play well and got scrapped

A lot of the scenes in the trailer seemed like areas from the maps, like Artillery and Carrier. Seems like there will be Arenas that are at least heavily based on POIs if not directly cut out.

runchild fucked around with this message at 16:54 on Apr 22, 2021

George H.W. Cunt
Oct 6, 2010

So I'm thinking Valkyrie going to be a combo Horizon and Fuse? Q is jumpjets jump and ult is a missile barrage?

Aug 13, 2009

runchild posted:

A lot of the scenes in the trailer seemed like areas from the maps, like Artillery and Carrier. Seems like there will be Arenas that are at least heavily based on POIs if not directly cut out.

Pivoting from "just wall off a section of vanilla BR maps" to "separate maps tailored for Arena" would explain why arenas seemingly got delayed for so long

The lore setup for Ash coming back was all the way back in S5 and then she just disappeared until S9

Aug 13, 2009

Titanfall 2 runs at 120fps on the Series S/X now if any Xbox people want an excuse to go back to it :pcgaming:

Ra Ra Rasputin
Apr 2, 2011
Pathfinder sounded a little off in the trailer, anyone else notice that?

Megaman's Jockstrap
Jul 16, 2000

Cruising the information superhighway

Ra Ra Rasputin posted:

Pathfinder sounded a little off in the trailer, anyone else notice that?

All of the Legends voice actors are currently recording from home. Respawn sent them all the gear and they set it up. They also do facial capture remotely.

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
That new trailer "Got the drip" as the kids say

May 26, 2004

Scroll, then. There are other posts than these.

runchild posted:

My understanding is that Apex is already big in Japan, and it got that way long before the Switch version showed up.
Word, on PC maybe. The switch is the biggest console in japan right now, by a large margin. So it's very much on their mind.

Megaman's Jockstrap
Jul 16, 2000

Cruising the information superhighway
Octane is the new Wraith in the sense that 95% of his players are complete maniacs who take any fight regardless of the circumstances and die instantly and the other 5% are cracked out killers who whip through the server like the Tasmanian Devil.

Jul 27, 2013

Megaman's Jockstrap posted:

Octane is the new Wraith in the sense that 95% of his players are complete maniacs who take any fight regardless of the circumstances and die instantly and the other 5% are cracked out killers who whip through the server like the Tasmanian Devil.

checks out, even fits the characters personality!

May 22, 2003

Can't wait for the phone version to run better than the Switch version.

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
in hind sight it would have been funny for the switch version to have parity and cross play with the mobile versions instead

Jun 12, 2003

*chomp chomp chomp*

Hackan Slash posted:

Yes., but it's not as strong as on console.

A dev explained that the auto-aim function goes from 0 (nothing) to 1 (aimbot). M+KB is a 0, pc controller is a 0.4, and console controller is 0.6.

What is the justification for the disparity when they have console and PC crossplay now?

Jan 28, 2009

Mercury_Storm posted:

What is the justification for the disparity when they have console and PC crossplay now?

The game runs like poo poo on consoles compared to PC. Like, it's totally fine, but the difference is night and day.

Jul 29, 2006


Mercury_Storm posted:

What is the justification for the disparity when they have console and PC crossplay now?
They just didn’t want to change it for console players that were already used to it.

Idk, I think it helps players who are on low sens more but if you play on a higher sens it doesn’t help nearly as much. At least that’s what I’ve heard and it makes intuitive sense because it’d take more effort to pull away from the aim assist at a lower sensitivity.

Mar 11, 2001

When a tree grows, it is soft and pliable. But when it's dry and hard, it dies.

Hardness and strength are death's companions. Flexibility and softness are the embodiment of life.

That which has become hard shall not triumph.

that and everyone on consoles is playing with the same autoaim so it's consistent, whereas on PC getting deleted by a low effort aimbot is unpleasant bullshit

Jun 12, 2003

*chomp chomp chomp*
Ah ok, so if you're playing with your friends on PC does the aim assist drop off to only .4, or are you better off just switching to console and playing with your friends if you're going to be using a controller since you'll get .6?

Jan 17, 2012

The Great Twist

Just play Apex with whoever and wherever. It's fine.

As long as you don't limit yourself to nobody and then complain about pubbies in solo queue.

May 26, 2004

Scroll, then. There are other posts than these.

Mercury_Storm posted:

Ah ok, so if you're playing with your friends on PC does the aim assist drop off to only .4, or are you better off just switching to console and playing with your friends if you're going to be using a controller since you'll get .6?

I like to play with the assist off to warm up and then turn it on when I party up, and I really like the general feel of no assist better.

In fire fights, especially as the circle gets smaller, squad mates can cross each other pulling your aim with it on console. The only downside to no assist is first shot accuracy and tracking, so in games with aim assist sliders like BF, I can have just enough for it to get me on target but I'm free to lead or switch targets a lot better.


Aug 13, 2009

Respawns jobs page leaked that they're working on a new IP, so that's the second team tied up with something that isn't Titanfall 3 :(

Unless they expand to handle three concurrent projects

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