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The Grumbles
Jun 5, 2006

Is anyone else finding their storytelling kind of annoying and exhausting? I don't mind having all this transmedia stuff that fleshes out backstories, but it does feel like a bit of a problem when it bleeds into the main story comics you get in-game. Like, every single line of dialogue in those things is some oblique reference to some bit of lore that was set up in the margins of the game's marketing. Or maybe it's dropping breadcrumbs for some plot mystery down the road - but because so much of the plot happens in all the supplemental materials, you're left not knowing whether or not what's being said is supposed to be a mystery, or if its something you're supposed to know about through a comic posted on a twitter account or an audio clip played once during a livestream in 2019. Like, all the stuff with Crypto and Caustic this season is a good example.


May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Yeah i've tuned it all out

Sultan Tarquin
Jul 29, 2007

and what kind of world would it be? HUH?!
They can't settle on a single style either. It's like every comic has a different tumblr artist drawing it.

prom candy
Dec 16, 2005

Only I may dance
if you care about video games lore you're a dork

Apr 17, 2005

we watched the event the other night and Gibby is by a wide margin the most played character and every final ring devolved into every team ulting and doming, it was great.

it did make me realize that domes are team colour coordinated even though afaik that does nothing? and caustic traps still aren't, lol.

Apr 17, 2005

there literally isn't, and can't be, interesting dramatic consequences or a coherent plot in this game. it's not that kind of game, so instead it's a kind of soap opera, where characters get little mini arcs of conflict between each other that resolve and maybe get reflected in some temp in-game voicelines. they'll always be on the verge of some great discovery about each other, some personal drama, some pathos but like - we know these characters are going to go back to their murder jobs eventually. loba and rev are like coyote and that sheepdog at this point, punching in.

Cowslips Warren
Oct 29, 2005

What use had they for tricks and cunning, living in the enemy's warren and paying his price?

Grimey Drawer
the only lore I read and enjoyed was when Rev pretty much begged Loba to kill him and end his suffering, and was actually surprised when she refused. I don't know, dude, maybe if you hadn't made it out that you wanted to die, she would have done it, but I doubt the orphan you made is going to do you a solid.

Jul 21, 2005


The Grumbles posted:

Is anyone else finding their storytelling kind of annoying and exhausting? I don't mind having all this transmedia stuff that fleshes out backstories, but it does feel like a bit of a problem when it bleeds into the main story comics you get in-game.

The artwork's only constant is it being ugly as sin, and the writing is awful too.

Wish they would stop it with the comics and do fun PvE missions again like back in the Loba season - yknow, maybe add some gameplay to the video game instead of just reading.

Aug 24, 2010

Keito posted:

The artwork's only constant is it being ugly as sin, and the writing is awful too.

Wish they would stop it with the comics and do fun PvE missions again like back in the Loba season - yknow, maybe add some gameplay to the video game instead of just reading.

there was a lot of talk about a pve event for this season, hinted at with the infected ships and all that, but i haven't heard a peep in weeks

Ra Ra Rasputin
Apr 2, 2011
I've never heard anyone include "fun" in the description of the PvE missions during the loba release.

Shoot prowlers until you reach the drill, shoot prowlers around the drill for a minute, mission over, 0 challenge.
The only fun me and my friends had doing those was laughing at how terrible it was as we stood around and shot a doggo every 20 seconds until it was over.

May 11, 2008

i got tired of looking at your edgy baby avatar that a 14-year old would be proud of
I don't want anyone to read this as insulting to them, but... I can't so I'm just going to go ahead and say it:

Lots of people are absolutely garbage at all videogames and are only able to find it "fun" when it's a very simple task that they are able to accomplish. Bright shiny lights go off and you clicked the buttons on your mouse and were rewarded, therefore you had fun.

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

Chard posted:

there was a lot of talk about a pve event for this season, hinted at with the infected ships and all that, but i haven't heard a peep in weeks

In the comics theyre about to go hunt for spiders or something, my first thought was they would make a PVE event for it.

I’m guessing it’ll just end up being a couple dramatic panels with sound effects, though.

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

CoolCab posted:

there literally isn't, and can't be, interesting dramatic consequences or a coherent plot in this game. it's not that kind of game, so instead it's a kind of soap opera, where characters get little mini arcs of conflict between each other that resolve and maybe get reflected in some temp in-game voicelines. they'll always be on the verge of some great discovery about each other, some personal drama, some pathos but like - we know these characters are going to go back to their murder jobs eventually. loba and rev are like coyote and that sheepdog at this point, punching in.

Funny you should say that because at least one of the writers (maybe the one who just left after writing this season?) used to write for soap operas.

I agree that the need to maintain equilibrium really hampers what they can do, but I still think they’ve managed to put a number of characters through interesting character arcs. Not saying the storytelling is amazing or deep, but I enjoy it as a bonus on top of a really good game that I’ve played consistently for longer than almost any other at this point. And I think the characters being so chock-full of character is part of what makes this game so good.

I do think the comics (and animatics) could benefit by cutting the word count across the board by, like, half.

Sultan Tarquin posted:

They can't settle on a single style either. It's like every comic has a different tumblr artist drawing it.

The Twitter-only comics are quite literally commissioned from a variety of fan/community artists. Not every style hits for me but I like most of them better than the generic-American-comic-book style of the in-game comics.

An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

life_source posted:

I don't want anyone to read this as insulting to them, but... I can't so I'm just going to go ahead and say it:

Lots of people are absolutely garbage at all videogames and are only able to find it "fun" when it's a very simple task that they are able to accomplish. Bright shiny lights go off and you clicked the buttons on your mouse and were rewarded, therefore you had fun.

As a counter argument, during the event the game went beep boop. Fun was had.

Aug 24, 2010

i like it when the number goes up, it makes the good brain chemicals go whizz

Jul 21, 2005


Ra Ra Rasputin posted:

I've never heard anyone include "fun" in the description of the PvE missions during the loba release.

Shoot prowlers until you reach the drill, shoot prowlers around the drill for a minute, mission over, 0 challenge.
The only fun me and my friends had doing those was laughing at how terrible it was as we stood around and shot a doggo every 20 seconds until it was over.

Not anyone, really? Well ok, but I had fun playing those missions with friends. I'll agree that they were way too easy though; we'd replay them with stupid self-imposed challenges like fists only to get some semblance of difficulty. With some more variety in mission types and enemies, difficulty settings, and just longer missions, I think it could be pretty great.

Cowslips Warren
Oct 29, 2005

What use had they for tricks and cunning, living in the enemy's warren and paying his price?

Grimey Drawer
I hated those stupid things. Then again I never played Titanfall, so to assemble some robot head that made everyone freak out over how it tied poo poo together meant zilch.

Jul 11, 2006

Fallen Rib
What guns should I be using, provided I have the opportunity?

Field Mousepad
Mar 21, 2010
It's a lot of personal preference. Do you like automatic guns? Snipers? Shotguns?

I'm a fan of the flatline personally but I like to pray and spray.

Pedestrian Xing
Jul 19, 2007

Unlucky7 posted:

What guns should I be using, provided I have the opportunity?

Flatline and R-301 are the all rounders, I generally like to have at least one and then a long or short range secondary.

May 11, 2008

i got tired of looking at your edgy baby avatar that a 14-year old would be proud of
Sentinel and P2020.

Aug 13, 2009

just punch em

Evil Agita
Feb 25, 2005

Lord Fool, give me another chance. I'll prove my strength to you!
I forgot about those loba missions. Pretty wretched

Aug 24, 2010

repiv posted:

just punch em

:haibrower: if u don't bind an extra mouse button to melee im gonna punch your junk off

Cowslips Warren
Oct 29, 2005

What use had they for tricks and cunning, living in the enemy's warren and paying his price?

Grimey Drawer
I like the spitfire with an extended mag because I spray and pray and I miss a gently caress ton.

Apr 17, 2005

hip fire and keep up your movement until the enemy tries to do something else (like reload or disengage) then you ADS and finish the job. rely on that gigantic mag to outlast em. spitfire protips.

Field Mousepad
Mar 21, 2010
Spitfire owns, especially if you get an extended mag

Jan 20, 2017

This is anecdotal but I feel like I've seen far fewer Valks this season than I did Fuses last season or Horizons two seasons ago. I don't think it's related to power level, either, Fuse is/was one of the worst legends and yet he was still reasonably popular.

You'd think on-demand flight (with a far faster cooldown than Horizon's lift) would've been popular but I guess not?

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

SKULL.GIF posted:

This is anecdotal but I feel like I've seen far fewer Valks this season than I did Fuses last season or Horizons two seasons ago. I don't think it's related to power level, either, Fuse is/was one of the worst legends and yet he was still reasonably popular.

You'd think on-demand flight (with a far faster cooldown than Horizon's lift) would've been popular but I guess not?

I can’t say my anecdotal experience lines up with yours, I see tons of her. Plenty of teammates pick her and most multi-team fights seem to involve missile swarms. I’m pretty sure I see more of her than I do Horizon these days.

Jan 20, 2017

Horizon's pick rate has definitely dropped way, way off. I don't think they handled nerfing her all that well and I think gravity lift's cooldown was way overnerfed.

Nov 16, 2018

Unlucky7 posted:

What guns should I be using, provided I have the opportunity?

In my very marginally informed opinion as a so so player:
R301 and (just below it) Flatline are my best all round guns, R301 a bit more long range and Flatline a bit more close (until you get the anvil receiver). I’ll usually get one or both of those. Maybe a spitfire instead if I can’t find a R301/Flatline but have a good heavy mag.

For a shorter range companion gun I’ll usually get the volt or the R99– the former a bit easier to control but sometimes energy ammo is hard to get, and the higher dps of the R99 is nice. EVA 8 also solid for consistent close range damage, but I miss the slightly longer range of the SMGs.

I think the wingman is super fun, but it’s definitely not my winningest gun since you really have to hit your shots/take advantage of the movement you can do. Same for peacekeeper.

IMO the ones to avoid late game/get off quickly are the 30-30 (so fun early on but just feels outclassed later on), the other pistols, the L-Star, the alternator (not bad, just worse than the R-99/301), Havoc or devotion without a turbo, Hemlok (again, not bad but the Spitfire/Flatline exist and take the same attachments).

Curious if anyone has a very different take about these guns or if I’m sleeping on something.

tildes fucked around with this message at 08:17 on Jun 6, 2021

Sep 3, 2012

And what should one do to be remembered?
How dare you besmirch the L-Star. Arena has given me a ton of appreciation for a weapon that never needs to reload, is impressively accurate and deals good damage.

Jun 18, 2013
The L-Star is in a tier where it's just a solid gun straight off the bat. Needs no attachments to shine. I'll keep it for the start of the game if I score it on the drop and have enough ammo for it.
I didn't realise it until arena but even a couple hits really does some solid damage and if you're bursting it you're less likely to get caught with your pants down reloading.

Nov 4, 2011

Azran posted:

How dare you besmirch the L-Star. Arena has given me a ton of appreciation for a weapon that never needs to reload, is impressively accurate and deals good damage.

It's always been good off the drop because it needs so few attachments. Conversely, it drops off late game because it has so few attachments.

Oct 15, 2012

Gunchat, go grab the Spitfire asap because the thing is STILL loving busted despite the nerfs it got, turns out the problem was it's like a goddamn delete people laser and not that you made its magazines last nearly forever instead of actually forever.

I won't complain though, downing an entire squad with a single Rampart boosted magazine last night felt amazing.

Chard posted:

there was a lot of talk about a pve event for this season, hinted at with the infected ships and all that, but i haven't heard a peep in weeks

Supposedly there's "something big" coming around the 10th of July but the devs have straight up admitted they're not dropping anything during June. Hence the flash events where as around this time we were getting Chaos Theory during 8.

Fighting the plants/megaspiders would be pretty rad but idk, they seem squeamish about PvE again.

Jul 4, 2004

British dentistry is
not on trial here!

I learned something new today.

Nov 16, 2018

Azran posted:

How dare you besmirch the L-Star. Arena has given me a ton of appreciation for a weapon that never needs to reload, is impressively accurate and deals good damage.

I'm a fan for arena!

But yeah exactly this:

ErKeL posted:

The L-Star is in a tier where it's just a solid gun straight off the bat. Needs no attachments to shine. I'll keep it for the start of the game if I score it on the drop and have enough ammo for it.
I didn't realise it until arena but even a couple hits really does some solid damage and if you're bursting it you're less likely to get caught with your pants down reloading.

I'll grab it for a first fight or two, but mostly use it to kill someone with a better weapon.

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
People are really bad at watching out for Surprise Loba From Behind even after you do it literally two rounds in a row lol

Oct 15, 2012

B-but Loba's just for Black Markets!


tweet my meat
Oct 2, 2013

NRG is just annihilating at ALGS, they're at 262 points and they're like 65 points ahead of TSM in 2nd.

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